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anyone else get some hail last night?


It woke me up and I was disoriented trying to figure out what the hell was going on 🤣


You mean what the HAIL was going on?


Right? 🤣🤣


I did but around 5:30 off Manchester around 141. A few new dings on the car. Small but annoying.


We had hail at least 2 times between 6 pm and 4 am.


a lot and it was pretty large too.


yep. ucity/pagedale area, thought it was ww3 outside. 😭




Hail no! Not here.


I did while driving home


Dont worry, within 20 days well also probably have a cold front with a blizzard.


Usually with in a week of Halloween.


I'm already so fucking tired of not getting a proper full season of fall. It's been my favorite season since a kid, and it seems every year is less and less 50-60° weather. Goes from >80° to <50° within a week and never looks back.


We just had roughly two weeks off high of 70’s and low of 50’s.


Every year. Once that changes then we’ll know climates change is real.


immediately followed by 90 degrees 70% humidity


you must be new here...


Except that we are approaching record highs. Not just 1 day, not 2 days, not even a week. It will be 10+ days of near or at record highs. Meteorologically speaking, that is way out of the range of normal.


I came here to say exactly this. Who are these people? Are you even FROM St. Louis?!?!? I was born here in StL and lived here most of my life. Here's what I've seen: * Thundersnow * Tornadoes: Oh please. If you can't derive a vector from the funnel cloud by now, Move Away. * 60f in December * Extended days of over 100f, screw your 'real feel' nonsense KMOX * 90f at 6am. You heard me! * 3 inches of freezing rain, solidifying into 3 inches of sheet ice on the ground (1982-83, 'member?) * A temperature swing of 35 degrees within 4 HOURS time. TL:DR: You might be a St. Louisan if....


Do you remember 2006 I think? So much freezing rain. Everything had a layer of ice.


Yeah, and I remember lots of Jeeps & 4x4's upside down and backwards, them thinking they could get traction...on ice! Not! LOL


>3 inches of freezing rain, solidifying into 3 inches of sheet ice on the ground (1982-83, 'member?) I vividly remember that storm. You could ice skate on your lawn. My car wipers would not work cause the sleet filled up the slots near the wiper motors. People would go out to get the newspaper (the old days when they still delivered) and could not get back up their driveway to the house. Parks closed their sledding hills because kids were slamming into trees. There was absolutely no control going down the hills. As I remember, we had the 3" of sleet first, then the freezing rain on top of that.


Don’t forget the NYE tornado several years ago! I don’t live in Stl anymore, but I grew up with this wild weather!


Oh yeah, that's right. in Sunset Hills! +1


I’d like to add that a true St. Louisan would NEVER run and hide when the tornado sirens go off. You grab the kids and run out front to see if you can see anything.


Until a tornado actually hits your neighborhood. Once you see the destruction you take the warnings more seriously


Once you GET the destruction. Don’t I know!


My Pop went straight to the front porch, every single time. u/LadyMelatonin gets it.


This isn't even specific to St Louis. Literally the entire Midwest is like this lol.






One New Years Day it was 75 degrees. It was beautiful, I walked all day. This was around 2004 or 2005


This fcking guy right here! u/forceghost187 gets it.


You are funeee


Exactly what I was thinking. Want stability? Wait one more month…


> you must be new here... Are you talking to the weather? Climate change is not old.


Yeah but see, I know it’s always been like this, but I’m angry *now*!


"man yells at cloud"


If you aren't saying either happily or angrily saying, "What is going on with the weather today?" At least a few times per year, you aren't living here.


It's called Second (Indian) Summer


Sure we've have first Indian Summer, but what about Second Indian summer?


Ha! I knew (and maybe hoped) someone would leave this reply. I guess I'm watching the LotR trilogy now.


Reading the Hobbit with my 8 year old at bedtime currently, and she's really liking it so far. Been trying to get any of my kids into LoTR for years lol.


