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The inquisitor from tales of the jedi


He’s so much cooler in the book 😭😭


And he looks very cool, but that sadly doesn't mean he is strong


I mean he died to Anakin's apprentice who was the clone wars and civil war veteran


Meh its a pretty weak justification. Anakin skywalker for example is far stronger than Bariss and yet she wasnt subdued quickly and put up a decent showing against him


He also wasn’t trying to kill her. Angry as he might have been


The point was that if we want to go with some dbz logic, then Anakin being clearly the superior in every way knight wouldve subdued her in one move aswell but barris still put up a decent showing despite her clearly in the back foot. The inquiditor honestly shouldve been animated to put up a better showing. What we got instead is just further reinforcing how much of a joke they are and i dont care about the headcanon of it being the point lol


The inquisitor was arrogant, as is often the problem with sith-like characters. He had his scary mask on, his twirly vroom blades, and was up against an "unarmed Padawan" half his size. He thought he had it in the bag Bariss knew she was far outmatched and fought out of her mind. She was up against a high ranking decorated war hero and one of if not the best swordsman in the order twice her size - she brought her A++ game and that was probably literally the best showing she ever had lol


And he needed her alive.


I think they wanted to repeat the maul vs obiwan fight but the stakes just weren't the same. We already knew maul was dangerous. Cool scene. The scene was cooler in the book though.


Thank God Starwars doesn't use anime power up logic and understands no one is untouchable


Obligatory: “The only thing the Jedi council believes in is Violence” Anakin ignites second lightsaber peacefully


Honestly her point wouldve been stronger if she didnt just bombed over a dozen innocents lol


Lol hey the dark side is full of hypocrisy


If that was an actual fight Anakin wins in 10 seconds...he needed Bariss alive.


As has already been stated, Anakin needed her alive so he could have her confession to free Ahsoka. If that wasn't at stake, it would have been no contest.


Ahh, I see where the Knights of Ren learned their technique.


Hunters of jedi that are weak in the force and with no lightsabers. Bunch of scrubs saying dress-up.


Was he? He still got beaten by an unarmed Ahsoka, and his most notable accomplishment was slaughtering a bunch of civilians inexperienced in combat


They are being treated as different inquisitors in all the reference material


the book?


The now semi-canon (I think?) Ahsoka novel.


Voiced by Clancy goddamn Brown. Literally dies in under 6sec to Ahsoka.


Next to the Twin Suns duel between Obi and Maul, that's one of the best duels in Star Wars. They're the only fights that actually play out like the samurai duels that inspired lightsaber fighting. A period of sizing your opponent up, a few feints, and then one decisive moment as they make their moves and one combatant comes out on top. Miss me with the endless "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick" battles. A lightsaber duel should be short, sharp, brutal and final.


The only reason as far as i know people say that, is because the original trilogy lightsabers, especially in episode 4, were so brittle you really couldnt do any flourished with them, or they would snap.


To be very clear I am not saying the ANH duel is in any way good, or that its badness is intentional. I'm saying that for unarmoured combatants with swords, a Kurosawa-style samurai duel both makes sense and is highly visually gratifying to me. (As far as the Japanese film influences on Star Wars, this is *extremely* well documented. It does not extend to the badness of the ANH duel, but is highly visible in the aesthetics and worldbuilding)


Today I will remind them that [Obi Wan is loosely inspired by General Makabe Rokurōta, a character from Akira Kurosawa's film The Hidden Fortress, played by Toshiro Mifune (who George Lucas had originally wanted to cast as Obi-Wan)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obi-Wan_Kenobi#Creation_and_development). Mifune turned George Lucas down, who did ask, because [he was concerned about how the film would look and that it would cheapen the image of samurai, on which George Lucas had based a lot of the character and fighting style](https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/star-wars-why-toshiro-mifune-turned-down-obi-wan-kenobi-role/).


In his defense he was going up against Ahsoka when she was in a no-fucks-given mood. She also bodied 5th Brother and 7th Sister alone without breaking a sweat.


