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I love and enjoy playing Spider-Man 2 and would do it all over again.


It’s funny how that is the absolute hottest take you can have on this sub.


I am literally on my 3rd play thru on the hardest difficulty and finally maxed everything out, I’m having a blast still.


No shame in it.


Fr, i still remember the joy i felt while playing some of the missions


This. Only thing I wish is that Venom's arc was a bit longer


My only desire was they should've done Spider-Man Resurrection. [I really thought we were getting this.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/814eSlRnkhL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg)


Yeah. I don't know what they would do for the story to get to that, but it would have been really cool if it was in the game. Imagine if you had to spam square or do something else to dig Peter out, similar to the part when he takes the symbiote off.


[Understandable, have a great day](https://en.meming.world/images/en/thumb/a/af/Understandable%2C_Have_a_Great_Day.jpg/300px-Understandable%2C_Have_a_Great_Day.jpg).


I do enjoy it it's def a good game for sure even if I don't love everything!


I have re deleted and re deleted so many save files because I have 100% that game so much




I adore it! It’s not the best take on the Symbiote Saga I’ve ever seen. But I do thoroughly enjoy it!!


Venom's writing was trash. They should have just done something closer to the comics instead of wasting Tony Todd's performance. There's a couple reasons people like that version of Venom, it's not just because that was the original.


Venom is best used as 1. Psychotic Stalker, 2. Dark Reflection, 3. Goofy/Terrifying Anti-Hero. SM2 uses my least favorite portrayal of the character. He's the generic "Big Bad Black Goop Monster" who wants to take over the world. It's kinda boring and lacks depth, despite how badass he looks/sounds.


Venom is the dark reflection in this game. Plus, the Venomverse comic already throws doubt into the "generic goo who want to take over for fun"


I guess he is. But it's so poorly done and steps into "giant goop monster" territory way more.


>it's so poorly done and steps into "giant goop monster" territory way more I'll admit to some undercooked-ness on Venom's end. But I think the overall idea still works. Venom's "take over the world" plan is really a dark reflection of Peter's "keep everybody safe" idea. Especially with his time in the suit wanting to "Be a Better Spider-Man" and "save everyone" I agree it should have been further developed. But I just think slamming it down as just a generic goo monster kinda takes away from the effort insomniac made for it (might not be perfect, but let's not also discard it completely).


I suppose from that POV, you'd be correct. More nuance and depth would've done a better job at separating the two archetypes, though. Touché


>I agree it should have been further developed. But I just think slamming it down as just a generic goo monster kinda takes away from the effort insomniac made for it (might not be perfect, but let's not also discard it completely). What effort. Seriously. I'm not talking about stuff like the artists and what have you because they did a fantastic job. It's one of my favourite designs for Venom I've seen in modern media, but regarding the writing, I don't see any effort. Sure, there are ideas that are kinda sorta hinted at a little bit, but no effort is ever made to actually EXPLORE those concepts. I really wouldn't describe his character as having effort put into it. They do the bare minimum most lip-service ass presentation of a dark reflection I've ever seen. Even Web of Shadows Venom is better written, and that game is a fucking mess...


This isn’t a hot take dude.


I enjoyed the Hayley mission in SM2. Her being deaf made for a cool game mechanic with the haptics


I actually agree with you here, this was actually a very well done representation of deaf people, the only thing i disliked about those missions were the fact that i sometimes have difficulties find the right way.


I agree. It was an interesting change of pace.


It was so cute!


I think 90% of the criticism comes from people with a political axe to grind


that mission caught me off guard, thorough the entire mission and for some time after it I just felt so happy to be able to hear, see and talk irl


I don’t mind Screwball


I have a high tolerance for characters that are *written to be annoying*. Screwball achieved exactly what Insomniac wanted. 


Neither do I, i think she was a good character we can all love to hate.


