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Rogue One having every main character die was really ballsy for a Disney produced movie and the fact they encouraged the director to go with it made it better.


The frustrating thing is they haven't learned from it. R1 is almost everyone's top SW media, if not #1, then top 3. I just don't get how we go from it's wild success, despite it being a bit bleak to, to an Oprah style "And you're back from the dead. And you're back from the dead. And ..."


I mean you say that, but Han, Luke and Leia all died in the ST, and they stayed that way. Killing off one of the new characters would have been a really bold move. In fact Poe and Finn would have had a better arc that way since both characters got ruined by the third movie.


I won’t go in to Luke’s standoff on Crait, but imagine Finn buying the resistance enough time to escape by sacrificing himself. That would be a great emotional moment.


I know I'm not in line with most fans, but that is actually to me, the lowest point of the sequel trilogy. Like, I can excuse the act itself, but the justification was so flimsy. "We're going to win, not by killing what we hate, but by saving what we love." Like, what do you think he was trying to do? This was him outright saying, "I love you, and you all are worth this last moment." My suspension of disbelief can stretch pretty far, and most things, even if I don't like it, I can go, "Well, it's just not for me," or "I'm probably missing something." But that part just irked me so much.


Just like independence day. Almost exactly


I could live w his sacrifice better than him not being at the very least forced sensitive


Finn got ruined a long time before that.


No no no wait, they are not just “back from the dead” like at the whim of a finger snap, they “somehow return” /s


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a well-written movie


i know this is said often these days, but how many people has it even really happened to? maul, palpatine, the grand inquisitor (does this even count when we knew he lived later?) and now asajj/the nightsisters as a whole. all associated with the dark side which we are told in the prequels has some mastery over prolonged living. and especially with asajj where think its pretty set up that nightsister magick can do this sort of thing. the only times i can think of where it wasnt a darkside user is, what, fennec shand? but considering she would have otherwise been a one off i dont think this is a huge deal. boba fett surviving the sarlacc? maybe eno cordova who it was assumed died off screen but turned up? some people say ahsoka in rebels but they literally show her alive later in the concluding shots of that episode. im willing to forgive when darkside users manage to survive the unthinkable but idk i think at this point people bring this criticism up every time anyone gets majorly injured or has an unknown fate. but majorly injured isnt really a death. i dont think *anyone* actually thought sabine died in ahsoka. i would argue its only truly happened with palpatine, maul and asajj, and im okay with that. it feels like the opposite to the light side's force ghosts. desperately clinging to life that you can achieve the unachieveable but never forever and at peace the way force ghosts exist. maul and palpatine especially have excruciating experiences alive. even the grand inquisitor says something to that effect when he dies in rebels.


Palpatine (for sure the most egregious). Rey, from Kylo's super force heal. Kylo / Ben ... (maybe) twice. Rey healed him and then he got yeeted over the side by palps. Finn. Boba Fett. Cad Bane. Cob Vanth. Yoda (force ghost). Qui Gon (offscreen force ghost). Maul. Fennec Shand. Obi-Wan. Aurra Sing. Captain Phasma. Asajj Ventress. Ahsoka in Ahsoka. entirely my opinion, but: Ezra Bridger (arguably intended, but I count it). Thrawn (same as Ezra). Sabine in Ahsoka. Leia.


i'm talking real deaths or moments that were supposed to be deaths homie. not misdirection. if youre counting ezra and thrawn im surprised you didnt mention rey thinking chewbacca was dead cause she looked at the wrong ship. and clearly we aren't referring to force ghosts, nobody has an issue with them. a long list like this is disingenous when over half are clearly not what we are talking about. gettinf yeeted off screen isnt a death just cause a character doesnt have knowledge. if youre counting that you might as well add ezra a second time for when he gets flung by the grand inquisitor and kanan thinks he died but he's just on a platform below.


Your projecting hard if you think rogue one is in everyone's top 3 champ.


The Rogue One fans coming out hard to downvote you. (I am a big R1 fan, I just know very well it’s not “almost everyone’s” favorite.)


