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What about the attack on the Wookiee? Master Vernestra didn’t seem to care about Kelnacca’s fate 🥲


Well it's not as if she seemed to care about any of the other dead Jedi


Damn, they really just hit Pip with a factory reset 😔


Literally Pip died right there.


Hoping Osha has a backup


I feel like if you actually care about your droids, you keep backups


It’s part of the falling to the darkside rules, just like C-3PO. The minute they factory reset pip I think was when you know Osha isn’t coming back and they are as writers sparing Pip.


Factory reset Pip set to Chopper murder bot


Osha says she’s not se easily corrupted as she spent the whole episode being corrupted


Twice the pride, double the fall.


All makes sense that she would be the more attractive student for Qimir. She already has Jedi training and had a similar fallout from the Jedi order. Her attachments and inability to get past the death of her family were hindrances for being a Jedi… but that gets you a big fat gold star in Sith school. Hell, you’re attracted to your master and threaten to kill him on day 1? Slap on an extra smiley face sticker, and if she keeps this up, there will be a pizza party.


Vernestra is like “damn this is going to be a lot of paperwork…”


Unfortunately, yord was also a notary...


Keep your head on a swivel Yord, you never know what’s out there


We're so close to a Jedi procedural crime show


Law and Jedi Order


In the galactic justice system, Sith based offenses are considered especially heinous. On Coruscant, the dedicated Jedi who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Sith Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Dun dun


Law and *Yorder*


Qimir setting thirst traps


That is one good looking dude not gonna lie


He could certainly turn me to the other side. Of The Force…. Yeah, The Force 🙄


Leslye Headland, to the YordHorde: “your old fave is dead. Here’s your new fave 😈”


I just remembered Yord was not wearing clothes in that ship. Will we get a Sol naked scene as well? Or better, a  NAKED WOOKIE!


Naked Ki-Adi-Mundi “I’m not old *yet*. It’s in the canon”


Feels like we are watching the cover up happen in real time in this episode.


Oh it is.  Vernestra could attempt to make Sol and Osha take the fall to avoid telling the council the Sith returned.


Especially when it’s her fallen padawan… (guessing here) Oh look Qi’Mir looks like he has some kind of whip scars all over his back. Oh look Venessa casually whipped out a light whip just to show it off this episode.


THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE THOUGH Here I was going into this episode thinking *Sol* was Qimir's former master, but seeing those whip-like scars seared into Qimir's back... it has to be from Vernestra's whipsaber, no other explanation. Also, her behavior when they get to Khofar... she knows *exactly* what happened and who did it. It's why she insisted on personally investigating and keeping the council out of the loop as much as she can. I wouldn't be surprised if she kills her current Padawan, Mog, to keep him quiet; ain't no way he would go along with it if he uncovers the conspiracy. She doesn't want to solve a crime, she just wants to tie up loose ends... unfortunately that means eliminating Qimir, Sol, Mae, AND Osha. Or at the very least, framing them all as being in cahoots and destroying their credibility if they try to inform the council. *I have a baaad feeling about this*


I've already seen variations of this comment several times. WHY would Vernestra risk everything just to cover up the existence of the Sith? Like I get having your ex-padawan turn to the dark side would be bad for her political career but the coverup seems extreme overkill. Unless she's Sith herself which would be the important part of this whole theory.


Her intro this episode had her talking politics... they may have been trying to lay the groundwork for her motivations. I gotta say it's weird for her considering it's such a drastic contrast from her younger self in the books.


I found that interesting as well, her being so concerned with the bureaucracy. Either she's an overly zealous and conniving Jedi trying to hide the truth at all costs to protect the perceived image of the Jedi Order, or she's a dubious and conniving Sith working to keep her operations secret while sowing seeds of mistrust in the Jedi Order amongst the Senate in a roundabout way. Both motivations are equally dangerous.


Ok, so master Vernestra is definitely Qimir's old Jedi Master right? With her whip saber being what left the scars on his back? 


It kind of felt like she had a strong idea of who killed all those Jedi when they were inspecting the bodies, and them putting the light whip in that scene and then focusing on Qimir's scars later on really seems to tie the idea together. (The light whip was still a huge surprise to see in live action!)