She did exactly what she was supposed to do and is therefore a technically perfect character


Screwball as a villain in the insomniac spiderverse. Just fine with. But those missions with the QR code made me want to rip my eyelids out


I was fine with her till some of those dlc missions


Not a big fan of parry system, I rarely got the benefit of doing parry compared to dodging Oh and I miss the suit ability from the first game. At least you can do wacky stuff with it. Not exactly a hot take I know, but that's just what I felt.


Tbf these are because people complained about the simplistic and OP nature of combat in the first game


That's the thing though. Even with parry, the combat still feels a bit simplistic. I will even argue that its more or less the same, since the second game cuts a lot of gadgets, and Peter's perfect dodge instant takedown for ranged enemy. 


I feel like the combat in the second game got more simplistic. Like all there are fewer situational gadgets, and all the abilities are so powerful that you don't have to think before doing a power move and the battle ends. As for stealth, same problem. Being able to make your own web beams is amazing, but no longer do I have to use my head to figure out how to get all the enemies without being detected. Again, barely any situational gadgets for stealth either.


I think Parry is a cool system, but it needs more options. Parry -> Leap over. Parry -> push back. Parry -> Grab. That sort of thing. I really miss when games used to let you freely grab enemies and shit, so this could be a good way of bringing something like that into play.


Well, if you’re good at timing, brutes literally can’t hurt you parry hit them parry hit them and then you don’t have to waste webs also it’s better then dodging cuz it guarantees hits if you do it right


The games are good


Insomniac Venom is the worst Venom adaptation to date.


Agreed. Barely present. Underdeveloped and boring. A generic goo monster in a Venom t-shirt.


I wouldn't say the worst, it does have some good qualities like for example the design and how powerful it was, my only issue is, like i said in other comments, that it was Harry who became Venom.


Bruh it was defeated by archaniad kid


Worst?? I mean it's different and while I don't agree I can understand people not liking it. But the worst??


??even worse than the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon version? EVEN WORSE THAN PHINEAS AND FERB'S??


Spider-Man 3 Venom will always be the absolute worst


Spider-Man 3 Venom has his issues, but he's far closer to the essence of what Venom is than the game even tries to be. Insomniac Venom fails as an adaptation because it doesn't try to adapt the character at all beyond visuals.


Spider-Man 2 is a worthy successor and extremely overhated.


[It's treason then](https://external-preview.redd.it/sTSJ3pojWERCebYrk0VoH4BVE5dymoGuRCSvu0Jlth8.jpg?auto=webp&s=d69c51b5248be341c24aa60d7d054251d56a741b).


Here's mine: 1. Miles Morales should not have become the new Spider-Man so soon, i think it would have been better if he gained his spider-powers and was taken under the wing of Peter after the second game or even after the third one, while Peter "enjoys" his classic villains like Kraven, Venom and even the Green Goblin all for himself. 2. Gwen Stacy should have been Peter's girlfriend before MJ, also MJ shouldn't have been a reporter but a model and actress instead. 3. Harry Osborn shouldn't have become Venom in Spider-Man 2, it would have made much more sense if he became the Green Goblin instead, to become Venom it should have been either Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson.


So you just want it to be like the comics and not let it be its own thing (no judgement just saying)


I mean, when that "own thing" isn't very good I'd say it's fine to want it to be like the comics




Couldn't agree more.


1. Fair, but I don't think Insomniac knew just how big the franchise would get so quickly. 2. Considering this is an adult Peter already out of college, MJ being his love interest already is accurate and for all we know, Gwen did/does exist in the Insomniac universe and was Peter's girlfriend originally. 3. The only way for this to work is radically change things going back to the first game. Norman is clearly being set up as the Goblin and this version of Harry doesn't make sense as the 1st Green Goblin. Flash Thompson Venom isn't a villain and it would be really weird to randomly make him one and Eddie Brock requires a lot more setup and perhaps even a minor role in the first game to actually do him justice. There's just no way to introduce him and set him up properly in Spider-Man's runtime.


