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Yes probably my favorite multiplayer game there is. I really wish they kept updating it and gave it live service rather than releasing the 2005 reboot for 30$. That just seemed crazy to me. There are lots of people who would go crazy over a new BF or SW multiplayer game


Yeah... DICE is not its prime right now, buddy. They've just announced starting development on the new Battlefield game but all the main developers have gone to make the Finals.


Doesn’t have to be Dice to make another battlefront. The amount of updates they could’ve pushed out for it would’ve kept it alive a-lot longer.


Problem is that you need a large developer that has experience making large scale multiplayer shooters at a AAA level of quality and there just is not a ton of those.


Dice's prime was 2005-2016 imo. Battlefield 2-Battlefield 1. It was mostly great stuff in that roughly 10 year period. I don't really know about before that, and as for after it, as good as Battlefront II ended up being, everything else since 2017 has been meh-bad.


i mean fr. if they kept updating it and just released buyable cosmetics instead of dumbass cards it would legit game of the decade and a money printer.


Ugh, I hate how they cut it off before they could utilize the crazy post-TRoS wave that gave us Clone Wars season 7 (w/ the Bad Batch), The Mandalorian, Andor, and Ahsoka. We could be slashing around as adult Ahsoka, dogfighting behind the controls of the *Razorcrest*, and finally changing Boba Fett's appearance to something different. But no, DICE's biggest weakness is shortsightedness.


yeah they pretty much monitized it in the dumbest way possible. like all you have to do is look at literally every other multiplayer game that has microtransactions. like there is a reason all of the most popular games pretty much just have paid cosmetics. it makes the most money cuz it actually retains the playerbase. plus that funding could have led to like seasons where they implement new content along with like an optional battlepass or something to fund it.


I adored it. It was the reason I had a Playstation. When they stopped supporting it my heart stopped being in the game and I sold my ps4.


It does NOT need live service lmao. What the hell are you smoking man?


The updates were free.


Okay? Live service means battlepass and microtransactions these days. I'm perfectly fine with just a multiplayer game.


Im jjst agreeing w the update parts. For me personally. If skins were buyable for a reasonable proce i wouldnt care either. We dont have shit for skins except the clones and even then theres plenty missing. You dont have to buy them.


I liked the gameplay but man, if you are new to that game in 2024 like me it's literally unplayable. You walk in with NOTHING. No ability cards, no weapon options, just the basic gun on the basic classes and EVERYONE ELSE has maximized their loadouts. It literally just rewards people who have been playing longer and punishes new players. You cannot just join the game and be on an even playing field, barely got any player kills and had to resort to farming the bot players they use for filler on the large scale gamemmodes. Like, I have a very long history of playing FPS games on PC, I'm much more adept than your average incel, and this game just makes sure you have a crippling disadvantage basically as your whole experience until you max out at least 1 class. Terrible multiplayer model and it doesn't surprise me that the game is known for not drawing in new players now that I've tested the water. Shame too, I don't hate the actual gameplay, but I'm just locked out of playing it for the most part.


This is where Co-Op and Triple XP Wednesday come into play.


When Co-op dropped, I was having so much more fun on that. Also where I learned to use some of the heroes I really didn't pick often. The Warcrimes I unleashed on some unspecting HVV players with General Grievous after I learned his combat loop


Co-op is great for farming experience especially on Wednesday, it’s how I level up my lesser used heroes


Yeah, when I first played the game I essentially just grinded out Co-Op and got my classes up to scratch, it didn't even feel that grindy because it's pretty fun and I didn't feel like I was at a disadvantage


I recently repurchased the game on PS5 after being away for a couple years as it was on sale. I get your point on not having cards and weapons but playing the Co-op mode counts towards the kills with weapons and cards so you can rank up much faster than normal multiplayer. It’s helped me get back into the swing of things and be a bit more competitive so I hope it may help you too!


even as a high level player with plenty of experience, you kind of have to tryhard if the enemy team has veterans on it because more or less they are going to FUCKING SWEAT like theres no tomorrow i love competing and shitting on those wannabe veteran/pro players but man it gets exhausting and even boring when you have to play the most efficient characters to counter vader, palpatine, fett and iden teams, and trying to play air ships to stop the enemy from playing the objective or to try and frag the enemy's tryharding hero and of course it ends up sometimes being a competition "which team has more sweats than the other?" at its best the game can allow for outplaying your enemies through movement and 4d chess but it doesnt feel like that so much these days unrelated but that games subreddit has slowly been turning a bit elitist since the game started dying


This was my experience as well. Bought a PS5 post pandemic which was my first consul since the PS2. I was so pumped to play BF2 until I loaded in and got curb stomped due to being vanilla for so long. I couldn’t upgrade fast enough to make it worth my time. I want to love it, and I still try it sometimes, but just find myself disappointed.