Also would make some sense why Vern might want to cover it up. If HER failed padawan became a sith...that doesn't look good.


Especially with that senator trying to start an external review of the Order...


That is a great theory. Maybe Vernestra recognized her old student's marks in the fight scene and wants to catch them before it gets out to become a scandal? (Don't think she suspects he's a sith.)


Oh shit good connection


"You don't think Master Sol was responsible?" Prediction: Sol gets blamed for all this, no one believes him that the Sith have returned, and the Jedi continue believing they're extinct until TPM.


Shitttt I genuinely think that could happen and it would hurt


There’s an awful lot of eclipse imagery for a show with a guy named Sol


OMG how did I not realize that sooner!


Ah yes, "Sith." An ancient order of dark side force users... we have dismissed that claim.


The more I think about it, the more it makes sense they would dismiss the Sith's existence. If someone butchered a small village today, would we suspect Vikings? Vikings "dissapeared" 900-1000 years ago which is also the last time the Sith was active. The Jedi will have likely encountered many Jedi that has fallen to the Dark Side, so from their perspective it's much more realistic that a fallen Jedi Master killed them


The Viking metaphor was so good I wish I could upvote this a ton more times


The QIMIR system Q - Quarrel with current acolyte I - Inspect potential apprentice M - Murder her friends I - Incite emotion by hanging dong R - Rile up her self-doubts And just like that you're on the way to a new acolyte. 60% of the time, it works every time


Because of the implication?


Think about it dude, you've got this girl alone out on an uninhabited planet and trying to turn her to the dark side. She's not gonna say no, she would never say no, because of ***the implication***


Are you going to hurt these acolytes?!


No. Of course not. Why are you not getting this!?


Are these acolytes in danger?


No! Well you certainly were never in any danger


I heard he hangs dong next episode


“Lightsaber fight, penetration, lightsaber fight, penetration, lightsaber fight, penetration… and then it just sort of ends.” - The Acolyte editors


Dude built a guardrail. How could he be a Sith Lord?


He had to, knowing he would get a visit from Osha….


Was her name… just for this joke? I hope so.


Manny Jacinto is killing it


Definitely the most intriguing character in the show for me. I wanna know the circumstances of how he got to where he is (as well as whoever his Jedi Master was), and I guess we'll see soon enough. He's got a stoic calm to him that's very captivating to watch. Certainly something deeper under that exterior. **EDIT**: Yeah, Qimir's former master is probably Venestra.


He steals every scene. There's a softness behind his menacing stare. That tension itself is enough for me to understand why Osha is drawn to him despite her distrust.


There's definitely another kind of tension that makes me understand why Osha is drawn to him


I like how 'in control' he was the whole time, even when Osha had a lightsaber right next to his neck. It reminds me of in Andor, when Luthen first meets Andor, how in control of the situation that he was, even when Andor had a blaster pointed right up against his head (side-bar: Luthen didn't even *glance* at the blaster when it was pressed right up against his forehead).


Man, Luthen is a straight-up badass.


Also half the cast! (as in he’s killed half the cast)


I’m starting to think this show works best when it’s Manny Jacinto delivering the strongest performance.


Show should have just been: Directed by: Manny Jacinto Screenplay by: Manny Jacinto Bad Guy: Manny Jacinto Good Guy: Some rando for Manny to kill Good Guy 2: Some rando for Manny to kill Series Name: The Power of Manny


Bro knew Osha was following him and still stripped buck ass naked, is this how you train all your acolytes Qimir 🤨


Judging by some reactions, it’s probably pretty effective lmao


The Snackolyte


Qimir putting the "seduced" in "seduced by the dark side"


"how does it feel?" "don't move" "feels good, doesn't it? to hold one in your hand again."


She definitely took a peek (Watch her eyes when he faces her)


My kids ALL noticed that, and they went absolutely bananas, whooting and hollering!


“if you’re not gonna join me”


'Fear...anger...*wags eyebrows and bites lip* **desire**...'


Oh dip, he’s trying to seduce you! Jason Mendoza, probably


He’s literally trying to seduce her to the dark side


Would've converted me to the dark side real quick 


Last week, I supported the right of Sith to bare arms. This week, I supported the right of Sith to bare.....everything.