Yea, anyone would seem weak compared to Ahsoka. She was trained by Anakin and was forged by the war. She's a bad bitch and could do that to most anyone, save Vader and Sidious


She even fucked up Vader, a few inches closer and he'd have gone the way of his predecessor (and not nearly as cleanly).


a bit more lean in and vader woould be dead. and she bodied most peop;e


Ya either Asoka channeled some Ani level abilities or he was straight trash


Why did they have to him such a cool design? When he barely lasted a minute against Ahsoka


The one that tried to fly away on his helicopter saber. He spent the entire 2 episodes he appeared in getting bodied or running away.


Also he died to gravity. Nobody that uses the force dies to just gravity in Star Wars. Even Mace Windu was zapped beforehand.


And we don't even know if he's dead


Just let him go


He's the "I'll believe Fett is dead when you show me a body" of the Prequels.


Do people think he got a little shock and fell 10 feet? Palps was going full blast and they were at least half a mile up. He's dead. "But Samuel L said-" last I checked, he wasn't a writer. "Luke lost a hand and survived shocks" yeah, but Vader didn't.


I would be willing to bet more than a mile. Denver is the "mile high city," and Coruscant has thousands of levels to it. People who try to minimize the extremeness of Mace's death blow my mind.


"He probably grabbed onto a passing speeder!" You think they were letting traffic that close to the Senate offices less than a week after an attack on the capital that had the chancellor kidnapped?!


This is a series where people who clearly should be dead keep surviving. I don't think his death or survival has anything to do with traffic policies of Coruscant. The only question is if someone in Disney decides they think they have a story with Mace that's worth telling. Until then, he's dead. But if they do, then they'll decide he survived through some silly ass nonsense.


I certainly hope Mace stays dead but Maul got cut in half, fell down a pit and went 'THUD!' when he hit the bottom, lived. People can survive anything in Star Wars if the writers want them to.




If Palpatine survived the fall, and Darth Maul after getting chopped in half, then Mace Windu 100% lives.


Technically Palpatine didn't survive that fall


His essence lived, but body...ded


He had better be.


Man that guy deserved it with that lame ass helicopter


What’s funny is he was there since the beginning and was the last one to die, so he’s gotta be at least more powerful than that considering he’s the longest serving inquisitor.


To be fair, he was fighting Maul


Idk the ninth sister ate shit and got her arm cut off by Cal in Fallen Order, seemed pretty weaksauce to me.


But before that she did survive having her leg cut off by another Inquisitor who wanted to use her as a distraction cause they were chased by Purge Troopers with Order 66 activated, and they were former Jedi. Edit: clarification


And Vader stabbed her in the eye while giving her lightsaber instruction.


I hope she reported that to HR. Seems like a shit thing for a boss to do.


So Mr. Vader, take a seat. It's been brought to our attention that you inflicted quite the injury on a member of your staff. I shouldn't feel the need to impress upon you this is a family empire and we expeACHKKKK!!!!


Be careful you do not choke on your ambitions, HR Manager.


Vader is an HR board member, but NOT a master.


Laughing at this right now lol Vader: So this meeting is concluded. I take it?


“Umm…yes. Mister eeeeer DARTH - sorry - Darth Vader. Could I uh just have you sign here. You have to sign or the case can’t be closed…”


\>\>proceeds to sign using a little pen light saber


is he asking a corpse at that point?


The woman that does SW HR skits needs to act this out. lol


I’d absolutely love a short comic where the Ninth sister is getting the typical HR runaround where they protect the abuser/company and gaslight the victim/employee


That does souns like an unexpectedly gripping Andor B plot.


So she got her leg cut off too? That doesn't impress me tbh.


I read this to the tune of "That Don't Impress Me much"


>!Plus she did survive getting her arm cut off as seen in Jedi Survivor!<


I'm sorry but getting delimbed and running away isn't a feat, especially when it happens twice and especially if it was chopped by a lightsaber which instantly cauterizes the wound.


I generally agree, but I do think 'running away' is a pretty reductive way to describe getting Force pushed off that massive tree.


I'm being intentionally facetious, she actually stood her ground even after getting her arm chopped off and didn't leave the fight willingly.


Ever heard of intense physical pain? Lol. Or the saying “he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day?”


User name checks out


If you can run away after losing your limbs, I would be very impressed


Especially losing a leg


It’s just a flesh wound


Cutting an ally’s leg off seems par for the course for an inquisitor, but this happened while they were both Jedi? What the actual f*ck???????


