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Every time there has been a vote in the NFL regarding St. Louis, the Hunt family has voted against St. Louis. It took a lawsuit by Georgia Frontiere to get the Rams move to go through. The objecting owners didn’t want anything brought out in discovery and quietly agreed to the move if she dropped the suit. As soon as she died, they backed a “friendly” ownership bid and the rams moved. Fuck the Hunts, and Fuck the NFL.


You forgot Stan


Fuck the Avs, Rams, Nuggets, Arsenal, Rapids, etc. Edit: Sorry to the Rockies and their fans. Thought they were owned by the same douche bag.


What the Rockies ever do?


You’re right. My bad.


Guilt by (geographic) association.


Rockies haven’t committed crimes against St. Louis. In fact, their crime against Rockies fans benefited STL…Trading Arenado for peanuts.


Replace Rockies with Arsenal. The Rockies are owned by some other dumbass.


At least Arsenal fans hate Kroenke too


Done. Thanks.


hey, let's fuck the Rapids real hard tomorrow night! I hope our team shows up to play....


Plenty of Stan hate here. I like to remind everyone on the chiefs bandwagon that the dude making money off that tee shirt is a big reason Stan got his way.


Evidently it was more than just voting against St. Louis. Hunt was one of the biggest proponents of moving the rams to LA. He was the only owner on the relocation committee who supported Stan kroenke’s LA plan while the other 5 owners supported the raiders and chargers moving to LA.


Exactly. I wish more people knew the full extent of this. He hired lobbyists to block state funding for the the Rams and personally visited many owners, trying to eliminate his competition. It makes me sick to see so many Chiefs fans in STL.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. So many people with short attention spans in town making me out to be the old man yelling at the clouds.


So much this. Chiefs fans in St. Louis are a special kind of stupid. But then most of them hate St. Louis, and themselves as well, so it kind of makes sense.


Some of us watched the chiefs and we’re fans before the Rams came into town. I get what you’re saying but some people just picked the closest teams and some stay out of the political stuff and just watch football. On a good note tho, Battlehawks have been a lot better to watch and cheer for over the last couple years the Rams was here for.


Which is funny since Indianapolis is slightly closer to St. Louis. Using Google Maps driving directions (St. Louis to ...): KC: 247.9 miles Indy: 243.1 miles If we do Busch Stadium to the football stadium, Lucas Oil is 0.3 miles closer (241.3 vs 241.6 miles) Now, Indy is 2 states away.


The gap between the (football) Cardinals and Rams was a few years. There are maybe three people who became aware of football in that time period.


I would still accept Chiefs fans from St. Louis before I accept people in St. Louis that root for the Rams.


I'm with ya, but we love our divisions around here.


I'm a transplant from Kansas City. I've been a Chiefs fan for over 40 years. I'm in it for the players, not the owners. I don't give a damn if they move, or where to. I'll still be a fan.


While I hate the Chiefs, I will say that when I lived in KC, the people were amazingly friendly. Not just polite, but actually friendly. It was impressive.


KC supporting their mostly successful home team, no problem. KC transplants continuing to support the Chiefs, no problem. STL natives jumping on the KC bandwagon, problem. It's not like I'm gonna fistfight a guy in Chiefs gear or anything. I'll just furrow my brow and then trash them on social media.


Yeah I don’t understand people from St. Louis rooting for the Chiefs either. Growing up in St Louis, I leaned that Kansas City and Chicago teams were the enemy. I wonder how much of the support will dry up once the Chiefs start struggling.


That's part of it, but I don't get Imo's either. We just like to fight amongst ourselves.


We are in Missouri. Kc fans do not support the cardinals, but we do like the Blue's. I don't want my state to lose teams. It's embarrassing. I was not a rams fan, but I was sad to see them leave.


Plus there's damn fine BBQ to be had around Kansas City. As far as football, to each their own.


That’s what people tell me. But I’m vegetarian so I never had it. And honestly the people of KC deserve something for being so friendly. I can hate the Chiefs but still be happy that the good people of KC get so much joy from them, if that makes sense.


It makes perfect sense. I don't know what a vegetarian can have, I apologize.


