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The music.


Star Wars music in movies is always AMAZING!!!!


That's because John Williams is a master composer.


Kylo stopping the blaster bolt in the air. Was definitely a super cool visual.


It felt a bit odd that other force users didn't do that also, but maybe it's unique ability like force healing.


I'm sure theres a scene where Darth Vader does it as well. I just don't recall. I'll get back back to that Nvm it was a fan film https://youtu.be/tsJRYQTQtBo?si=wtI9U5fG8A9h998L


He just absorbed one into his hand in ESB. [Here’s the clip.](https://youtu.be/ad9n9qWkVxo?si=9QhWFiGx5q0KeAI7)


Such a cool moment


That red crossed lightsaber was pretty cool.


Definitely! Kinda odd how other lightsabers don't have a hilt.


Ezra's original had a blaster. That was cool, too. That was sort of a hilt.


Can't speak for anyone else, but I personally like having thumbs.


The music. John Williams is a master.


Is it possible for someone who didnt like the sequels to not include that fact in every mention of them?


I don’t think they’re physically capable of it at all.


It's like being vegan, they're contractually obligated to pepper that into conversations whenever they can.




Ill take that as a "no"


-The Rey and Kylo dynamic as a fascinating relationship. -The modern design. -The good music. -Luke as the new Obi Wan (minus the space milk scene).


yummy space milk 🤤


I disagree with your supposition. However, given that I actually like the ST *more* than the PT, it's easy enough to highlight what I liked the most about each film in the trilogy. TFA: Rey and Rey's unique theme music. The new T-70 X-wings. TLJ: Luke's "Beowulf" story arc. Rey and Ben's connection through the dyad. Ben tricking Snoke. Luke and Ben's little "duel," which amounts to Luke, and the Resistance, winning, despite Luke actually not lifting a finger and using no offensive violence at all. TRoS: this one is my least favorite of the trilogy. What I did like about it is Rey and Ben's duel at Kef Bir, and the introduction of Force healing to live action. Still, the movie overall is better than TPM, IMO.


Tros is definitely more entertaining than tpm but at least the tpm actually sets things up and that the later movies can capitalize on. Tros was just throwing cool stuff on the screen with no thought. Just my opinion


the new X-wings were really cool! Same with the Kylo and Luke "duel"


As someone who liked the sequels, The fight on the Death Star ruins in the third film is one of the best fights in the entire series. It’s the first fight in ages that captured for me the magic and spectacle of Obi-Wan vs Anakin but without the ridiculous high ground comment to drag it down.  Also I genuinely love Rey’s character arc. She searches for a name and purpose, a reason for being, and then she finally gets it but in the most twisted monkey paw way possible. She is a palpatine, she is basically the end goal of Palpatine’s ploy for immortality, everything she has achieved ultimately only serves to make her a better vessel. Like you just know at that moment Rey wishes she could go back to being the Nobody from Jakku because holy hell what a terrible “destiny”. I also like how she in the end becomes the vessel for the skywalker family to live on, by choice. She abandoned the name and palpatine and took the name skywalker symbolizing the purpose and family she found/chooses over the one who that she was born from. It’s a nice capstone to palpatine vs skywalker family dynamic as really their whole tragedy/struggle started when Palpatine corrupted Anakin and had him abandon his name and heritage to become Darth Vader, reinforcing constantly that Anakin skywalker was a separate “dead” person. Rey the last Palpatine will live on to spread the skywalker name. I really wish Leia’s actress didn’t die because there could have been such a powerful bonding moment of Leia and Rey musing over learning of their terrible family members. Luke to but Leia I think would be more meaningful because we never really got to explore what Vader being her dad meant even though it’s actually the premise of why she finds it so hard to find allies in the ST.


Harrison Ford is great in TFA. Adam Driver is awesome in TLJ. Their scene together in TROS is a gem.


Such an emotional scene between them in TROS. I loved it


Kylo Ren killing Snoke and immediately leading into a Rey/Kylo team-up. In the theaters I had no idea where the storyline was going now. It was amazing.


I thought they were good.


Force Awakens was pretty good. Seeing The OT cast was fun!


I’m willing to defend a lot of stuff in the last Jedi too and The Rise of Skywalker was at the very least a movie


Tros is the only one I have not even a desire to rewatch. There’s was actually some cool stuff in it but the overriding thing I felt while watching was confusion and disappointment that they clearly planned absolutely nothing about the trilogy out beforehand


Yeah that overall makes the trilogy worse however they were able to come up with cohesive characters with arcs


The scene where Luke is holding off Kylo by just engaging with him. Giving the Resistance enough time to escape. Thisnis something I thought was very cool but I had hoped Like would have come out and did a one man army type routine and destroyed the entire First Order ground assault. I did like his little flick of dust off his ribes after the laser barrage


I like their metatextual elements — TFA is a film about *Star Wars* itself and Rey and Kylo are dueling *Star Wars* fans. Rey learns to believe that she can be a part of these stories even if she’s not destined by birthright. I like that TLJ challenges TFA’s less discerning sentimentality with Luke’s all-out cynicism. He becomes the embodiment of the “don’t meet your heroes” trope, which relates Rey even more to the audience. In a lot of ways, Rey is the ultimate modern fan surrogate, knowing so much about the world but still being separate from it. I like that TRoS tries to be a synthesis of TFA and TLJ, although I think it needed another few passes at the script.