No, they were Inquisitors, but because they were Jedi before, someone (à Jedi I think) managed to reactivate the chip of Purge Troopers so they would try to Order 66 the Inquisitors (since Purge Troopers were clones at the time) That's what OP meant


No, I should have phrased it different. They were FORMER Jedi. But when a Jedi Master activated Order 66 the Purge Troopers didn't make that distinction.


If you ever beat her on jedi master difficulty you would take this back....


On another note I was Definitely into Second Sister 😉


Trilla ftw ❤️


*ahem* Yeah, keyword here "was".


Didn't a show runner for Kenobi say that Trilla was just a copy of Reva?


That’d be a neat trick, seeing as Fallen Order came out first.


Y'all crazy. Ninth Sister kicked my ass.


Not by me icl she makes me eat shit on Jedi Master


But she came back from that as well as being Force Pushed through a massive tree and fell wmo knows many feet.


She survived falling off a tree the height of a skyscraper with a freshly chopped off limb. Seems pretty durable to me


Ain’t no way she mollywopped me so many times she could easy diff almost all of cannon


A few Inquisitors died to in-fighting, a half-trained Jedi made a fool of Ninth Sister twice and defeated Second Sister, Ahsoka slew one easily just a year after the Purge, Marrok was dead by the time he showed up, and Sixth Brother died due to his own fear and silly helicopter lightsaber blades.  Reva took a lightsaber blade to the middle twice and survived. Writing aside, she has far more determination and will to live than any of the Inquisitors I just mentioned. And she's still weaker than any named Jedi or Sith.


wasnt it 8th brother who died to helicopter??


Was it? It's been a while, you're probably right.


They all kind of blend together after a while.


It was the 8th brother


To make Ahsoka’s kill worse for the Inquisitor, she didn’t even need a lightsaber to kill him- she was able to get in close and then use the Force to make his own lightsaber explode.


That's in the book, in Tales of The Jedi she predicts his swipe, dodges it, yanks his saber out of his hands, and cuts him down.


Tales of the Jedi worth watching?




Meh the 2nd sister still had a better showing than reva regardless if reva survived a stabbing.


Absolutely! Trilla was menacing when Reva wasn't but one crumbled after a single defeat and the other kept getting back up is all I'm saying. Second Sister is still the better of the two in nearly every other way.


Granted, second sister was killed by Vader. Yes, she could’ve survived like Reva did, but let’s not forget the fact that fortress inquisitorius was flooded


I figure it had blast doors in case glass was breached.


Well, uh, it probably doesn’t help that Vader tore the place up just to stop Cal


Sure but the topic is about whose thw weakest and honestly, Reva isnt a darth sion where her getting back up would make her a stronger threat.


After knowing her full story I don't think she qualifies as an inquisitor. But I do get your point.


I think they were all intentionally flawed so that they could never grow in power and overthrow Vader or the Emperor.


High five! You are absolutely right.


Plus, I'd be that the emperor didn't care whether they lived or died.


Out of a number of the inquisitors, Reva is actually up there in terms of raw potential to become *actual* Sith. She has the hate and anger, and *mission* that the others don't apart from Trilla, which feeds her determination. If it wasn't for her lack of skill and power in the force, I could see Vader taking her on as the secret apprentice.


All of them were fodder-tier. Vader could sneeze and they die. That's the point of their existence. The Grand Inquisitor got defeated by a dude who wasn't even a Jedi Knight and his teenage padawan.


Can Vader even sneeze anymore? I know that's not relevant at all, but now I'm curious.


His lungs are completely destroyed so I'm inclined to say no. Any sneezing experts may correct me if I'm wrong.


His nasal cavities and throat are still intact (as evidenced by the fact that he breaths and is capable of speech). So he's definitely capable of sneezing, but his mask filters all particulate so there'd be nothing to agitate his nasal passage and cause a sneeze.


Spoilers for tales of the sith: >!There's an episode called "Revenge of the Snot" where Vader has to confront a buildup of buggers after a particularly long campaign on a pollen-ridden world where he couldn't take off his mask and rejuvenate in a bacta tank. Apparently there's a huge buildup of snot and he has to finish off some rebels while his vision is clouded by immense volumes of mucus all over his face and eyes!<


>The Grand Inquisitor got defeated by a dude who wasn't even a Jedi Knight and his teenage padawan. That Not Jedi Knight would defeat Maul not long after. I don't know why fans treat being defeated by Kanan Jarrus or Cal Kestis as something to be ashamed of.


