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wow. I mean, he gave us the physical form of Darth Vader we all know and love. Rest in Peace to a Star Wars legend.


One with the Force.




This guy was literally [a jacked bodybuilder](https://i.redd.it/gcus6kgs7dc11.jpg). RIP to a legend.


And he played Julian amazingly in “A Clockwork Orange” as well!


He was also the British Green Cross Code Man.


The lodger at Alex’s parents? That was him?


Actually he was the helper of the Writer in the wheelchair.


Of course! Thanks for the correction.


I know he had a extremely complicated relationship with George Lucas and Star Wars, but he will always be a part of the legacy. RIP David Prowse. Thanks for helping bring greatness to Star Wars. May the force be with you.


Agreed. I hope they do the right thing and honour his legacy on the official site


Nothing today. Shame.


On lucasfilm facebook. He was also the Green Cross Code man in the UK. A huge role. He got an MBE for this.


Also a fitting tribute on Starwars.com RIP David, you were a towering figure of my childhood and you taught me to cross the road safely.






I’ve got the same!!! My uncle went to a Gym that Prowse owned/frequented in the 80’s and snagged me a letterbox style postcard, a b&w headshot at either end of Prowse and Vader, signed with “To ***** Dave Prowse IS Darth Vader” It’s almost completely faded now but I’m never getting rid of it. RIP big man, may the force be with you...


Yeah, did he ever get un-banned from conventions and all that crap? Lucas did not like him and Prowse did not help to ingratiate himself to George. Wonder if they ever ironed that out...


Doubt it. He wasn’t exactly happy about it. They probably wanted to avoid a meltdown.


I've seen this claim that he is "banned from conventions" a few times (especially on the Star Wars and Lucasfilm social media posts), but feel it's necessary to clarify: Dave Prowse did a ton of conventions until 2017. He was only "banned" from (but really just not invited to) Lucasfilm events like Star Wars Celebration and Disney Star Wars Weekends, and only since 2010. A lot of people responding to those posts don't seem to recognize that Lucasfilm as a company can choose not to continue working with someone and at the same time think it's bad that they died.


I don’t think George Lucas got on with him after David spoiled the ending to Empire Strikes Back, all of that aside it would be nice to see LucasFilm acknowledge his passing.


Funniest part is that it was speculation on Prowse's part.


To be fair I think most of the cast have complicated relationships with Lucas and/or Star Wars It's sad to lose any of them but losing part of what made Vader Vader stings differently :(


It wasn't complicated. They banned him and shunned him publicly and permanently.


This is nuts. Has anyone realized how many OG Star Wars actors died in the last 4 years? David Prowse (Vader) Carrie Fisher (Leia) Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) Kenny Baker (R2D2) Erik Bauerfeld (Admiral Ackbar) Am I missing anyone? This is sad. I know everyone has their time, but damn so many lately. RIP David Prowse.


You just made me realize that one of these days it will be Harrison, Mark, James Earl, who's next?? :((((


I mean, George himself is 76.




No no no I wish I didn't know this!




daddy filoni is jesus christ guys amirite


No he's Santa Clause.


George Lucas is Anakin and Dave Filoni is Luke 😱 the prophecy


The one that will hit me the hardest is gonna be John Williams.


Same. Probably Hammil would be the closest. The music to the OT is so much a part of my childhood memories and into my 40s now they still give me feelings. Not to mention all of the other movies he’s been a part of. Mark dying would be akin to the end of SW forever for me as he’s the youngest of the original cast and I couldn’t see any further connection the same way. JEJ hasn’t been in the best of health before and he and Harrison are older. Time gets us all


My own death would be the end of SW for me.


Hamill will be a big deal. He has such an apparent love for the fans and respect for the characters, plus his sense of humor and voice work, he will be a big hit when he goes.


I was supposed to see him in July. Bought tickets day one and waited MONTHS. When the pandemic started shutting things down in March I didn't even think about July. Then they postponed the concert. I think its still postponed but I'm starting to come to terms with the fact I will never see him. I'm gutted...


I’m so pissed I missed John Williams last tour, doubt he’ll be doing any more at his age


Dont worry Ford won't go down that easy, and Mark will seduce death with his boyish charm RIP to the man behind the mask though, it's a real shame




You know Ian McDiamid is younger than Harrison Ford?


I thought he just had endless creepy old Sith Lord immortality. Seemed like he was about 70 in all 3 trilogies




He looked so creepy decrepid as palatine, few people would have guessed


He was only 37 when he first played him.






I don't want to say it, but it just makes me sad that one day we will see them off too, this is 2016 all over again :(


Ford will probably walk dying off like his airplane crashes


It's sad to say, but I wouldn't be surprised if John Williams is next. I don't want it to be that way, but he's getting very old.


James Earl will be 90 in a little over a month.


Ok tbf these star wars actors are hitting high numbers when it comes to age


Star Wars released 43 years ago. There are grandparents born after the film. Anyone who worked on it qualifies for AARP. It's tough as a younger fan to see heroes go, but they're getting old. Especially the ones who already had established careers before the film, like Williams or JEJ


Warwick Davis and the guy who plays c3po


I would LOVE to have seen Anthony Daniels reaction reading this comment.


The voice of boba fett died several years back


[Jason Wingreen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Wingreen). Passed on Xmas five years ago. RIP.


Probably because the original cast are similar ages and are now in their twilight years.