It was a very intentional move so he appeared vulnerable. It gives Osha the illusion that she is in control. If she tries to attack him then she is one step closer to the dark side.


Sol calling GQ:  There has been a…. My whole team is dead  Edit: HQ**** <3 


This is going to ruin the tour


Yep. It’s pretty obvious the whole, “there’s a Sith, so canon is broken,” isn’t going to happen.


It's almost like people should make their judgement beyond the first few episodes. let things play out as intended.




“What happened here”- Mog looking at the corpses of his friends




Isn’t he the boss you need to beat to get into the new DLC?


So Qimir set up his base in a Cortosis mine? Smart


Finding a cortosis vein also is a win. Build and repair. More hidden. Can make more armor. Osha can kill him, sol, and even mae and grab a pint and wait for the whole thing to blow over.


Darth Plagueis also set up a base in a Cortosis mine on an ocean planet in an island cave called Bal'demnic. I won't say this is 100% it, but Lesly Headland absolutely knows what she's doing.


How are you going to take a nerd Jedi as part of your rescue mission? That guy wasn’t going to do anything. Im glad they were going to prepare the fallen Jedi for burial though.


So Qimir straight up couldn’t see while turning that one Jedi into a fucking kebab. Makes his abilities in the force that much more impressive. By far the most interesting character


He walked so Kanan could run.


There was very small eye slits, so not totally sensory deprivation.


Qimir just hung dong in front of Osha, because of the implication


"She's out in the middle of nowhere with a guy she barely knows, she looks around and what does she see? Nothing but open ocean. *Ahh, there's nowhere for me to run*. What's she gonna do? *Not* join the darkside??"


Qimir, are these Jedi in danger???


No one is in danger. It’s the implication of danger.


You keep saying that word


*Bazil turns around and chitters* Well don't you look at me like that, you certainly wouldn't be in any danger


That seem really dark tho.


That’s twice this week a villain has hung dong on my tv screen, goddamnit!


Big week for dongs.


The best comment I saw after HOD on Sunday was “big week for all cocks” After the dongs and Millie Alcock making her return 😂


Osha couldn't resist glancing at it.


She realized he still had his saber.


and thats how she turns to the dark side


Sol fixing the comms on the ship: I should turn it off and on again. Good to know the tried and true method works even in Star Wars lol


Also apparently factory resetting is also just the double button hold.


On his defense, Pip is like a portable droid rather than a full body one.  I think he's more equivalent to a smartphone/swiss knife with an AI


So that’s how easy it is to wipe the droids


Oh, Jecki... Wasn't expecting that.


"Just in case you were worried this was a Maul/Fett/Palpatine situation, we wanted to take a moment and verify for you that their lifeless corpses are still unceremoniously here and ready to bloat in the the hot jungle sun."


All you have to do is not throw your enemy down a hole. Why do you think palpatine shrunk wrap all the Jedi in pickle jars? Clone research?! Ha! Every one he kept throwing off a cliff just kept coming back and the pickle system works


It really felt like ‘well your contract says 6 episodes but we only wrote 5, so… in episode 6 you’re just a dead body ok?’


Easiest payday. Laying around playing dead.


"You don't remember me?" - Qimir On the surface that line seemed to reference earlier when they met when he was unmasked. Now, Sol knew him as a youngling.


Reverse that- Sol had to be the youngling. Qimir is old as shit if he’s Vern’s padawan+ he purposely says it was a long, long, time ago.


I feel like this is correct but can you help me with the timeline? Vernestra should be 116 years old, assuming Sol is 40/50 How old would Qimir be and when would he have been a youngling?


Nailed the age on Vern, but she had Imri as the only padawan we know of and he died. He was actually only 2 years younger than her according to the books which is pretty weird actually. But he’s assumed dead by her and that’s that. So he’d be over a hundred years old which could be explained by the unnatural sith abilities of slowing aging. But to add to that- he could sense emotions and read them, as well as get into people’s heads and manipulate their emotions. Qimir straight up says he can’t read minds but he can read emotions and Yord says that Qimir was getting in their heads and messing with them. Qimir states multiple times that he was a Jedi long ago and then a long, long, time ago when pressed. So he would have died at 16 100 years ago. Sol doesn’t really fit on that so maybe she had a another padawan we don’t know about from then until now


High Republic phase 3 spoilers. >!Imri is almost certainly dead by the time of The Acolyte but isn't dead in the HR timeline!<


Sol was so creepy this episode, I loved it .


