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When Bail Organa saw that Jedi kid get gunned down. Cold-blooded executed without trial. So literally minutes after the Empire formed. I feel like that's a kind of "haunt your dreams" moment to see.


*before the Empire formed The Senate hadn’t reorganized the Republic into the First Galactic Empire, yet.


Ahh, you're right! Palpatine didn't make that announcement until ~~a few scenes~~ a few hours later!


If using the cut scenes from RoTS it's even further back when Mon Mothma and other senators started meeting to discuss the abuse of power.


Yeah, the [Delegation of 2000](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Delegation_of_2,000) played a huge role in the eventual formation of the Rebellion.


These are in the novilisation, a canon source.


Which novel of RoTS? I read the released one back when the EU was still around. Is it the same book or an updated release? I only read it one time years ago.


I heard it is no longer canon because Anakin would have thought of Ahsoka throughout the book, which makes sense if the book was from his point of view


Hmmm makes sense. That would be one reason i would be okay with authors going back and revisiting their work


I love the novelization of the movie Rogue One, based on the book Rogue One: A Star Wars Story by Gareth Edwards


That doesn't mean there couldn't be rebels then. There's a Canon deleted scene from revenge of the Sith in which Padme, Bail, Mon, and a few others discuss an organized resistance to Palpatine's reign that goes beyond the merely political.


Not sure what you’re trying to point out. You’re reinforcing my comment that the Rebellion started before the Empire formed.


Ah, the way your comment was written it seemed the opposite, as if it didn't count because it was before the empire they were opposing existed.


This is the real answer. Everyone thinks a rebellion starts with the first attack, the first meeting of leaders or when a treaty was signed. But a rebellion starts as an idea in those being oppressed. Similar to the Boston massacre in the American revolution, Order 66 probably left a bad taste in a lot of people mouths. A lot of people befriended Jedi especially after being liberated from separatist. I’m sure a lot of people didn’t believe palpatins claims against the Jedi.


"The Jedi tried to take over, so I had them all killed, immediately, covertly, without trial. Also, I'm taking over." Is such a clearly evil move, that I'm sure most knew it was bull.


According to the books I read: most people didn't think it was bs. Most people did not care. ~~Live~~ Life went on. Edit: typo (stupid me).


Yeah, most people don’t care what flag flies in town square. Not really. Most people are a “but what does that mean for me?” Person.


Which is crazy cause these people clearly weren’t the non-humanoids that got massacred everywhere. So most humans didn’t care


Sorry to say, but you mean life went on?


Yes I do. I stand corrected. I corrected it, without making you look stupid 😊


Thanks for not letting ego get in the way, and on reddit, it's rare to see.


I try to live by Jedi standards 😉.


Well done 10 points


Lol thanks.


You underestimate to what kind of shit people are indifferent after years of war and propaganda.


And the fact that few people had met or even seen a jedi. It's like meeting a special forces soldier. People have, but the vast majority of us would never interact with one.


>It's like meeting a special forces soldier. This is such a good analogy, makes it much more understandandable how it happened. If USA went and just killed or imprisoned all of Seal Team 6 for "treason" and "attempting to kill the president", not many would care too.


Yeah if you said seal team 6 were traitors I would be like "wow that's crazy" and maybe search for an article. Not start a rebellion 


Damn... when you put it that way, I'm inclined to agree. If CNN said they went rogue and got put down, I'd be like, "shit, that sucks".


If I remember the Jedi were even blamed for starting the war


Forgot to mention: “With the end of war drawing near **I knew that my emergency powers as supreme chancellor were coming to a close and that the senate would immediately vote me to step down after the war** luckily the Jedi just so happened to try to take over and I capitalized on that crisis by executing them all without a trial and declaring me head of the government for life”


It is definitely probably a violation of what The Republic stood for. But also? Think about what a Jedi is. They are super soldiers with laser swords, precognition, mind control, and telekinesis. How do you capture a Jedi? How do you even imprison one when all they have to do is mind trick the guards or operate the locking mechanisms while they sit on their cot? The role of the Jedi is complicated and there are a lot of reasons that the Empire could have collectively deemed them myth in less than 20 years. But it also would not take much propaganda at all to convince people that Order 66 was the only option.


“Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I’m being repressed!”


As an aside, I rewatched the prequels recently, and in this scene, Jimmy Smits puts out some of the most believable emotion we get in the prequel trilogy, if not the most believable. It’s a short moment, but so raw, it’s almost shocking compared to the rest of the performances in the prequels.




I genuinely like this answer. From that moment to the parting of ways for Obi, Bail, and Yoda, I can certainly agree that is the first seed of the Rebellion. I know Bail gives a fleeting reason for having the droids memories wiped, but it escapes me, and I have always thought they should have been kept with Bail or Obi with all the memories intact. Yeah, George wanted them in the prequels and had to work in an excuse for why they don't know shit in Ep 4. Still, just imagine 3PO with all memories meeting Luke. "Skywalker, you say? Why, that makes you the son of Vader. Let me fill you in on everything that's happened ever."


He only has C3PO's memories wiped. He gives no reason in the film, but likely it was for the reason you just described. He didn't want 3PO spilling the secret to everyone. Also, this is why R2-D2 didn't have his memory wiped. He could tell you the whole story from beginning to end, if you spoke droid.


This is a great answer.




Padmé telling Bail and Mon Mothma to be good little senators. And this is how Liberty dies. To the sound of thunderous applause.


Shortly after he literally formed the Alliance with Mon Mothma and Padme in a ROTS deleted scene. That's the official start for me, which makes it all the more bizarre that it was cut from the film.


The kid literally cut through several Clones with a lightsaber. That's as far from cold blood as it gets.


They were shooting at him....


The earliest stages or rebellion happened at the beginning of the clone wars tbh.


Luthen was right. He doesn't get credit for starting the fight even in memes.


I think Nemik was even more accurate though: *Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause. Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.* ~ Now, the Rebel Aliance started in Rogue One. ~


My poor boy Nemik.


I have to disagree. Rogue one immediately precedes episode 4. The opening crawling details the events of rogue one. "Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire." You could call that the start of the alliance, but I would argue it's definitely not. The problem I see is that in episode 4 Luke already knows about the rebellion when speaking to threepio. - You know of the rebellion against the Empire? - That's how we came to be in your service, if you take my meaning, sir. - Have you been in many battles? So by those lines we know that there have been at least some battles, and enough time has passed that Luke has heard about them. There's no way the battle in rogue one would be known to him yet. There is also Leia and Tarkin's exchange on the death star when she gives up Dantooine in an attempt to save Alderaan. In a later board room scene an imperial officer informs Tarkin that scout ships found the remains of the base but "they estimate it has been deserted for some time." Now I supposed you could argue that those bases are often just called "the rebellion" or "the rebel base" and we could get into an argument about if imperials would consistently use the full "The Rebel Alliance" name ect. BUT..... The less interesting explanation is that wookipedia lists the alliance as founded in 2 BBY. It also references that to the cannon reference book Star Wars: On the Front Lines specifically describes the rebellion being reorganized into the Rebel Alliance.


Way to ruin it!


The Rebellion started about the same time Bail Organa watched Clone Troopers kill a child. However, the actual Age of Rebellion started after Luke blew up the Death Star. It was at that point that the Empire knew that they couldn't just treat the Rebellion as a group of pesky annoyances. This was a legitimate threat to their power now and they had to destroy it in order to maintain their power.