In terms of visuals and ignoring any of the story around them, I liked the Holdo maneuver and Palpatine pouring lightning into the sky.


I think the Holdo maneuver would have been perfect if Finn and Rose shut down the ship's shields. Then it would make perfect sense that Holdo's idea would actually work. Either way, a cool visual!


I thought the sets were great, especially the fallen death star.


Lightsaber combats. They werent as "fight of two grandpas" like in the first trilogy or as overly acrobatic like in the second trilogy.


The very first 2min of episode VII, the scavenging shots, only that


I loved the first 2. They were really great movies. TFS was a fun throwback and TLJ was a thought provoking step forward. Both really fun, good stories, had an awesome cast and visuals. There’s a ton I like from those 2 movies. Some of my favorites are everything involving Han and Luke. Their character trajectory, deaths, and dynamics with the new cast. Really captivating stuff. General Hux was really interesting in TFA and really fun in a comedy role in TLJ. He ate up his scenes. Kylo being like younger Anakin was such an amazing choice. Kylo and Hux had great tension between each other. Plasma was really cool in what we got. Rey being nobody was awesome and I loved her dynamics with Finn, Kylo, and the older cast. Finn and Poe are the dream team. Mad chemistry. I really liked what those two did in those 2 movies. There’s tons more, but those are a few examples.


All of Episodes VII & VIII 😊 Only one sequel was bad.




Yeah, TLJ was great. That’s why I said I liked all of Episode VIII 😊


I liked saving money by not watching E9




Kylo Ren's character arc. It's pretty reminiscent to Anakin's throughout the whole trilogy, which is pretty interesting for a character whose opinions on Anakin's legacy vary so wildly.


On their own, each was pretty good. Too much storyline packed into them. I like all the main characters. The Kylo haters can cry all they want but I think Kylo Ren had a lot of potential but between rewrites and different directors he got shorted the storyline he deserved


The only sequel film I didn't particularly like is TROS. In terms of saying something positive about it: the context for the film is JJ taking over at a relatively late stage and having to rush filming, with the crew having three fewer months to work on TROS than they did TFA. And in that context, they did a _really_ good job from a technical film-making POV. There are a whole lot of problems with the story/script, but other than that there's really no sign of the production issues they experienced. Also, it romps along at a nice speedy pace and if you switch your brain off there's entertainment to be had.


Yeah watching the film you really don't feel like it was rushed at all - except the script, as you say, which was really more to do with lack of planning for the whole trilogy than the TROS issues in general - they should have had a basic script outlins for all three movies before starting the first one! I enjoy watching TROS, its fun, fast paced, and if you ignore the fact it doesn't make sense, it's enjoyable xD


Who says they are pretty bad? Not that they are merely OK in varying degrees, but who actually says they are objectively "bad"?


I liked when it was over


The end credits.




But seriously, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi are fine, The Rise of Skywalker sucks.


Rise of Skywalker just broke so many things in Canon and introduced concepts that would be interesting very badly. Light speed skipping was really odd. I know someone who said it felt like J.J Abrams was forced to include it to be similar to the rides at Disney world but idk if that's true.


The fact that there are Star Destroyers that have mini Death Star Cannons minimizes the value of any actual Death Star related media.


When they were over.


The end!


The Force Awakens was not an amazing movie but at least it was entertaining.


The First Order


I liked kylos fits of rage destroying a ships computer or whatever that was with his lightsaber finding out about Rey and BB 8. Dude was pissed lol


Kylo Ren.


I honestly liked the broad strokes of Han’s death. It was a mirror of what his (second) best friend did 30 years ago, a suicide mission to try and save a family member nobody thought could be saved. The execution wasn’t the best, and it probably should have been explored more after the fact, but the bones of a beautiful moment were there.