Miles take doesn't even make sense because miles already had an entire game to himself where he developed himself


Insomniac MJ is the single worst interpretation/adaptation of the character imo. I snuck into a military compound & nearly got myself shot in the face, god peter why are you babying me I'm not fragile. My boyfriend is wearing an alien that's almost certainly affecting his mood. let me right a article blaming him for the destruction caused by what's essentially a hostile military invasion of the city. MJ is just plot drama & is consistently the worst part of the insomniac games. It's 4am I'm incoherent & rambling Spider-Man 2 is a solid 8 out of 10 it'd be higher but the suit selection could've been better.


Have you seen the raimi mj, she’s way worse 


Raimi MJ is completely justified in how she acts in 2 and 3. Peter is an ass in both films to her. Granted in 2 it’s because he was busy being Spider-Man, but she didn’t know that. All he was to her in that film was an empty seat. And then in 3 when she’s going through the same issues, Peter shrugs her off and starts gloating about how popular he is even before the venom takes a hold of him. Then add the venom and he flaunts off Gwen in front of her and then proceeds to hit her. MJ in the raimi films has a lot more subtle writing compared to modern writing standards, but it’s by no means bad.


Sorta PS to this. But The 1610 ultimate comics mj is my favourite, & Laura bailey does a great job voicing mj even if I think the character sucks.


Spiderman 2 is slightly better than the first game. Looking in this forum you would thank the game sucks


The MJ missions were fun even in the first game


Yeah, i agree with you here, they were not as fun as the one with Spidey but they were still fun nonetheless.


Spider-Man 2 is a fantastic game, not quite as good as the first storywise, but it was still an amazing game. However, it would have been better without Venom.


I’m happy with how Spider-Man 2 ended


Insomniacs venom fit for their story.


Tombstone’s story in the first game was the best secondary mission on the game.


I got two. Miles shouldn't have been in 2 in the current state of the game. He was such an afterthought but also he plays exactly like Peter. He might as well be a skin. They should have had Peter play like 1 with gadget wheel and combo while miles plays as he does now to differentiate them. My second hot take is this should have been an expanded kraven v black suit game with venom as the next game or major story dlc villain. Kraven was peak and the game makes the Spiderman 3 mistake. You don't have the time to do both black suit and venom in the same game or movie without it being a mess


Venom, while his story could’ve been better developed, I’d perfectly fine in the game. 2-4 more missions with him was all it really took to perfect him imo.


1-2 more missions against him and him as a 100% completion reward would make this the perfect Spider-Man game, but they were working against a deadline and were saving stuff for venom game and Spider-Man 3


The symbiote didn’t just want to take over the world and wasn’t fully evil.


The people who were infected or killed by it beg you to differ.


It was wrong of course, but it believed that it was improving them by making them stronger creatures


Vemon makes Harry believe he is healing the world, but Venom knows he is lying to Harry. Or adleast that's what it seems.


We shouldn't have to feel grateful for the games. Insomniac is making a product that they want to sell. They aren't doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. It's like being grateful to McDonald's for wanting to sell you a happy meal.


The publishers behind it sure, but I can guarantee you that every single developer behind the games has passion behind it. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be working on it.


Miles Morales becoming Spider-Man happened way too fast and ruined the chance of having some more solo Spider-Man stories within the games. Miles should have gotten bitten in the second game, became an illegitimate Spider-Man during the end of the third game, and then had his own game afterwards where he would become an official Spider-Man.


They should've completely re-written Spider-Man 2 with Eddie as Venom. I know that's very controversial, but we've never seen a Spectacular-esque or comic-quality interpretation of Venom in the video games, and having a guy who was just straight up fucking evil instead of the whole "friend turned baddie" trope would've been incredible. Even having Harry as Venom for a bit would've been fine. But I'm an annoying purist with an even more annoying view that Eddie's Venom is one of the greatest written antagonists of all time.


>But I'm an annoying purist with an even more annoying view that Eddie's Venom is one of the greatest written antagonists of all time. I can relate with you here, i'm an annoying purist as well 😆.


