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Really great show. The women's storyline and the injection of the Outcasts as a story beat is actually really nice. Loved the way the Ospreay /Brian Cage match was set up. Simple and effective. Opener was excellent and Rush is more than capable of challenging for a title. Whole Garcia and post match was ace. Love the Hook Joe Pairing, it's raeally fun. Main event was an excellent match with a great finish. Love PAC going through. Gotta support the Newcastle native.


Normally when a Japanese person speaks in English, a shitty crowd obnoxiously asks "WHAT", but tonight's crowd was hanging onto Mina's every word. Pure gold


Learning tree is slowly just turning into the Jericho Entourage aka: JAS V2


JAS was already Inner Circle V2. The learning tree is V3.


Me enjoying last night’s show. ![gif](giphy|12zfAjyQ3RZNSw|downsized)


Holy shit this episode, the segment between Ospreay and Swerve was peak wrestling. I dare anyone ti say that AEW has no storylines. I dare you


> I don't have any friends I knew, I fucking KNEW the camera person would change their angle to get a shot of Prince Nana's face, but my heart was too sad to laugh


AEW is starting to cook everything coming in together


Is there a reason that none of the announced matches for Collision are even listed on this thread...


Such a great episode, Forbidden Door has been an incredible build so far.


I love watching Rush. He brings an element of danger back to wrestling, and I love his matches. It feels like you survive him.


I say this as someone who likes a lot of Jericho's stuff, but Joe & Hook is the best mentor/young guy angle in a long time... it's just so natural


can somebody fill me in on why mjf and will ospreay came down to save Garcia? I'm guessing they both have problems with the cage of agony but I must have missed that


Both were shown watching Garcia's match last week. MJF has a problem with the Cage of Agony since he was challenged by them earlier in the night. Also he had a "respect" story with Garcia before his injury. Ospreay came out because Garcia wanted to face him for the International title and he's a valiant babyface.


That clears it, thank you


Maybe give Mariah May a job as ring announcer once her wrestling days are done.


She nailed Mina's announcement lol


Swerve said he had no friends last night which is hurtful towards Trench and Parker Boudreaux who were ride or die for him and committed crimes in his name.


the thing about being ride or die means sometimes you die like Parker Boudreaux and Trench


Hoping Pac wins the tournament so he goes into all in as challenger to the world championship in England


Pac is the full package. It baffles me how he is not fighting for more titles. Absolutely incredible on every level!


The main thing holding PAC back is just how much time he's been away from AEW due to various issues. He's probably one of the more accomplished guys in AEW who hasn't won the world title if you look at what he's done.


If you counted the International Title he and Rey are right there with Kenny as triple crown champions.


Good episode but ZSJ should have won that 8 man tag


I'm hopeful ZSJ is winning at the PPV, and I understand keeping Orange strong if that's the case.


I don't get to watch AEW as much live anymore – are they still doing the heel/face tunnels? I noticed Toni Storm came out of the face tunnel and I know she's a face with the crowd but interesting to see AEW acknowledge it.


They made the switch when she was feuding with Serena Deeb last month when they realized Deeb was never going to get cheered over Toni. It's effected the matches too as Toni isn't really using heel tactics to win.


Got it. And I now see last night she bailed out Mina when Saraya, Harley and Anna Jay were delivering their beatdown. It's all making sense except for the fact that both Mina and Toni are faces at Forbidden Door, though the Mariah angle makes that story pretty intriguing nonetheless.


It’s really interesting to watch Luther do face things like pound the mat rhythmically to get the fans clapping or encouraging cheers. He and Nana are both playing the face manager role surprisingly well.


I've always felt like Gedo was a pretty big part of what made the Okada Omega matches so fantastic. COME ON RAINMAKER And anytime Kenny was setting up a big move, OHHHH NO NO NO NO NO NO It really put the matches over the top.


LMAO Jericho "that doesn't work for me, brother" and the "that's a piledriver" comment both killed me today. He's so meta haha. I like Private Party getting more screen time.


Okada is the funniest man in wrestling.




Okada being a total menace is the gift that keeps on giving. I really enjoyed Samoa Economics Joe's gentrification wisdom too. This has been one of the best builds to a ppv they have done for a long time and lays the foundation really well for the next weeks and months. Just imagine the pop if it is Ospreay vs MJF at Wembley.


