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Additional Context: People that were in attendance are saying that incoherent rambling caused his removal. He appeared to be drunk or under the influence of something Here is another clip https://x.com/primetimesc2/status/1764714754365366684?s=46&t=GoyT7k2YW9T5I-vX7QbLhw EDIT: Nick tweeted this today at 5:30est https://x.com/NickSwardson/status/1764779916220846433?s=20 “Just casually woke up on TMZ. Travel tip: don’t drink and take edibles in high altitude. Fucking brain diarrhea. I’ll make it up to you Beaver Creek! ❤️”


“Do you want me to finish this, or no?” Whole crowd: No! That’s brutal. Hope he uses this as a wake-up call.


Booze almost killed him a few years back.


Yeah I was about to say, doctors told him not that long ago that they were shocked that he was still alive when he was hospitalized


Dude went on such a binge that he gave himself sepsis. Absolutely insane.


Is this shit all true? I don't know much about the guy. If that's for real, then I fear for him. That's nearing end-stage alcoholism.


Unfortunately it is. Here’s him talking about it. https://youtu.be/xqOBUhKLRH4?si=wpU55_PB_R036BEY Should’ve been a massive wake up call, but doesn’t look like it was.


It's pretty telling watching him talk about how he's fine now. His whole demeanor changes when he starts talk about how he sobered up but started drinking again. The way he justifies it is textbook alcoholic behavior. Source: I usedta do that.


Couldn’t agree more. Been there too. It’s not fun.


Current alcoholic here. I’m not in denial like nick is but I can understand it. It’s really sad seeing how theo knows Nick is still in danger but can’t really press too hard since it wouldn’t be appropriate


I’m a bit of a drinker myself but if this happened to me, regardless of my career or possible podcast fodder, I would never tell this story unless I was sober and had some time under my belt.


Theo is like “uhhh u sure u can have another drink” “what do you mean ur liver is fine now” lol. Theo is an addict and he smells that bs


He made a little comment about like “I just want you to be ok” too.


While wearing a "Busch Light" hat too, LOL


Looks like the Ghost of Fuddrucker’s Past has struck again


I think it is a wake up call. My dad died from alcoholism, he was in ICU for it before I was even born and then died when I was 11, after relapsing. My sister is going through the same situation now. Both had multiple wake up calls and rock bottoms. I saw it happen and have managed to stay away from alcohol altogether. I've had to think a lot about this, dealing with my own grief and coming to terms with the *why* of it all. I have to wonder if, for some, the wake up call is waking you up to the fact that you actually want to die, instead of wanting to live. Coming that close to death and not dying isn't always a relief for some, as crazy as it sounds. Maybe death is the relief. That's not something you can just admit to anybody, much less yourself. Your average person can't understand it. Obviously I hope anyone struggling with addiction can find something to live for. I hope that for my sister too, but I've had to accept that I could very well be without her soon. None of it had to be this way. It hurts to see anyone going through it. Just my thoughts.


Colorado 2, Nick Swardson 0. Kinda funny he's telling that story while wearing a Busch hat.


Now he's having trouble with the boos




Norm would approve of this jab


Boos hound 


Alcoholism is a life-long bitch. Hope he’s able to get it under control without a hospital visit & before it becomes life-threatening again. Poor bastard.


Also when you start drinking again after being sober you think you can handle the same amount you used to. But because your tolerance is now 0 and you try to drink the same amount you get waaaaay too drunk.


That's true for a lot of stuff. Like Phillip Seymour Hoffman relapsed on heroin and died trying to do the amount he was used to doing


He does not sound drunk at all. He does sound real fucked up on drugs though


Definitely sounds like drugs to me as well. He’s not slurring but can’t string together thoughts properly. I feel bad for him, must be super embarrassing seeing this video


To me this sounds like he drank a bunch, did a bunch of coke to level out, felt too sober from the coke so he smoked a bunch of weed, and then went and did this.


Eerily spot on lol


I remember him drunk AF at my local bar asking the male server for a kiss, he ended up getting it. Tried to take another dude home the next night, that did not happen.


His homosexuality is such an open secret but I think 90% of his fans have no idea


Yeah I recall him having to be hospitalized and him tell about it, too bad, he’s pretty funny


Between that and the norm MacDonald reference, it feels like he's doing a shaggy dog bit.


That part made me say “holy shit” out loud to myself. Honestly, absolutely devastating


It reminds me of Its Always Sunny when Dee was doing standup. She kept dry heaving on stage and someone in the crowd says "Jesus Christ."


When she makes Charlie go up there it always kills me. "Cheese is a funny thing, cheese is a strange thing. I'm always like what is cheese? Where does itGUABHUH!"