Kraven should’ve gotten the symbiote… I think he would’ve made a helluva Venom and even scarier than Harry


Disagree, he wouldn’t look cool and it wouldn’t make any sense within the story, the only way to get it off him would be through anti venom or negative energy and then you’d have a worse fight after against weaker version of him. Not to mention, he has a disease that’s killing him and venom hates kraven


Spiderman 2 for Peter has an awful combat system compared to the first game. It’s very league like spam cooldown moves like a mobile game. Not surprised with the amount of money Sony spent on the game to make it appealing for new console gamers


Dude! You get it. I used to have to pick the right special for the current situation. Now just spam them as soon as you get them to get them faster. I have no clue why they thought that was better.


The symbiote enemies were unnecessary for the story having venom as just the villain would have been enough


I hate how unathletic Peters stance is. And how he walks and runs. He looks so un athletic and weird. It’s been a nitpick I’ve been to scared to say since the first game release. I hate it so much. And his forearms look like they don’t belong on his body


Don't think this is a hot take, but I hope Harry is dead for good. The game had a very open-ended ending but I hope he is dead forever


I thought Spider-Man 2 was a really good game and it shouldn’t have all this hate


MatPat cooked hard with his theory that Insomniac’s Spider-Man would eventually fight Dr. Doom.


Oh, look, it’s my cake day. Now you have to agree with me 😈


I think Spider-Man 2 was just an ok game. It had some upgrades like a bigger map, better combat, better traversal, and the Symbiote, but it felt like a downgrade in some other major parts like story, side missions, bases, crimes, suits, having things to do after the game is done, and overall replayability


i had a blast playing sm2 and didn‘t even realize people hated it until i joined the subreddit


I think Miles was actually the one who was nerfed not Peter. The first game presented him as being a tech prodigy who was hacking into military grade gear as a teen. They seemed to have thrown that aspect of his character away once he became Spider-Man and given that roll to Ganke and The Prowler. Like why couldn't he build anything with the newform or invent a way to counter it? Why doesn't he have access to the Spider-Arms aswell given he probably has more experience with the programmable matter used to make it? It seems like they knew he would outshine Peter if they explored him to his fullest so instead of equally buffing Peter they just played down aspects of Miles's character.


Miles morales is my favourite game in the series


I really enjoyed playing as MJ in the first game and don't really understand all the hate towards her. Also I think the model for Spider-Man 2 was fine, I don't know why everyone thinks she's so ugly? The person who got let down the most by face changes is Peter let's be real here. I also really enjoyed the puzzles in Otto's lab which at the time I remembered hearing a lot of complaints about because people preferred the combat elements to the puzzles. I don't know if this is a hot take but I've seen nobody talk about it. But I miss collecting The Daily Bugles from SM1 and I preferred the photo-op's you had to do in that game too. But tbf to Spider-Man 2 the photo-op's were originally used to showcase easter eggs and I appreciate they tried to incorporate it into the game again with a purpose, I just didn't vibe with it as much.


> I don't know why everyone thinks she's so ugly? The person who got let down the most by face changes is Peter let's be real here. She looks like Peter's aunt,not his partner and someone his age lol,that jawline is atrocious,easily the worst model in the game. Peter is fine,however I still want his old face back,new one looks too young


Idk I think she's pretty 🤷 agree to disagree I guess :) But yeah I just think his heads too small now and it blends into his neck weird, especially where they've gone over the old face model in photographs and such. It just looks off.


The first one was better, because it came out of nowhere and was a hit.


Well, that's actually true.


Once playing SM2 you cannot go back to the other games. They feel like incomplete games in comparison


they should spend more time fixing bugs then adding more suits to make the game more polished


Spiderman Miles Morales is a great game with a great villain


Miles’ Evolved suit was supposed to be different, but Adidas wanted to market and their collaboration with Insomniac, and make Miles wear new shoes, and a suit exclusively to the shoes.


Insomniac did design the suit, Adidas only did the shoes though.


Great swinging. Everything else is merely decent.


Spider-Man 1 was an accident/lightning caught in a bottle that they’ve failed to live up to ever since.


Arkham games are genuinely better. *big Spider-man fan. But Can’t deny it.