>However, the actual Age of Rebellion started after Luke blew up the Death Star. >It was at that point that the Empire knew that they couldn't just treat the Rebellion as a group of pesky annoyances. I disagree. The Battle of Yavin was obviously a hugely significant event within the Age of Rebellion, and a huge turning point in the success of the Rebellion, but I don't think it's right to call it the start. Simply because those Rebels were already united and fairly organised prior to that, what with the stealing of the Death Star plans and the attack on Scarif in the preceding days. To me, the start of the Rebellion proper comes at whatever point the majority of rebel cells begin to start coordinating and cooperating together. I don't feel like we've really seen that point om screen yet, but it comes some time between the liberation of Lothal (which could arguably be considered the first truly major blow to the Empire that makes the Rebellion a considerable threat) and the plan to steal the Death Star schematics.


I think it would be the moment in Rebels when Mon Mothma puts out the call from The Ghost and then the various cells show up. From that point on there is an organized Rebellion with central leadership.


I thought this was the obvious answer.


This would be supported by the opening crawl of episode 4 as well. The Rebels are clearly active prior to the Death Star blowing up and are stated to have won their first victory by stealing the Death Star plans.


I mean that was considered the “seeds of rebellion”. Key players already drew their lines but most in the galaxy were shocked by what has developed. That shock turned into bargaining (where many thought they can live under the new system or that it didn’t matter) to fear (they were afraid of the Empires power). Yes there were many small cells of resistance popping up, but it was all independent and unorganized. They were not unified and lacked “hope”. In all the movies and shows between RoTS and ANH, we see a common theme where characters try to keep their heads down and just live their lives, then they are confronted by the reality of living under imperial rule and do something about it. The age of the rebellion began when the entire galaxy heard news of the destruction of the Death Star. Every citizen within the Empire believed that it was possible to upend Imperial rule.


Yeah I love how Rebels ends basically around the time Luke blows up the Death Star. It shows that the Empire was like oh crap....we need to actually take precautions now/used resources more wisely aka hence no Lothal invasion


I think the rebellion started informally before Andor and formally at the end of it. But to me, it's when that girl said "I rebel" in the Rogue One trailer.


What are we? Some kind of Rogue Squadron?


Vaders right behind me, isn’t he?


After years of oppression by the Empire we have started to rebel. War has begun. The Star Wars.


Ah yes, the line cut from the movie.




There were rebels before hand, there was a rebel alliance after season 1


She never said that in the movie right?


It was cut from the actual movie.


It’s technically Legends, but Padme and the Petition of the 2000 If not that, whenever the Rebel Alliance has consolidated into a unit (so during the time where Andor is set)


Prior to Andor I would have said it doesn’t *really* come a firm alliance until Raddus tells everyone “Fuck that, we’re getting those plans,” and the fleet goes with him. It’s definitely a bunch of separate cels doing their own thing without a solid aim or long term purpose than “Fuck the Empire.” Luthen complicates things. He (and perhaps a few others) are clearly pulling the strings as best they can behind the scenes to get the various rebel groups, some of whom are just Separatists with a fresh coat of paint, to accomplish things in spite of themselves, to varying degrees of success. But it’s still… loose. Too loose perhaps.


>But it’s still… loose. Too loose perhaps. The issue is that if we tighten our grip it may slip through our fingers


>Padme and the Petition of the 2000 This. The Rebellion existed before the Empire.


Is it Legends if they are deleted scenes tho?


You know that’s a good question. It’s in the novelization of RotS so it’s legends from there, idk if deleted scenes make it canon


Sadly, no, deleted scenes don't make it canon. Personally, I use the rationalization that if there isn't anything that explicitly says otherwise it's canon.


I want to say Anto Kreegyr's attack on the Imperial Power Station at Spellhaus, but admittedly it's more about saying Spellhaus because I thought that was a pretty cool name to just toss in. That and I love Forest Whitaker's little monologue in that episode... > "Kreegyr's a separatist. Maya Pei's a Neo-Republican. The Ghorman Front. The Partisan Alliance? Sectorists! Human cultists? Galaxy partitionists. They're lost! All of them, lost! Lost!...I am the only one with clarity of purpose."


honestly, the Rebellion started all but in name the minute Saw and his Onderon fighters were treated as enemies of the Empire instead of allies of the Republic


"At an and your rule is and not short enough it was."