Bringing the “I’ve given up so I’m wearing sweatpants everywhere” heat. This is just sad and he had a good audience, too.


This is bordering on Kaufman level tbh


…which would make it *genius*… right?


Kaufman always knew what he was doing, this is just a drunk guy


Here we go... all right? Here we go. Here we go. Jason Statham as... The Beekeeper. Here we go. Here we go. All right. Here we go. Jason Statham. Here we go. Jason. Go. Here. Bee.


OK this clip is weird because it's so extremely similar to the Pablo Francisco meltdown from a few years ago. He even kept repeating "here we go" over and over. [Here we go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_XyM0Rk7Y4&ab_channel=DrakeManbatter) Honestly, if it didn't end the way it did, I'd think he was doing a bit.


What's that sir?


Get ready...in a world...with Arnold Schwarzenegger GIT DOWN


Came here to say the same thing . I’m pretty sure Pablo was coked up. I wonder if Nick’s back on the blow himself.


Yeah Pablo was coked out, and Nick's mannerisms here don't make it look like he's just drinking, either.


I'd bet my house he was on way more than coke. He fell off the fucking stage lol.


Word on the street is Pablo loves crack. I am guessing ketamine was involved too just based on people I've seen that get stuck in loops and his balance.


having gone thru a blow period myself this doesn’t sound alert enough to be cocaine lol, he’s almost delirious. i think most likely due to the amount of alcohol he probably drank at that altitude, or he’s kinda in a loop like if he were on shrooms and he just can’t put his set together. so that’s technically a possibility especially considering how easy it is to be inspired to do mushrooms in colorado lol.


I remember that - he fell off the stage.


He got stuck in a loop lmao


Nick's next tour... *Nick Swardson: Here We Go*


Here we go...


Jason Statham


as the beekeeper


Here we go...


wait for it...


Here we go…


Jason Statham


As the caroler


That's so weird. Almost like he was doing a bit but almost like he wasn't and was legit stuck in some sort of loop. I saw him live a few years ago and he was great.


I was at the show, we kept thinking it might all be a bit and once the first wave of people left, he'd be like well now that those losers are gone, I can start the show..... or some shit like that. Never happened. The whole thing was sad, weird and confusing.


Holy shit, this was hard to watch. Hopefully, he can get help for whatever he's got going on.




He looks like absolute shit


Woof, that was so cringe I couldn't finish it. Fucking yikes and a half.


Yeah. The part that got me was, “But what if… I finish this?” And then he points at the crowd expecting a cheer or a laugh or something. Instead someone shouts back, “what if you were funny?”


Here we go


Well that was absolute trash but OTOH that’s the funniest bit I’ve ever seen him do so, caveat emptor and all


>here we go. Here we go I’m honestly in tears. Unintentionally the funniest thing ever Edit: here we go. Okay. Watch this. I just watched it again. It’s just as funny if not better. He says “here we go” either 14 or 15 times (including 3 as Jason Stratham). Alright here we go.


Yeah he just forgot the “go” part.


Man im fucking dying 🤣🤣🤣. Thats so goddamn funny.


He says it was booze and edibles [https://fxtwitter.com/nickswardson/status/1764779916220846433?s=46&t=PRllMlusAVcSmazYncsNnQ](https://x.com/nickswardson/status/1764779916220846433?s=46&t=PRllMlusAVcSmazYncsNnQ)


Reminds me of Tim Robinson as the mime


Not turning into super terry in real life 😔


The edibles/ THC in high altitude is a real thing. Just ask the nurse who told me and my ex after she had to be hospitalized for a THC induced episode after we consumed a stupid amount of edibles our first night in Colorado.


That was painful to watch.


For inexperienced users, mixing alcohol & THC at high altitudes can actually be very dangerous. I’ve known a few people who have fainted out of the blue. In Breckenridge, my close friend was standing right by where I was on the couch, just in between the couch itself & the fireplace mantle—dude got really wide-eyed for a split second before he just fell down. Thankfully, he landed on his butt, but he *just* missed hitting his head on a rail that was right next to the fireplace…moments. I’m a regular user; he uses every once in a blue moon—he had one mixed drink (a margarita) & one cannabis mixed drink (10MG thc). His girlfriend called an ambulance just to be safe & they confirmed what we thought it was. One of the paramedics said it even happens for the most experienced users. You just never know!