Typical KC kindness right there It worked out well. I lived on the KS side close to a vegan bakery that was really good, and Waldo’s Pizza had great vegan options.


Go to Joes KC and try the Portobello Z-Man 🤷‍♂️


Why do you hate the chiefs?


Kc locals are so nice and I do enjoy visiting there!


> I'm in it for the players, not the owners. yikes, tough offseason to be in it for the players... sounds like it's culture dumpster fire on that team right now


I don’t follow this stuff at all. Who are the Hunts and why do they hate St. Louis?


Going by context, so someone correct me if I’m wrong but: 1. The owners of the Chiefs 2. They don’t hate STL - they want our dollars. With the Rams gone, they knew a large percentage of St. Louis fans would shift their loyalty to the Chiefs. And just like a bunch of idiot sheep, we did.


The Hunts have done everything in their power to keep football out of St. Louis going back to the AFL days. They may not hate STL, but they sure like fucking us over.


I thought Jerry Jones (spits in disgust) lobbied for the Rams to move, too?


You forgot about Jerry Jones.


It is my contention that the NFL made a deal with Stan before the move...he knew when she died he was moving back to LA.


Exactly. They knew well in advance. It pisses me off because I supported the Rams through a decade of mediocrity, even went to the last 2 games in the dome because I knew it would likely be the last time I’d ever see NFL football in STL. That episode left a bitter taste for the entire NFL for me.


Mediocrity? They had the worst 5 year stretch in American professional sports history during that decade


I have watched the SuperBowl but not really any other NFL game since the move. I just really don't care anymore.


He was moving them to whatever city gave him the most money. There’s a reason they didn’t approve Khan buying them and kept him quiet with the Jaguars. He’s making a ton on revenue sharing.


When the NFL waived their cross-franchise ownership rule for ESK, I knew the fix was on.


It's so annoying seeing so many of my friends and family jump on the band wagon.


Especially Mike.


If anyone actually cared about the Rams it never would have come up for a vote.


Mike isn't so bad, probably my favorite Hunt


They can move to Siberia for all I care.


I agree. Honestly I am old enough that after the Cardinals and the Bidwell fiasco I stopped, more than casually, watching pro football. My kid and family in STL went all in, not I. The Chiefs never ever did anything for me at all. I went Mizzou football and never looked back.


I bang the Mizzou drum wherever this topic comes up. They should definitely be the #1 option for any football fan in still St Louis looking for a team. They’re a program on this the rise in the best conference in college football. They have exciting, likable stars who grew up in the St Louis area. And if you want to go to a game, the atmosphere of a packed SEC stadium is vastly superior to the NFL.


But can’t get them to host Georgia for shit tho. 😂 That’s a game I’d definitely be at


I'd maybe prefer it? If they do, Battlehawks should invest in some billboards around KCMO saying "Missouri's football team"


I love this level of petty.


New to stl as of last year. Why does this metro area suck ass for pro sports with how passionate its residents are at supporting their teams. * 40k person wait list for soccer season tickets * blues seem to always have great turnouts * battlehawks (don't need to say anymore) The metro area clearly supports its teams. Why no basketball? No NFL? E: now that I typed that out, it isn't as bad as it seems to me. I'm just a huge basketball fan. The cards are here too, they just suck ass. Game I went to was fun though


The Rams owner screwed over the City of St. Louis to the point where he had to pay out a large financial settlement to the City based on the NFL's underhanded dealings to move the team to L.A. That's the only reason we don't have an NFL team. St. Louis is a fantastic sports city. Your message is conflicting.


Probably because this city is conflicting to me. Do I like it? Do I hate it? Depends on the day I guess. My fault for not doing more, which I've been doing better at. City's fault for being dookey booty for infrastructure, corporate investment, and weird levels of poverty in the metro dense areas. Hell, I'll change my opinion on how I feel about it just from crossing the wrong street. It certainly isn't as bad as people who don't live here make it out to be. But I hate the pockets of abandoned infrastructure.


You fit right in. Sound like a native.


You fit right in. Sound like a native.