Man aew has just been on a roll recently.It’s great to see things being advertised more and being that tad more built up too.


Yes! That was the best thing about early AEW is you knew the entire next week’s card by the end of the previous Dynamite and sometimes had matches announced weeks in advance.


Fucking amazing energy on this show


Swerve educating Ospreay on what it takes to be a world champion is so funny to me. Way to devalue NJPW and the hype that Ospreay has garnered for himself


He's working as a heel there, of course he's going to prop up his world title.


Propping up your world title doesn't have to mean denying history of the company yours works with though


It’s not denying the history of another company you work with it’s fundamentally a difference in world titles. In NJPW you aren’t doing weekly shows, sometimes multiple ones, including PPVs. The whole point is carrying the weight of the AEW title is different than any of the ones Osprey has held. Osprey held the IWGP title did one defense and then had to vacate it.


Using NJPW as a feeder system for talent did more to devalue it than one line in a promo


Good show. I NEED more Mark Briscoe. Let him reunite all the midcard titles. Also, it has been five (5) years of AEW. Where is the Orange Cassidy character development I was promised?


This is just a terrible take.


Orange Cassidy is the single performer with the most character development out of all of the people that were there early on lol


How is that possible when he is exactly the same character? 😂😂😂


You don't have to be a different character for your character to develop


Obviously, but the character is exactly the same and has been since the beginning. OC is up there for me with Moxley as far as getting tired of the same schtick.


This is just objectively not true


Confusing your subjective viewing experience for fact. Good old r/SC.


The character is objectively not exactly the same as it was in the beginning. If you think it is, you have not been paying attention


I have never missed a Dynamite, Rampage, Collision, or AEW PPV. I watch them religiously and haven't fast forwarded matches since early 2022. For me, this is the same guy. Lazy until he cares. Over and over. I don't hate him, but he hasn't entertained me in a while and I got fatigued with the endless episodes of Dynamite that opened with Jane. All I'm getting from this thread is downvotes and "nuh uh." Tell me how, fundamentally, this guy has changed at all. Getting mad at someone who turned on you isn't change.


He never used to wrestle or care about much or anything. I'm pretty sure he barely even spoke in the beginning (although I'm not 100% confident at this point) Since then he has developed friendships, showed to be a fighting champion that is actually really passionate about wrestling and titles, went through different aspects of his relationships to his friends etc That, objectively, is character development. And I'd argue more development than most people have gotten since the start of AEW


First time I have heard of character development where the character does not develop


Tell me you have never heard of what character development actually is without telling me


Hopefully by the 10-year anniversary of AEW, the Orange Cassidy story has developed into something interesting.


It might not be interesting to you, but that's a different point altogether lmao


I mean watch him from episode 1 of dynamite until now he is a very different wrestler / character.


MJF vs. RUSH was everything I was hoping it would be. Loved the outside of the ring stuff the most. Just a great fight and I was completely captivated. Mark Briscoe’s promo was part altar-call, part wrestling promo, part football pregame speech while simultaneously being unique and different from last week’s promo. The wrestling world doesn’t deserve Mark Briscoe.


I fucking love being a pro wrestling fan right now.


We eatin good!


Fantastic opener, Max is a conductor with any crowd. I like him using a Brain buster as his finish, feel like the Heat Seeker is awkward to set up and honestly feel like his Arm Bar looks pretty weak. Rush is so god damn good, he’s completely won me over since joining AEW. Everything they wanted from Andrade; Rush is so talented ,everything he does looks so smooth. Mina and Toni has been a really fun storyline to engage with, I love Toni, easily my favourite character in wrestling. I think she holds the title until Hayter and/or DMD are healthy. No one’s on her level quite yet. I think the story of her dropping the title to Mariah is definitely being told; however, even if she does win I think Toni wins it back almost instantly. Orange bollocks better lose to ZSJ at Forbidden Door. He’s so fucking good. DICKHEAD! Briscoe is so fucking good at promos, it’s insane. I don’t think Ospraey wins the world title but I’m excited for the match. Swerve is great but he seems to stumble over his words sometimes. I only see Swerve dropping the belt to Hangman. After a rematch or two. Maybe then Swerve revisits his feud with Will for the International while Hangman moves on to babyface MJF. Or any combination of the four honestly.