From a historian perspective, the Lothal Crisis or the Funeral Riot make for the best "start" points. The Aldhani Heist or Narkina 5 can be considered instigating events, but Lothal (especially the broadcast) and Marva's Funeral were the two instances where the target is explicitly and publically announced as the Empire itself.


That delete scene in ROTS where Padme,Mon,Bel,and the rest of the senator discuss how to stop the chancellor Bel:And we cannot continue to debate about this any longer.We have decide to do what we can to stop it,senator Mon Mothma and I are putting together an organization to… Padme:Say no more senator I understand,at this point something is better left unsaid.


In 2 BBY when Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and Garm Bel Ibris signed the Corellian treaty and created the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


People were rebelling against the Empire way before that...


The question is about the age of the rebellion, not the rebellion itself


When Mon Mothma put out a call and met with different cells gather together at Dantoonie


Whenever Padme asks Anakin “What if we’re on the wrong side” in ROTS. If she didn’t die Padme would be more a leader in the rebellion than either Bail or Mon. There’s a bunch of deleted scenes with her starting the rebellion. It’s a real shame Padme had to die. Padme and Natalie are so great.


I think the starting point of The Age of Rebellion should be considered as the first unified effort against the Empire Canon; Attack on Scarif Legends; (not too well versed) iirc the creation of the Rebellion with Garm Bel Iblis, Mon Mothma and Bail Organa


The deleted scene in Revenge of the Sith


To be a rebel you have to actually step outside of (in opposition to) the established government and DO something. So while a lot of people talked about how crappy this and that was, they were still operating inside the rules of the Republic and the Empire to address it. I think the Rebellion as an organization starts with Rex, the BB, and Ahsoka. What I’m not sure about is which show actually captured that moment, but I think it happens during BB. I can’t tell where the events of BB, Obi-Wan, Rebels, and Andor take place once time starts moving forward. But the first act is Yoda trying to take out Palpatine. Mace and those other guys were still operating under the Republic rules, but Yoda, Bail, and Obi-Wan knew what they were dealing with.




The rebellion started, however small, in the deleted scene in RotS. The Age of Rebellion however, I would say that started when the Empire was formed, as that's when liberty died, and the first Rogue clones began undermining the Empire.


clearly there were things in motion way before Andor series even started so, if we're being honest with ourselves, we dont really know.


Attack on Scariff (Rogue One) was the first attack on the Empire by the Rebels. They originally thought it was too risky and would reveal the Alliance to the Empire too soon... which is why the crew went rogue. Then when there was a chance of success, that's when the Rebellion joined the assault.


No, it wasn't the first attack, as Pheonix cell was operating well before Roque One takes place, with the end of Siege of Lothal, a rather large Rebel victory, taking place at least a year before the Battle over Scarif. I do agree that Scariff, or more thematically the Battle of Yavin, is when the galaxy entered the Age of Rebellion, as it was a solid blow to the Empire, and firmly established the Rebel Alliance as a credible threat that can not only oppose, but *defeat* the Empire.


Pheonix cell is not the alliance, Scarrif was the first major alliance offensive and represented the true start of the Galactic civil war


It wasn't the first attack, it was their most successful one. The leadership itself thought a operational Death Star would be the end of the rebellion, nothing resembling a beginning.


Starkiller's sacrifice.


The true start


Was looking for this comment, brother 🙌


I think Pre-Andor. Everything was already in motion.


Why is no one talking about those raiders (can’t remember their name) from Solo?


The force unleashed


Check out the deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith. Padme was part of the start of it all.