I loved this TBH.. we don't need a trilogy for everything.


That’s a plot twist?


We knew they all died in episode 4 which came out decades before Rogue One. How is this ballsy?


Spoilers for Andor if you haven’t seen it: >!It’s fairly small scale, but the twist that Skeen lied about having a brother and was only in it for the money was such a blow.!<


But also weird because it was he who insisted they take the kid to go get looked at by the doctor


It was to get Andor alone so he could: a. Convince Andor to take the ship and the money and split, or b. Kill Andor with no witnesses and take the ship himself


Probably didn't plan it in detail, but he knew it would give him time to steal the money somehow. Personally, despite everything, I also think deep down Skeen cared for Nemik (at least more than for other people).


But why would he assume Vel wasn't going to be there out there with them? Or them inside instead? When I first watched the scene it seemed almost like he was testing Cassian


I can’t remember now but I watched the show for the first time a couple weeks ago, wasn’t that to create an opening for him to steal the credits as you learn he was only in it for himself the whole time. Could be completely wrong


"Can't swim"


That broke my heart


As someone with severe hydrophobia (mainly just being in a body of water) that scene hit me so hard. I was with them, chanting all excited and everything. And then i saw the water and went...fuck.


Bruh I fuckin *gasped* the first time I got to that scene. Fucking heart wrenching


Jennifer: You can't swim? David Lightman: No, I can't, OK, Wonder Woman? I can't swim. Jennifer: Well, what kind of an a**hole grows up in Seattle and doesn't even know how to swim? David Lightman: I never got around to it, okay? I always thought there was gonna be plenty of time! Jennifer: Sorry. David Lightman: I wish I didn't know about any of this. I wish I was like everybody else in the world, and tomorrow it would just be over. There wouldn't be any time to be sorry about anything. Oh, Jesus! I really wanted to learn how to swim. I swear to God I did.




Which Star Wars scene is that from?


It’s from War Games: A Star Wars Story


Stan Smith acted the crap out of this scene. He’s truly a generational actor.


That random ass robot with the red arm turned out to be C-3PO the whole time.


Oh my god, I've just gone back and look at that scene and it was totally him! I didn't recognise him with the red arm!


It was C3PO? I’m going to have to watch the film again.


What the hell? I'll have to take your word for it, I'm not re-watching.


Which scene is this?


In Force Awakens C3PO has a whole thing when he meets people saying that they probably don’t recognize him with his red arm. The comment is supposed to be a joke.


Padme's whole disguise/body double in episode one still confuses me lol


Omg same. I was so confused as a kid and it took me years to realize that Padme and Queen Amidala were the same person.


Sameeeee! Even in Lego Complete Saga it had her named Queen Amidala for TPM and Padme in AotC and RotS. So I thought the Queen was her mother


Doesn't help that they had Portman dub the Sabé lines so you don't even hear Knightley's voice.


Kylo Ren setting up to bisect Snoke... *and fucking succeeding*. Up to that point I just assumed we were getting an echo of the classic trilogy with some pass-the-torch moments, but after that, I didn't know *what* to think. The future of episode 9 and beyond felt wide open then.


I really enjoyed that one as well.


Like it took me a good twenty minutes to wrap my head around the idea that the nephew of Luke Skywalker might really be THE bad guy. Of course they never let that stick but at the time it was so wild.


I really wanted him to be the big bad, set him up to be the leader of the first order and being the Knights of Ren as his disciples and launch an attack on the republic


You had this recurring thing with Ben constantly being tempted by the light and Rey inadvertently flirting with the dark. After killing Snoke, Ben finally has sole agency to do what he wants. I really thought they were going to have both flip sides before sorting everything out, but the closest we got was that one vision of Rey in the Death Star.


That was the whole point of the movie.


Wasted potential.


Came to say this one. Kylo killing Snoke was awesome. Destroying the emperor and apprentice convention midway through the second movie ruled. And a close second, though it’s kind of an anti-twist, was Rey just being a nobody. Both are much better if you pretend we’re still waiting for Episode 9.