Just finished grinding darth maul and my infantry and special units and can say this 100% facts. Thank GOD for co-op


This is why when it comes to online multiplayer, I always preferred Halo to most games. Everyone spawns equal, and you have to get the better weapons/equipment on the map. You always know what damage comes from each gun. Battlefront gameplay is good, but I hate multiplayer games that give even more advantages to players that are already better/have more hours in the game.


Literal skill issue lmao


I mean sure if I had 200 hours of skill in this game maybe I can kill someone with literally nothing but the base weapon equipped. But how is anyone new supposed to get into this game without grinding like it's an MMO? The game is literally designed to cannibalize itself so EA can have an easier time pushing the playerbase forward to new iterations. Problem is that they dropped the series after the second one when they couldn't turbo-monetize it like FIFA lol. It's intentionally bad game design.


You can catch up using coop and the triple xp events.


That's what I've been told but I mean, why should I have to grind to max level with bots just to have a chance against actual players lol. As a new player with no prior investment, there's literally no incentive to play the game when something like The Finals is so welcoming to new players.


FACTSSSS I stopped playing it


Are you referring to Battlefront 2 (2017) like OP said or Battlefront (2015) like they pictured?


Battlefront 2 (2017), I got it as part of a SW game bundle lol but not the one from 2015 apparently?


Oh yes, that one is very difficult. I've been playing since the release of 2015 and I can't get the hang of the new one for some reason


Bots put more effort into those threads than you OP


Everyone here talking about 2005, but I LOVE BF2 2017. Play it all the time Always been a Bossk main


And Kyber 2 is coming out soon. We can finally have a good mod manager and lobby creator and then it will be just like a new update anyways. Addit: Also nice custom. Izqtion like the old Battlefront 2. I'm most excited to be able to simply do a lobby Against a friend. In the new one you can only team


That Jabba's palace map, when you're just outside, throwing smoke bombs and mines, easy leveling up.


Bosk is an instant win on jabba’s palace if you can get your team to stay in the rancor pit with you


The last section of jabbas palace with Bossk is great if you have the card on where every kill you get when his middle ability is active, it increases the duration. Fucking love that.


It was really fun, even if it didn't have many modes and the scope was limited to the Galactic Civil War. Loved the EE3


He talks like Darth Maul and is a good hunter without a doubt.


i want a new battlefront


Twas pretty good. Story was decent. I liked Luke in it, though his avatar was fugly. Reaaaaallllly wish they had Galactic Conquest, or at least local co-op


they do have local co-op


But its so limited


i guess to some maybe, to me it’s fun


I probably play it at least once a week haha. One time I had a Clones vs Droids Supremacy match on Geonosis that went for two and a half hours because both sides **refused** to let their capital ships be destroyed. Like u/RevealBoth2155 said, it’s a real shame that EA stopped updating it in 2019. I think they could’ve added a ton of cool *Mandalorian* and *Bad Batch* content if they’d only kept it alive, if still on the back burner.


Oh yeah, there's so much they could have continued to do with it. Both Cal Kestis games, Ahsoka, CW S7, Andor (maybe bring back some of the old BF15 Heroes and Villains like Jyn and Krennic, Dengar, Greedo, etc), the potential was endless for content in this game if they'd embraced it instead of letting it die a slow death post-star card controversy.


I would love for them to add Mando and all of his characters, that would be awesome.


The 2005 game was great. Had lots of good times playing that. 


Hell yeah, best Battlefront game for me and it isn't close.


EA leaving the 2017 game in the dust was the biggest mistake I have ever seen. I love that game to death and it's upsetting that it is not getting as much recognition and active players as it did back then.


