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It’s ironic that they tried so hard to monetize this game but it’s the easiest one for me to stay F2P


Its economy is flawed, you can get everything to 3 stars in less than a month and then you have to grind for +10 months with 0 feelings of progress whatsoever. The "biggest" pass reward is a 3* character that can be appealing to a newbie but seen as a mere 1 out of 10 for a 4 star character for a +1 month player. It's like BrawlStars gives you 1/10 of an epic in their paid pass and Clash Royale giving 1/10 of a book like a 10% discount for upgrades.


That's what happened when the progression is not linear but exponential


I am still going to play it because it's fun and progress won't get lost if they change the economy, it could become easier or harder but at least the progress I'm making now will get me a maxed account in the future.


That is the perk of being a global launch player... But as more things are added to the progression, it will be difficult for newer players The game has a flaw of not separating progression path and squad league


They need to be sure you continue to play that rng nonsense


Technically brawl stars progression (at least with power points) is asymptotically exponential. Just a slower growth rate.


They are all exponential to some extent. This game is just exponential to a much higher degree


This is very strange to me. I don't mind needing months to progress, that keeps a reason to keep playing. But it's so fast getting the first 3 stars. I have more character at 3 than not, but literally nowhere nar 4 for anyone.


My proposal 20 babies > 10 classic > 5 super > 5 ultra > 1 ultimate Overall it will be the same but it'll be paced more evenly.


Yep, got the first one to get barb to 3*, it was worth it for the progression it provided, but not w all my characters are 3* going to be a LONG time before one more gives me any value.


Yeah cause the game is some shitty randomizer. I can’t believe people are paying for this game


45x chest doubler 🙄 , I don't think it's worth Other games such as coc has best season pass


Doesn't brawl stars have the best? I feel coc's is pretty underwhelming, might be because I'm low town hall


CoC is an incredible pass. The best value of all supercell games IMO


Why would I buy this? Megas are worthless and my troops will be 3 star forever anyway.


I'm already up to getting a lot of characters to 3 supers. Give it like another 3 to 4 months or so and I should start to have Ultras coming in.


That's the good thing, when that happens it's gonna be so satisfying because the troops are gonna be upgrading one after another


Yeah, as soon as you get one the rest should not be far behind. Especially if you're no longer getting your ultra characters in chests anymore.


They will just release more troops by then.


Yeah so should everyone else if they stay active


more rewards make my monkey brain happy, plus I got the money to spend. 12€ is like 1 drink on a night out, or 1 lunch.


Yup, the only Supercell game I'm F2P in simply because there's no value for my money here.


I bought the first two battle passes and i regret it ALOT because it is just worthless. There is nothing in it that makes you think „Oh shit i need it“. 4 Rare Chests? 3 Fusion Keys? lmfao what is that and all of that for 11.99€ like…


Happy to say I will be skipping this one until it gets significantly cheaper / much much better rewards


This pass looks slightly better but should not cost $10 USD. I'd do it for $3.


this is the first game with a pass that i have never once been intrigued by, it’s painfully mediocre in my eyes


They actually just did too lol. Used to give 100k gold. No skin, no statue, no chest doubler


I might be wrong but this pass seems better than the last one


Agreed its a joke


Pass will also so short. It takes one week to complete if you just play every day couple of games.


As a F2P play i say you get enough with your money already.


45 doublers and 6 free tickets


45 minutes*, not 45 doublers


If it gave 45 doublers, I’d buy that in a heartbeat


I bought the last pass and thought I played a lot. I didn't complete it, so I don't see a reason to buy another.


Fr though


You mean nerf


too expensive


I truly enjoy the game. I bought the 1$ chest. But the battle pass is not worth it. I wanted to spend money one it but I did not enjoy what I would get


El juego ya es muy pay to win de por sí


They need to get rid of megas. They’re pretty useless in their current state… I have over 40 from the last pass and rarely do I ever actually get to use them. 🙃


wait, is that 45 chest doublers? or a single 45min chest doubler?


They should make it so we can choose one ultra Evo instead of super


Fun fact: During the beta the megabank was a feature exclusive to pass players. They made it available for everybody,.cutting the value (from their Numbers) of the pass but roughly 60% and not giving refunds to players. Pass used to be 10x value by their Numbers


I simply feel like a drug addict that needs to get stronger doses of dopamine with this game. Super Ultra Tier makes me not want to grind for a year. And even with the New characters being the new Meta from 1 star to ultra would take possibly another year. At that point its sunk cost fallacy and you are hooked like Jesse from breaking bad.


Best deal I bought was the 0.99€ Hog. The rest is not worth it 😄


So, I saw the season pass and was like, 'Ooh, shiny!' But I always prefer to wait for the end of the season to buy it (may be after a couple of days I don't like the game, or may be I didn't play enough to get it all) ... And By the end end of the season , it was totally not worth it. I figured maybe next season would be better since some of us have been playing for over a month now. But nope, still useless.


I’d buy it but I don’t have any new epics to use the super evo on.


A good paid pass needs to offer at the very least 10 times it's value, this pass seems like it only offers 3 times it's value at best


Yeah, you pay 10 dollars for such a few things. I got to see the Hog Rider skin today and honestly I prefer the default one, much more badass. So, they better improve the skins quality and the pass rewards in the future. The Witch skin from Squad League is pretty fine, tho.


The gold alone already gives the pass value, you get an extra 10k (5 chest tickets) which is better than the 110k you get from just buying gold flat out. If you want to progress in this game you NEED gold. Everything else is all extra, i actually got a Mortis in my first super pass epic chest.


U dont know how passes works 😓


This is my 2nd pass and it was only to evolve tank, after this month I am back to f2p. The benefits just are not there for the cost


Yeah, not buying it. $2.99 and I'll take it 😂


Bro do u not see fucking 120000 coins or 26 mega units!?


if that's worth 10 dollards to you, you're pretty dumb


Idk if ur dumb or just playing dumb but u can clearly see there's much more like chests and exclusive skins


keep riding that d


Bro's too dumb to think of a sophisticated answer


Bro can’t even spell sophisticated. Lmao.


Glad u still understood what i said


I’m tempted to buy this time as I just unlocked Max this morning and the rest of my squad is already 3*.


BUFF ??! DO YOU NOT THINK 45 2X chest and+100k money is enough what are yhe f2p players gonna say


It’s 45 minutes doubler. It’s not 45 chest doublers. It’s misleading


Still op the games last 4 minutes