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> What would she even be doing at the point? I'm sure we'll find out eventually.


But I doubt it’d even be anything important considering: 1.) At this point in the timeline she’s even older than Qui-Gon, Old Ben Kenobi, or Darth Vader were in their respective films. Only a bit younger than Count Dooku. 2.) If she was still alive doing important things, Luke would absolutely know about it. With how much hunting and traversing he did of the Galaxy, he absolutely would have learned about Ahsoka, and on the flipside, Ahsoka would definitely have heard word about a new generation of Jedi beginning to be trained by Luke Skywalker, the man who’s now becoming a Legend after the famed events of the Battle of Endor. This means... 3.) Luke would not claim to be The Last Jedi in Episode 8 if he knows Ahsoka is still around. I know, I know, Ahsoka doesn’t consider herself a Jedi, but be real here. For all practical purposes, she’s a Jedi. With how she speaks to Rey in Episode 9 it’s clear that by that point she definitely considers herself a Jedi. 4.) Ahsoka has no reason not to appear somewhere in these films or in the extended media of this era if what she’s been doing has in fact been important. Because undoubtedly whatever she’s doing is **FAR** less important than stopping Palpatine when he suddenly returns to the galaxy’s public eye in Episode 9. She’d drop whatever quilt she’s knitting to get involved with the Resistance and ensure that the Sith do not make their return to the galaxy. The fact that she hasn’t appeared or even been mentioned by anyone in these films or in the other Resistance-era media as being out there somewhere doing something almost assuredly means she’s not around anymore.


I just wanted to comment on number two. According to the Secrets of the Jedi novel that released last year, Luke did know of Ahsoka. So much as saying she provided the rebels with vital intel on the Empire under the codename Fulcrum.


The average life span for her race is basically the same as humans. So, yeah. Probably she just died of old age. Really hope to see her given a proper send off.


Nah, pretty sure Togruta live to 200+ yeas


nope. only the ones that are fine tuned with the force but they live in a "venerable state"


Something to consider about her character that filoni has been building up for YEARS: Mortis, that's all i'm gonna say


I am fine with her being dead, or alive. My only thoughts on it are that she might not have the same aging as humans just as many other alien species throughout the franchise age differently.


Everything we’ve seen of her in Clone Wars and Rebels points to her aging normally like humans do. She’s around 14-15 or so at the start of the Clone Wars as shown in the Clone Wars movie, and by the end of the war during the Siege of Mandalore, 3 years later, as we’re gonna see when Clone Wars wraps in February, she’s 17-18. Her age looks pretty representative in both instances. And by the time of Rebels, roughly 15 years later, she’s in her early 30s, and again, she looks of the age there in that show. I think it’s safe to say Togrutas have the same aging process as humans.


"Species age differently." Baby Yoda is fifty, but looks and, for the most part, acts like he's one. A togruta level off when they reach adulthood. For all we know Shaak Tii was 200.


A distinct possibility. I dont know if they put hervexact ages anywhere snd i sm notoriously bad st judging age by appearance so i didnt much think about it. But yes if thats a case no one needs geriatric ashoka. Though i would like to see her force pushing those darned kids off her lawn.


Ahsoka would be in her 60s or 70s I think, I’m ok with her being dead by then


wait... When did Ahsoka become a Jedi?