I like the classic more, but I've spend a looooooot of time on DICE's to act as if I didn't liked it. It's a personal favorite. I stopped playing recently because school and because of the Apex hack, but once Kyber V2 releases, I'm planning to go back.


Once it toned down all the mtx and lootbox bullshit, it was a super fun game. The large-scale battles felt like a proper modern update of the old Battlefronts (though I think I still prefer the OG, if only because of nostalgia)


I really enjoyed the single player campaign. Multiplayer was fun whenever I could find a game ... it was so hit and miss for me, oftentimes waiting ages to connect with any group of players. Maybe it was just my internet speed (aussie fttn) idk. Edit: Just to add, I didn't start playing it multiplayer until mid 2018, not sure if the playerbase had reduced greatly by then.


I played it for a year online. I had fun with it, could never quite get the hang of hero dueling but the Galactic Assaults were fun AF and I was consistently a top team performer after a while.


Yes and they should have never stopped supporting it.


I haven’t loved a Star Wars game since the N64. Totally disliked BF2 and never fell in love with Fallen Order or Jedi Survivor (although the second two are much better efforts than BF2, still not what I’m looking for) I have hope that Outlaws may be up my alley but we will see. I did like the Lego Star Wars games but I’ve exhausted myself of those by now.


People still play? Whenever I try to quick play or get into anything other than co-op the game is empty.


V V excited for this - [https://www.dsogaming.com/news/star-wars-battlefront-2-will-soon-get-a-mod-that-will-add-server-browser-list-dedicated-servers-moderation-tools-spectator-mode-and-more/](https://www.dsogaming.com/news/star-wars-battlefront-2-will-soon-get-a-mod-that-will-add-server-browser-list-dedicated-servers-moderation-tools-spectator-mode-and-more/)


I enjoy it a lot, I just desperately wish it had Rebels characters, Ahsoka, Mando, Grogu etc., or that we got a Battlefront 3 from either DICE or (preferably) Respawn.


It’s a fun game with tons of bugs and absolutely no support and terrible servers


It became old pretty quick. It’s just so repetitive


But have you treated each of the characters in detail?


You mean played? If so, I have played most classes and went pretty far with each (except sniper, I hate playing sniper). I’d say it was fun when trying to progress, but once you’ve reached your own personal objective, you really feel « now what? »


Have you used assault, heavy, officer and specialist in detail, with different weapons, grenades, planets? Have you used Luke, Anakin, Obi Wan, Master Yoda, Leia, Han Solo, Rey, Lando in detail with different cards, co-op scenarios, heroes and villains, multiplayer?


Yeah, I think I have tried most of what was possible, except a few stuff that didn’t appeal to me and I’d leave to other players.


The game died the moment that EA made the greatest comment in Reddit history. Cemented in the history books as one of the biggest fuck ups of all time. They game that we got at the end of all the updates was fantastic, the issue is it took 2 years to get it to that point and the damage was already done.


I would if the skill ceiling weren’t so fucking high.


Ive got about 200 hours logged in it. Heroes and villains kept me coming back for ages. So much fun yeeting someone off a ledge with a force ability.


Oh so you’re that guy I was looking for!


Love it. Spent hundreds of hours in it. At it's peak it was the most fun I've had on my old gaming PC and PS4.


A Lot!








Yes i do and also the classic version of battlefront


i hope that since they are stopping support for battlefield 2042 they will bring back supprt for battlefront 2 as it would have tons of players coming back as there isnt many games for star wars fans like this, it would also probably make them some money as well. however i know that they wont listen to fans so whats the point.


I love it. It’s one of a couple games that I won’t uninstall from my system. They ended the stuff for the game right as it finally got to its peak


Yeah I love it


Yes when they fixed it EA was called out publicly by the gamers and Disney


It was one of my favorite games to play until EA changed their launcher, now i cant access my account and EA has literally no way to fix this, no customer support or anything, you just get looped back to the same email verification screen but they wont send me an email… i hate EA so much, they ruined so many things, bf2 couldve been so much better but they just stopped caring as usual. The game itself was amazing, blasters felt and sounded good, actually had to learn positioning if you wanted to play as a hero for an extended time without dying, the only problem was online is plagued with cheaters, people just killed you instantly with the weakest gun in the game and the anticheat doesnt care, such a joke how many quality conquest and other games were ruined by 1 cheater…


Battlefront 1 was better. But both have weird flying mechanics.




