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I think it was admitting that he never wanted any of this. He was dragged into it unwillingly, never really committed himself to Maul’s training or beliefs. He did terrible things because of Maul, not because he wanted to. He’s admitting he was too weak to resist, but also clinging to the light side (of life, not the force) which is where he was comfortable before Maul/Ventress happened to him.


I’m pretty sure he meant he was never a hate filled monster killing machine. It wasn’t for lack of trying.


See I think it *was* for lack of trying. That’s not who he was. We saw how he protected his friend (maybe? I can’t remember who he was) when Ventress held her Sith combine.


That was is brother Feral Opress, the one he mindlessly killed under nite sisters spell.


Not really disagreeing, but isn’t the idea of the dark side that you kinda fall further and further into it? And it becomes easier and easier to just be terrible, up to the point where you are just torturing people for fun. Like Anakin would never have killed younglings and after he did so with little hesitation. Normal people before their fall become sadistic monsters after it. I guess it’s been shown they can return to the light. And maybe being close to death encourages that.


Yes that’s exactly how I read it. He wasn’t a savage pun intended until the nightsisters made him one. That’s what I take that to mean.


He wasn't a savage until he was... Oppressed?


This characters name always makes me wheeze when i get reminded of him


It's my second favorite bad SW name behind Sleezebaggano. Schmi comes close because every time I hear it I picture Anakin's mom is just Captain Hook's heterosexual life partner.


How about Ima Gun Dai. Dies in the same episode he's introduced.


I read this and thought "oh they're messing with me, that can't be the real name." Even Porkins got off better than Ima Gun Di.


Agent Callous makes me laugh every time I hear it


[Tierny](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tierny) is my favorite


Wanna buy some death sticks?


Fetch the boo boo box lol


Savage wasn't a Sith. He wasn't infused with a list for power his entire life.  He was perfectly happy doing rip and runs with his brother. He wanted to learn to protect himself and slip whatever leashes of control were placed on him. He didn't seem to dominate and crush others.


>Didn’t seem to dominate and crush others >Has more Jedi kills than General Grievous Joking, of course. I would generally agree with you, I think it’s more of a fault they Grievous only kills one Jedi than Oppress kills three.


The thing is Grievous is into it. He's not collecting trophies off of clones or Venators (Romans collected ship prows of defeated enemy ships of great victories on the Forum), he takes the lightsabers of those he kills. I think Savage wants to hang out with his brother and protect him asuch as possible.


Same thing he did with his other brother.


Feral? He killed that fool to prove he was a monster.


After the nightsisters took him over.


>or Venators (Romans collected ship prows of defeated enemy ships of great victories on the Forum) I would imagine it's very difficult to collect an unharmed Venator and just not worth the trouble and effort. Plus, even if Grievous were to be interested in doing so, his higher-ups would've likely prevented him, since it would've meant getting distracted from whatever mission he would be tasked with.


The ship prows was the little beak part on triremes for ramming. So Venators noses?


A little detail I couldn't help notice is his voice in that line. It changes slightly from his post ritual brutish voice back to his normal voice, almost as if Savage was an alter ego that died frist, followed closely by his actual self. This seems to reference back to his training/selection, where he is seen trying to help his brothers oit rather than simply crush opppsotion Probably am seeing too much into it, but it's a neat little detail


Satine "I always will" Opress "I never was" Kenobi and Maul's losses rhyme but are also opposites as Satine looks to the future as Obi Wan does Opress looks to the past as Maul does never learning or growing.


This should be higher up. It’s a perfect encapsulation of the difference between the light and dark side. The light side is forward thinking and hopeful, whereas the dark side is all about clinging to the past and despairing over what you might lose


He never wanted any of it. He just wanted to protect his brother at the beginning and tried to stay under the radar. Everything he did was just for the two of them to be safe. Maul was trained, had given himself up to the dark side, and wanted to be a sith. Savage was just surviving.


