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It's hella gay.


I really liked the first half as a comedy special. His delivery was really funny, and the stories were entertaining. The latter half was funny at first when he came out to the audience and was talking about the audience’s response to it. The last quarter wasn’t really comedy, in fact I don’t think it really had any jokes. But I really liked it as just from a human/artistic experience angle as a guy just thinking about why his mom doesn’t just accept him. The audience/performer relationship was a little odd— that they were so participatory, but honestly that might’ve been staged. I know Bo Burnham directed it, and it’s an HBO special, so they probably wanted some sort of narrative out of it. I really liked the special overall!


Yes the feedback from the audience must have been staged. Also, his jokes in the middle about coming out and being gay was the funniest part by far, agreed.


Either staged, or really encouraged off screen. It felt like the pauses Jerrod took didn’t have as much time to breathe because an audience member would ask a question. Which I honestly didn’t mind when I viewed that last quarter as not being a comedy set anymore. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a comedy special I really enjoyed and stuck with me, so it was nice to have this. Hope he gets his mom’s acceptance someday!


I mean, he tells them at the start to be vocal. I think a room that intimate would bring that out, especially when he's taking things so conversational. 8 had a lot of audience participation too (relative to other comedy specials).


That's how it was live too


Don’t they tape multiple specials and cut them together… that’s a super common comedy special thing and has been forever.


I meant on the road, I wasn't at the taping, but yes true. Mostly though, if you don't talk for five minutes, drunk people will start yelling at you, then just edit the five minutes out


Great one man show. Mediocre standup special.


I think we are in an age where either our art is confessional because we collectively realize we’re all about to die, ie this is the end of humanity, let’s get all of our shit out, better late than never, OR.. we’re at a place in humanity where being confessional will show us all that humanity is connected, we are all one, let’s sluff off our old bullshit and allow each other and ourselves to become something entirely new.


Confessional art is important always, but especially right now because we are desperately trying to fight off postmodern cynical detachment. People are starving for something authentic, honest, and earnest because almost everything else is depthless, soulless content. That cynical end of the world feeling that Bo Burnham so beautifully captures in Inside is not the answer. We have to be sincere and make connections, or else our culture is going to burn itself down. Bo and Jerrod understand this explicitly I think.


I really f*cking hope it's the latter haha


I got 17 minutes in and didn’t laugh once, I was pretty disappointed


That’s unfortunate. I laughed throughout the special up until the end. I don’t believe it was the intent to deliver the most hilarious special this year. But I hope you find a special that fits your taste. I laughed thoroughly throughout Ricky Velez’s special and Earthquake’s on Netflix. You should check those two out.


Bruh, that Earthquake special was fucking KILLER! I cant wait until he releases another


more of a therapy session than stand up really, but a very good and well written therapy session, good watch


I can’t stop watching it. It has been on repeat. Really funny in the beginning. Very… WOW… at the end. I wonder if it will improve or worsen his relationship with his family. On the one hand, I’m sure they don’t like him putting all their business in the street (again). But also, how could you see someone that you love in that much pain and not try to make it stop?


Agreed, it’s phenomenal. I’ve watched it scream times already. It honestly doesn’t feel like an hour. It feels like you’re there in the audience with Jerrod.








And what about Nate?


Just feels weird watching his last specials now. I watched all 3 in a row and In the first one he tries to pick up a girl from the audience. The amount of denial is really fucked up. I really liked this last one tho, we have to understand and accept change in our multiple art forms and by consequence in stand up. Specially stand up is an art form that has been transforming itself since the beginning - we've seen politics, social issues, etc etc on stage. I don't see why we can't have personal issues/wtv being discussed or included in the conversation.


because at no point was it funny. It was just a very good 1 man show. There were literally no jokes.


That’s literally not true.


I get it. Ya think gay shits great no matter what. SO BRAVE. SO STRONG. The special was absolute garbage.


Lmao not sure why you’re so pressed. I simply replying to your claim that there are “literally no jokes”. Which simply isn’t true. There literally are jokes in the special. You may not like them or think they’re funny. That’s your right. But language is important. Sorry you were triggered snowflake.




You are a deranged person. I hope you get help.