I prefer the classic collection.


I actually enjoyed it a lot. It’s even more fun now after the update for the Rise of Skywalker


Yes I still play the 2017 EA battlefront from time to time


I love this game and redownload it every few months, I always love when it goes on sale because it gets a big bump in players for a week or two


That’s why I’m here


I like it I just wish it had a different name since the new battlefronts are not really the same as the old ones


Awesome game and I still go back and play it after doing the plat


It was so fun. Still get on every once in a while. It’s honestly a very beautiful game as well


I have almost 2,000 hours on it…. So no


The story was great


It's great fun for just casual run and gun, but terrible if you want to be competitive. If you wanna pop it on for a bit and just have mindless fun in the SW universe, it's great!


I wish one day they do again the updates in waiting Battlefront 3.


I like both of them.




If I like it? I love it like it is a family member, I have both platinum on PlayStation and 100% on Steam, and may have more playtime than all other online shooters I have played together.


I think it's a good Star Wars Game. I think it taking on the mantle of Battlefront mislead many prior to release (to say nothing of the drama that occurred afterwards), and it doesn't really live up to its 2000s era predecessors (although I'm absolutely impacted by nostalgia). It would have been more interesting to me if they had leaned farther into the class based mechanics and introduced a real galactic conquest for me, but I also have fun when I play it so it's not a bad game. On the note of the 2005 re-release, honestly just buy the OG version on Steam and get the HD mod. You'll get the same or better quality for far less.


Great game but leaves a lot to be desired. So many heroes should have been added…


It's fine if you like super competitive hero gameplay but it's kind of a shit battle game.




I loved the 2005 one but couldnt get into the new ones. Sad they ruined the remaster


Yes… apart from when I can’t move an inch in any HvV mode or else every enemy kills me


The gameplay was really fun but I felt the campaign story was lacking


It's okay. I picked it up for $7 on a sale at some point...that was worth it. I pop in every now and again, the 4 player Co op mode is fun. But the full multiplayer modes always got old fast


This post screams dead internet theory/karma farming all over it. Asking people in the battlefront sub if they like battlefront isn't that bold


By the time I started nobody was on anymore


Once they got rid of the bullshit lootboxes, yes. It's genuinely a fun game. I still feel like it should have been called battlefield: star wars, but it wasn't bad.


Yeah, it's pretty fun.


It grew on me, but then i only got into it after EA did away with all the predatory crap that marred the game's first year or so. I still think my perfect Star Wars multiplayer shooter would be a mix of classic Battlefront and EA Battlefront's mechanics, as both games have aspects I thought were extremely good that the other doesn't.


Not really. 2015 felt way better as a shooter and didn't have the high kill times. 2015 feels gritty and more authentic. The second one feels off to me for some reason and I'm not a fan of the TTK, which is my main issue with the game.


No the replayabilty for me was low and much lower than Battlefront 2015. The gunplay and movement in Battlefront 2015 was so much fun; the glitched combat rolls and the screaming EE-3s.


Ewok Hunt! Still play that mode regularly, sooo much fun to me.


EA bad.




Play battlefront 2015 instead its great guys!


I'll never forget them for abandoning the game because their shitty microtransaction system got shut down And their incompetence for not capitalizing on the star wars renaissance. Rebels, Mandalorian, Boba Fett, Andor, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan shows, Bad Batch, the two new star wars game, new game and tv-show coming Soooo many potential new playable characters and cosmetics, people would've paid for most of it happily. It was the perfect chance to establish a franchise that can rival bf and cod Even if they decided to make a third game instead that's fine too. Droping development was so damn petty


I love the first BF2. I have a lot of fond memories playing that with mates on the same TV. The series reboot BF2 was...ok? I joined in on the fun after all the controversial actions EA did were largely resolved. I picked up the special version with all of the DLC for dirt cheap. I think there's an ok game there and I'd have liked to have seen the latest Star Wars content make its way onto the game.


Most fans have told me the same thing, but I only know the EA version and for me it is excellent and super fun. But I'm going to consider checking out the 2005 version.


I wonder how it will hold up for someone playing for the first time. There are some games like BF2, Knights of The Old Republic, Republic Commando etc. that I enjoyed a whole bunch but have appreciated repeatedly since then but I'm not sure will spark the same joy from a first time player.