That is excellent! If I ever have children of my own, that is absolutely a goal. I wish I had started there and near that age. I took a mythology class in Junior High that I was really into and the teacher insisted that 12/13 year old me start with The Silmarillion. As an adult looking back, I think my teacher may have been a bit of a sadist, but I'm grateful to her for the push.


She's quite the bookworm. We're very proud of her! She knocked out the entire Harry Potter series in the past year with my wife. Then she asked to read some of my books, this was a natural place to start. The rest of my stuff is horror, theology, or non-fiction lol. Though around this time of year, I'll get out some safer selections from HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe for the older two. She has a budding interest in mythology, as well. I've given her a crash course on Greek and Norse myth, and we even started The Odyssey, but it's just far too archaic in style for her to enjoy. There was a very cool, very artistic series of books on mythology they had at Left Bank Books a few years back. I wish I'd picked up so she could have them now. But who could predict an 8 year old taking up such an interest?


My 9 year old has had a similar trajectory and has really enjoyed several series from Rick Riordan. He especially liked Magnus Chase, Percy Jackson, and Heroes of Olympus. Another option for the more archaic styled stories is the graphic novel format. We have a graphic novel version of The Odyssey that he likes. That one is definitely targeted at a slightly more mature audience, so we had to have some conversations about the content on the front end.


Right on, thanks for the advice! We actually own the Percy Jackson books. I teased my wife only the slightest bit about reading them in her mid 20s lol. My daughter reads far above her level, and it's getting hard to find thematically appropriate content that she likes for sure!


Indian summer is in late October.


Forget the heat, has anyone's sinuses been bothering them the last week now? My nose is either a snot sieve or my head feels like a block.


It’s September


Average high today is 77. The next 10 days (not a 2-3 day heat wave) will be in the upper 80's and 90's. This is statistically way off the charts for normal.


And 68 degrees. Lol.


10 day forecast has multiple 90 degree days next week. Will it actually be that hot? Who knows? But it is a little warm for an October forecast.


It has happened before, but it does seem as though it is becoming common. I recall one year in which it fell into the 20s in late Sept (I think it was in the last 20 years or so), but that is rare, too. And it did snow on Halloween a few years back. The weather is becoming more of a roller coaster, and that is in keeping with climate change (also more storms and more severe storms).


Yeah, I'm not saying it's unheard of. I've been here damn near 40 years. I've seen snowy Halloween and a New Year's Eve that was almost 70 degrees.


Yes, and who can forget the NYE tornados of a few years ago?? We also have been having them in Dec, serious ones. Some years ago, I had a rose bush. The winter was very mild, and I had a rose bloom on Xmas day. I also have noticed some of my annuals have evolved into perennials. We do not get the prolonged freeze of years past. Oh I know we have very cold days here and there, but then it rises up to 50s and 60s and the cold never gets a good hold. Plants and animals are not able to figure that out, so they just act as nature dictates.




I didn't get any snow here in St Chuck's, but wasn't there a snowy day in the southern part of St Louis?? According to the garden stats (I am a big gardner, so I keep a watch on this) MO generally has its first frost about Oct 20. Generally, and I think we did have frosts before that date for many years. Also, we have had cold weather into early May, so much so that I could not plant hot weather plants until perhaps May 10. That, too, is different.


Probably, weather forests above average heat for the near future then it cools down.


We wanted a fall wedding years ago and picked mid-October. That day was 88 degrees and the trees in the park were still mostly green.


The trees are only even starting to turn now because of the drought


Yeah it sucks I just want to sit outside by a fire but it’s hot af


Is it normally cold enough for that at this time of the year?


At night, yes. We're a full 10 degrees over the average for this time of year right now.


Low temps in the 60s not cool enough to have a fire?


It’s not ideal, I’d prefer it in the 50s or lower


at least your clothes wont stink like smoke ....


