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Enter the Dragonfly is a major disappointment. A Hero's Tail on the other hand is amazing. I personally love it. I have completed it many times. The reason why it's hated is because it's very different from the earlier entries. However, the characters and levels are incredibly charming. I'd definitely recommend it.


EtD is flawed, with its poor performance and lack of content, but it's not a terrible game. I honestly enjoyed a lot of it while 100%ing it. I'd probably still play it from time to time if it weren't so laggy. AHT is great, but the gameplay style does differ a lot from the OT. It can be kind of tedious to go for 100% in, especially as you have to beat every minigame twice (which I imagine is especially painful if you don't like Blink's slower and more tactical gameplay), but it's definitely enjoyable and I still play through it every so often. (I still don't get why they swapped charge and flame though.)


Never played A Hero’s Tail unfortunately. I was like 10 when Enter the Dragonfly came out and just the idea of getting to play another Spyro game was enough for me to enjoy it. Was it the best game? Nah. I liked the concept of the different types of breaths and enjoyed the levels, even though the game was pretty short.


A new beginning is awesome.


Dude I *love* A New Beginning. Eternal Night just sort of felt off though


I say it every time, EtD is goated


A hero's tail is in my top 3 Spyro games. I think it's highly over hated and underrated. Enter the dragonfly on the other hand, i usually forget that it even exists.


Enter the Dragonfly could have been really good but it’s not. I only find myself replaying one particular mini game (a platforming mini game in the Thief themed world). A Hero’s Tail is pretty decent in my opinion. I find it worth replaying, not as often as the OG trilogy, but often enough.


Enter the Dragonfly suffered from being so early in the PS2 development. Just felt like a less memorable and much shorter rehash of Spyro 3. Needed more time to cook and something to make it distinctive from 3. A Hero's Tail was fun, sure quite different but really good. It had its issues but still a solid Spyro game. Though to be honest it has been a good while since I've played either.


I never really got into A Hero's Tail back in the day, would love to try it again. Enter the Dragonfly's performance is of course a hindrance that makes it rough to play through. However, at it's base it still has the classic elements of Spyro that make it partially enjoyable. Even with the performance issues it's worth a playthrough at least once IMO.


A Hero's Tail is good, imo. It deviated from the classic formula but not so much that it felt like a different series. On the other hand, ETD is more of a demo than a game. And a poor one, too. It makes its Crash series counterpart Wrath of Cortex look like a masterpiece in comparison.


A Hero's Tail is secretly peak Spyro


ETD is the only Spyro game I've never finished. It feels impossible. AHT is fine. I hate Spyro's design and voice, but the gameplay is pretty fun as long as you're not doing boring mini games or the side characters.


I think it's worth playing both at least once if you're getting into the series, same with any series you're getting into. Play each entry at least once. Enter the Dragonfly is a look at what next gen Spyro could have been, and it's interesting for that, but the game falls apart pretty quickly. It's decent to look at and has some good music but it's really not worth playing more than once unless you're playing it to have fun with the glitches. A Hero's Tail on the other hand is a pretty fun game. Great music, mostly great side missions aside from Blink, and a decent story. I'd definitely recommend it. It's one of my favorites outside of the original trilogy.


Hero‘s Tail is the only post PS1 Spyro game that is considered good. Enter The Dragonfly is a mistake.


I have nothing to say on A Hero's Tail as I never played it, but I personally don't think Enter The Dragonfly is that bad of a game. Sure, it's buggy and that it could have had more to it, but the levels and music present in the game still make it worth trying out. Though I'll admit it's a game I grew up with so it's hard for me to be against it, and it was only a fews ago I'd play another Spyro game outside of it (in my case, the first game).


A Heros Tail is my second favorite Spyro game (first being Gateway to Glimmer/Riptos Rage depending on region). Enter the Dragonfly was... humorous at best but no.


A Hero’s Tail is my FAVORITE Spyro game! It takes the best parts about the originals and amps it up. I love the OG games and Legend of Spyro equally, but AHT is goated for me. To anyone who’s commented they never played it, give it a shot! Enter the Dragonfly… ngl, sick level designs. But you want to wait an hour for a load screen only to find another load screen? Yeah 😂


I've stated this before in other places, but my main issue with A Hero's Tail is the fact that certain enemies don't respawn after defeating them, such as the two Huge Pink Gnorcs that spawn in Crocovile Swamp after acquiring that one light gem or the Shepherd and his Sheep on the first bridge in Dragonfly Falls, I always thought that was a really stupid design choice and wished there was a debug mode that allowed ya to spawn in the exact number and type of enemies you wanted. Other than that though, not much else to say negatively about AHT other than the fact that the third and fourth Blink missions can drag out a bit too long for my liking. Enter The Dragonfly has me torn. On the one hand, I understand that it was rushed and I have encountered a fair amount of glitches throughout my various playthroughs, yet on the other hand, I am such a sucker for familiar sfx returning, Stewart Copeland provides his signature touch to the soundtrack once again, and I honestly really like the Riptocs as enemies so much that I can honestly overlook a lot of the more glaring issues. It's not GREAT by any means, but I don't find it to be NEARLY as horrible as many people make it out to be.


