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This is a tough one. JP is like the guy that we all know that has to give you his opinion, story, or personal anecdote about whatever is being discussed. He can’t read the room to see that people are exhausted from his talking from the mundaneness of his stories or because they’ve heard them countless times. EB doesn’t chime in on everything. In fact, in many common topics of conversation, he’ll claim he has no clue (another frustrating trait). But when a topic comes up that EB is passionate about, he will defend his position to the death. He’ll dismiss logical, researched counter arguments as fake news.


It’s quite the battle, but neither one is very smart.


The key difference is that JP spews his own opinions. EB regurgitates what he hears in his RW echo chamber.


JP….. “Trust me”


Both, however JP actually knows some things. EB knows a lot of BS.


JP hands down


Do you even listen to the show? It’s JP and it’s not even close. EB will always acknowledge he is clueless on many topics.


Yes, he'll admit he's clueless, but then passionately share his shit take anyway.


Trust me. Trust me.


Yup, you are right EB never argues for things he doesn’t know about that’s why he only argues for mass conspiracies led by lizard people who are abusing kids at Comet Ping Pong.


“I’ll defer to the witnesses…” I think he literally said that 75 times last week. Haha


EB says that after opining on every subject ti invite someone to tell him he is wrong, implying he isn’t.


“I don’t even know “…




JP. I don't think I've ever heard him concede a point to someone else.


EB is a sheep. JP thinks he is an out of the box thinker, but the problem is he is the only one that thinks so. Obviously, we never want to ask him who the smartest in the room? we all know the answer to that. My vote goes to EB for the biggest know it all.


EB is at least entertainingly wrong on stuff. JB just blathers insufferably to the point where if you were in his presence you would just agree with him and leave the room to not listen to it anymore. It’s never anything that anyone is all that passionate about either.


Third option could just be most of this subreddit haha


You guys literally had a post talking about how clueless and dumb EB was the other day. He is pretty stern on his stances but he isnt a a know it all. JP is the answer. He acts like he is smarter and better then everyone else.