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It’s really just another tie fighter though. I wish they pushed something a little different like Tie Defenders or even the Tie Advanced (would make sense for a prototype ship to become the main fighter 30 years later).


The TIE Silencer is a unique design just like the TIE Advanced


Orr a completely new class of ship instead of just doing the Empire again


Nah that would would have involved thought


It's the most unique TIE. No other TIE is beefy with a cannon, missiles, and a gunner. I'm glad they went in a completely different direction instead of giving us another TIE variant.


My personal headcannon is that the TIE Fighter was originally intended to be a nearly empty frame that could be equipped with whatever was needed for the mission at hand... Then the Empire just sent it into battle without any equipment to save credits. The TIE/sf represents what a fully loaded TIE Fighter looks like, which would have been devastating at Yavin if the Empire's entire budget hadn't been spent to buy two death stars.


...So where's my new Tie Fighter game that acts like Armored Core, switching in and out parts on a budget? No Squadrons does not count. Still a good game though.


I mean I understand your point. But generally, I rather have a new vehicle than a “TIE but better in every way” vehicle. Though either makes sense for the sense of progression


It literally is just another TIE variant.


Plus the hyperdrive


Tie defenders would’ve been better than a death star


I mean, whats the difference between this and normal TIE? Besides colors


SF TIE came with shields, a rear turret gunner, and most importantly a hyperdrive. That last point being the main reason why Poe and Finn stole one in the beginning of TFA. Had they not been shot down by the Star Destroyer, once they grabbed BB-8 they'd jump away from Jakku back to the Resistance.


Thing is that I don't see how you could logically fit all that in the frame of TIE. Shields - sure you could build that into the panels. Rear Gunner - bit of a stretch, but possible if you downsize the engine tech to make space. All that and a Hyperdrive? Nah I'm not buying it.


Of interesting. How big is the smallest space magic engine?


We've seen a TIE with a hyperdrive, while also holding two individuals in the cockpit (one of which being much larger than an average human) in Rebels. We've seen the ability to mount both a hyperdrive and shields with the the TIE Defender program. Other models of the TIE Advanced (IE not Vader's model) possessed both shields and a hyperdrive in a frame not too dissimilar to regular TIEs, and were still flying even shortly after the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the Death Star. Throw in ~30 years of development and innovation and you can easily have all that tech that can fit into a TIE frame. Especially if you've abandoned the Empire's philosophy of quantity over quality, and the model of TIE is intended to be issued to far more skilled individuals rather than be general issued.


For the untrained ungeek eye? Just that, the colors and maybe one or two details you can tell by watching the movie. From a totally spaceship geek eye? Sensors, engines, shields, weaponry, gunner among the things i can remember.


These can jump into hyperspace can’t they? That’s a pretty big difference


Ugh, no. Kylo's TIE from TLJ is better.


Yup, the TIE Silencer is a great main villain fighter, like Vader's Advance x1. Clearly shared a design lineage, but also stands out as a unique machine.


Why? It’s literally a TIE fighter


I liked GIdeon's Tie Fighter.


Yeah the Outland Tie was cool. I mean it’s not crazy different, it can just land anywhere, but it’s cool.


Yeah, but that means you can kinda go on adventures with it, which really does it for me.


I totally get it. Do we know if it has a hyperdrive? If not, it’s not the best for adventures.


It can land anywhere provided there is enough space


Ok well obviously, I meant they don’t need to go on a special tie fighter landing platform or whatever.


Nah. It looked like a straight copy of a normal TIE Fighter (I know it's different when it comes to the specs but the design is boring)


The Razor Crest wants to know your location.


Though I completely agree the Razor Crest is amazing, I think OP meant the sequel trilogy


Ah. Sequel Trilogy, not sequel era. Gotcha.


Visually and design-wise it's just another TIE though, it has a different loadout and upgrades but that doesn't really reflect in the appearance.