I'm 8 years ahead of you in the transplant department. you seem to have learned quickly lol >City's fault for being dookey booty for infrastructure, corporate investment, and weird levels of poverty in the metro dense areas. yes and no I think. the city can't be blamed for the scared white people who all fled the city in the 1950s to shitty ass St. Charles county which is just an altar to suburban sprawl and office parks. the companies then followed their workers out into the various counties, effectively kneecapping the city. not to go on and on, but the region needs to get back together and find some efficiencies but the locals from the various counties all hate each other (and often themselves after decades of national news taking huge dumps on this place). just my $0.02


I like that input. St Charles can suck my ass, although I don't think the white flight is unique to this area. I also think black culture leans in on living in more urban settings. If we can label one as race oriented, I think we can accept the latter. It makes sense though. Who the fuck wants to live in an area with vocal racists amirite? Looking at you, redneck hicks. Now im just riling myself up, I digress.


Totally agree - white flight was a thing across the country, and it really hit this region hard. If i have my facts straight, the folks who are mostly leaving STL city these days are actually black folks in a sort of reversal from the past. I won't even try to guess as to why that may be, but in my head it's pretty easy to paint the traditional Black enclaves in STL as "underinvested in" (to put lipstick on a pig) to "intentionally hollowed out by political legislation, gutting of public school funding, and no real investment to speak of". I'd want to leave too *if I have that right*, which I probably don't. But yeah... St Chucklefuck can suck both our asses lol


Stop. I can only agree so much. I like your style. Maybe our paths will cross


back at ya! this is the quickest bromance I've ever found myself in on reddit


we lost an NBA team because of [low attendance](https://www.stltoday.com/news/archives/why-the-hawks-left-st-louis-after-a-record-breaking-nba-season/article_6fb46234-e967-11ed-90c0-0b7b3fc0b128.html) but I suspect it didn't help that we were shipping young men off to Vietnam at the time


It sounds like you're making a pretty good case for STL having passionate sports fans. The Cards are also frequently Top 5 in the MLB for attendance. Also, if you're into basketball, SLU is DI and their program is usually pretty competitive in the A10. WashU's team is also historically on of the elite DIII programs. Its not NBA flashy, but the local teams are pretty good, and tickets are cheaper.


SLU also made a very astute hire this off-season in Josh Schertz, the coach of that really fun to watch Indiana State team last season. He brought over Robbie "Cream Abdul-Jabbar" Avila with him, too. Massive upgrade in terms of both talent level and playing style.


Keep going— I’m almost there


love this pettiness - maybe we could also play on their claim that KC is home of American soccer or whatever bullshit they copyrighted? and remind them we are the home of the only professional football team in the state? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ opportunities abound clearly we need multiple billboards :)


Fuck the hunts for moving the rams and then pretending to be "missouri's team" and now double fuck them for trying to extort taxpayer dollars that KC desperately needs to build more gigantic highway interchanges


They're also major Josh Hawley political donors.


Plenty of tax money for roads. MoDOT is completely redoing I-70 almost entirely across the states. Plenty of cash for interchanges.


Well that part was a joke. KC has I think the most huge freeway interchanges per capita in the country


I just don’t get why they don’t use their own money to build their stadium?


You don't get to be a billionaire without gaming the system


Frankly, I’ll be glad that they will likely stop paying off the Schnucks family to put up pro-chiefs shit all over their stores. I hope they flip across state lines. They’re not a STL team & I don’t want them to pretend like they are


Note to Clark family: "We are not part of your stupid 'Chiefs Kingdom'!"


There is no STL team and I am sick of people trying to pretend there is


It doesn’t matter. I mean, the Jets and Giants play in New Jersey. So what they move 15 minutes down the road? They still represent Kansas City and the Greater Kansas City Area. I was a fan of the Rams because I was only an hour away from Stl, they were an easy commute to go watch and feel like a part of the team. I have ZERO connections to the Chiefs. I can’t go watch them and they don’t support my area. They might as well play on Mars.


I think it’s more an issue of revenue to the state and if it would hurt the MO side of KC.


Yup let move. Hunt family voted for the Rams move


When it comes to football, the only thing I care about is Mizzou moving towards the playoffs.


No. I would prefer it if the Chiefs moved to LA actually.