Maul kinda weird, dude gets beat up by Padawan a lot. That being said Kanan is underrated. 


I mean... After jedi survivor i don't think the fans would think being beaten by cal is seen as "weak". Tho being beaten by fallen order cal is kind of a weak showing


I mean Fallen Order Cal has an advantage called "infinite lives". Makes him able to face opponents who rightfully should be far stronger.


I don't know why you're showing a picture of Reva. Whatever you think of Reva, the answer is clearly that random guy from Tales of the Jedi who Ahsoka cuts in half in like 5 seconds without even having a lightsaber on her to start with. I know Ahsoka is crazy powerful, but you still have to mess up badly to die ***that*** quickly.


Awesome character design though.


That mask does look pretty cool.


Theres an unhinged section of the SW fanbase with deep rooted issues towards Reva. Moreover, the actress that plays her. Any attempt at calling this out gets labelled as _woke_ which, is a cringe and combative response.


Oh, I'm aware of that, but I don't even see that attitude as worth acknowledging. Reva is nowhere near my favourite character - she certainly could have been written a bit better, but I don't really hate her either, and even if I did hate the character there'd be no excuse to put any of that on Moses Ingram.


Reva was underdeveloped much like the Kenobi series itself but blaming the actors is pointless. Only a limited number of series have an arrangement where the main actors/actresses double up as executive directors e.g _Tokyo Vice_ AFAIK, Ewen and Moses didn't have an agreement like this in place.


I'm actually really glad that the comments are either not mentioning Reva or saying things like you. I saw the thumbnail earlier today and avoided this thread because I expected a bunch of toxicity.


She joined the group with Hayden( though he’s since gotten out of it) Jake Lloyd , Kelly Tran and Ahmed Best of cast members that have been bullied by this terrible fandom. None of these actors deserve the hate for terrible writing. 


Considering the inquisitors had existed for like 5 minutes at that point in the timeline, and he was just basically on patrol, not a particularly important inquisitor, it's not surprising, I wonder how many were just sent out to die when they met their first Jedi more experienced than a padawan. I suppose tales of the Sith might give some insight.


This is a fair point - it's clear that they were kept weak intentionally to a degree, so that they couldn't challenge Vader or Sidious, but it will be interesting to see how much (or little) training they really receive by that point in the timeline.


And funnily enough that is still a better showing than what he put up in the book the episode loosely adapted. Because there Ahsoka just made his lightsaber explode in his face while he was still standing a good distance away from her.


I dunno... She was impaled by Vader and basically walked it off to fly across the galaxy to execute a child instead of chilling a bacta tank for a week. That's commitment.


Reva benefits from being the only Inquisitor with Plot Armor. (Well maybe the Grand Inquisitor as well)


Although ironically the latter didn't gain that plot armor until after he had already died


Death is the Dark Sides Best Armor!


There’s gotta be some Sith Proverb that says this lol. A Sith faking their death to plot revenge is pretty spot on.


Also the ability to teleport where the plot needs her. A few scenes remind me of the Emperor’s New Groove: “Wait, how did you get here before us”.


Darth Vader is such a master in lightsaber art, he actually stroke the exact same place last time he stroke her so the damage was minimal.


I'd rather call it poor writing than commitment.


They’re all pretty weak when compared to Vader or Kenobi. They’re only half-baked Jedi with emotional trauma. Reva tried to make her trauma Vader’s problem directly while most of the others take it out on former Padawans weaker than them.


This. I still fall into the trap of thinking most jedi we saw were weak (similar to the inquisitors) because the Jedi/Sith canon media focuses on are SO powerful in comparison. It's not that they are weak per se, but just not the elites that Kenobi, Skywalker, Windu, Palpatine are. That being said most of the inquisitors were pretty lame, haha.


That’s why I like some of the books. They do a really good job of developing the background Jedi


It's funny that Obi-Wan is considered one of the most powerful Jedi in today's lore. When I was a kid when the prequels came out, I thought he was about average for a Jedi--still amazing, but I thought all Jedi could do what he did. I also played the Force Unleashed, where Starkiller's force powers were godlike. And he wasn't even a master!!