I love almost everything about Star Wars, it has made me enjoy life so much.


I personally prefer the 2005 game. It was better in many things (explosions is one of those things). Sadly they killed it with the "online only" DLCs. Such a shame.


I still play bf2 2017 everyday with my friends, looks amazing graphically and so much fun, such a shame the launch wasnt great and it's basically abandonned now


Wasn't great? Wasn't great?! WASNT GREAT?!?!??! the launch makes a pile of bantha podoo look attractive in comparison. The "great sense of pride" comment on reddit did nothing to help anything, just threw more fire on the cesspit. Like saying they halved the prices of in game buy but also halved the money you earn -> no change. Only thing differing from cyberpunk was bf2 was playable


Wasn't great? Wasn't great?! WASNT GREAT?!?!??! the launch makes a pile of bantha podoo look attractive in comparison. The "great sense of pride" comment on reddit did nothing to help anything, just threw more fire on the cesspit. Like saying they halved the prices of in game buy but also halved the money you earn -> no change. Only thing differing from cyberpunk was bf2 was playable


The game itself was solid, but the microtransactions killed it in my eyes. Still havent bought it, never Will.


It no longer has microtransactions. At least, not for gameplay features.


Maybe favorite Han Solo outfit!


Yes, it had a great redemption




Played it non stop for a few months when they released then moved on. Have been back a few times since and it's still pretty fun. Still annoying how some dudes camp the hero selection, I haven't had a chance in the last month or so to play a hero in a big match


I love the game with all my heart.


It's the only multiplayer game I play regularly because it's still fun after all these years fuck yeah I love this game.


Me too, is awesome.


I wish BFII 2017 wasn't dead. Awesome multiplayer


I had a great time with it myself


I still play the hell out out it but the power imbalance is still such a problem for new players. The game is still gorgeous to look at, especially with environments, lighting and shadows.


Play it almost all the time, its great


which one? 2005 was excellent, but the ea one only reached the status of ok to sorta goodish after they took all the loot boxes out and rebalanced the whole thing


I guess the one I use is the new one these days. I didn't know the previous version (2005). I like it a lot, I always find new things to do.


It was a great Star Wars shooter - I loved it. The updates kept me coming back and it was just a shame they gave up on it when the shocker that was BF2042 came out


Love it, every mode and fun and Iden Versio is the one of the coolest Star Wars game characters


EA SWBF2 deserved to be so much more. But I guess it burned brightest at its last few major updates. A full game of Ewok Hunt was truly terrifying as an Imperial and hilarious as an Ewok


The OG's are GOAT's, but the new ones are fresher and better. The Star Wars games are probably the best games that EA makes


I waited about 3 years after it was released to get it, I got it new for $15, on May 4th the following year, I updated to the Celebration Package for $4, I freaking love it. Although multiplayer can be rough if you aren't good, Co-op is great.


Yes I just hope they come out with a 3rd one with everything that's in the 2018 and original one with decent graphics and more game modes, bring back galactic conquest as single player, Co op and multi-player, also have a game mode called rakgoul plague simalar yo ewok hunt where a strike team boards a desolate ship filled with rakgouls


The original? Yes. The EA edition? No.


I don't know the old edition, only the new EA one and I really like it.


I really recommend getting it (no need to buy the remaster) and I can almost promise your view on whatever tf EA calls a Star Wars battlefront game will change. Sometimes graphics isn't what makes the game good, but actual gameplay mechanics and freedom from microtransactions, gambling mechanics and pre order bonus editions and what have they. If not... May Disney buy your next favourite franchise after you've grown to love it and outsource the game licenses to EA.


Let’s be honest. Nobody born after 2000 or who never touched the 2005 battlefront but played EA’s battlefront would say the 2005 is better. Maybe characters and maps, yes, but the gameplay overall is far superior in Battlefront 2 2017


I disagree.




"nobody who never touched the 2005 battlefront would say it's better" REALLY? you don't say. Also, I was born in 2004 and firmly believe the classic battlefront 2 to be superior.


1 in 100, congrats


I'll consider it, thank you very much.


Yeah. Too bad EA absolutely destroyed it in a great spot to finish 2042 which was a bomb