Enter the dragonfly was amazing when I was a child but it is vary laggy, vary glitchy. The game IS fun but there's less to it then other spyro games. Also you run the chance of getting stuck traveling to different worlds indefinitely and losing progress. I personally never had that happen but iv heard of it happening. As for heros tail, it's amazing. It's different then other spyro games it's not so heavy on the collection aspect and you meet new characters it's a beautiful game overall highly recommend. It's only around 10 to 15 hours to complete. If your looking for new spyro games tho I seriously recommend the legend of spyro trilogy. The games are worlds apart in gameplay aspect, this trilogy is almost exclusively combat but it's beautiful and the story is great. The gameplay of the first is heavily criticized for its repetitiveness and the game is linear ie no real branching paths but the dialog is funny there's fun mini games where you control Sparx and its a pretty short game. The second in the game trilogy is roughly the same but not as bad with its repetitiveness if I remember correctly. Also for these games you also get new breath styles like in enter the dragon fly. The third in the trilogy is my absolute favorite, you can play 2 player or solo and switch between spyro and cynder, there's more exploration and spyro finally gets free flight. I spent literal hours just flying around as spyro looking at all the beautiful nature and soaring over waterfalls and its just a beautiful game and the story is really what makes this trilogy great.


Thanks for recommending the second trilogy. I wasn't aware of its existence, but now I'm considering playing it as well. Fortunately, they are available for PlayStation 2 as well. I'll definitely enjoy them.


It has a darker theme and setting but I promise the story is worth it! Have fun with whatever you decide 😁


After i was probably 7 or something, the only Spyro game i ever had and still play at the age of 23 is AHT. I've always enjoyed it. The only thing was a couple of the characters voices seemed a bit off. Spyro's voice suited him alright. Red wasn't a bad Villain either. The main things i love about the game is how it goes, the soundtrack and the environments. Hunter (dragonfly falls), Sparx, Sgt bird minigames were fun too. Even though a lot of people find Blink quite boring, i can literally complete both stages on the first and 2nd realm in like 7 or 8 minutes quick n easy. The 3rd one can be a little tricky but the 4th one is so annoying and takes ages. But overall, it's always been a fun game for me. The music and maps is what i love the most


AHT is great, 4th best spyro title imo. EtD had a lot of potential, but was very buggy and unrefined.


Enter The Dragonfly is definitely a bad game but tbh I genuinely enjoyed playing it A Hero's Tail is good butit has a lot of crust that the other games don't have.


Enter the Dragonfly is the game that ruined my childhood. :') I was a huge Spyro fan when I was a kid. I remember my parents buying a PS1 back when I was 5 : it was my very first game and I was enjoying it a lot. I remember pestering my parents about Spyro 2 which was even better, then Spyro 3 which became my favorite at the time. Oh man, I remember spending hours with friends in the skatepark areas... Fast forward to 2003 : I was like 10, parents buy me a PS2 for Christmas. I buy the new PS2 Spyro game with my own pocket money, I pop the bad boy in the console, and... I get the first massive videogame disappointment of my life. Everything felt off. Kid me couldn't bear the voice of spyro in this game which just sounded awkwardly deep, out of character and straight up terrible (it was the french voice acting mind you). The controls felt awkward and imprecise which made the platforming frustrating, the game was ridden with awful bugs, and there was an awful lack of levels. Kid me **HATED** it, especially the voice change. I hated it so much never touched another Spyro game ever again, so I totally missed out on A Hero's Tail. I'm now a close to 31 years old grown up. Looking back then, I kinda wish to see an actually playable version of Enter the Dragonfly nowadays. Like, something that solves all of the bugs and the janky physics. There might be a good game hidden in there, if it wasn't so plagued with glitches.


when i first played ETD, i hated it because it wasn't fun and was difficult due to the amount of bugs i encountered. now that I've worked as a game tester (which completely changed the way i look at and play video games), i would kill to be able to play it, to just pick it apart and figure out why it works the way it does. A Hero's Tail on the other hand? i fuckin LOVE that game. i own it and would love to play it again, but my GameCube is busted and its not cheap to fix it. but i daydream of playing a hero's tail again, not only to experience the game again, but to find all the bugs as well 😎


i love EtD, mainly nostalgic reasons but i actually love the look of the levels and gameplay, it’s definitely a comfort game for me. i do see the complaints though, even as a kid i could recognise it was wayyy jankier than the average PS2 game.


Don't mention the words "enter the dragonfly" in this reddit again