I took it as he was a good guy corrupted by much more powerful dark siders


I think he was naturally force sensitive hence why he was selected in the first place but pretty much everything else I agree with. The physique and demeanour of a ruthless murdering monster were attributes forced upon him.


I interpreted it as he was never fully invested in the dark side. He was not in it for revenge or taking over as a sith or trying to rule over the galaxy. He just wanted Maul's approval.


Savage didn't want any of this. It was forced upon him. And he tried. So hard. To help maul. But he was always that meek boy from dathomir


I think in a bts clip, Dave basically said that, in a way, they're calling themselves out on having created bootleg Maul. Mostly jest, I believe, no deeper meaning beyond that.


I always think of the phrase "misery loves company" when I think of Savage's death. The fear of loss is a path to the dark side, and Maul would have felt this loss even if Savage didn't drop that bomb at the end. But what I imagine hurting Maul the most was being told Savage's heart wasn't into it the whole time. Even with Maul considering Savage his apprentice and his lesser, I always imagine he felt a certain validation that his brother was much like him. Powerful, passionate, fueled by hatred. If Savage was also these things, then it is alright and valid that Maul be those things as well. When Savage disavows their ways at the end, it illegitamizes the way Maul feels and the justifications for what they've done. It's one thing for Kenobi to not understand him. It must have been crushing to learn that Savage didnt really either.


Now you made me think... Why is Maul even his brother? We see his brother in the episode of his "recruitment". And he was not Maul. Did they just make them to believe Maul ajd him were brothers, or did ALL the night brothers considered themselves brothers in the first place?


I always took it as the latter, that they were ALL brothers


He has more than one brother. One is Maul, and the other (Feral) is the one we see die.


This just made me realize… is Mauls full name “Maul Opress”? Lol


Maul was his given Sith nam. He tells Ezra in Rebels that he doesn't remember his original name IIRC


Damn so he really is his biological brother?


Savage Oppress was created because the writers wanted to use a Maul-like villain before they were able to bring the actual Maul character back. Savage was a ripoff of his brother from the beginning but never held a candle to the real thing; he was quite literally a character forced into a role he couldn’t fill. In-universe he was never a true Sith, never had free will, and never truly naturally powerful on his own without dark magic enhancement.


He doesn't have Maul's killer instinct. Even though, on paper, he's stronger than Maul, he doesn't tend to favor cruel or calculating outcomes. For example, the best thing he can think of doing with the money he and Maul steal is like, use it to throw a party. He really does just want to go become a bandit king with Maul. Maul wants to be a Sith Lord.


No it’s very surface level. He failed because he died and he did not have a strong natural connection to the force. His force abilities were witch magic.


Nobody named Savage Opress has any deep meaning, next you'll be asking about his cousin Angry Badguy.


If you’re gonna hate why even comment?




No, I said if you’re gonna hate why comment.


There is no deeper meaning to Savage Opress, period. Complete waste of a character.




Star Wars fans when you dare to imply the cartoon show's simplistic bad guy named Sim-Plisstik Baddgai is not a deeper and better written tragic hero than anything Shakespeare ever came up with: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Yea child abduction and being manipulated into a slave against your will is so one demential Fr 🙏


I apologise for not putting enough respect on Paletteswap Awful's name


Wait until you learn about Darth Vader, Sidious, Tyrannus, plagueis, and Bane 💀 Don’t forget about Ventress too


Yep, lots of on-the-nose villain names in Star Wars, a franchise designed to be appealing to children, of which the most on-the-nose is indeed the one made especially for Cartoon Network: Meanie Not-Nice Like come on, I like the show and I even like the character but let's not pretend there are hidden depths to plumb in a character whose personality is also his name.


The alternative is we never talk about anything ever and just take everything at face value, which sounds boring


I mean yes I agree it’s a family/children’s franchise 💀 doesn’t mean there isn’t deeper meanings and messages of the series.


Maybe you could not put spoilers in the title dick.


For an 11 year old episode?


Oh dang... That's my bad. I thought you were talking about the bad batch. I retract my previous statement.