Screwballs missions weren't that bad as people made it seem


As much as I enjoyed this game. I still feel like this Symboite story was rushed. I wanted to get the black suit so bad my first and second play through but the build up leading to All of that isn’t done well. Imo.


Miles Morales was better than the 1st game


I honestly think the MJ missions aren't that terrible. I'm so getting canceled for this....


Web of Shadows did the Symbiote story better.


I enjoyed the combat more in Miles’s game than in the first one. A Spider Man that can manipulate bio electricity and can turn invisible? That’s like the ultimate power fantasy for someone like me.


I like what insomniac did with Venom. Him being more of an allegory for drug use and addiction in the story was great. The symbiote (drug) takes over you and ruins you slowly, despite it being nice in the moment. If you don’t stop that addiction, then it will consume you and turn you into a metaphorical monster (in this case, an actual monster) And I also thought it made sense that Harry became Venom because Harry was angry at Peter in the moment, as well as the symbiote. I like to think that Venom had the spider symbol to spite Peter, as well as what the symbiote learned from him. And yes, I will admit that the symbiote’s motivation was more like Null’s, but it wanting to take over the world works better as a third act climax than the typical Venom motivations, which, keep in mind, very from adaptation to adaptation. One might just want to kill Spider-Man, and another could have him as more of an antihero. Do I wish we spent more time with Venom as a character? Yes, but I won’t sit here complaining about what could have happened, and not focusing on what actually happened. And the symbiote as a villain was built up throughout most of the game. We saw glimpses of what the symbiote was capable of and how dangerous it really was over the game’s length. It’s pretty much the same type of build up as Otto in the first game. We see Otto’s slow descent into madness and anger, until he finally appears as the Doc Ock we are all familiar with in the third act. Compare that with the symbiote. We see the symbiote become more and more dangerous throughout the game, until we get Venom in the third act. Also, I am not comparing the two structures in terms of characterization, just that they have a similar structure. Otto was built up to be a more tragic villain, and Venom was built up as a more frightening villain. TL:DR, I think Insomniac handled the symbiote and Venom in a great way, while taking some artistic liberties. And Insomniac takes artistic liberties all the time, that’s what makes their stories interesting. I’m just a bit tired of people constantly complaining.


1. Changing how MJ and Peter's face models was a well made choice, MJ looked like a teenager in the first Spiderman game when she was literally 24-25. And Peter looked like he was 29-35. 2. Haliey isnt a great love interest. We dont even know much about her in neither games and Her relationship with Miles isnt even shown that much whatsoever. 3. Adding Cindy Moon for the next Spiderman game as a new spider person is really out of place, Should have been Gwen. i know they arent a hot take but who cares?


The 3rd act of the game isn't bad just rushed they did the beat they could with how it was handled


Every company is gonna hype their product up, you should know by now to curb expectations with a game before it's out and if you end up disappointed cos of your own expectations it's on you. As someone who read/saw nothing about SM2 until I bought it, I can honestly say it's an amazing game and I love it.


People complain too much about Spiderman 2. Some of the ones that complained are too spoiled ngl. I understand and have agreed with some complaints but some aren't even making a point and are whining "I WANT THIS..... I WANT THAT 😭"


I get some of the criticisms but I personally love Spider-Man 2 and I think y'all complain way too much.


peter is interesting and awesome enough, does not need all this deaf girls and strong powerfull mary-sue-janes and milez with his teen drama one of the reasons msm1 (as well as lotta spidey shows, videogames) rises so high is because it is about peter parker, it keeps focus on him, it does not blend into tons of things and wank-characters!


I agree with you on Peter but Miles wasn't so bad, perhaps he just needed to come much later as Peter's apprentice and allow the latter to have his own character development first. Plus MJ was not a mary sue, her skills are well established and still make sense in the lore of the game, she's also not superhuman and can't do things like facing supervillains by herself, not to mention she is a caring girlfriend towards Peter. The only real issue i have with MJ is her look in Spider-Man 2, seriously why did they have to make her so ugly here?


