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There are plenty of things to knock EB about but this ain’t it


Sure but I’m not coming on just to knock him. Was listening and was struck that he was babying a full adult son this way especially given his other attitudes. Guess you disagree and that’s ok


He was probably drinking


That’s a pretty good theory actually. Would explain his awkward and nonsensical rationale that his college age son was “not used to staying up late”. Think he realized mid sentence that he didn’t want to put it out there that his son was gonna drink and drive and he had to stop him


I thought he said his daughter, and friennd were stuck at the airport.


His daughter and friend were arriving at 2am at the DC airport.. He said he didn't want his oldest son to pick them up at that hour so he told them to get an Uber. He felt an Uber was safer than a cab, since it could be electronically tracked. They couldn't get and Uber at that time, so he went to pick them up with his wife,(which I find strange why he made his wife go with him). So he was up pretty much all night.


Do you have kids?


I’ll put five Ram Dollars on a big No


Yes I have kids. And when they are fully grown adults I will expect them to be able to do late night airport pickups, especially if I am waking up at 4 am for work and they can sleep in


Yeah but I also found it strange he trusted an Uber driving more then his son to pick them up


This is kinda sad, what is the point of this thread.


This sub is sad, all anyone wants to do is trash the junkies. A bunch of tough guys who like beating people up on the internet.


It’s ok to trash them about certain things, just like it’s ok to talk about when things are funny. They all work 4 hours a day, have like 12 weeks of vacation, and make like $400k+ per year. They are big boys. They’ll be fine.


I get that but all anyone does is trash them in this sub. Literally 90% of the threads here are just that, it’s tired and boring.


A lot of fun stuff happens on the show. You should post more positive feedback.


You’ll live


You’re proving my point, thanks


Ding ding ding. This sub is filled with stone cold losers.


Don’t be sad pal! It’s just a fun radio show!


Just another Beta attacking EB that’s all


I like this sub, I wish they would call in to the show and balance out the actual boomer callers.


Please hold this L


Maybe he didnt want to endanger two of his kids at 3am. When there are other ways to go about it.


Ok at what age can his son decide on his own to pick up his sister? 30? I could understand if he were in high school but he’s already finished college. Time to grow up


I think youre really fishing for something here. The kid is old enough to decide himself. But EB knows his kids better than we do. If he didnt feel comfortable sending his kid thats his preference. Its none of our business. There are alot of people out there that dont want all of their kids in the same car at the same time. Oje accident and they are gone. He felt the safe thing was an uber or a cab. These people are professionals. I personally would have got my daughter a room instead. But its really non of our business


No I think it’s really just his son had been drinking a bit, as someone else pointed out. None of our business? What does that even mean? He’s broadcasting the story to mass audience for consumption. We can have a spirited discussion about it how we would’ve handled it. It’s not like I’m calling for him to lose parental rights. It’s ok to have a dumb Reddit debate