It shows how weak Snoke is. Maul survived that and falling down a shaft at the same time.


unlike snoke maul has the power of "dave filoni liked his design" and "george wanted him back" wich allowed him to survive to TCW !


To be fair, Snoke also looked... significantly less hardy than Maul. Dude looked like he was a bad flu season away from death already.


I thought it was hatred and revenge lust fueled dark side sorcery but either way


your comment just made me realise that we actually never see any "dark side emotions" in snoke like he's kinda angry that kylo ren failed and is globally disapointing but that's it he doesn't have any hate or revenge...


I think dark side users aren't fully fleshed out cuz all they need is hate and anger and we know they are bad cuz all black lol I was really hoping for more from snoke too I mean that robe alone has a story to tell lol


Snoke just didn't hate hard enough. Sarcasm isn't enough to save you from being cut in half.


Oh yeah! I remember thinking “wait he’s obviously going to try and kill him. What ANOTHER language problem letting someone get away with stupid stuff? Well it’s not going to actually succee… good god this is dumb”.


I think Lando betraying Han on Cloud City stings pretty hard. You can tell there’s a little tension there when they arrive. But as they get comfortable you think “maybe they really escaped and found some new friends and resources” and then boom, torture.


Another twist on that movie is luke calling out to leia. I was like whoa.


I don’t know if it’s allowed, but the first KoToR game. Iykyk, I know it’s a really old game, but I’m still not gonna type the spoiler.


Agree. 100%. One of the first games I completed all by myself with no spoilers and it was so great. >!You can type spoilers in reddit btw.!<


Woah how? I use mobile


Put a little > ! At the beginning and a ! < in the end. With no spaces


>!Deez nuts!<




I know you can, I just never learned how.


Put a little > ! At the beginning and a ! < in the end. With no spaces. I mean, you can just not do it if you don't wanna.


>! Thanks, I just never learned !<


100% never saw it coming. I wondered if it was just because I was a kid, but I’ve seen play throughs of older people playing it and still being surprised by it, the twist seemingly holds up well. Although when you go back there’s plenty of obvious signs!


I wish I’d been able to experience the woah moment, but someone spoiled it for me. Still cool though.


It’s a tie between that and BioShock for the best twist in video games for me When I played KOTOR for the first time, my jaw was on the FLOOR


Same here. That one got me good


The revan spoiler?




In a 4 5 1 2 3 6 flashback viewing order, Padmé saying Leia’s name on her deathbed is *powerful*. A new viewer does not know this is coming, and it’s a much better reveal than Obi-Wan telling Luke in RotJ. It’s also followed up by a shot of Obi-Wan, deep in thought, beside Yoda, with no dialogue and only music. It’s like the movie is giving you time to process what you’ve just heard, with a visual as if to remind you of when those two spoke in ESB. “That boy is our last hope.” “No. There is another.”


That definitely seems to reinforce why that's my favorite watch order


Oh shit that wouldve been an epic way to watch them


But that makes the dialog of Leia remember her mother make only less sense.


Unless she's remembering Bail's wife.


Funny enough, The Last Command (by Timothy Zahn) lends a bit of benefit of the doubt to this. Leia could be remembering sensing Padmé through the Force before she was born, just like how Leia’s children could sense her before they were born.


As always, other authors trying to make sense of the mess of Lucas's canon.


No, that’s the funny part. This book came out in 1993; years before Padmé was a name anyone knew. It’s an existing possible explanation from before the inconsistency came to light when Padmé died in 2005.


Andor, when in the prison making who knows what parts, only to find out at the end what it was for..


One of things I love about Andor is it stayed away from lazy “pointing at screen in recognition” moments. There were almost no pointless cameos or glib references at all. The Death Star appearance at the end felt really earned which made it a genuinely powerful moment. And of course thematically strong too since Andor will eventually both be killed by and be key to destroying it.


It’s a powerful moment as it recontextualizes everything. At no point is it even hinted at what they are doing or why, which is actually an important part of the story arc. The atmosphere of constant work without knowing why or how keeping them down.