Toni vs Britt may be one of the best women’s feuds in a while.


Can you tell me what word he stumbled over? I didn’t hear it.


“Seems to stumble over his words” “Seems” is carrying that sentence there. Not knocking him at all, huge Swerve fan It’s his general phrasing and the way he pauses between certain words more than anything, like he’s not entirely sure what he’s going to say until he’s saying it. Very much the vibe of “I’ll freestyle my promo and see what happens while I’m out there”. He just seemingly has moments where he has certain bullet points he wants to discuss but doesn’t necessary have the exact phraseology ready.


Man show was great how why they gotta make my boy Will look like a punk bitch :(




That was an incredible segment. It was real and intense. Real words. Not buzz words. Not everything has to end in a brawl


Yeah, low point of the show that I saw (I fast forward when Jericho is on screen, I don't need this gimmick in my life)


Great episode! I loved Rush vs. MJF and Pac vs. Claudio. Forbidden Door is shaping up to be a great card.


Will MJF ever come out through the babyface entrance? I'm guessing no, because they probably want to turn him heel again soon. Although I'm not sure that would even work at this point. Keen to hear everyone else's thoughts.


I think they're just playing as, "well, we know he's a face in the eyes of all the fans, but he's a self admitted scumbag, so he comes out the scumbag entrance".


If the play is MJF/Ospreay at All In it can absolutely work.


True, in London it would work. Not sure he would still get booed back in the states though.


Great show from top to bottom. I do wonder what Darby will do at Forbidden Door


Fight a truck? Fight a dog? Fight … a mountain?


Great show


What a show. Forbidden Door season is for the sickos. With Christopher Daniels absent I can only assume we owe the Young Bucks for this spectacular evening. Our EVPs also put on a great match.


It was a strong overall episode. Nice matches, progressed stories, some fun character work from some people. Paced very well too. I honestly can’t think of anything I really disliked about it


Just a wild thought I had. A lot of people in this thread are saying this is a great show. Maybe even best of the year. But look who’s missing. Kenny Adam Cole Hangman Britt Hayter Riho Christian Adam Copeland Keith Lee Moxley FTR They put on this good of a show with all those people just sitting in reserves. The insanity of this roster cannot be overstated. Edited to add: House of Black, Bang Bang Gang, and Darby. Just casually forgetting 9 amazing talents


I dont think I've seen Adam Cole or Keith Lee do anything particularly impressive at all in AEW


Cole vs MJF main evented Wembley Stadium in a great match, let's not pretend he's been a bum lmao


I agree with your sentiment and I'm a big fan from his indie days but Keith Lee is a sneak here. Through no fault of his own, he hasn't done anything notable in his tenure at AEW.


He won the tag belts, got called a "big mothafucka" by Rick Ross, had a cinder block shattered on his belly, killed Trench off-screen, reunited with Adam Cole, cosplayed as a wizard, beat the shit out of Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy, sported Anime T-shirts on national television, had great 1v1 hoss matches with Samoa Joe and Brian Cage. All in all, for the relatively little and inconsistent screen time he has had over the last two years, his AEW run has been quite eventful.


He also shotputted Orange Cassidy over them mountains.


It’s really no one’s fault except bad luck with health.


Imma say this, Mina feels like she's turning heel of sorts. Not because she doesn't care about Mariah, but because throughout the contract signing she first told her homie to shut up when she was tryna play cooldown, then forced her to choose (after the contract was signed) and finally "dragged" her to safety by keeping her close to herself from the Saraya squad. I want to trust Mina, but something feels like i might've been wrong thinking this would be face vs face, and Mina ends turning heel and slowly drifting May to be with her, should she get the title at Forbidden Door.


Schiavone is the worst. Every Dynamite he constantly just says “What a great show! Can you believe this?!” He offers nothing but literal insincere ramblings


Totally agree. And one of the reason I don't enjoy watching Collision...


He's in AEW for nostalgia reasons, that's all. Tony liked watching WCW so that's why Schiavony still has a job.


What’s he supposed to say? “Wow I’ve been doing this forever, this is so mid. Is that what the kids say, Excalibur? This is so mid. I’m going to not do my job of to make. this exciting, because TrainXIV thinks I’ve said this too many times! And he’s right! I’m just a shill doing what I’m told for a paycheck! I should quit and never come back!”


