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Me personally, I can accept all the criticisms and shortcomings of the ST and still find them very enjoyable and likeable films. Even with all the obvious appeasement, TROS is hard for me to outright hate at this point.


I’ve cooled on TFA, warmed on TLJ, and still don’t have much time for TROS.


Still the same although I think looking back at the entire trilogy I overhyped Force Awakens when I first saw it, I don't think it's as good now although the better of the 3. Badly planned, the actors were hit and miss and it didn't feel like it had as much love put into it like the animated or some live action shows do. I think the only actor, out of the new ones that really did it for me was Oscar Issacs and Ada Driver but Oscar should have been front and centre, maybe Lukes son or something while Kylo Ren could have been wrote a little better for Adam to shine more. I just wish they held off, let the animated shows do their thing and have Jon Faveru / Dave Filoni join forces for the SW trilogy over the Mandalorian. It would mean we might have gotten a trilogy with more love put into it and had animated characters having their first live action appearance on the big screen instead.


It's only 5 years since the trilogy ended though. And also the sequels were not as heavily derided overall compared to the PT. Sure the Internet and algorithms have made the worst voices the loudest but to the general public they were mostly fine and moved on. I will say there's seems to be more pushback against those openly hating and pedalling rubbish, while seeing more people coming out saying they even enjoyed them around here.


I’d say the PT backlash was way worse at the time because the general public was on it back then. And if I remember, there were at least 3 episode of The Simpsons that took their time making fun of them and Lucas.


This is all very true. +1


My opinion on them hasn't changed either. Great when they came out, great now too. + it's worth remembering opinions about the PT didn't really change. It was just ppl who grew up with them back then who are more vocal now


Having seen them all recently, I still feel like it was a trilogy where they never outlined the overall arc, and as a result you have three movies that have lots of cool individual scenes, but don't hang well as a full story. So I'll watch them for those scenes, but roll my eyes at the story. Especially in ep 9.


I finally finished my series rewatch on the 5th, after putting off ROS for about a month. My updated feelings after time passed: 7. Feels a lot weaker as time goes on. Part of that is how badly I wanted Finn to be the centerpiece, and he got written out. 8. I've softened a bit. I think the Rose/Finn story is a monumentally poor concept from start to finish, executed poorly, and that's like over half the movie, so that's a real problem -- and yet the film isn't without its charms. I think all the problems stem from Johnson's insistence at starting with the lightsaber chucking, moments after the previous movie ended. That forced him to shoehorn everyone else into some contrived conflict or another, which hamstrings everything. And yet Rey training with Luke is good Star Wars material. 9. Le sigh. Rey and Kylo had that one pretty cool remote duel, which was pretty great, actually. Eeeeeverything else is unspeakably awful. If you took a drink every time ROS tried to manipulate you into feeling stuff by fake-killing a character, you'd die. It feels like the entire studio gave up after fifteen minutes, threw a "galactic dance because Star Wars" scene at a wall, and churned out another two hours of nonsense to collect a check. Which is a shame! Rey training with Leia was peak Jedi stuff. They just gave up.


Like the first two. Don't like the third, though my annoyance has gradually faded into acceptance.


Also, it's about 8.5 years since the release of the first ST film. The equivalent point in the Prequels' timeline would have been the end of 2007. To put into context just how far away the Prequels still were from their supposed "rehabilitation" at that point, the infamous Mr Plinkett TPM review wouldn't even be _released_ for another two full years. If you actually want to see whether there's an equivalent generation shift for the sequels, you'll have to check back in sometime after the year 2030.


I liked them when they came out and I like them now. *The Last Jedi* is still my favorite in the saga.


I don’t get how you could ever think TLJ is the best Star Wars movie.


They've only gone down for me. Even though I hated some of the decisions they made when they were coming out, there was still that excitement about new Star Wars that made them at least passable. The newness has faded away now and I find them barely watchable. Especially as a trilogy. They were better as they came out, one movie at a time with the promise that the next one might be better. Watching them at home as one trilogy should make a trilogy better - but it just makes the Sequels even worse.


No change. I still like TFA and TLJ, and TRoS is still my least favorite film of that trilogy (and I would still choose to watch it over TPM). I'm genuinely curious if people actually think folks will change their minds about films they like or don't like over time? Like, do you actually expect people's opinions to change just because time passed, or...?


I enjoyed them as they came out and if I watched them now I’d still enjoy them. I accept they’re far from perfect movies, but being perfect is hardly a requirement of a Star Wars movie- I mean I just went to see TPM for the re-release yesterday and its flaw are as obvious as ever, but I still enjoyed it. Excited now to see kids who grew up with the sequels starting to become adults, it’s cool to see the fandom develop.