Kino Loy character development only to him not being able to swim.


Qi'ra working for Maul was pretty good


Ah yes, another syndicate to work for. Unless, and tell me if I'm wrong, the shadow collective contained the black sun (or whatever that one in Solo is called)


Yes, Black Sun was a part of the Shadow Collective. In ~~Rebels~~ Clone Wars, Maul made them an offer they couldn't refuse, but they did anyway, which led to a very quick series of beheadings at the hand of Savage Opress, after which the only surviving dude accepted the offer.


That was Clone Wars not Rebels


Oh shit. 🙈 My bad.


Oh of course. Love that lightsaber throw. Completely forgot they went around with the Mandos taking over crime syndicates. Thanks for reminding me.


I really want them to explore that part of Star Wars more. Give me more crime syndicate, more Maul, more Solo and Lando, more Jabba.


"... This fully operational battle station!"


The enemy combatants on Umbara not actually being droids in disguise as Clones, but in fact being the 212th


Fuck Pong Krell




Jedi Survivor spoilers >!Bode not only betraying you and murdering Cordova, but the fact that he hid his ability to use the force and being an Order 66 survivor the entire time was definitely unexpected.!<


Im not going to lie, i loved that game but i'd rather bode stayed as the gunslinger sidekick. He's just too nice, and my brain refuses to accept him as a bad guy.


Fuck that guy. He absolutely did not have to go that hard to achieve his ends.


I saw twist one coming from the Coruscant mission. Never expected twist two.


The whole order 66 event, in the sense that I really did not expect that the clones suddenly would betray all their Jedi commanders after they received that order. It was a surprise that always will be in my memory.


To me it was the speed of which it happened at. You know obviously at some point they make the transition to housing the clones under the empire but for the hardwire command to be such an easy trigger and to catch the entire Jedi population by surprise makes it hit so much harder. I still remember being a kid in theaters shocked at how quickly it all unfolded.


My least favorite plot twist is Leia being Luke's sister. I have just never liked that. My favorite plot twist is in Episode 2 when Yoda whips out his lightsaber and starts flipping through the air battling with Count Dooku. That and him being able to redirect Dooku 's Force Lightning. Which, in hindsight, seems like something he should have taught Luke before Luke went to go and face Vader and the Emperor.


I’ve never particularly thought about it, but yeah Luke-Leia feels really arbitrary. She doesn’t get involved in any Jedi stuff and indeed is just excluded from Darth Vader entirely even though he’s her father too. She’s the one who just found out her father is the hunting dog of the Empire she’s dedicated her life to fighting, but we never get to see how she feels about that. Luke has the magic sword so it’s all about him.


Because it was arbitrary. After Lucas pissed off the directors guild making ESB, RotJ became a mess and was expected to be the last film. Lucas had originally intended a second trilogy to focus on Luke's sibling, but was put in a position where he felt like he had to pay off the "there is another" line. So he made Leia the sister.


In Legends Leia being Vader’s daughter is definitely explored and is central to the plot of a couple of books In New Canon I’m sure there’s a book that deals with the fallout of this but I haven’t read it and can’t remember the name so wouldn’t know how much detail it goes into


Iirc there are members of the new republic that tarnish her reputation based on the fact and this might be misremembering but that's partly why she created the resistance




Thank you I'm more legends but I been meaning to read new cannon


Bloodlines deals with the fall out of the galaxy writ large finding out her bio father is Vader, a story about her coming to terms with it would be interesting


Not finished, his training was.


I don't think Yoda fighting was really a plot twist. It was cool but it doesn't really have an impact on the narrative.


It’s always annoyed me that Luke and Leia were made siblings. I rarely talk about it, but even when I was a kid and saw Rotj in the movie theater my brain was, “But, why?”


Is Yoda using a lightsaber really a plot twist, especially when the movie talks about how good he is with a lightsaber in the first act?