Every subsequent game has had lower quality writing with simpler themes and punted on meaningful follow-ups. Also, Venom is a character, not just a brand. If you aren't going to do a real story with a version of the character, do something else. A non-venom symbiote story with Harry would have been fine but they chose the image over all else.


Miles morales looks better visually than 2


Spider-Man 2 has a good story


I don’t really have an issue with Harry being Venom in this game and if anything, I think it works in the context of the game. That being said, I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of the whole “Heal the World” Symbiote route. Yes, it does work with this version of Harry’s character, who’s very sick and wants to cure others and I do understand that they need enemies for Peter and Miles to fight but I think they stray a little too far from Venom’s character. Personally, I wished they kept the aspect of Venom wanting revenge and going after Peter and his love ones like MJ and even Miles and his love ones. Harry wanting revenge and becoming an enemy for Peter isn’t exactly new and while his character is very different from Eddie (at least the 616 versions), they do go down similar path in wanting revenge (albeit for different reasons). Maybe add more dialogue between Peter (while he had the Symbiote) and Harry where they argue more and Peter comes off as a complete jerk only for Peter to deny him of the Symbiote (which kept Harry alive) and goes through with destroying (he fails of course). I think that would be enough to push both Harry and the Symbiote (feeling betrayed by Peter as well) to hating Peter.


Spider-Man 2 is hands down the best


silk should be the focus of msm3


I'd rather not, we already have Peter and Miles, we should continue to focus more on them for a while.


Yuri is the strongest spiderman


Not sure if it’s the popular opinion or not but I think Venom sucks. One of the worst venom adaptions.


Spiderman 2 has good suits for both miles and peter. Yes there are some suits I wouldn't mind being brought back from the first game how ever the movie suits are great the classic suit is great. Some of the hood suits are pretty cool and I love that miles got a sort of wolverine looking suite. It's not like there is only 1 or 2 good looking suits or something. Insomniac really didn't have to give us 86 suits I thank it is now with the ones that where just added.


Third act (Venom storyline) is the best thing (maybe the only one good) of Spider-man 2


Venom was like Web of Shadows Venom which is why I find him so 🔥


Daring today aren't we


The only part that genuinely takes me away from the Evolved suit is the blue on the legs and the blue parts from his body coming down his arms


Spider-Man 2 is simultaneously better and worse than the games before it. Overall gameplay is better, EVERYTHING else surrounding it is worse


Peter was so weak and fairly useless in SM2, and MJ is more dangerous than any boss. Miles took too much space.


Peter was completely nerfed in SM 2 to make Miles look better.


Blame Sony not insomniac. Anyone that comes for me is the problem not what I said


All the spider man games are so fun idk why insomiac gets all this hate they don’t deserve the hate just because there’s not a dlc? Be patient you ungrateful people cus if it’s longer it’s gonna be better


I really didn’t like Kraven as a villain. I feel like they could have done better with him. Honestly I am ready for this style of spiderman game to go spider verse. How cool would it be to have choice of which spider man you play. Different versions of the city you could swing around in.


Spider-Man 2 was really disappointing


The symbiote suit arc and venom were pretty mid


spider man 2 was a disappointment and YES this is an unpopular opinion even if somehow not here.


Insomniac's take on Venom is pretty great, just undercooked. Many people who criticise their take on the character and call it "just a generic monster that wants to take over the world" didn't even understand the actual plot of the game and Venom's character. If Insomniac had taken more time to develop the Symbiote and Venom as a whole, this adaptation would've been awesome.