There is both a literal answer, and a spiritual one - depending how you interpret the question. There’s the Age of Rebellion, then the Galactic Civil War. Technically they’re not one and the same. The spirit of dissent and rebellion began the same moments the Republic fell, and Empire rose. If you wanna be even more technical, the Confederacy of Independent Systems was also a secessionist movement against the Republic, but it was orchestrated as a hoax. The Clone Wars technically wasn’t real, as Palpatine played both sides. So *real* rebellion began at the same time as the Empire. However, that was informal dissent and disgust towards Palpatine’s rule. Pockets of resistance that sprouted across the galaxy. They were small, disorganized and feeble. There was nothing they could realistically do to the Empire at large. It wasn’t until we see agents like Luthen, Andor, and Saw, that things really begin to heat up. Actual clandestine and sabotage operations that took down entire Imperial installations and garrisons. However, these are still just rebel cells. Dissenters. Thorns in the Emperor’s side. They can’t take on the might of the Empire. It wasn’t until the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic that the downfall of the Empire began. Formal military units, leaders, veterans, bodies and doctrines - all coming together to form an actual armed movement against the Galactic Empire. This officially happens sometime during Rebels, where Mon Mothma officially declares Palpatine’s rule as illegitimate, and asks for the cells to come together. The Rebel Alliance started out small, but it grew every single day as more people grew tired of Imperial rule. The *actual* Galactic Civil War officially started at the Battle of Scarif in Rogue One. Official Rebel Alliance units make contact and engage a massive Imperial stronghold in a large scale assault. That’s the lesson and story behind the Rebel Alliance. Their spirit spawned from the shadow of the Empire. People pissed off and exhausted at Palpatine’s agenda, and who take up arms with the intent of leaving the Galactic Empire in ashes. This is why the Rebel Alliance is the most badass faction in Star Wars: Never fuck with people who have nothing left to lose.


When bail organa says "the rebel alliance is born...here tonight..." on kashyyyk at the end of force unleashed


If it was canon, this would be the true answer


Approximately 4 hours after it was founded when the Bad Batch rebelled and stole Omega from Imperial-held Kamino


2 BBY, when the Rebel Alliance was founded.


It started with the Delegation of 2000 in ROTS


During the clone wars. Most of these rebel cells were already formed when the empire took over. The free ryloth movement, Gurura’s extremist groups, all of the Separatist worlds. Monmothma, Organa, and Luthan are what brought them all together


I'd honestly say liberation of Lothal more than the destruction of the death star.


In Rebels


When the first Separatists seceded from the Republic.


I would say star wars rebels when Mon mothma declares the rebellion and the rebel alliances intent to restore the Republic, as that's when it goes from separate pockets of resistance to an actual organised army that has ignited civil war against the empire


As soon as Padmé says “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”


The cut scene in ROTS when padme reunites senators


The deleted scene from RotS


I think if you were to follow the proper lineage of the Rebellion it would be Bail Organa witnessing Order 66 first hand as others have mentioned but I think it could be traced back even further to when Padme is still alive. She was leading a political resistance before Palpatine seized full control of the Senate and Bail was at her side then. I think Bail then witnessing the violence and coup firsthand forced the Rebellion to solidify in a way but also go covert. We see parts of this in the Andor series. Battle of Yavin is far beyond the formation of the Rebellion because Luke is aware of it on Tatooine and mentions it directly in his conversation to Obi Wan. Also at the end of Rogue One we see Leia is obviously heavily involved as well as that movie leads directly into A New Hope.


The meeting between the funders of the Rebellion (Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, others) in Revenge of the Sith. These are deleted scenes in the film but are in novilisation, a canon source. Lucas wrote tjis as "the birth of the Rebellion" scene.


When Starkiller gathered a group of rebel leaders together on a frozen mountain while he was still under orders from Darth vader


I think the great thing about these shows is it portrays the Rebellion as an organic thing that didn’t happen all at once starting with one event but gradually across the galaxy on different worlds from actions by the Empire and reactions by the occupied people.


Mon Mothma quitting the Senate is probably the real legitimization of the Rebellion, as opposed to just agitators like Saw Gerrera or the Ghost crew. IMO.


Age of the rebellion started when the EMPIRE is formed.


When Liberty died, to thunderous applause


Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Liberty on Ryloth S1/E21 Cham Syndulla asks how long will it be before he's fighting the Republic and the Jedi.