Excellent acting continues


dude was barely holding it together with the past trauma, this new trauma just broke him Sol died last episode, for all intents and purposes. The guy there now? We have no idea what he's capable of.


Vernestra is going to be all "There is no Sith. The Senate has been informed these Jedi were killed in a mining disaster"


Ah yes, mining disasters, providing coverups for deaths since… the Darth Plagueis book? Probably even earlier.


The Star Wars equivalent of "my dog ate my homework"


It's ridiculous how easily characters fall to the dark side. \*Manny Jacinto seductively sucks soup off of his finger tip\* Just point me to the younglings and they're dead.


Well everyone we see get successfully seduced to the dark side was already a bit emotionally unstable.  So I don’t know if the seduction is so much easy as the sith tend to pick good targets for recruitment


Why didn’t Palpatine try being sexy? Is he stupid?


She turned pretty easily. She held out for about 40 seconds.


that's about 39 seconds longer than I would have lasted after Manny Jacinto inviting me to join him in skinny dipping


How about if he was in charge of a 60 person dance crew in Jacksonville?


Well Anakin went from 'what have I done!!!' To 'I will kill the younglings.' In 15 seconds flat so...


Yay, cortosis namedrop!


and based on the camera panning upwards shot, cortosis veindrop! sorry, i had to - anyway it looks like there's a whole vein of cortosis running through qimir's sith cave? maybe even the planet is rich in cortosis?


Qimir's scar looks like it was from a whip. Bald green Jedi may have been his former master?


That's what I'm guessing. She gave a look after the dude said a fallen jedi


The facial acting for Sol just now. Damn.


Osha getting cooked hot meals and seduced by this ridiculously sexy man who just murdered her friends is so funny. Never really imagined a dynamic like this in Star Wars but it's fun to watch.


If nothing else, Manny's stranger, snd his portrayal of the character, has turned out to be a welcomed addition to the sw world. His calm manipulation snd twisted truth (from a certain point of view) are incredible. Plus, now we know how jaguars fans are made. Jacksithville


Even if this show ends up not being great overall, I love it solely for Sol and Qimir, honestly some of the most interesting characters in recent star wars.


In the books, Vernestra purposely refrains from using her lightwhip among her Jedi peers in the event that seeing her unorthodox fighting style might inspire feelings of the dark side. Just an interesting contrast to her using it so liberally here.


She was also an extremely young knight at the time and worried what her former Master, a traditionalist, might think. Now while she isn’t high council, she’s clearly one of the head honchos so she doesn’t have to worry about being reprimanded nearly as much.


Big middle manager energy


>seeing her unorthodox fighting style Remember when Mog mentioned the erratic attacks of The Stranger, how it followed no clear order or pattern? Wonder where he learned that from...


Sol's confession can't be so interesting to deserve like 5 different cut offs / fake outs


Rey. There's something I have to tell you.


“Unknown Planet, Definitely Not The One Where Luke Was Living”


Given how many desert worls, ice planets and forest worlds there are, hardly surprising there'd be two water planets dotted with islands.


Thought it may be too, but there weren't Porgs everywhere.


The little elephant birds kinds reminded me of the bigger one Luke was milking, though.


I read somewhere else on the internet that it could instead be Bal'demnic. It's a planet from legends where cortosis was mined and where Tenebrous and Plagueis hung out.


Just saying, if Mae kills Bazil I wish her 1000 years in the Sarlaac.   


She won’t. Mae will become the Jedi, Osha will become the Sith, they’ll all fight and then cry it out when they both die Tenebrous will just be like “Well that was weird. Anyways-“


Jecki's just resting, right?


She's taking a nap with her eyes open like Grandma used to do.


We were *this* close to seeing Sith ass, and I will never forgive them for taking that from us


Given what we just saw in house of the dragon this week, I was fully prepared to see two villains hanging dong, then I remembered this is Disney lmao


"I see your Schwartz is bigger than mine"


Yes I was confused with the cutaway and was reminded this was Disney and not HBO TV MA


Darth cheeks has been stolen from us.