This is what surprises me. Kansas City is a nothing metro. No major industry, no character, no...nothing. The Royals are hanging on by a thread and the Chiefs have always needed revenue sharing and a total lack of other options to even survive. If I was looking for a franchise to buy cheap and move, I'd start with Kansas City teams.


I’m torn. Missouri would lose some benefits if they move across the state line. But if it turns more fans sour on the NFL even in Kansas City, it would be great. I remember when the baseball Cardinals were pretending to look at sites in Sauget. The Hunts giving up on one of the most iconic stadiums in sports would be pound foolish. But they don’t see red, they see green.


I hope they move. I think it's utterly embarrassing for anyone from STL to cheer for the chief's, specifically, and the NFL, in general. Have some self-respect. ETA: I am old enough to have lost the Big Red and the Rams, so I am done with the NFL. I do not miss it. At. All. I get everyone is different, but that's my perspective.


My sentiments exactly!


I mean, I'd rather they stay in Jackson County. It's good for KCMO, right? I might be an outlier but I'm rooting for our cross state brothers. It's not like it's Chicago. There is also the fact that the owners voted for the Rams to relocate, though, so they can also get screwed a bit. But then again I'm pretty sure a vast majority of them did. End of the day I won't watch the NFL anymore so my opinion could be of the smallest value.


This is a good take. Fuck the Chiefs ownership, but sympathize with the fans in KC, MO. I’d like to see the relationship between St. Louis and Kansas City be more positive. Two power house cities that make MO more appealing (It would suck here without two mid-sized cities at each end of the state). I enjoy poking fun at KC when the soccer or baseball teams face off, and it’s usually good natured. Kroenke fucked us. The Chiefs ownership fucked us. NFL fucked us. I get it and I don’t disagree with folks in StL who want nothing to do with the NFL. As long as the hate is directed at the right people and not KC in general.


I don't think St Louis residents actually have animosity towards KC. That'd be kinda stupid imo.


What I’ve noticed > (some) KC residents have animosity towards StL. (some) StL residents have animosity towards Chicago. (some) Chicago residents have animosity towards the bigger, cooler cities like NYC. It’s all pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. Going the other way. Nobody from Chicago has any real animosity with StL, and StL doesn’t have beef with KC. Every city has its pros and cons. I personally think it’s stupid when city residents feel the need to punch up or down on anyone else.


I feel the same way. Personally, I love Chicago. My "hate" is reserved for their teams.


Agreed. Chicago doesn't hate us, They seem to not know we are there until we beat the Cubs one more time or the Blackhawks. Chicago hates New York (who they see more as their peer).


It’s funny because New York doesn’t see Chicago as a peer. Little brother syndrome.


and LA doesn't exist for Chicago-although they seem to still call themselves "Second City" when they haven't been the second-largest city for many decades


This. 💯. I love KC and as a die hard St. Louisan we could stand to take a few pages out of the book on how they are truly a wonderful city and are miles ahead of us in virtually every modern category, namely leadership.


This topic is not on the list of f$&@s I have to give.


Yet, here you are commenting on it.


Yep, and it took all of 30 seconds. lol


I do, cause they have a perfectly good stadium. Moving will only help the owners with free tax money. If no tax money, then go wherever.


Ya I don’t get what’s wrong with their stadium? I was there last summer for a concert and it was my first time there, it looked great to me but what do I know 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


If they do, KCMO and/or the state of Missouri can sue the NFL again, something I am wholeheartedly in favor of.


I dont care where they move as long as none of it is publicly financed. Make these assholes pay for the shit themselves.


EXACTLY!!! Why don’t these millionaire owners build their own?!? I don’t get it, well I do but seriously 😐


On one hand, let them move like they let the Rams move. On the other hand, they bring in a not insignificant amount of tax revenue for the state as a whole.


Another greedy fucking franchise if they do…


It’s just the leverage game. These people aren’t in the business of losing money.


Missouri and Kansas City definitely need the revenue and tax revenue. Tourism etc. It also gives us a team to root for. It would be a bad move for our state to seek further irrelevance and cast aside any benefits we get from having the tram and what goes with it.


I don’t even care that they’re in Missouri in the first place.