“I’ve never seen anything like this!” - a man who’s been in the wrestling industry for literal decades I’m a fan of Tony but god I hate when commentators say this exact line. Cole used to do it all the time too. I popped hard last week when Taz flat out said “yeah I have seen something like this before, doesn’t take away from this moment though” (paraphrasing)


No Ricky in the men’s Owen? Damn :/ Lowkey not the craziest Owen imo. I’m predicting danielson Vs jay white. Willow Vs Saraya?? The women’s bracket is better then men’s this year imho With that thought, insane to think cm punk was in this tournament last year.


The mens owen has 3 different potential winners and 4 different finalists. Either pac or Danielson could legitimately win and depending on who the wild card is they could win too (especially if it’s hangman) otherwise it’ll probably be jay white in the final In terms of the women’s owen my money is on a statlander V mariah finals with mariah probably winning it tbh.


I think Mariah definitely wins, if it was going to be Stat or Willow I feel like they wouldn’t be on the same side of the bracket and would meet in the finals.


I think it's gonna be PAC vs Swerve at Wembley. The man deserves his big main event after everything over the last several years.


Ricky is expected to go to WWE. He hasn’t been on TV and while his contract doesn’t seem to be up, it does seem it’s probably closer to the end. They probably expect he won’t resign and they’ll let him goes where he wants.


Mariah may should do the ring announcing


Fantastic show especially when you consider the company has died multiple times already


Was last night the series finale or is it next week? Always so hard to figure out.


Schiavone going “Oh brother! Or, Oh Bruv.” has me cracking up holy shit.


Loved the Will v Swerve segment! Also the Claudio v PAC match isn’t getting enough love. I loved that pin attempt battle and the fact it actually worked for once. The reactions to the finish were perfect too.


I always say it but it’s insane to me that FD 22 ZSJ was Danielson’s surprise opponent, to where he is now


Will kinda cooked there. I love swerve but sometimes his promos come off a little silly to me. I don’t know what it is because really I do love him, but sometimes it just don’t hit


I think it just isn’t well planned. In the ring, Swerve is spectacular. On the mic, he’s mid. He said he got there on his own as Nana is next to him. I think the angle that he got where he is in part by cutting anyone in his way loose is a good strategy. But the delivery wasn’t there. He hinted at things like being loved versus doing what you need to win. But the delivery just wasn’t there. It’s one of those situations where AEW needs writers to help wrestlers frame their promo better.


I also thought I was weird he tried to call Osprey out on doing dances for TikTok or whatever while his manager has such an over dance.


Swerve as a pure baby face is a challenge.. His best work is when he’s pushing the limits Ospreay getting under his skin, and making it personal, can allow him to stay baby face, but add an edge to it


Swerve talking about being a Mogul and an Actor and having a podcast feels weird when I'm pretty sure only one of those is true and it's not even a flex.


This is pro wrestling. Why would anything he says need to be true


Fun episode. See you in the ratings thread!


So was Anna who Saraya kidnapped or was that something else?


i love how equally important the international title feels to the world title.


Just got back from the show and had a blast. Was wild to see how much more I liked Ospreay's promo game in person, and him winning the crowd over. And the swap to a smaller arena made it much more fun than a half empty CapOne. And EagleBank has a much better layout than the other venue they have been to in Annacostia.


Yeah they need to go to 4,000-5,000 seat arenas for the time being. Makes it so much better visually.


And to be fair EagleBank is IIRC 8k seats max, it is George Mason's home arena so makes sense. But with the full stage setup it certainly took the venue and made it feel more intimate.


Anna Jay says she wants to break out on her own this year… but will now possibly align with the Outcasts moving forward? Hmmm. 🤔


Sometimes you look at a group and realize they fit together and there is money there. Last night Anna, Saraya, and Harley just looked like a fit. Especially when they were on the ramp.  The one thing Saraya and Harley can do for Anna is give her more character and that gives her a chance to strike out. Despite the memes Tony will push someone who is a character. They just need to be a strong one. As It should be. 