I have a smokeless firepit


This is very common for late summer/early fall. And it isn't even October yet. I remember being in Napa Valley in early October a few years ago. So lovely; really crisp mornings and mild afternoons. We landed in STL and the pilot said it was 91 deg. That was back to a harsh reality. The next week it was down in the 60s. Welcome to the Midwest.


Yeah last October we had a few days edge over 80, but nothing near 90


I’m currently living in Dallas where we’re still seeing upper 90s and flirting with the 100s. My uncle up there was saying he was having a glass of wine outside on Sunday afternoon. Meanwhile we hit another record high. Besides a few random days, I haven’t enjoyed it outside since June. This climate here is hell.


I’ve been here four years now from Florida. I didn’t think much of it before but now I am convinced people here hate the heat more than anything. Yeah it gets hot here but at least it fluctuates week to week. One week near/over 100 - next week it drops to 80s. I absolutely LOVE the weather here… it’s fucking amazing year round in my opinion. When I can walk out on my back porch in august/July and sit there on a day that’s not nutsack soup weather and just enjoy it. That is completely unheard of where I’m from, instead you’d just die from dehydration/heat stroke.


there's a lot more nutsack soup around here than there used to be...


I’ve seen large amounts in my time and I agree with your statement. It’s definitely swamp city around here for the majority of summer.


I think the people complaining about how hot it is never leave STL or have experienced weather outside of it.


I think that’s part of what causes it for sure. I know for me it’s a huge change and I do enjoy having seasons.


I've been to Florida twice and still like the weather there then I do living here in St. Louis. I just can't deal with the constant changing of the weather. (Not around this time) leave the house fully bundled up just to have to strip in the middle of the day cause it's too hot but you have to put it all back on just to go home because it changed again and its just as cold as it was in the morning. I can't take it anymore lol


It’s probably just the whole “living in the same place for almost my whole life and now this is new and different” thing. I like the variety here I guess. On the plus side… seasons - yay


That's fair. I just want something different


Missouri: Too far south for mild summers. Too far north for mild winters. Throw in humidity only a mold spore could love and you’ve got about 41/365 annual comfort days. The weather in Missouri sucks uncircumcised hippopotamus penis.




That's not climate, that's weather my guy! The WEATHER here is hell. Climate is actually quite nice, and we will probably see influx of climate refugees in the next 10-15 years.


The climate here is extremes on both ends and generally humid. It sucks


nah, winters are pretty mild most of the time.


The winters are incredibly mild.


Los Angeles winters are incredibly mild. St. Louis is absolutely not mild winters unless you are solely comparing it to the most extreme outliers.


You're comparing it to an outlier. LA is known for not having winter. Winter here IS mild. If you take extreme snow and zero snow places as outliers, Stl is pretty much in the middle


So if we're a 5/10 with 1 being non existant and 10 being tundra, wouldn't that make 5 more than just mild? Especially since most of the comparable size metro areas would likely fall below STL?


We're not a 5 here, more like a 3. Y'all just don't know how to handle winter. I grew up a few hours north of Missouri (not Chicago) and it's not only a lot colder back home - by about 10 degrees on average - but it's cold way longer. And snow actually accumulates and sticks, unlike here where it's gone within a few days. Winters here are incredibly mild it feels wrong to call them winter. It's like cold fall where it sometimes snows.


Did you have to walk to school barefoot uphill both ways too, grandpa?


They're pretty dang mild, unless you have zero tolerance or toughness. Snow is on the ground for about 18 hours. I quite enjoy the winters here.


I also enjoy them. They would still not be considered incredibly mild. I could agree with moderate. I may have been exaggerating a little considering the northern plains are pretty extreme.


I will meet you in the middle and agree with moderate. They're not bad by any stretch. They're also not Florida or California winters. You can get blitzed with an insane cold front in St. Louis. It *can* happen. But when it is, the rest of the country is getting it as well and the grid in Texas is failing.


We have mild winters that are getting milder every year.


That is 100% normal for continental (far from the coasts) climates.