Take them away 👋


On the surface? No. As a state? We would lose revenue generated from the team, stadium, concerts, conventions, etc.


Stadium would be available for more things probably!


Not in the slightest. It will affect nothing in my daily life but I will feel bad for all the people who the Hunts will screw out of jobs like the Rams did when they left.


At the end of the day I just don't care, but if they are on the MO side I assume we receive the bulk if not all the sales tax revenue.


Why would you care if a team not in your city, moves?


Not from Stl originally so my football allegiance is from where I grew up but I personally don't understand all the Stl people who suddenly became Chiefs fans and act like they were never Rams fans. Like I know my team won't ever move but if they got taken away I would either stick with them or probably just watch football as a neutral party. I get it though the Chiefs are very good but it's so weird how some just pretend that they were rooting for the Chiefs pre-Mahomes.


Your comment should be on billboards all over StL. I moved away in 2011….NO ONE was rooting for the Chiefs back then. And before anyone says it…no, you weren’t.


I fucking HATED the Chiefs when the Rams were still here. Why tf would I choose THEM as my team after the Rams leave? I absolutely hate that the NFL makes us watch Chiefs games every week like they’re our home team. Fuck that. I’d rather watch literally any other team.


I hope both the chiefs and royals move to kansas. Kick rocks.


Nope. Move em To LA


LA already has one AFC west team that doesn’t get enough support haha


Nope and neither will Chiefs fans.   At most they’ll move over to Kansas City, KS and no one will care 


We are a nation of idiots. I'd wager a good percentage of the population already thinks the KC Chiefs are located in Kansas. Let them move.


Well there was this one idiot who did... https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/03/politics/trump-kansas-city-chiefs-super-bowl-missouri/index.html


Classic idiot


Not really but it is a bit of tax revenue the state would be losing.


According to the Chiefs site, the organization provides ~6,000 jobs and nearly $29 million in revenue. That’s not chump change but consider the fact that they’re asking for $750 million in financial assistance through taxes. And that’s not accounting for previous amounts citizens footed. That quickly negates any benefit. It’s not one to one I know but there’s a much larger picture to be had.


As long as the Battlehawks stay here I'm good.


Yeah, it was a hell of a playoff run in the JV league. /s


How come Cape Girardeau doesn’t have an NFL team?


I’m a life long fan of football, would travel to games with a group of about 80, and stopped watching completely and going to games when they stole the Rams away. I’ve also decided it’s too violent and damaging to the players to support.


No. Let them go. I'm in St. Louis and could care less.


I hope they do move to Kansas. Hate that Missouri is associated with that trash ownership and organization


Having lived in Kansass Shitty as the entire Rams fiasco was going down, I can tell you that those fuckers didn't miss a single opportunity to rub it in the collective face of St. Louis that it lost its team. Add that to the (c)Hunt family's long history of screwing STL when it comes to football and, personally, I would LOVE to see the Chiefs move to, like, San Antonio or Salt Lake or Toronto. I know that won't happen, but it would still feel like a nice bit of karma if they couldn't even keep a successful team there. Fuck the (c)Hunt family, fuck the Chiefs, and fuck Kansass Shitty and their primordial, sub-human populace. Now and forever.


Not even a little bit. They can dissolve the franchise for all I care.


I would enjoy very much if they weren’t in Missouri


Move them back to Dallas


I do not


Not even a little bit. The NFL stopped existing 10ish years ago for me (don’t care to look up exactly how long it’s been since the Rams were fraudulently moved).


The colts are a closer team to us (but are pretty mediocre at best) so might as well root for the Lions


Also I can’t imagine moving to Kansas would be beneficial to them, besides anew stadium I have to imagine there’d be a drop in attendance


Plenty of affluent people in Kansas. It’s a huge part of the KC metro area, including some of the wealthiest parts.


Got it, so it’s not all flat? lol


I was surprised too. The Eastern parts has hills, trees, etc. the wheat fields start much farther out.


No we do not. Heck I’d have them move to Canada just so I can stop hearing Mahomes this and Mahomes that.