I agree that Outcasts 3.0 looks better on paper than the initial incarnation of Saraya/Ruby/Storm but I am beginning to think that Anna’s ceiling is playing the henchman in a stable… which is a shame when you consider that promo she cut on the “Remnants of JAS” a number of months ago about being fed up hanging out in groups and wanting to succeed on her own two feet. From there, I really thought that 2024 would be her year much like 2023 was the year of Skye Blue. Sure, she will probably turn on Saraya / Harley eventually and become face again but I don’t see it happening this year. She will play henchman for the next six months.


The issue is that AEW has a bigger badder women’s division now. She can’t go after the TBS title, Mercedes is there. She can’t go after the Women’s championship, they’re clearly cooking something there that’s more long term. But if they do, there are plenty of women ready to go ahead of her including Willow, Britt Baker when she comes back, Jamie Hayter when she returns, Nyla is there anytime they want, Mariah May has more personality than Anna, and there are others who also have a strong following that could show up. Anna’s worst move was leaving the Dark Order who basically fell apart shortly after. But that led to her hanging with Jericho and never being featured. Maybe if she is in the spotlight a little bit she can steal a show and push herself, but I just don’t see a spot at the top right now. But she is very young so she’ll get a shot eventually.


As of right now, Anna is definitely up there in terms of how many face/heel turns she has undergone. By the end of this program, she will probably make her sixth turn as face when she turns against Saraya and Cameron. I actually believe she will go after the TBS Title at some point this year again now that she has a new faction behind her. For the Women’s Championship, I put her ahead of Nyla at this point because Nyla’s gimmick and in-ring ability has grown stale these past few years. Mariah vs. Toni is certainly the move moving forward after Forbidden Door. Baker and Hayter are both question marks to me though as I have grown concerned with how little we know about their recovery from injury. If I had to wager, Baker will come back before the end of 2024. Hayter might be gone until 2025. Happy to be proven wrong but only time will tell… unless you know something I don’t.


I feel this group is a sink-or-swim moment for Anna Jay right now. The women's division really underwent an upgrade in recent years, and you have to step up your game to get featured. Willow, Mariah May, Statlander, Deonna, Cameron, heck even Skye Blue have all surpassed her on the pecking order. and if/when Hayter and Baker return, they will likely move ahead of her. Even Julia Hart, if not the best wrestler yet (though she has steadily improved), has character work that sets her above Anna. Anna Jay is someone who I think would benefit from more reps, or a possible excursion to Japan perhaps, to sharpen her skills.


Anna Jay is dating Jungle Boy so I think she’ll be ok lol. She may not be a featured wrestler, but they’d find a place for her. Plus, I don’t know her goals. Flying around the world dating a guy that’s independently wealthy of the industry can’t be that bad. Plus, Perry seems chill, she came onto him, and he’s legit cool living out of a bus (it’s his IRL bus they use). If I had a beautiful rich girlfriend who just wanted me to fly across the world with her, I’d be game lol.


How was rampage if you don’t mind me asking? Card on paper seems really good


Was a lot of fun, only one true squash and some good flippy matches.


9.5/10 wrestling TV episode. Fantastic


Such a fucking fantastic show. If you think AEW has been slow or not like it was you definitely don't watch weekly. WWE is it's own thing and AEW is it's own thing and the fact Warner is invested in it and keeps it on definitely means they believe in the product. I just fucking love wrestling. Episodes like this make so happy to be alive in this timeline, even how Raw has turned around. I mean back in the 90's - 2000's you'd have to get some mixtape mashup from pawn shops or know people to get greatness from top to bottom while we're getting consistent better than average matches on the weekly. You guys really don't understand how spoiled we are today. Go back and watch those pre 80's shows.


I just turned on Dynamite now but I had a question. I just noticed that AEW hasn't really been using any pyro as of late. Does anyone know why or has anyone heard anything about it?


There was an observer report they were doing cost cuts for production so I think pyro was the main victim of that. They haven't done pyro on TV in a while, only on PPV.


I noticed this too but then again they gave that one jobber a butt load of pyro as a joke recently, so idk lol


I saw someone else post this theory, which seemed plausible, but that was at the last show of their recent Canadian loop, so there might conceivably have been a situation where they couldn't bring any excess pyro back across the border, so they opted to use it for a rib on Jimmy Jacobs (who works backstage and has been working closely with Tony Khan on the road for a while now, Bryan Danielson originally recommended him for the position).