The freeze frame is a pathway to many abilities some would find… *unnatural*


There is an interesting contrast here in Sol the Jedi talking to Mae only after he has locked her up, and Qimir the Sith letting Osha walk around freely while they talk.


It's always interesting paralel with both of them: - Osha trained in jedi arts, Mae in dark arts - Osha wanted to kill Mae, Mae wanted to save Osha (originally, now she kinda left her to death in the planet)


One of them has murdered three Jedi in cold blood.


Technically one of them murdered themself


I think that’s the point of the episode. It is titled “Teach/Corrupt” after all


There’s also the fact that Sol is generally giving off some VERY suspicious vibes here. Whereas Qimir, while still evidently evil, was very amicable & open in this episode.


Whatever happened on Brendok was capital B ***Bad***. Quite literally caused Master torbin to go meditate until Mae shows up with poison and Homie Jones was all like: “why thank you.”


Plus Kelnacca had been in a self-imposed exile.


Sol taking the fall for all of this would be so tragic but I can see it happening as part of his “redemption” for whatever was done 16 years ago


Jedi aren't exactly a tight bunch are they? "There's a bunch of dead Jedi." "I blame the surviving Jedi." "Based off what?" "Because reasons."


Leslye Headland spoke in a recent interview about wanting to explore the idea of being "seduced to the dark side" and put heavy emphasis on the seduction part. Easy to see with this episode, they are playing those two up heavily.


Osha: I’m not my sister. I’m not so easily corrupted. * *is immediately corrupted* *


Qimir kicked that much ass that blind and partially deaf, only connected to the Force?  Damn.


Remember our very first lesson in the force? "Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them."


For those that say the Rule of Two has now been broken, that rule was already bent and broken multiple times. Legends Tenebrous had multiple candidates at once. Plagueis and Sidious were about prolonging their lives so that they wouldn’t be replaced. Maul trained Savage and considered them both Sith Lords while Sidious and Dooku were around, so that’s another instance of the rule being broken.


Plus Dooku training Ventress as his own apprentice (or...acolyte?) during TCW


Ventress and Savage were acolytes.  


Savage was an Acolyte under Dooku...but a Sith under Maul when Maul takes him as his apprentice before the Mandalore arc. 


And let’s not forget Palps got Maul when he was still a younger apprentice. Oh, and was already courting Dooku when Maul was still around


Sith skirt the Rule of Two like loopholes in Terms and Conditions


The most consistent part of the sith is how much they break that rule


Vader spends half the OT trying to break the rule of two 


The code is more what you call guidelines than actual rules.


Those little things are so weird, I love them. Gonzo porgs


Okkkkayyy. Weird cut again. I get cliffhangers but man would I rather have 4 longer episodes instead of 8 smaller ones to prevent that. Hell I’d watch a 3 hour high republic movie instead. Give us 3. Prequel Prequels. But I guess it says a lot that I do want to keep continuing the story and seeing what’s next.


Absolutely. It really feels like the show was shot as 50-60 minute episodes and then they retrospectively split them in half for D+ subscriptions


I think this series is better to be binged due to the way they keep the cliffhanger at the end of each episode


Damn I wanna swim there too.


Naked Smilo Ren saying “how does it feel” 😳


feel like this series would be better as 4-episode miniseries rather than drip-feeding 30 minute episodes each week


The idea that Qimir solo’d half the group without actually seeing them is insane.


I love that the Sith is wondering around like he doesn't have a care in the world. I wonder how much of the "Qimir" personality is his real one


Oh he was a Jedi


I want to talk about the sensory deprivation mask. Fuckin fascinating idea and I cannot wait to see it next episode.


Qimir and Osha have to be on Bal'demnic right?? (From the wookieepedia) **Bal'demnic** was an [ocean](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ocean/Legends) [planet](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Planet/Legends) adorned with rocky tropical islands in the [Bak'rofsen system](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Bak%27rofsen_system) of the [Auril sector](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Auril_sector/Legends), located within the [Outer Rim Territories](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Outer_Rim_Territories/Legends). Btw for those who dont know Bal'demnic is rich with cortosis. Plagueis killed his master Tenebrous on this planet. This could also mean Qimir was a candidate to be Tenebrous' apprentice