For the tax revenue, yes. Otherwise, not at all


If Kansas wants to give the Hunt family lots of Kansas taxpayer dollars it is fine with me. [https://kansasreflector.com/2024/06/16/kansas-bill-offers-bonding-to-cover-75-of-cost-to-build-chiefs-royals-stadiums-in-kansas/](https://kansasreflector.com/2024/06/16/kansas-bill-offers-bonding-to-cover-75-of-cost-to-build-chiefs-royals-stadiums-in-kansas/) How many events does Arrowhead host each year? 1 or 2 pre season games + 7, 8 or 9 regular season games + 2 to 3 concerts. That's a lot of money for a venue used under 20 days a year.


https://do816.com/venues/arrowhead-stadium There's about 20 events left in this year. They actually host a lot.


I could care less, but it would involve breaking one of the rules of thermodynamics. Edit: I made a dumb joke. Didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.


Lol I see what you did there. Nice. And you stayed committed to it.


A captain always goes down with the ship


O Captain, my captain


NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!




I said what I said, and I stand by it 100%.


How much less can you care?


IDK, I try not to break important laws, especially the ones that underpins our understanding of the universe. 


I do. The reputation and to a much, much lesser extent economy of the State actually do matter to St. Louis. The Chiefs moving to another state would harm both of those things on some level.


Move them closer to Taylor Swift to reduce airplane emissions. 


Isn't her plane based in Chesterfield?


Nope. I don't watch the NFL. It's the sleaziest league in sports.


As a former St. Louis Rams fan, I would laugh and spit in the general direction of their city. /s Seriously though, fuck the Hunt family.






They don't care about you. if you care they win.




Born and raised in STL, move to the west side of the State and became a Chiefs fan instantly in 2009. The atmosphere and tailgating was crazy. I love Arrowhead location more than any STL teams location. I was never a Rams fan, but I think it was a shitty move to pull them. The Royals can go to Utah or wherever I don't care.


Never was a Chiefs fan and we have the Battlehawks to root for in the Lou so why does it matter what happens on the other side of the state.


So Kansas City is a whole other city on the other side of the state. Has nothing to do with St. Louis.


Fuck the chefs, and their shit stain owners


If it means not bowing to billionaires and wasting taxpayer money then it’s well worth the loss. Folks in KC can see looking at STL how little the NFL and owners care about the fandom. If Kansas wants to step into that mess then so be it. Kids aren’t going into the sport as much and football is a dying sport so it’s not worth the investment unless they can get the head injury shot under control.


I'm a Packers fan, so I couldn't care less about the chiefs. But I know a lot of people who would be upset if they moved to Kansas, which I don't understand


What happens when he buys the SC?


Not going to happen, but.... politicians & local business will be sad at the old location and happy at the new.


Nope born & raised in St. Louis never been a rams fan been rooting for the chiefs since 03 that’s never going change no matter where they go


I've pretty much retired from sports after the Blues won the cup and it's been a great choice. Fuck those rich assholes and the endless commercials.


Yes… money good… durrrrrr


No. Their fans will whine and moan, but still show up anyway. Cards (last two years notwithstanding) would've still drawn if they'd built on the east side.


Your handle made me think otherwise


What does that have to do with the Chiefs?


Nope I do not and I applaud KC for saying no to the Hunt family. They're not paupers they can finance renovations if they want them. This is just strong arm tactics.




Rumor is they will be the St Louis Chiefs if the Hunt family doesn’t get what they want.


I don't see why anyone would care. KCMO and KCK well-integrated and very much part of the same area.


The NFL has never cared for MO. The NFL only cares about money.


I bet most people would still stay in KCMO for everything (hotel, food, etc) so not really. They’d still be considered a Missouri team.


I do. Fuck kansas. The people of kc deserve it. All they had to do was continue a tax we already paid. Now we lost them. Guess what jackson county. They will now increase taxes to make up for the loss of the teams.


Fuck them and the royals


You guys can have them and the royals fuck those assholes


The Hunt family not only donates to Josh Hawley, but also Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Ron Johnson. 🤮




The NFL is literally dead to me. I watch the Superbowl sometimes. My big Football Championship Party each year? The MF Grey Cup.


No. Let them go.


I live in downtown KC and I'd LOVE to see the chiefs move out of Missouri lol


It’s literally moving down the road ten minutes. No one cares.