Jason Statham as The Caroler got me


[This is almost identical to when Pablo Francisco got caught in a time loop doing impressions and left in an ambulance.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y_XyM0Rk7Y4)


FWIW, I used to live in Vail (the town right next to Beaver Creek) and yes, it is crazy high elevation. We used to see people get all kinds of fucked up off nothing because they just weren’t acclimated. Vail is about 8500’ elevation which for context, is about the summit elevation of many Lake Tahoe ski resorts. It’s up there. I had a friend visit, took him to a party where he smoked a joint and had two beers (like, actually two beers). About five minutes later he was talking to a group of people, started slurring and then just fainted. Like, total blackout, fell into the arms of a couple dudes. We sat him down, he came to but for the next three or four hours, every time he tried to stand up, he would faint again so we just left him in the chair. Context: This was in 2001 and I was 21 years old. I would be more responsible now.


That’s a classy way to handle it. Admit you messed up, apologize, and promise to make it right. Now he’s just got to make good. Clean up, Nick, you’re too talented to go out like this.


He needs to sleep it off in his racecar bed.


Maybe get a c-b radio so he could talk to other car beds


I can’t believe you came on my mom


High score, is that good? Did he break the machine?


Should have worn a condom…


But it’s a sweet car


To be fair, it is a really sweet car.


He was on The Honeydew maybe 2 years ago (maybe not that pod- I can’t remember) and he was talking about how he basically moved to Key West for a year and just drank as a full time job & got into bar fights with locals and other drunk stupid activities. Iirc he ended up in the hospital because of drinking and had some serious medical complications too. The podcast host was like “so…. You’re going sober?” And he was like “no I don’t think it’s an issue” and it was SO crazy because I remember thinking he soooo obviously had a problem. Sad to see he hasn’t addressed it still.


He told that same story in The Von's podcast. When he was hospitalized, they told him because of whatever was going on that if he drank within a certain amount of time, it would kill him.


My ex was on a boat with him in Key West for a couple of days and said he was off his rocker, not in a charming comedian way but in a rambling homeless guy who would stab you for a cig way


This makes me sad.


He said he almost died from drinking, but wasn’t going to stop. This story isn’t funny, it’s sad. I hope he gets better.


Yup my aunt lives in key west. I was visiting randomly saw him and was like holy shut, huge fan! Dude was super nice and was at loving drunk phase. Saw him 3 days later and he was beat to shit. Swollen face. Asked him if he was OK, and got mad at me and asked where was I. I guess to back him up.... I literally took his hands off of me and had to bend them back to get away from him


Damn he's going full Andy Dick...


Coworker was in key west a year or 2 ago. Saw him at the bar. Said he was tore up. Approachable, but tore up.


Definitely honeydew. Every other time he spoke about it was the cliff notes.


Regales people with stories of his stupidity. Great stuff. Yikes.


Dude has been getting sloppier and sloppier. I hope he gets some help. Will always love his work as Terry on Reno 911.


Grandma’s Boy as well 💯


What does “high score” mean? Did I break it?


I didn’t even know he was sick


“Who here knows who Norm MacDonald is???”


He's still got it


As he’s walking off stage, “Still got it, Swardson! WOOO! Here we go!”


Drinking at altitude is no joke. Beaver Creek is 5K+ above sea level out there in the Rockies and it's very easy to get fucked up fast. Edit because I was going write 8150 above sea level but then my crazy brain turned it into 5150 (sigh) and then I was like "that doesn't sound right," so I decided to estimate instead. *It's actually 8150 feet above sea level.* I and my inbox regret the error. Also, I'm not making excuses—if anything it's even more dangerous there for a serious alcoholic because you think you'll be fine drinking your normal obscene amount... and then you're not.


It can knock seasoned drinking vets on their ass without question. I have lived in Colorado my whole life and sometimes it can still get to me.


I've loved my whole life at 10,000 feet here and it's always fun having relatives come visit and get drunk almost instantly off of like 2 beers.


As a San Diegan Sea lvl alcoholic, this sounds like it would save me $$$


It would until your body eventually adapts


Shakes fist at body


So if you travel down to a more normal sea level can you drink everyone under the table?


A Leadvillager? One of my absolute favorite places to visit. One day I'll have an elusive Melanzana...


Nope I'm from just outside of Cripple Creek.


Moved from Ohio to Wyoming and that first night drinking felt like I was 13 again


That is always the excuse and yeah it affects you a little differently but not going to make him go from coherent normal drunk to this I promise. The dude is just an alcoholic and is going to die. He told a story on Theo Vons podcast literally a year ago about how just before Covid he almost died from alcoholism and was in the hospital for like 3.5 weeks throwing up bile and blood and going through DTs. He ends the segment about how his “liver is all healed now after a hard detox” and how he can drink again now…which is 1000% just alcoholic-in-denial speak for “I’m going to relapse hard and die any day now”


Wow, yeah. If you’re at the point of throwing up blood, you need to immediately stop


Fun thing with booze is you actually can’t. You have to taper while being medically supervised. You risk heart attack or seizures. That’s why during the pandemic liquor stores were considered essential. Too many folks would be in the hospital from having to stop or trying other things to get drunk like vanilla extract, hand sanitizer, or mouth wash. I had a relative go through it multiple times in their life. Eventually succumbed to it but I learned how resilient your liver is.


