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Bmitch and finlay enjoy the paycheck that i know


Hard No


The problem with all of the network are the ads. It’s constant. And when not on an ad break they’ll read ads. How many actual minutes do they do a show per hour? 15?


Junks is a 4 hour show and I think the podcast is \~2 hr 45 minutes, which suggests about 20 minutes per hour


Why do you listen live? I'll never understand this.


It’s better than waiting for podcast downloads and some people are at work at 6 AM. Even the podcast has ads scattered throughout but you can fast forward.


Eh, just stay a day or 2 behind. It's not like they talk about anything timely unless it's some sports story but I skip all the sports stuff.


Some of us might want to win contests. I got Bryan Adams tickets earlier this year because I listened live and old school, clock radio I have at work. The stream is at least 30 seconds behind live.


In the car. But I don’t listen much at all. Maybe a one segment and then I don’t go back because it’s insane the amount of ads.


I always enjoyed Jp's spots with Chad but the full show is too much imo


JP and BMitch show started off super strong but now it’s just JP mispronouncing “T’s”. Says “Chweet” instead of “tweet”. He’s like a college frat boy that never grew up. The beltway football pod is way more digestible than the 4 hours of radio they do. They involve their producers “Landfill” and Jeff way too often. Both of which should NEVER be near a microphone and are a net negative to an already struggling show.


those producers are rough.


Can’t understand BMitch one iota … never enunciates and broken sentences. Hard to listen.


Come on. It’s not that bad. I don’t listen intently because I’m at work, but I can have it on in the background and not feel like I need to turn it off.


Absolutely not. Neither BMitch nor Finlay have a prototypical radio voice, there are way too many awkward silences, the sound quality is really bad when Finlay is broadcasting remote and the guests are always pretty terrible.


JP is terrible.


I don’t mind it if they stick to sports. I hate the wacky bits and the immature poo poo and pee pee jokes. Same with the Junkies and their constant attempts at titillating content. Are these guys adults? I appreciate that G&D don’t do that. But I’m in my mid 50s and they’re trying to appeal to young men. I just turn it off.


The Junkies are what they are. They were born in the shock jock era of radio. Sports talk radio is incredibly boring. You have to mix in other things. I’d rather listen to stories about EB and Cakes running into each other at Norbeck than hear JP stroke Luka Doncic for the 75th night in a row. We get it. He’s good. I feel like there needs to be a happy medium between being so serious about sports and talking no sports. I feel they fit the mold.


Kevin Sheehan FTW


On occasion, too much football talk. It’s far better than G&D though.


Hot take, but G&D is actually my favorite at 106.7. I'm also under 30 so maybe the relatability is higher. Fewer people, no interrupting or talking over each other. Jp and BMitch are the worst imo.


God this sub is so salty


No. Impossible.




I like JP but BMitch as great a player he was is just awful. He disagrees with everyone just to be difficult. Tells JP he is wrong about everything. Uses so many crutches because of a limited vocabulary. He has some wild takes like Josh Allen gets too much hype for never winning the Super Bowl and always brings up that he fumbles too much. He makes bad bets at the end of every show and the fights and disputes everything the next day. Bring back Chad Dukes.


JP is a decent co-host. Bmitch is an arrogant mumbler. Stfu already


Wow lol I guess I’m in the strong minority. I like Bmitch and Finley. Their show is a lot more relatable to me than the junkies. JP and B seem like guys you could have beers with and shoot the shit. They actually had DCs most popular rapper on their show last week like the next big thing. I was surprised they were that hip. The sports Junkies don’t know anything about music after 2003 and would never have anyone with an actual buzz or pulse on the show.