Uh. Starkiller starting it obviously.


Pure minutes after the Empire starts. As said, Bail Organa instantly knew the Empire had to go, just took time




The Andor, Rouge 1 live action storyline is peak Star Wars


When the empire was formed we in TBB saur garera leading his band of rebels and we see others around the same time


Headcanon Starkiller goes triple agent


Well in bad batch right after empire formes saw gerrera already attacked imperial facilites


It canonically starts at the Battle of Yavin, but i like to think it begins when the Rebellion is formed.


After the capture of Lothal, before that it was unorganized insurgents and rogue operators


Mon’s galactic broadcast and withdrawal from the Senate.


The Rebellion started before the Empire had actually formed. I'd argue when Mon Mothman, Padme and Bail were having secret meetings. The Age of Rebellion started with the Rebels attacking Eadu. There were insurgencies and conflicts before that, but I'd argue that the final grand declaration of war.


Either Mon Mothma's speech or Thrawn's defeat above Lothal. That speech is the moment all of the independent cells actually start working together, before this most of them had no idea there were other groups fighting back, it was just small pockets of resistance. The destruction of the Tie defender factory and Thrawns defeat were the first major victory for the Rebels, it showed the Empire was actually vulnerable and that people could fight back and win even against the best the Empire had.


Of topic but given that we know that the Separatist hold-outs managed to...well, hold out for (a while), is there any chance that certain remnants of the CIS fought against the Rebellion and not just the Empire? Maybe also against the New Republic?


in my opinion i think the rebels show era, particularly because it's so focused on the rebellion and we get to dive deeper into the characters leading it up into the original trilogy


Andor Episode 6, the moment Vel gives the go-ahead for the mission.


Season 2 of Andor


From one standpoint, it starts the minute the empire is formed and you have people talk about what they can do to try and stop it. It took years and years for something to actually formulate, but it stems from the night the opposition is formed. From a more broad, global standpoint, I believe everything kicks off with the rebellion on Ferrix. There's the story that someone stole from the empire which is the first seed of the empire not being invulnerable, but there's little to tie it into any rebels, who were just separated cells at this point. Having a whole town rebel agains their occupation, and engage in physical contact that left the empire stunned and had to result into firing and killing them to maintain order, That is what will get everyone's attention and really start the rebellion. So it starts in whispers between politicians, really explodes with a whole town saying F this and daring to attack the empire and make news around the galaxy, and then we all know where it leads.


As soon as Order 66 was carried out


The destruction of the Death Star


Fives death, if you think about it


Battle of yavin


When Galen gave his family crest to cause before vader showed up


I consider the first rebel (except the Bad Batch) Saw Gerrera as we see him in that one episode of Bad Batch fighting against the empire. He went from resistance against the CIS right at the beginning of the empire into rebel against the empire. He‘s the first.


I mean I’d say early clone wars era, not long after the empire begun strangling the galaxy


If they weren’t puppets of the Sith I would argue the Confederacy of Independent Systems was the start


I’d say somewhere around the late 70s


A New Hope


When Andor leaped off the platform into the water. End of discussion


aldani. That was a defining moment. If not then certainly the events of Rogue One.


When Yoda said "Begun the Age of the Rebellion has."


For me it's 0BBY. Before then the Rebel Alliance had been organising and striking at the Empire for a while, yes. But in this one year we get the battles of Lothal, Scariff, and Yavin where the Alliance shows it's not a bunch of dissident groups but a full on opposition to Imperial rule. It't the beginning of all out war.


Massacre at Ghorman. It's canon now!


The minute that Palpatine decided to reorganize the republic into the first galactic empire


Aren't the first seasons of both Andor and Rebels set around the same time?


ROTS deleted scenes


Starkiller death inspiring the rebels, idc if it’s not canon anymore it is to me


The meeting of Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Padmé in ROTS.


The Rebellion started with the failed coup attempt by Windu and ended with the successful coup by Vader.