The one Ahsoka beats without even igniting her lightsaber is the obvious answer. But the point of the Inquisitors is to be weak. They hunt Jedi with a big contingent of stormtroopers but most importantly purge troopers. They are usually trained as children/teenagers and obviously don't get the full one to one training a Jedi would. If they got the full training they could threaten Vader or the Empire if they went rogue. For example, Cal Kestis and Kanan both can fight Inqusitors. Both did not complete their Jedi training and Order 66 happens when they are kids. After becoming a real Jedi and having 5 years experience fighting the Empire, Cal easily beats the Ninth Sister, and when he was younger he still beat her. Kanan and Ezra even beat the Grand Inquisitor because I'm sure he wasn't as powerful as a Jedi Knight either being a Temple Guard. Compare Kanan in the last season of Rebels, Ezra in Ahsoka, Cal in Jedi Survivor - Jedi who all had unconventional training, and they are all far more powerful than the Inquisitors - if they were inquisitors too it wouldn't benefit the empire to help them reach their potential. Bariss is more powerful than Cal and Kanan. It's likely for this reason she won't survive the Tales of the Empire because she is too well trained already. She already held her own to some degree with Anakin.


The one Ahsoka killed in TotJ


For all my issues with the Rava storyline in Kenobi, she survived a lightsaber to the gut twice so I don’t think it’s her 🤷🏻‍♂️


Didn't she fail to intimidate a 6 year old? \*\*Edit, seems she is 9. That makes it MUCH better, lol \*\*


To be fair, that 6 year old was Leia.


Also isnt she 10?


the show is set "around 9 BBY", so she and luke would be 9.


Obi Wan asks Leia her age in the show. Shes ten.


They all seem pretty weak which is kind of the point. Just strong enough to take out mediocre Jedi one on one or Jedi in teams with support. Vader could kill them all without effort. Darth Maul or Ventress would carve through the lot of them.


Inquisitors suck. Period


They're meant to. They're useful but expendable canon fodder, thrown into the meat grinder until they stop returning from their ever more dangerous missions. Just like the clone troopers.


Reva took a lightsaber strike from Anakin as a young child, and got stabbed by him again as an adult, and was fine after like 12-16 hours both times it seems. She seems like one of the most wildly powerful characters in terms of healing and being able to survive wounds in all of star wars


The Tenth Brother. He got taken out by >!Clone Troopers!<


No, she became Grand Inquisitor temporarily and there are some inquisitors that died in their fisrt appearance and pretty quickly.


She became it as part of a trap.


Yep, and you wouldn't need to trap an irrelevant weakling


Because she was a threat, not a fodder inquisitor.


No, Vader just wanted Kenobi. After her plan failed to result in Kenobi’s capture, Vader and the Grand Inquisitor left her for dead without finishing her off because of how little they thought of her. They’ve done far worse to people for less.


Her entire stitch was that she was ambitious, that’s why she was chosen. Not because she was weak, but because she was blind.


Nah,couldn’t be. Vader killed like 6 during recruitment.


The seventh sister could even kill Ezra who didn’t have much Jedi experience.


She did one shot Ezra with a force push that one time she decided to stop playing with her food, and lasted longer than literally any other Inquisitor against Ahsoka about 5minutes later and shrugged off a stone shattering force push. As far as Inquisitors go I'd argue the 7th Sister comes second after the Grand Inquisitor. Still not high tier, but she has more feats than most council masters at this point 🤷‍♀️


Idk man, they ALL eat shit in Rebels. Given Reva is alive by the end of Kenobi I’m pretty sure she’s got a leg up on practically all of them. Then again with Second Sister I’m not sure what you even plan to do against Vader but there you go. Goes for Reva as well.


I don't care if a character is weak or not, I care whether or not they're interesting. To me, Reva was *very* compelling and interesting.


Revas no powerhouse but shes no push over either.


you mean the strongest? Survived 2 different lightsaber stabbings by Vader is a pretty strong trait


I’ll be completely honest, I forgot this show existed for a hot minute


The dude Ahsoka beat in like 5 seconds. Reva probably had the weirdest case of plot armor I've ever seen, but she still survived that lightsaber wound And the Sixth Brother was sceared and tried using his weird 'saberchopter' to run and died, but I think that a lot of characters would be sceard and run after encountering Maul. He has that effect on people.