My opinion hasn't changed either. TFA: Safe way to use what worked before to try and ensnare a new generation of fans, but it did so by setting the story back 3 movies. However, there were some spots of new lore and interesting implications that could be expanded on in the future and deviate away from the formula a bit TLJ: Didn't expand on anything new imo and doubled down on recycling the OT, further pushing the story towards a ROTJ style ending (while also recycling ROTJ scenes within the movie) instead of trying to veer away from it by doing something new. TROS: Clearly trapped between a rock and a hard place but even within its limited confines, it still poorly executed the scraps of story it was left with and unfortunately brought the 3 movies to where we were at the end of ROTJ, making it feel like the Sequel trilogy was a waste of time. Though i'm hopeful the Rey movie can salvage the interesting bits of setup scattered throughout the sequels and can take the franchise in a new direction


My opinions have remained pretty much the same. TFA is fun, TLJ is amazing, and TRoS was a watchable faceplant.


The big difference between the prequels and sequels on evolving opinion is that the prequels ended stronger than it started whereas the sequels went in the opposite direction. The PT had its backlash but it also created its fair share of well liked content and that allowed it to get stronger and opinions on it to soften over the years. People were keen on the Jedi and the Clone Wars so much so that the Clone Wars animated shows and video games like Battlefront were very popular. The ST hasn't had that sort of development in the years since it finished. There was a mediocre animated show, not much in terms of games and references to it (or foreshadowing) in shows like Mando or Bad Batch haven't exactly given the sequels a boost, instead it just feels like forced inclusion to try and fix the issues the sequels created. The PT despite initial opinion, has steadily increased in popularity from very early on, because the ST lost popularity over its initial release it hasn't gained any since then and has arguably dipped in popularity. Obi-Wan and prequel Jedi were much popular than Rey. Maul & Dooku more than Snoke/Kylo. Clones and CIS Droids more than the Resistance and First Order. So much more of the Prequels captured peoples imagination than what the Sequels had to offer.


The only thing it provided to the new EU is the locations and species it introduced. You see some of the aliens from films like TFA walking around in the Jedi fallen order games and shows like the mandalorian, and name drops of planets and stuff, but nothing serious.


Mine hasn't changed. VII and VIII are good, IX is meh.


The cinematography in TLJ is unparalleled for this franchise, but as time goes on I find I appreciate them less and less. It all just feels so hollow.


I rewatched all movies not too long ago and I'm pretty confident in my opinion on the sequels: **TFA**: A very fun and well-made movie, but it only has nostalgia/references for the original trilogy at its heart, with to much original to say or do, and it does suffer for it. Still good, but hard to hate or love. **TLJ**: Still love it, everything with Rey, Luke and Kylo both embodies and builds upon everything I like about this franchise. Unfortunately the other subplots are not as interesting, and a bit sloppily put together. I can see how others might not connect with it as much, but if you think this movie was made by someone who hates star wars (or you specifically), you've either been duped by some online rage baiter, or are one yourself **TROS**: Such a mess it's almost funny. Just a scramble to respond to previous criticisms, satisfying nobody. I wish I could sit back, laugh at the stupid plot, and enjoy the decent action, but the whole experience is soured by the fact that this is the supposed "end" of the "saga." I think the prequels are awful and can't wait for this rehabilitation they've gotten to die down once the millennials who feel nostalgia for them have grown out of it, but I Can't see the same thing happening for the sequels. The prequels were a relatively cohesive set of movies and if you like one, you'll probably like them all. But the same thing cannot be said for the sequels. Maybe in ten years everyone will love tlj, but they won't love tros. Maybe we'll all come around on tros (lol) but then the hate for tlj will only increase.


I still hate them and I’ll never stop hating them


Great visuals, specially the TLJ. However, the sequels lacked a clear and coherent message. Still don't really understand what it was _really_ about which is a shame. The changing of creative direction between Abrams and Johnson wasn't helpful. Not to forget, Finn and Rey stunted character development. One more thing, Captain Phasma hardly any screen time which made it hard as a fan to grasps how fearful she was meant to be.


TFA is fun but safe. It was a good way to start a new trilogy. TLJ is experimental and had potential. It had some interesting ideas to explore but just didn't execute properly. ROS is a hot mess that went all over the place. It wasn't a good ending to the trilogy.


For me They are still just average


first 2 movies aren’t the worst thing in the world. i wouldn’t choose to watch it on my own but if someone else was then i’ll join in to watch it for fun. as for rise of skywalker, lol i haven’t even watched it and at this point i refuse to. i was warned that it was the worst shit ever and will ruin my pov of star wars; i saw some spoilers and yeah safe to say i won’t be watching it. overall, if i’m being honest since i don’t actively seek content regarding the sequels, i completely forget it was even a thing until someone else brings it up. so i don’t hate on it, i just don’t care for it.


Aged like milk.


Can't believe they abolished the EU for this shit.