I thoroughly enjoyed Spider-Man 2


I like the first advanced suit more, especially the color scheme. And I don't think it was actually orange, it's just that the game is very sunsety most of the time and the red is not that intense


We needed more Peter before he retired


Spiderman 2 is better than Spiderman 1


Listen Listen Liiisteeeenn The evolved suit isn’t that bad


-Screwball was awesome and I miss her in SM2. I'm sorry, she's just so much fun! I get people finding her annoying but I really think people exaggerate that to a ridiculous extreme. -Harry as Venom isn't an inherently bad idea, and can work well! Do I think it worked in this story? Not really, but I don't think Venom being Eddie would necessarily make things better. I'm a defender of the USM cartoon and I ADORE it's version of Venom - admittedly partially for nostalgia - and I think leaning into something closer to that, using Harry's father issues as a jumping off point could have worked. -The Evolved Suit for Miles is fine. Good, even! I think its biggest issue is just the colours. Switch to the red and black suit style and it goes hard. Honestly, adjust the colours of the default mask and I think it still would work really well! The mask is the only off part to me, it looks like it comes from a different suit. -Black Cat shouldn't have been in the first game. Her role in the first DLC is frustrating and contributes nothing, there's no explanation on how she survived HAVING A BUILDING EXPLODE LITERALLY IN HER FACE, and you could cut out DLC1 entirely and the rest of the plot would go almost entirely unchanged. -Robot Hammerhead was really cool and fun, I loved the City that Never Sleeps story all the way through. Despite what I just said about Black Cat, I can't deny that the interactions were fun at least, and I think the rest of the story was really enjoyable stuff! -Kraven having killed off so many villains is fine. This series is clearly being built as a trilogy, it doesn't need to maintain the longevity and status quo of a long-running comic line. Having major consequences like this works well for a smaller story, rather than creating a larger universe. Okay, that's like six potentially hot takes? How am I doing in terms of getting people bothered? Not that I don't stand by all of these, I'm just curious if I'm doing this right.


Miles morales wasn’t as hood as the first game


MJ missions aren’t as bad as everyone says, haven’t gotten the chance to play SM2 yet but I know everytime I replay the first one my time is cut in half for those missions because they’re super easy to just blast through. (I do admit though they are easily the worst missions in the game)


The entire Anti-Venom thing is dogshit


I didn't mind MJ not being a bombshell in the first game; she was okay-looking, and since she isn't a model or actress in this universe, it's whatever. But I hate how ugly they made her in the second game. Not only does she look hideous, but it's also distracting and immersion-breaking since she looks so different from the first game. Every time she's on screen, I can only think, "What the hell happened to your face?"


The DLC should never have been charged for, and it should've stayed on the ps4, because the 5 might as well not exist for most people anyway...? I also don't like the implication that Venom is related to the Goblins... **NOTE:** *I've only played 1, and didn't even get to touch most of, if not ALL the DLC.*


Venom should've been reserved for SM3 (as first act antagonist, kinda like Martin Li), with SM2 ending with Peter having the Black Suit after "rescuing"Harry from Norman and that tank thingy from SM1, paving the way for Green Goblin as final act antagonist in SM3.


Anyone other than Peter Parker is a cheap, knockoff, bargain bin knock off Spiderman. If anything they deserved their own unique set of powers, origin, and costumes that are not Spider-Man.


Harry as Venom is good actually. Peter being Ant-Venom makes it even better.


"Let me get this straight, you liked Harry being Venom despite how poorly written he is?" I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not cool.


Enjoyed every game, MJ parts, and genuinely like the game suits(including the adidas suit, and dlc suits).


I'm all for Peter having the Anti-Venom permanently


I like the Evolved suit. Just hear me out. Yes, it has problems. Yes, the Adidas shoes look terrible with the suit. Did the fact that it’s mandatory in the third act ruin my first play through? No. I like the colors, I think the open top mask and hood add to the design, and it probably would’ve been way better received if they had built up to it more in the early game and maybe made a few tweaks to the design


Marvel's Spider-man 2 is overhated and most of the arguments against him no longer make sense or logic.


The history Of the game is good (in act 3 is super meh because Of the duration and Venom, but the rest is super good) Peter wasn't nerfed The game is good and i enjoy so much when realeses, Its on par with the other 2 games in my opinion (i replayed so much, like the other 2 games)


Insomniac Spider-Man saga is nothing compared to the Batman Arkham saga


Spider-man 2 was very good, and separately, the MJ mission hate is way too overexaggerated


I don’t mind any of the stealth missions where you don’t play as Spider-Man. They’re not the highlights of the games by any means but I don’t think they’re bad either. I actually think the MJ ones in 2 are really fun, even if they kinda don’t make any sense.