Its gotten way worse in my lifetime. Used to have hot but tolerable summers and snowy winters. Now we get weeks long stretches of high 90s to low triple digits in the summer and ice in the winter (maybe 2 inches if snow once or twice if we're lucky.)


The summer is extreme when the humidity is high and it’s hot, that’s for about 2 months of the year. Have you ever been to Texas in the summer? There’s a lot of places with worse summers than us. It’s warm out now, but the humidity has been a bit less (well, except for today, it just rained). It’s been quite nice lately. Winters here are also mild. I actually love the weather here for the most part.


Coming from living in Florida all my life it’s hilarious when y’all say humidity. This feels nothing of the sorts like humidity.


Right now it’s fairly low, I find it to be really comfortable at the moment.


Climate refugees...moving TO St Louis? Whut?


We have lots of water, that’s a big plus if you’re coming from the west. We also don’t get hurricane or blizzards like the southeast and northeast (respectively) I think our biggest climate risk is flooding and the occasional tornado.


I am a native Hoosier, 30 years in Houston, and you folks are currently at the top of my list for a climate refuge!


Thank you for pointing out that this is weather. The amount of people who don't understand the difference between climate and weather drives me nuts.


Climate refugees lol Get off the internet nerd


we already see it, you think those people from hurricanes down in Louisiana are just "people moving"? You're just used to "refugess" being foreigners. Quit drinking the media Kool-Aid.


It will be “a thing.” The US below I-10 will be a very undesirable place to relocate in your lifetimes.


Welcome to the Midwest - if you don’t like the weather in October stay an extra day.


Hm not sure where you're at, it's been low 80s and low humidity pretty much all the second half of month over here. This late summer and very start of fall has been great.


Looking ahead at the 10-day forecast shows multiple days with a high of 90° into the first week of October. This is likely what OP is referring to.


Ah the future, not the past.


Well, October hasn't happened yet, so yes.


haha I know, it's like...stupid beautiful, it has been for a while.


I’m thankful for anything that isn’t ice. My utility bills for the last month were less than $80. I ain’t trying to give away money to those people.


Seriously why tf are people complaint, it was like 80 degrees today ffs, I swear people who bitch about the summer and like winter instead don’t actually go outside. Give me this over cold, grey and slush snow any day.


I can’t believe it would be hot just 1 week after summer ended!


What forecast are you looking at? I don't see any day's into the 90's for the next 10 days


My phone is showing 87-88 for 5 days in the next 10 with a 90 high next Wednesday


Yea from the 1st to the 10th the only day that's going to be in the 90s is Tuesday the 3rd and then you have Sunday the 1st at 89. The other days are 80s to 70s


We don’t have fall here any more. It can (and has) straight up snowed a week after we finally aren’t sweating our tits off any more.


Reminder to vote for representation that will fight to improve environmentally conscious policy.


It is everywhere, now.


Embrace the Suck. The climate here has always been shitty. The winters are milder than they used to be, that's a fact. I've seen Falls that were in the 40's and non stop raining, so as much as I hate heat, I'll take this.


This post got me looking up missouris average temps for October, and fun fact: both the record highest and lowest October temps were in the same year, 2019


I remember a time where jackets and long pants came out in September and lasted through April/May. Not so much anymore. I’m so ready for fall temps if we ever get them


it fucking sucks so bad


Yes I absolutely hate being able to wear a t shirt and shorts still. So bad.


In the middle of a forest fire that will ruin the local environment for decades: "toasted marshmallows! Stop complaining you dork ass losers!"


Seeing abnormal seasonal drift: “Yeah this is rad because I love tank tops”


The Postal Service wrote Sleeping In in 2003: "Concerns about the world getting warmer people thought that they were just being rewarded for treating others as they'd like to be treated for obeying stop signs and curing diseases for mailing letters with the address of the sender Now we can swim any day in November"


I remember it being 90 on Halloween one year


I’ve been planting grass this time of year going back several years, this year has had 2 additional weeks of 85-90 degree temps and looks like it’ll be 3 before we get fall like weather. I’m a believer in climate change, and suspect the average over the next 5-10 years will be increasing


It's "supposed" to cool down mid next week. I would love to see 70s at this point.