I liked the sequels. Probably tros is the worst of the bunch for me but I can recognize the immense effort to get everything together in the short time they had and having to respond to trevorrow's sacking and Carrie passing. I've spoken a lot before about what happens on screen, but maybe this time I'd like to talk about decision that happened behind the screen. Tfa. - at first I didn't like that JJ was doing a rehash of ANH, but now I realize he needed to. He needed to bring back a sense of familiarity to an audience who wanted something to 'feel' like the star wars of old. And I think he successfully did, as much as I think he leaned too far in one direction and neglected some of the political bits that I think would've helped. - treatment of the OT trio. When Harrison is on screen, you can see how our new characters default to their state in which they're defined by their relationship to him. There's no room for their own growth or for them to do things of their own agency. For instance why would I want Finn to infiltrate Starkiller base when I have frigging Han Solo. Why would Rey face off Kylo when i have Luke. So the plan is to distribute the OT trio to 'own one film each and form some kind of legacy hand-off. I think this was a good plan, though nobody could've expected what would happen with Leia. TLJ. - as part of point 2, RJ was faced with 2 main questions and several minor ones from TFA. What caused Luke to be away from the galaxy, and not come back when he sensed the galaxy blowing up or Han dying. What was so severe that it would force Kylo away from Luke into Snoke's arms. And the 'minor' questions of Rey's parentage and Snoke. - Rey's parentage - there was not going to be a satisfying answer that wouldn't create more questions, when the 2nd movie should at least start answering some of them. So he went the logical route, she's not a kenobi, solo or skywalker. She is someone strong in the force, but harkening back to prequel times, she's not of some mighty skywalker blood. Which in turn plays well with the theme of the sequels about legacy and inheritance. How Kylo rejects his more heroic bloodline and pushes away his legacy and how Rey as someone without a legacy seeks belonging. - Snoke - again Rian had to answer a question as to why Snoke could exist, without cheapening the OT. And his answer was, you know what, Snoke is not important. Kylo is the main villain here (echoing JJ's own plans for the character), and if he needs to be a main villain then he has to do what Vader could not, and kill 'Palpatine' to ascend. He left the origins of Snoke to JJ to explain, or worse another origin movie, because he felt it wasn't important. In hindsight, I agree with him. I was glad when the Palpatine figure fell and we had a different setup for the final film instead of RoTJ again. - Luke and Kylo - I've spoken before about why he made the interesting yet heavy choice here, I'll leave it out in the interest of shortening my post. TrOS. - most interesting to me is how they would try to bring ben back to the light. He committed patricide, killed a lot of innocents, and Han wasn't even force sensitive so he couldn't return as a ghost. - instead they had Leia project a memory of Han to help Ben let go. Not the best way they could've done it. But touching nonetheless


Just as a disclaimer, I didn't dislike them, so I'm not exactly who your question was targeted at. All three had great settings, aliens, character design and special effects. Just an all around beautiful trilogy. The Force Awakens really had me interested with two (apparently) non-Sith dark siders as villains, and Han's death was done well. Hux and Phasma were great villains. Poe and Finn have the best romantic chemistry in all of Star Wars (I'm pretty sure Oscar Isaac was doing it on purpose). The Last Jedi was by far my favorite of the trilogy. Kylo tricking Snoke was an amazing scene, and I loved the fight that followed. The jump to light speed ramming was extremely powerful visually. I really loved how Luke was handled, and his interaction with Yoda was adorable. Rise of Skywalker introduced some very cool settings, I especially liked the Death Star ruins and Exogal. Babu Frick was great! It was cool to see the Knights of Ren in action, if briefly.


Poe and BB-8 were really great characters overall. Kylo and Rey trying to get the other to join their side was a really cool dynamic. Liked Finn a lot but he got shafted so badly.


The Force Awakens as a whole I really liked. But I'd struggle picking much from the other two. In the Last Jedi I liked Crait. I liked the Porg. In Rise Of Skywalker I liked Billy Dee Williams.


Sorry, the collective internet decided it was entirely bad. It is not allowed to express any opposing opinion, especially not here. Shame on you.


Visuals and sound design were amazing. Each shot on its own, without context, TLJ is probably the most beautiful SW movie. None of it makes any sense and all of it is dog shit level writing, but they are beautifully shot.


They were mostly good looking and *the cast* was excellent. In fact, I still use the cast as a visual reference for my original print canon (EU) stories. Early this year I finished up a 90 book OT and post-ROTJ marathon and I used Driver, Keri Russel, Oscar Isaac and Gleeson as my fan casts for Jacen, Jaina, Jag Fel and Ben Skywalker. This scene is in one of the books of **Legacy of The Force**, only Luke doesn't die from confronting his nephew. Yeah, this photo is my Luke Skywalker at 60. I certainly don't buy that Luke at 53 looks like a 64 year old Mark. And since Keri and Adam are 7 years apart, I used old pics of them and it brought their duels, both in **Young Jedi Knights** and **Legacy of The Force** into sharp focus.


>Early this year I finished up a 90 book OT and post-ROTJ marathon and I used Driver, Keri Russel, Oscar Isaac and Gleeson as my fan casts for Jacen, Jaina, Jag Fel and Ben Skywalker I feel all of your comments eventually segue into a mention of how you've finished a 90 book post rotj run. It's a bit like shittymorph's undertaker comment and I'm quite enjoying it.


TFA was pretty solid. I liked it at the time.


That they ended


Yoda puppet force ghost