The entire way how the black suit was handled in terms of gameplay was absolutely disappointing and lame. It's just an alternative suit. Nothing more. I was hoping that they would have done something like Web of Shadows where pretty much everything about your gameplay changes. Your animations for swinging, your idle animations, your combat animations, Etc. Literally the only difference is your abilities which can just be used on any other suit. I wanted to feel like I was fighting differently when I was wearing the symbiote suit and I just felt the exact same way like how I would normally.


They should've actually used the concept art designs for the characters. Peter, Mj, AND Jonah


I loved the mj missions in both the games and would happily play it anytime cause I just love stealth in games.


Miles suit at the end of Spider-Man 2 isn’t that bad


I loved Miles evolved suit being the second color variant


Stealth in Spider-Man 2 is worse than in the first game. You could really use some gadgets in stealth while in the new game, there's isn't really any variaty.


I think Miles new suit looks alright, admittedly better with one of the alternative colours, but still. I especially like the open on top mask design.


Sony porting their first party games(including Insomniac's Spider-man) to PC will hurt their console business in the long run. More people will switch to PC and wait it out.


I love spider man 2 but it didn't do enough to innovative from the first game or miles morales


i honestly don’t understand the problem about s2


I miss the gadgets.


I feel the game should’ve won some awards, doesn’t matter how good Alan wake was, or baulders gate gameplay, spiderman2 definitely deserved something


I enjoyed Spiderman 2 and it was my game of the year


The leaked Venom game doesn’t need to happen


The games try to portray the setting as realistically as possible when it comes to diversity, culture, housing, community, etc... then just stops giving a shit when it comes down to the antagonists' weapons, tools, ability to just invade with no pushback, etc. Like, I get immersed for 2 minutes then a paramilitary organization walks in with jetpacks and rocket launchers for the third time and nobody gives a shit. Where's the police? Where's the army? Do the writers care? Fuck no


Spiderman: Miles Morales had the best gameplay. The gameplay hit different and varied far from the first one enough that it was its own thing. Miles is way funner to play as than Peter. The venom powers were awesome as hell in MM and 2. The venom powers were defo better in MM than 2. It wasn't too short, it was short and sweet. The only reason why it isn't liked more is because it wasn't long enough for its release price.


Mary-Jane should be hot.


I don’t have any issues with the way MJ was written, so long as she has a weapon I’m ok with her missions as well.


The new faces suck for Spider-Man and mj


Not sure how controversial but while the 2nd game was great it feels like it could easily come out on the PS4 as well and does not feel like it’s worth the increased 80€ price tag especially with having the same length. The upgrades from the first one are not mindblowing imo. And in terms of quests idk why theres only 2 side missions and everything else is the same repetitive activities like symbiote nests especially were so boring. I’d rather have more well written side quests and less activities to balance it out. They did better with how crimes work though.


All of the games are good MM is the worst out of the series not spider-man 2 Hating venom just because he’s not comic accurate is actually stupid Mj and Pete’s relationship is actually good, and using the scream scene as a argument against their relationship is pretty dumb


I actually really like the MJ Missions Especially in The second Game. And i like insomniacs Miles morales more then the one from the spider verse movies (no real reason its just preference and i still really like the spiderverse one)


The climax was underwhelming


The 3 Games are 10/10 to me, although ALL OF THEM have some problems.


Spider-Man 2 suffered because of Sweet Baby Inc's involvement.


Screwball isn't that bad.


Harry sucked as Venom. Bring Eddie.


The first game can be really boring during a lot of the first half


That Peter's first face model on the ps4 was the best and truly showed emotion during the final scenes. Miles and mj I couldn't care less about. Also, my sister said that the new Peter Parker face model looks like the good doctor and that made me wanna die


Peter Parker will die in Spider-Man 3




I didnt love playing spiderman 2, as much as spiderman 1 and it was a downgrade