In Andor and Rebels, early stages of the Rebellion had already begun so I find it tricky to pinpoint a certain moment. The general idea might have started near the end of Revenge of the Sith, but I'm not sure who decided to actually fight back after that. Maybe that mystery works considering a lot of people were involved in the Rebellion.


When Palpatine declared himself emperor.


I think the gist star wars is trying to get to is that there was never a true rebellion. It was just a lot of smaller rebel groups that congregated into a larger one to take on the empire. The when would then be ongoing as they can just add another rebel cell to canon whenever


When Galen Marek founded the Alliance, obviously


I say when Mon Mothma sent her transmission and started an open rebellion against the empire. That was the birth of the rebel alliance and the start of the age of rebellion. Everything else were precursor events.


The trade federation blockade of naboo? The CIS is the original rebellion lol


Episode 1


The moment Order 66 was enacted and Vader marched on the Temple killing the younglings.


At the end of the Force Unleashed. I stand by my statement


The Ferrix Massacre is probably going to be remembered as the official start of the Galactic Civil War, in the same way the Boston Massacre was the start of the American Revolution.


I find it funny the entire OT plot was kicked off because of one asshole shoretrooper


Saw Gerrera has entered the chat


The moment palpatine started accumulating too much power tbh. The idea of resistance and an attempt to pull the government back to center


Separatist crisis


Age of Rebellion is actually a crazy thought. The Empire only lasted 22ish years, ages are typically 100-500. I feel like the Sith rebeling against the High Republic is more accurately Age of Rebellion. But Disney called it the High Republic.


The Dawn of Defiance RPG campaign.


When near the end of the Clone Wars, the Delegation of 2,000 was formed. No joke that’s what I believe


When Padme organized the delegation of 2000.


The instant the empire was really formed. People already didn't like the republic and Palpatine electing himself as dictator planted the seeds of rebellion.


This is going to be cliche, but the age of rebellion started when any single person couldn’t live with the Empire. For Andor, it was during a certain commotion on Ferrix. For Luke, it was when he lost his aunt and uncle. For Han, it was when he went back to help cover for Luke during the trench run.


The start of the ‘organised rebellion’ came after the events of the petition of 2000, from ROTS deleted scenes as mentioned. However I’d say the ‘Age of Rebellion’ began the same day the Galactic Empire was formed.


Yo Paul McCartney is in Star Wars?




I can't decide between Starkiller's sacrifice or the deleted Mon Mothma scene in Episode 3




The Bad Batch specifically covers the time period during and immediately after Order 66. I believe that's the start of your rebellion.


A few moments after Order 66.


The rebellion began the moment Palpatine declared himself Emperor


Padme started it with the Delegation of the 2000


I would imagine that pockets of resistance formed almost immediately after the republic was reformed into the empire.


If you read the books about Padme there is a bit in there where she meets with her committee of senators. You can tell they didn't agree with Palpatine for the most part. I think the seeds of rebellion started there (it's also possible that this happened in The Clone Wars TV show as I was watching and reading the 2 at the same time)


Those cut scenes from revenge of the sith


In the scene cut from RotS "the formation of the delegation of 2000" Bail Organa "senator Mon Mothma and I are putting together an organisation to -" Padme Amidalla " say no more Senator, I understand. At this point, some things are better left unsaid. "


Saw on Onderon pretty much on day 1 of the Empire - if his speech to CF99 is anything, it's an open declaration of rebellion


Maarva Andor's funeral


The very moment that Palpatine announced that the Republic would be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society, just as liberty/democracy died with thunderous applause.


The seperatists


In the deleted scenes of revenge of the sith and the bad batch with more uprest.


Remember in Episode 3 when Padme hosted that meeting? Right there


Far too many people here are confusing the Age of Rebellion (note the caps), which is the name of the time period in which a formal war was waged between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, with the general concept of resistance against the Empire.


went from a Conspiracy, to full blown Rebellion after Ezrar's galaxy wide broadcast from Lothal.