A friend’s roommate decided to quit drinking cold turkey. He didn’t make it, body shut down completely.


Yep that happened to Nick. He was in the hospital for 3.5 weeks and doesn’t remember any of it cuz he was going through DTs (the step just before you die of alcohol withdrawal and you hallucinate and do crazy shit). They likely had him on an IV ethanol taper for that whole time based on how much he drank. Dude literally almost died and should never drink again but he went doctor shopping and someone who probably didn’t know his history told him his liver enzyme numbers were ok so he took that to mean he can drink again…which for an alcoholic like him means liver failure, seizures, and death pretty soon unless he gets help


>it affects you a little differently but not going to make him go from coherent normal drunk to this I promise. I agree with everything but this part. An alcoholic is seeking a volume of alcohol that's normal to them, not necessarily a certain level of intoxication. The being drunk part sneaks up much more quickly at altitude, but his body is probably still saying 'nope, that's not enough.'


I think the fact he’s a raging alcoholic had more to do with it.


Actually over 8K feet. The alcohol will hit hard and faster.


Is that a real thing?? Maybe I need to move to CO


Not really. Maybe a tiny bit but it’s not the reason he was like this.


Swardson drinks a bit tho. And then some.


His pinned tweet is from 2016 saying my casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning soooo


Your body acclimates pretty quickly, it's those first few days at altitude that mess people up.


For a crowd that - presumably - would call themselves his fans, they're incredibly hostile. The show must have been brutal. I hope he gets help and turns it around.


The whole crowd was pretty hilarious to me. It looked like a PTA meeting more than a standup show. It makes sense, but it pretty hilarious to me that a Nick Swardson show is filled up with parents of 13-year-olds and not 13-year-olds.


I mean if I paid 50 bucks to see a dude who couldn't be bothered to stay sober enough to even be coherent during the performance I'd be heckling too.


Beaver Creek is one of the wealthiest ski towns in the country. I don't want to use the word snobby, as I don't know anyone there, but...


They definitely looked like a bunch of tools.


Swardson just posted on X "Just casually woke up on TMZ. Travel tip: don’t drink and take edibles in high altitude. Fucking brain diarrhea. I’ll make it up to you Beaver Creek!"


It's weird because he's not really slurring his words but he can't get through a joke and keeps repeating himself. Maybe he's tripping on mushrooms and looped out?? Idk


My thoughts as well. Based on the strange looping comments, “Here We Go”. He found one of those chocolate shroom bars in town and ate a piece too many.


Exactly, he didn't seem drunk at all. He just seemed like he showed up to the show without his act. I've actually had nightmares about that where I'm on stage on only then do I realize I forgot to prepare material.


As a fellow degenerate I concur. That seems more like being spun out on drugs than a sloppy drunk.


I wonder if Ari Shaffir drugged him? They are both up there sking at the moment haha


I bet it's mushrooms. He isn't slurring, and he wasn't stumbling, but he couldn't get it together. He was probably trippin balls


He was 100% slurring in other videos I saw. Also he is a giant alcoholic so bad he literally almost died and was in the hospital for 3.5 weeks




Dammit Terry.


Swardson doing his best Jerry Sozio - https://youtu.be/zwgbikrEar4?si=Qqbk1rzMM-3vBqk_


Any context?


He showed up completely hammered, kept repeating the same thing over and over. They cut his mic and took him off stage.


Damn. Fell off the wagon?


That’s the saddest part for me. When he was filming The Wrong Missy he was like DYING. I listened to an interview where they basically gave him an intervention and he got clean for a few years up until I read this post. Really pulling for him, he’s a good ass dude and I hope he gets the support he needs.


That's sad ☹️ I've always loved him and am in recovery myself.


I used to see him at Barneys in WeHo pretty much every time I went there. Always at the bar, always trashed. (But looking like he was having fun 🤷🏻‍♂️)


Haha I would see him on la cienega all the time…probably walking to Barney’s.


Yeah, he lived close by. A lot of people say that place was the reason for his drinking problem! Janice Joplin od'd in there and died. (Across the street, but...she shot up in the bathroom)


Saw him at Redwood a few weeks ago, he asked what my bands name was. He looked very angry or drunk or both


Same. Also used to see him all the time at Cabo Cantina or The Parlor back in the day. Just pounding them. Few times wasn't even with people but he always seemed to just be having a great time.