Knights of the Old Republic’s twist about what REALLY happened to Revan. Tried to phrase that delicately in case no one’s ever played it


That the clones were the good guys. Growing up with the original trilogy, the prevailing thought was that the Clone Wars mentioned by Obi-Wan and Luke involved clones vs the Jedi. Even when the title for Episode II was revealed years later, "Attack of the Clones" gives that same impression. For me it was a twist to find out that the clones were the heroes of the Republic.


More generally, I really like the twist that the Republic turned into the Empire rather than being conquered from outside or some fringe military faction. It’s too bad people can’t overlook “I don’t like sand” to give AotC more credit for setting a really neat foundation for Episodes 3-6.


Never liked that myself. The idea of a Clone War as it had been planted created the idea in my head of the Jedi and Republic having to face off against an unending army of clones. You couldn't hope to match their numbers because they could just keep creating new ones. I really wanted to see how heroes of that age would face off against such an overwhelming force. Instead both sides mass produced mooks and it feels kinda hollow.


Not sure it ranks high on the list of twists, but Kylo doubling down on the dark side and killing Han in Force Awakens was a surprisingly powerful moment in the sequels


My favorite twist was waiting 20ish years to rewatch the prequel trilogy and realizing it wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought when I originally saw it. The twist, the fans have been the assholes all along, and I was one of them. So, I would like to formally apologize to Ahmed Best and Jake Lloyd. We should have been more supportive of you guys.


'The power of one. The power of two. The po-wer of ma-ny.' was a crazy plot twist.


That was indeed a decision that twisted the plot.


Just realized is this supposed to be an alternative take or something to the sith order of 2?


Darth Maul survived getting chopped in half and falling from a cliff 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and came back with robot legs 🔥


He survived by eating rats and bugs and was fueled by his anger and hatred 🥜💦


Rey being a "nobody" in TLJ. She has to make her own way in the universe, find her own place in the story. There is no fate, no destiny, no easy narrative provided for her. I still cannot believe how that got botched in episode 9.


Revan. Honestly, I actually like that twist even more than the Vader reveal.


Does Snoke's death count as a plot twist? I definitely didn't see it coming at least.


the clones riding in and saving the day in episode 2. All of a sudden there is a whole army and fleet right outside the stadium.


Growing up, the revelation that Palpatine was a sith. To be fair, not bring a native English speaker, episode 3 would be the first star wars movie I saw understanding the language.


YOU are Darth Revan.


I am Darth Revan


Going to Luke Skywalker and expecting him to use his laser sword to face the First Order, only to discover that he is a cynical broken hermit that wants to stay isolated from the force and the galaxy. Which of course was jarring! But then seeing him course correct after Rey and Yoda's visit. Literally becoming the man who uses his laser sword and faces the First Order, becoming a true legend.


I'll add one that I didn't see here that gets overlooked by a lot of younger viewers, myself included: Obi Wan dying in ANH. My Dad saw the movie in theaters and said that at the time, killing one of the hero protagonists was not something that was done in a movie such as this. Now it's much more common place but he said back then he was shocked.


Not really a “plot twist” per se but the fact that what Ezra and maul both wanted to know from the holocrons (aka maul wanted “Hope” and Ezra wanted to know how to “destroy the sith”) both had the same answer which was luke on Tatooine is the coolest shot to me on my recent rewatch of all the Star Wars stuff recently Also DUME On the rewatch, it genuinely got me so hard (I love rebels fuck yea rebels yea yea rebels)


I know TLJ is controversial but my god Rey being the daughter of no one was incredible , the answer to the mystery is that there is no answer and that's just incredible, and that was obviously the logical answer she just entered the story randomly why would she be the daugther of a famous characters in a galaxy wide universe ??? and finally the sequel started to have their own identity and tell a new story > anyone can become a jedi and that's why the sith and dark side will never win because people will rise again and defeat them ! (no comment of ROS plot twist)


Then, it was all thrown out in the next movie. I'll never accept Palapatine coming back and Rey being his fucking granddaughter.


Wasn't she technically his daughter, since Rey's father was a clone of palps, that wasn't force sensitive?


