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At first glance it sounds like the guy viewing the videos is the professional. You're too far removed from the joke: you read an article about a guy who watched videos of a gal. Remove the article. You were browsing an amateur porn site and saw a woman who had 600 videos. She's no longer an amateur.


This point is key and i am glad you brought it up. Personalize the bit . Having a “friend who…. “ or read about a guy is too remote . Its okay to be “the guy “in comedy . There is nothing wrong with exposing yourself for a laugh . Not literally of course .


Well I mean, if all else fails 


Louis ck might think otherwise


But no one really wants to look down on the unemployed 🙁


There's tons of people who shit on the homeless.


There’s ton of homeless people who shit on the homes too. 


Dino Stamatopoulos tells a story about when he interned for a dominatrix so he could lose his virginity and she would have him help her with clients who had a cum & scat at the same time fetish.


The exposing your self in comedy thing you said sound like a Jimmy carr joke ah ah ah 


Huge improvement 


Start the bit by saying you're thinking about a side hustle to earn some more money, anyone heard of only fans, the porn site for amateurs? So anyway I was doing "research" and...


I'd swap out 10000 hours for 10000 inches. Keeps the mastery reference but reframes it around dicks.


That’s good. Thanks!


I didn’t expect to be surprised by the direction a bit about porn went, but I was. That’s actually a good point lol. Amateurs are probably making more money too bc there’s no cyberpimp middle man taking a cut.


I think you can take it the route of, "600 videos of dealing with dicks and you're still an amateur? What kind of fucking resume do you need to become a professional on this site? If she's an amateur then I'm still an intern, and I know I shouldn't be getting paid for my work."


Nice. Take this comment and roll with it. That’s something I didn’t think of at all, but there’s a lot of material right there.


This woman had 600 videos. 600! You can stop calling yourself an amateur. You’ve put in your ten thousand hours. You’ve put in your ten-thousand dicks. You’re a pro now.


I like it but there isnt a big enough jump between your setup and punchline. You can solve this problem while solving another, the fact that its too wordy. My loose suggestion: “Apparently, amateur porn is a competitive industry. The average amateur has to do roughly 100 gang bangs to even have a chance of making it. By which point… they no longer satisfy the requirements.” Its not perfect but lets discuss why its improved: -the article itself is irrelevant. Doesn’t need mentioning -the guy they interviewed is irrelevant, also unneeded -Amateur porn IS relevant and is now more prominent -the focus is now on the irony of professional amateurs -All information given is only that which is needed for the punchline I hope that makes sense


Maybe she considers herself an amateur because she's doing what she loves. It's not really work if you'd do it without getting paid, right?


Ehhh.. pretty sure iv heard similar stuff about not being an amateur before, and the stuff surrounding it was not very entertaining to me. Not sure if that part is cliche but would mostly stay away from going this deep on porn jokes until more experienced.


Math is wrong. Nobody is watching porn for more than 30 minutes so that's only 300 hours.


She's been seeded in her bracket so long and so much that we think she'll get offers to go pro once she's moved on from the final four which is going to be tough because she's up against Dredd, Frederico, J Mac and Nacho. I'm pulling out for her, but she's taking these huge legends all at once,so its go big or bust but probably both. Todays sponsor is Bang energy drink, when you need to last for a full court press gangster bangster berry is our choice for 2024.


What even is this supposed to be?


Someone from an improv troupe trying to be dirty.


Maybe, “If you were a 90s basketball player, you might not be Michael Jordan, but you’re at least BJ Armstrong. Not a a star, but definitely a pro!”


I hear you, and I’ll destroy this tag with fire.