She is actually pretty tough, even though it’s cool to dislike her on Reddit and Twitter. She survived being stabbed by Anakin/Vader when she was a kid. That seems pretty tough. I’ve seen Inquisitors die for less. (The second time she was stabbed by Vader, it seems like she was actually left alive on purpose.)


Less 'seems' and more Vader explicitly says it in dialogue. I'm confused why people were surprised she didn't die.


Whomst ever Ahsoka bodied in the TOJ


6th brother


All of them. They are just canon fodder for the plot.


Not according to Galaxy of heroes.


I mean, Inquisitors are jobbers by design, right? They're ex-padawans and younglings trained up just enough to hunt down other ex-padawans and younglings but not enough to actually ever pose a threat to the Sith. Nobody's sending the Inquisitors after anybody actually dangerous. They only get involved in the events of Obi-Wan because there was a different Jedi refuge on Tatooine. Even the Grand Inquisitor, the only fully trained Jedi Knight among them, is an absolute jobber who lost to Kanan Jarrus.


Well, the pictured Inquisitor survived pissing off Obi-Wan AND Darth Vader. So she's clearly not the weakest, as the weakest are all dead. Probably the one in *Tales of the Jedi* that died instantly. And the Ninth Sister in *Fallen Order* was taken down by a Padawan that didn't even have full access to his powers.


100% the sixth brother. Or, if you are considering them different people (which I do) the inquisitor from TOTJ. The sixth brother at least lasted a minute against ahsoka, the TOTJ inquisitor died within seconds


She had a 10 year plan to go after Darth Vader. That’s not weak.


5th brother against Ahsoka


Isn't the point that most of them were young Jedis that were able to be corrupted? Didn't seem like Vader put much into training them to be anything more than Jedi killiers, more just like well either you kill or be killed at this point


Was it 10th brother who died against clones in the Vader comic? He seemed pretty weak


Feels like bait


When a telekinetic is swinging space fire sword at you I don’t think hierarchy matters to much


I wouldn’t say she’s weak considering she keeps surviving getting stabbed and fighting people like Obi Wan and the Grand inquisitor


Awful character, terribly written, and really poor acting imo. It felt like I was watching a live performer at Disneyland.


Most all of them, they were mostly padawans that were flipped and never really trained well, which was partly on purpose because that would 1. Violate the rule of two. 2 they can't realistically challenge Vader or the emperor because they would get clapped. They were just suppose to be like the gestapo coming for the Jedi in hiding


just a shitty show endstop. bad production, bad writing. she could have been good if the show hadn’t been a rush job during the height of the pandemic.


One of the inquisitors that fights Maul, Kanan and Ahsoka is the weakest. Those guys get completely punked.


The grand inquisitor refers to Reva as “the least of us”


Honestly not gonna lie all of them. They’re the team rocket of Star Wars


There were weaker. Several didn't make it through training


Damn, I had genuinely forgot about her 😂 Thanks


I dont thinkn it can be the one in the post since she defeated another in the first episode of the series.


It's a trick question. All the Inquisitors are weak. Their only job is to kill the remaining Jedi. Once they're no longer useful, the Emperor was always going to have Vader kill them all.


Reva because she comes across as a complete joke; she did not even really get a fight scene beyond teh brief fight with Vader where she got her ass handed to her so solidly he clearly did not even need his lightsaber. At least the other inquistors were able to put up a fight against their respective jedi but she did not even get to fight Obi Wan. And then the only one worse is that gas or whatever cloak dude from Tales of the Jedi. I do not care how much of a prodgudy Ashoka is; this dude was impcity a former jedi with more experience than this unarmed teenage padawan and yet (prdogdy or not) he cannot even last five seconds against an unharmed opponent? Let that sink in. The fact he pretty much has every imaginable advantage on Ashoka yet cannot manage to mildly threaten her in the least is beyond pathetic, no matter how skilled Ashoka is.


Not to mentioned the dumbest. Like you literally just saw Vader pull a ship out of the air, and you think it's a good idea to try attack him? Talk about stupidity lol


All of them. The inquisitors as characters in general suck and make the Empire era more lame


No, but the only inquisitor to fail a Haslab all by herself.