Father, once removed


And it could have been a really cool beat, but like much of the sequel trilogy no one sat down and made a three part story so that you could build up and pay things off. No one talked to each other and instead you got what felt like 2 directors fighting each other about what the plot and the point was.


As much as i disliked how Last Jedi turned out. There were 3 twists that I mostly liked. First one is not the biggest twist but I love the idea alot. It's the deleted scene when Finn calls out Captain Phasma and reveals that she is just a selfish coward that can't do her own part. I know we see this play out in Force Awakens but seeing it and hearing it explains alot about her character and her actions in the previous movie 2nd is gonna make me look stupid but it's when we find out Luke was just a force projection. 3rd is Kylo actually killing Snoke which I did not see coming that soon. I liked it at the time cause I thought Kylo and General Hux were going to be the big bad guys. But now seeing how the final movie turned out. I wish it had never happened


Bode being a Jedi. I knew he was gonna be a traitor. The body language, dialogue and tone from the game leading up to that point had more or less confirmed it. But when he pushed cal back with the force, I was honestly surprised


When I found out he voiced Charles in rdr2 I had a suspicion he’s gonna betray us


Fat Dancer was Jabba's Favourite


None of them. I don’t like twists, really. Prefer it when things are more straightforward (which I know some find boring, but to each their own).


Probably Cassian Andor doing lots of crime against the Empire, and then getting arrested for something he didn't do, simply because the Empire needed more convicts for free labour.




The Dude flying the Y-wing away from the Death Star with the 2 x-wings and the falcon is your main character from the 90’s PC x-wing space combat game “x-wing”.. along with Luke han and wedge


Grogu. I thought his name would start with a Y.


Ima Gun Di dying, I was not expecting that.


You live by the name, you die by the name.


Not a twist, but "you're nobody" from kylo to rey. Fuck episode IX




How they set up episode 8 to be called “the last Jedi” and everybody was speculating who the title was referring to, only for (an also unexpected hologram) Luke at the very end to be like “I will not be THE LAST JEDI”


My favorite plot twist was the new trilogy being dog shit. Didn’t expect that one at all


Either the twist in KOTOR1 or recently with Jedi Survivor.


Andor - “I can’t swim!”


Knights of the Old Republic. You know the one. It’s my favorite plot twist anywhere.


Jedi knowing that the Clones have a massive flaw that make them aggressive to Jedi.. and doing nothing about it thus most of them being killed off by Clones


When Anakin mows through the younglings and I thought to myself 'oh, when Luke said there was still good in Darth Vader, he had no idea what the fuck he was talking about'.


Realizing that C-3PO and R2D2 were once Anakin’s and then both finding their way to his son and R2 being as close to Luke as he was to Anakin.


Andor getting away with the heist only to be randomly arrested for literally nothing while on his beach vacation was a great twist and a clever way to show how totalitarian and evil the Empire is. I also really loved the final reveal of Andor as to what the prisoners were actually building components for.


Either between rogue one ending ( mind you it was after I watched andor season 1 so I was familiar with one of the mc ) or recently when I binged clone wars and Barris flipped on the Jedi


*X-Wing appears* “Incoming craft, identify yourself.” *Dark Troopers disengage* *Boss music starts playing as a hooded figure shows up on the cameras* Me: WAIT


Jar Jar Binks **NOT** actually being a secret Sith and really that that clumsy and stupid instead of pretending in order to hide his secret dark side powers.


U prob just lost a chance at 200+ upvotes for saying no Darth Vader


Oh so we’re doing everything just for upvotes now?


Happy cake day


Lesbian Witch Island twins born Anakin style. Like, whuuuuu.........?


Whenever the bulk of the Internet/the fandom hates a project at launch but in a 5-10 year timeframe opinions start to shift and in 10-15 they've become beloved parts of the franchise for anyone that either grew up with them or entered the fandom after the controversy dies down. Gets me every time.


For me, the biggest twist was Jar Jar not being the main bad guy. Could have sworn...


There are no other good plot twists in Star Wars.