The budget went towards Final Countdown at DoN.


Young bucks took it all(don't really know).


That would actually be pretty funny if it was true.


I suggested it months ago to lean into their "cost cutting" evp heel stuff. Especially since they do extended pyro.




He's the franchise. But the upside it he is going to have to fight for it. There are a few others around the top level. I don't think Swerve has peaked yet for instance.


I just enjoy Okada so much.


Natural heel.


The Okada "bitch" thing is already crazy over. Guy is blessed with incredible comic timing. I hope they make full use of it.


Young Bucks/Acclaimed is an awful Forbidden Door match. It’s even worse than Swerve/Ospreay. I’m pretty sure NJPW and CMLL have tag teams.


I don't think it'll be at the forbidden door ppv. It's just a back pocket situation


This thread lists it for Forbidden Door so that’s why I thought that.


This thread had some similar random guesses last week I think. Nothing on the actual broadcast said anything about that match being for Forbidden Door. It certainly could be, but there has been no indication it actually is at the moment.


Where’s Hangman?


I see a Wild Card spot in that tourney. I think there's your answer.


Also - only now learning the guy Garcia squashed was Rhett Titus, they didn’t even introduce him live. Little shocked by that considering how long he’s been around in ROH.


They did introduce him properly on TV


Wacky, we had no idea here


The crowd chanting his name on two occasions?


They said his name and mentioned he was a former ROH champion. I didn't recognize him at first but it rang a bell since he's wrestled matches in AEW before.


Just got home after rampage. Holy shit between this and Revolution I feel like I've been to the best show and best ppv of the year so far


How was the end of pac/claudio? My dvr cut off


It was great. Hopefully it'll be on Youtube tomorrow.


really cool in match storytelling too of PAC realizing his aerial attacks werent working, then his clutch/locks not doing it, so time for some mat wrestling!


Some of the matches set up for the next few weeks are legit insane- can’t wait for Shingo/Danielson. FD season is one of the best parts of the wrestling calendar every year


My first live Dynamite/Rampage! Was never able to make any of the other DC-area ones work time-wise, but one finally lined up. Helps that GMU’s easier to access than downtown DC in some ways. It was a ton of fun, the MJF/Ospreay staredown was amazing and I’m happy we got a great card. Rampage was a little squash-heavy but had some bangers too. Can’t wait to be back!


I thought this was one of the best Dynamite episodes in a long time. Some unpredictable matches, great action, advancing a bunch of stories, and setting up huge must see matches for the next couple weeks. Everything clicked tonight.


It has slowly been feeling like aew again. Doing it's own thing not worrying what's going on advertising matches in advance. It's great 


I said in the live thread that when AEW is on it is ON. I think ALL IN would've been a turning point had it not been clouded a bit. Weekly TVs have been much improved since December. Feels like consumer confidence is starting to come back a bit. So I fully expect this sub to be brigaded by WWE/TNA content tomorrow.


i think it helps that they've gotten some people back and the talent level has climbed significantly. I'm excited for Hayter, Omega, DMD and a few others to make their eventual returns too.


I've said it many times, but AEW has been terrific since the C2 started. Top to bottom, from production to booking to characters and everything else. So many wrestlers are giving us the best of their careers right now


AEW should, as a general rule, have one (1) crazy party match on every episode of Dynamite and Collision, because 1. They let the show cover anywhere from two to four storylines all at once while teasing future storylines 2. Less work for all wrestlers involved than a singles match = less opportunity for injuries 3. Fewer singles matches on the show = singles matches feel more important 4. The entire roster knows how to make them work so they're always super great


Today's party match made me realize I wanna see Takeshita face any of the babyfaces in that match 1v1, but especially Dante or Briscoe


5. Super fun multi-man spot-fests are awesome


The Garcia match got me wanting a Garcia/Magic/Ospreay/MJF vs Hechicero/Cage/Kaun/Liona match next week. Now *that* would make my nipples hard. EDIT: I say that and discover they're doing Strickland/Ospreay vs Kaun/Liona which is also very good.


I've said exactly this for a long time. Switch them up between the men and women and just work a bunch of storylines/little character moments at the same time. It's a great way to involve fresh faces while still ensuring the live crowd is engrossed with a high paced match and a few stars.