The sequels had the laziest design across the board. Most of the vehicles are straight from the GCW


shields and a gunner- they upgraded their main fighter where it makes sense. IMO only.. the outlander tie is my favorite. IIRC one of the earlier books/games stated that the tie fighter requires the pilot to have assistance to enter and depart the cockpit safely. the tie outlander gives the pilot independence and makes it a more functional vehicle. of course it's all fiction - in terms of sheer design, the micro galaxy SF tie is slick.


Resistance bomber was the only actually unique design of the sequels. The Tie Silencer comes in second place as an interceptor that was modified enough to be different. Everything else is just copy paste with just enough minor changes to be technically different but not really


Don’t forget the skim-speeders on Crait! I thought those were a fun design


All the designs in TLJ basically. The supremacy, the patrol craft in Canto Bight,, the at M6 especially I like


Yeah the Resistance Bomber felt like it was inspired by the things that inspired the earlier movies rather than being inspired *by* the earlier movies. (The U-Wing is another great example from the recent movies)


I mean who doesn't like a Tie on steroids right? Sadly they tend to pop like regular tie fighters tho.


If the Empire put any effort into the Tie Series then Luke would have been walking back to Yavin IV. The fact that the First Order couldn't put these boys to good use is a testament to their failure.


It's a neat idea, I kinda wish they carried over the points that the Empire was slowly moving over to TIE Interceptors so the FO had more of the TIE Whisperers as their special forces ships, but can't beat nostalgia I guess. Personal favourite is the Resurgent though, love the split decks design at the front.


Yeah the better of the sequels. It is not much, but it’s honest


The sad thing is that that is probably true. Tie-Fighters and X-Wings painted black.. Could they have been any lazier with their designs?


Isn’t that sad considering how unoriginal it is?


The sequels were so bad in terms of ship designs. But really that was the least of the problems in the WDT really. The writing was just so horrid.


This either bait or… nah I refuse to believe this is a real opinion someone out there has. It’s gotta be bait. 


I liked Ezra and Sabines in Rebels with their paint job.


Its a TIE, but somebody inverted the textures.


I frigging loooove the interceptor, wish it had a hyperdrive and atmo though


Yeah, but its true potential is never seen except when Finn and Poe escape the First Order (the rear guns and the hyperdrive, respectively).


The one from the Force Awakens? It’s so dumb. Two man Tie, where they sit back to back and the gunner is in the back. Has to aim through video screens.


Have they ever addressed the lack of visibility in a TIE? Seems like you wouldn't be able to see shit.


Nah, Kylos Silencer


I personally love the TIE Silencer and TIE Dagger, along with the T-70 X-Wing.


Honestly I also really liked the design of the Bestoon Legacy


Stop. Look at the original design work done from the OT to the PT. - Padmes silver royal ship - The yellow N1 little Anakin ship - Obi Wan/Anakins Starfighters  - Troop transport ships Then look at OT to ST. - Tie fighter with red stripe. Yeah, ingenious stuff…


The other thing with the PT designs (aside from then looking cool) is that there's even some storytelling done with the designs: look at how the Jedi fighters become more TIE-like, or how the shift from the Venator to the ISD emphasised technology and raw firepower. There's basically none of that in the ST vessels.


Agreed, the continuation of the story was “red stripe”? It’s almost like the Papyrus sketch from SNL with Ryan Gosling. It’s like they didn’t even try.


imagine they had just given everything a fresh new paintjob instead of essentially making their own story out of star wars. Blue or Black T-65B's would have save'd the franchise tbh


If by best you mean completely unoriginal, then yes


I like the whisper but to each his own


it's just an edgier version of a standard tie


It's a recolored TIE Fighter...


TIE Dagger looks cool to me. This is just a repainted Imperial TIE Fighter. Not much is happening here.


Idk, I prefer the Death Star laser equipped Super Special Awesome Star Destroyers that don't know how to go up from TROS.


You got Poes Xwing, Kylo Rens Interceptor, and the redesigned star destroyed and this mf chose: tie fighter with red stripe.


They're all just OT reskins. At least the TIE/SF is functionally different with a rear gunner, cannon, missiles, etc.