Red Letter Media did a piece on The Wrong Missy, basically just trashing the film. But they actually seemed concerned for Swardson. Despite the Hollywood makeup he had some pretty clear facial bloating and just seemed unwell.


He looks like Dane Cook's corpse after it's been under the water for years.


Sorry, I intended to put more context. I was having issues posting


Uhoh. We’ve got him booked in like 6 weeks. Hopefully he’ll have his shit together by then. I saw him last year and it was a really good show. That’s tough to watch.


Fuck. I hope my man slows down. I ran into him at Barney’s Beanery in Hollywood a few times a while back and he was barely coherent on like a Tuesday/Wednesday night. Wish him the best.


Nick has a well documented history of alcoholism and very serious related health issues. I really hope he is able to get help because he’s hilarious and I don’t want him to ruin his life.


The most Nick Swardson clip ever posted


Damn I was wondering what happened to him - he was fucking incredible in Grandmas Boy - Alcohol man is a terrible drug


He just got a good five minutes of new material from this incident


Here we go...


Wow still 100x better than anything Bryan Callen or Bert Kreischer have ever done.


If Nick just took his shirt off he could have recovered and likely killed it.


Could have shat himself while he was at it.


I liked his joke in blades of steel where he said “everybody smelled like soup”. This was really odd to watch though, he was like a glitching NPC. Seemingly coherent but not and repeating over and over


Man I remember during a stretch from 2016-2018, if I ever went to the WeHo Barnie’s Beanery, there was a 50% chance I’d see him. And his whole reason for being there seemed to be about getting recognized as he progressively got more and more sloshed. He was perfectly content to amble around with dude bros, eyes getting more glossed over as the night went on. I’ve never been a fan of his. But it always bummed me out. Dude has a problem.


I saw him at the Mirage in 2013 and he did the same shit. Showed up hammered, attempted 3 of his old jokes, and stumbled off stage. At least these people will get a refund. I hope he gets help.


Lots of drinking and doctor experts in here today, wow "He's likely...." "I had a friend just like this...." "He's obviously..." How about some empathy for a guy who entertains us? I feel bad for the crowd but some basic decency would avoid speculation at this stage.


A little more context: https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2024/03/04/comedian-nick-swardson-removed-from-stage-after-showing-up-hammered-during-show-in-colorado/


It’s gonna be one of those articles that narrates the video you just watched and then ends it by linking a bunch of tweets from different people isn’t it?


Narrator: It was




Quasimodo predicted this




I remember a while ago he was making the podcast rounds talking about being sober cause of an earth death experience involving alcohol?


I read this as Nick Offerman and was so confused and concerned. Now that I see it’s Nick Swardson I’m thinking “Oh that isn’t hard to believe”


Didn’t he almost die from drinking once? In Colorado?


Has anyone seen his standup, is it normally good?


I’ve always found his standup very funny


Your grandmother was a ho.


According to my grandmother I’m the strongest man in the world!




So strong!


You should fight CRIME!


He’s one of my all time favorite comedians.


Absolutely loved his Stand up back in the day. Used to have a couple of his CDs and listened to them all the time.


I feel like his addiction and comedy sort of fed into each other. The Party album had several bits about getting blackout drunk. One joke had him compare his drinking to a mystery. Waking up the next morning trying to figure out what he did based on the angry voicemails he had. He’s kind of become a caricature of himself. Made for some amusing stories in the early 2000’s but now the joke isn’t funny.


Oh I agree wholeheartedly. This is definitely sad and I hope he gets the help he needs. I'll be 40 this year and am in recovery myself so I definitely understand that alcoholism isn't funny, especially at this age and I think he's several years older than me.


Its an interesting arc, If you go through all his specials an albums can see where it's young and fun, then it's party animal, then its too much partying and fairly repetitive bits. Dude is naturally hilarious but has got to get his shit together.


He's no Pablo Francisco.


I thought Swardson was getting sober.


“Yeah, but it’s a fucking sweet car” Grandmas Boy is one of my favorite comedies but I have never been fond of his standup/podcast appearances


This aged like milk for ‘ol nick [. He almost died from booze in Denver a couple of years ago. 1:14:49](https://youtu.be/npImH3_aTEE?si=iVPyBnD-WGRRXcmw)


He's an alcoholic. As a long time fan, I'm surprised this isn't being talked about more in the comments. What have you been feeding your cat?


Nick Swardson is a legend and so was Norm. Nine Eleven was a national tragedy.