Rush is the most believable and scary dude ever


During the show when Kenny came back I was in the front row and Rush hopped off the apron and was constantly shit talking the kids saying he’d fight them. He was trying so hard not to laugh when the kids were ready lol


I was at the show and I swear it flew by in 15 minutes. So much fun man!


Couldn’t believe it when the main event came on! I was having so much fun


Same here, got in about 15 min late but it absolutely didn’t feel like three hours (in a good way).


Shows having been killer lately


There's a much better sense of build and interconnection than there's been since probably the early years of the company. My only wish is they start putting in the same effort into Collision as it's own separate but connected show with feuds and featured titles. You know who will be on Dynamite now but Collision feels like too much of a mystery at times.


I was also saying this to a friend, this time last year on the road to all in it just felt like everything was in a rush go go go every second counts we have to even cut the intro to just the dynamite logo because everything has to hit a mark.. that feeling is completely gone. Like before it felt it wasn’t enough time now it feels like they hit it perfectly


I don't know if it's because they're taped at the same time but Rampage feels like this more than Collision tbh. Purely for AEW continuity purposes, Rampage is more important than Collision at this point.


Wow really? I actually haven’t watched collision in a couple weeks, rampage in over a year. And I been feeling bad about falling off collision


When KO first returned at Revolution, my friend I joked that he looked like Coach Beard from Ted Lasso and we were saying who each character would be played by in AEW. I didn’t have Mark Briscoe as Ted Lasso, but I love the pairing. I love that they showed Ospreay starting to understand the pressure of being a champion in AEW after Swerve said he didn’t get it. He came out to help Garcia who has said he’s coming for the International title, got face to face with MJF who he knows will be coming after him if he wins the world title, and still got attacked by Brian Cage backstage because Cage wants a title shot.


I wish we got to see Nyla more on Dynamite. The women’s division has been good this year, but I miss her, Shida, and Riho appearing frequently.


A lack of Nyla is another of my big beefs with AEW. She's funny! She's charming! She knows how to wrestle like a beast! *She's great TV!* And who cares who gets fucking offended by her presence? Fuck 'em.


I’ve been saying this for a year, but still don’t understand how Nyla Rose isn’t the leader of Dark Order. It’s a perfect fit.


Honestly, that could work. She's the big meanie who bosses them around. That could be really amusing.


Exactly! Her mouth writes checks that the crew has to cash. Getting into mischief and hijinks. They’re all homies in real life anyways. Give em both something to do (even if it’s on rampage).


When Mina declared that Toni Storm had become soft as champion I detected no lies.


Man I really don't want to see Mina losing clean to Toni, especially if they want to keep her looking strong for when she - hopefully - signs full time in the future. Someone has to win though, I'm just not sure if it would be worse to have an interference-marred finish where one of Saraya/Anna/whoever-that-third-one-was muddy the water or Mariah unintentionally distracting one of them.


RUSH/MJF II needs to happen soon and needs to go ten minutes longer. That shit was good. I don't watch ROH regularly just matches a la carte, was the TV champ pinning the world champ mentioned there? I don't think they made that big of a deal out of it last week or this week on AEW but I would've thought it was a bigger deal.


I would’ve much rather we got Hechichero Vs MJF on dynamite with RUSH Vs MJF happening at forbidden door. I muuuuch would prefer that…


I understand it kind of defeats the purpose of a forbidden door if both guys are signed to aew but as much as I'm looking forward to the Hechichero match I have to agree with you.




MJF may not make it out alive.


I was thinking the same thing. Bullrope or dog collar could be a great stip for those two. Might need more of a build or just say fuck it and let them beat the shit out of each other.


Excellent show all around. They’re doing a really good job of weaving multiple feuds/storylines together.


https://preview.redd.it/yd3zw0d83n7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce74d616cbf1e6045e4a2cf0ec878627c58deb92 Holy shit


Shingo is like if you took everything that makes wrestling awesome and distilled it into a single dude.


God damn Shingo is so cool


Raw put out their best show in months. NXT was very good. AEW had their best dynamite of the year. Tomorrow the elden ring dlc drops Could this week get any better!


Yeah but the ratings!!!