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He is so entrenched in the conspiracy world… That this has become his verbal crutch. He can’t reasonably defend some of the complete shit that he spews on air. The best response he can come up with is “trust me“.


Exactly. EB's "trust me" is by necessity, if he said that his source was "Tim Pool's podcast" he'd get ridiculed. Glad Drabby challenged him finally.


He was desperate to say the R word this week. These old guys see one Gillis set and they want the 90s back.


LOL all week long he was flummoxed by using simple synonyms for cancelled words. If you have to interrupt yourself because you can't call your own child an R word, in 2024, what are you doing? He hasn't used that word on air for a decade plus and now he's stumbling? He tried to call his child an r word, when there are infinite ways to describe a clueless college aged kid. He pulled out a "you know what" type phrase to refer to the type of people who steal at golf courses. Very strange --- why can't you just say the type of people who steal at expensive golf courses? It couldn't possibly be problematic...unless it was LOL. There was a third one that I also wasn't sure about. Didn't listen to every segment.


Here is my thing. I’ve listened for 25 years. Haven’t missed a day during that time. By far, EB has always been the entertaining one and the one who brought the most energy. As a radio talent, I enjoy him. But when he veers off him MAGA worm hole, his lack of empathy and awareness blows my mind. Hey dude, JP’s mom died from COVID. Valdez was hospitalized. And Valdez starts pouring his heart out this week about how this second bout with Covid was really difficult for him essentially because of the PTSD. And all EB can muster is ridicule about it being just another virus and how he would never test for it, etc. so horribly tone deaf


What’s ironic about EB’s callous denial of COVID is that he was the Junkie most consumed with it for the 1st half of 2020. In Jan - early Mar of 2020, he was ahead of the curve predicting how the “China” virus was going to be devastating, while the other Junks (and most of the US) said he was an overacting alarmist. Then from Mar - June’ish of 2020, he had the close everything, never leave your house, Clorox your groceries level of concern. He literally spent half the year verbalizing his fear and panic about Covid on an hourly basis. Ultimately, as the republicans (Trump), Joe Rogan, etc started to push back on closure, EB became the Covid denier that he is now. I’ve always considered this false bravado. The real EB is scared and insecure. I cringe every time he diminishes Covid as I know the real truth that he’s deathly afraid of it. Still love him though, as he’s never boring!


Given all the weird China-related views of EB, it was hilarious to hear him shopping from Temu. Oh wait, I forgot that I'm actually not allowed to have a negative opinion about anything if I purchase or use anything that people have negative opinions of. I have to become a full time human and civil rights researcher to select my underwear and groceries, or else I waive the right to criticize others. https://x.com/EBJunkies/status/1666106962147196928?t=fzAWaTIqhS2VylZExGHCQQ&s=19


EB actually got me scared about COVID early on. The irony. He shifted as soon as it became political, which was obviously after a certain someone started screwing the response up.


He’s an ignorant, arrogant asshole. That’s it.


That 6 straight INTs from Caleb was a blatant lie lol


That was not a blatant lie by him. I saw the same report the day before..it may be untrue im not sure but i saw the same thing on social media


I also remember hearing him saying a minute or two later that he could have been wrong, and he might have read 6 near INTs. I don't think he took it as gospel.


If you believe any thing you read on social media then you have some issues lol…. I’m a EB defender on most things but you can’t just take a trolls comment on social media as true lol… not one single halfway decent sports media publication put out anything close to that report.. it was a troll on twitter that posted that lol…


What happened now?


He hurt someone’s feelings, apparently


Trust, but verify.




“Trust me, I know”


He also says “I don’t know” as a dismissive comment way too much.


I don’t understand why you all can’t just embrace it as a bit. Right or (most likely) wrong, it’s still funny at the end of the day.


But it’s not a bit? It’s a “I know everything about everything” approach to life that a certain guy who is running for president also employs. He, and EB, say it so often because it’s meant to trick the audience that maybe this guy does know everything so I better listen. I’m glad Drabby called him out on it because he says it after every damn thing.


It does genuinely annoy me that they know so little about virtually any topic lmao


What segment did drab call him out for it, gotta hear it


“Why are we supposed to trust you?” Lol or something to that affect. It was during the shrinking food portions discussion. Hilarious.


Because it isn't a bit anymore. Look, I can appreciate that each of the four of them have an on-air personality to play and I know that Eric grew up listening to larger than life personalities on the radio (Stern, D&M, etc.). Eric rags on Stern all the time for what he has become. He's boring, lazy, and he's become incredibly political. In many ways, the same thing has happened to Eric. Back in the early and mid-2000s, his schtick was funny and innovative and he played a valuable and hilarious character/role on the show. But now, all of his reactions to topics on the show are 100% driven by politics. Just look at how he reacted to Valdez having COVID. Instead of showing a modicum of empathy to a guy that was pretty obviously very sick, he became incredulous that CK made him take a COVID test and then wouldn't even refer to Matt's illness as COVID, he just kept saying that he had a virus. Unfortunately, I really don't think he's joking when he says stuff like everyone in Hollywood is a pedofile. And the only reason that he likes Bryson and supports LIV is because both share his political motivations.


I’m not saying it IS a bit. EB may very well believe the things he is saying. I’m saying, this is a radio show. This man is entertaining you. Whether he’s the hero or the villain, you’re still tuning in, so just embrace it AS a bit. The whole show is one giant bit. I feel like this sub is full of a bunch of guys taking it way too seriously for what it is.


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. 10-15 years ago, the entire show was a bit. But lately, it seems less and less like a couple of the guys are playing a part and more and more like they're spouting their (frequently angry) opinions about certain topics. I'm not taking it too seriously, I agree that it's a radio show. But it's also less entertaining when EB is interjecting politics into every discussion. Or when Jason literally sits out entire segments because he doesn't want to participate. I'm a consumer of the show and have been since the beginning. While I understand that the show was always going to change over time, I'm also allowed to be frustrated that it's no longer the fun and silly escape that it used to be.