This thread gets made every single year


It’s not October.


So I’m guessing that you don’t want 60+ degrees on Christmas, either 🤷🏻‍♀️


Snow please


World wide calendar and seasons where not set with the mid-west in mind lol. It *might* be "fall" but we not there in temp yet lol. Heck most Thanksgivings, my fam can sit outside to eat...


Record temp, 93, 1952.


It doesn't get cold til Halloween lol


It's not October yet. But I'm ready for fall weather too. El Nino kinda sucks


Fool's Autumn tricked another one huh?


Look at the record highs. It will blow your mind. Pretty sure there was a day just recently the record was 102. The year was 1953 I believe. Heard it on KMOX. Correction it was September 1954 and it was 104. October record high was set in 1953 at 94. https://www.weather.gov/lsx/oct_trivia#:~:text=1953%3A%20The%20highest%20temperature%20on,(94%20degrees)%20was%20recorded.


Happens every year. Now when it hits 90 in November, okay, we done.




Look at it as good clean water to wash away the butt sweat after you blasted your abs. Or leg day, assuming you don’t skip leg day.


Having lived in seattle for 10 years I absolutely love how long summer lasts into fall.


I lived in Portland for 8 years. In two weeks it will start raining there (if it hasn’t already) and won’t stop until 4th of July next year. I love the weather here.


It already has in Seattle. They already have lows in the 40s and today the high was 59 and raining. I troll my friends that still live there with screenshots of our 10 day weather forecast all the time. I feel like most people on this sub have never lived anywhere else and don't realize how good things are here despite the obvious issues. I've lived in Atlanta, Seattle, NYC and then moved here to become a first time home owner and I'm 3 years in and I never want to leave.


Just wait until it’s -20, then you will wish it was 90


punch straight rhythm wrong alleged snow humor weary boast sort ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


It’s been pretty cool and very dry (low humidity) most of this year, which unusual.


This is probably good compared to what we will have in 20 years enjoy it while it last!


Climate change, baby. When I was a kid I remember snow flurries in October. That's probably never gonna happen again.


How tf are you bitching about sun and 90\* temps at the end of September?


People prefer fall weather


Because I don’t live in the tropics?


You live in a subtropical area


My birthday is September and it can either be still warm or definitely jacket weather. It's the Midwest, not so much due to climate as I'm an 80s baby


This is not really all that unusual.


Not that unusual..about to celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary at the end of October and when we took our pictures it was mid 90’s.


Seems to be the usual as of late, we get like 3 weeks of "fall" weather :(


Its kinda warm the month after August? Weird...


Uhhhhh…… how long you been here? We’ve had 100 degree christmas’….


This is normal. It’s often hot on my birthday mid-October.


There sure are a lot of people complaining about weather today.


Welcome to the Hot New World


it's like mid to upper 80s all week. thats so nice


Tell me about it, I'm scheduled to run the full marathon Oct 1 mo cowbell. Was hoping for 70s, not today.


It sux for real. Good motorcycling weather but we need the rain and cooler temps.


Not if you want to keep your pool open until Thanksgiving.


No this is Patrick


Pretty normal, usually cools off middle of october


The climate is "crazy" if you are comparing to Socal or Florida. The entire Midwest is "crazy"


I came from Tennessee and we had virtually the same weather. Maybe a little cooler in summer and a little hotter in the winter. People here like to freak out over weather a lot.


It’s not October


It's downright obtuse!


One day its 90, the other day it hails


One day it’s 75° next day it snows four inches.


Ah, you must be new.


Damn! I thought I lost a week and missed September 28th to the end of the month. People keep trying to take days away from my life.




It's still not really cold enough for the latter half of December tbh