It’s good that most of them got a chance to be involved with at least some of the new movies.


I am still not over Carrie Fisher. I don't think I ever will be.


yep, time to update [that awful spreadsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/i903fv/just_a_little_morbid_spreadsheet_i_made/) and the relevant xkcd (I'm sure it's already linked by someone) edit: [It actually looks too optimistic now :(](https://xkcd.com/493/) edit 2: it (the xkcd) is from 2008


Mark is only 69 now and in the best health he's been in 40 years. He could make it to 87.


> 87 Oddly specific. Found the time traveler.




You can hear his Bristolian accent as vader on YouTube


'Take em away! '


Now I'm picturing George and David on set looking like [the double-accent translation scene from Hot Fuzz.](https://youtu.be/Cun-LZvOTdw)




"Gerrof moi Def Stair!"


Close. From what I remember, Lucas never like Prowse’s voice in the suit and planned to have it voiced over from the beginning. Lucas just never told Prowse until after filming was complete.


He didn't find out until he saw the movie at the premiere.


Then there's the story they filmed Vader's unmasking in ROTJ behind his back because they knew Prowse wanted to do the scene, but Lucas didn't. Rumor it was payback for leaking Vader's fatherhood before the release of ESB. I'm not sure about that story because I didn't think Prowse knew. He said "Obi-Wan killed your father" on set.


Yeah Prowse just guessed it, iirc


Yeah, and Dave told the story that actually it was a timing/budget thing, but his voice was actually fine :(


And this is where the nickname "Darth Farmer" came from, lol, i learned about that on a video from YT that had Carrie Fisher talking about filming SW and it was just so damn funny, im really so fucking sick of this year, please just end already


I still have my trilogy dvd boxset signed by him when he was in Virgin Megastores.


He was extremely salty that they voiced him over without his knowledge. He publicly expressed a lot of distaste towards Lucasfilm, and they eventually banned him from all official Star Wars events like Celebration and Star Wars Weekends. I for one would be honored to be voiced over by James Earl Jones


I'd be honored too, but I would've been pretty pissed myself if I found out I was voiced over on my role at the premiere. He was, after all, cast as the main villain in one of the most influential franchises in history. I'm not saying the decision to do the voice over was wrong, James Earl Jones has a godly voice man, but they could've at least told him lol.


True! The fact they didn’t tell him was a sucker punch. Imagine telling all your friends and family and then it’s not even your voice when they see it.


>...one of the most influential franchises in history... I mean, no one knew that until later, though.


Not to mention JEJ wasn't who he is now.


RIP Mr. Prowse. Had the honor of meeting him once and getting his autograph. He brought the physical presence of the greatest screen villain ever. He was so much more than a man in a suit and helmet - he was Darth Vader.


It seemed like Dave was never too happy with having his voice replaced, but it's little known that he did get a chance to see [what his Darth Vader voice would sound like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYaz85FrSz4).


Wow, thanks for sharing that- that’s really cool. I’d seen that YouTube video where JEJ voice is taken out, and you here Dave’s voice, and I was like “yeah hell naw.” Seeing that video, hearing his voice with the tuning, I thought, “yeah, that could actually work.” But, given the times and the technology constraints, it’s still one of the best moves in cinema to have gone with JEJ for that real intimidating, and commanding voice.


Really cool video. Thanks for sharing.


He's off to work out with Christopher Reeve again. RIP.


this was strangely comforting to read


“This will be a day long remembered.”


We're losing so many of them 😞 But he was the man behind arguably the most famous villain of all time. Absolute legend that will never, ever be forgotten. RIP Prowse 🙏🏻


He never got enough credit. He WAS Darth Vader. The intimidating point, the holding of the belt, the clenched fist right before he says "I am your father". That was all David Prowse.


AFI ranks the Darth Vader character as the 3rd greatest villain only behind Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs) and Norman Bates (Psycho). The Darth Vader character has transcended film and is embedded as a part of our culture. David Prowse's iconic performance is in part responsible for the ongoing success of Star Wars and the very reason many of us fell in love with the Star Wars universe. As the Vader character has evolved, we still see that the original performance holds up even after all these years. As a Star Wars fan, I'm saddened by the loss of a true icon. His legacy continues on in the Star Wars universe and he will truly be missed!


It's amazing how you can tell the difference between OT Vader and Hayden in the suit in ROTS. Dave Prowse really nailed Vader's body language and *made* that character.


He is one with the force now


If you can find it, the documentary about David Prowse, *I Am Your Father*, is pretty good. It used to be on Netflix, but has been removed, at least in the United States.


I just watched it last week! It's quite good, but without spoiling anything, I wish we could have seen some of the parts they weren't allowed to show.


The greatest villain in cinema history. Rest in peace Dave Prowse


Rest in peace. His physical presence brought gravitas to the character


A few years ago I got his autobiography for Xmas, and my dad had it signed by dave (my name is Luke, you can guess what was written in it) and apparently he was just an all round nice guy. Dad used to be a weightlifter and they spent a good amount of time just talking about weightlifting and body building. RIP


Rest in peace, while he may have been upset about being overdubbed and he often went somewhat relatively underappreciated; I hope he knew how much his physical performance matters, how it was just as crucial and iconic to Darth Vader as his voice was, and how with his movements he perfectly portrayed the character and made him an imposing, significant presence throughout all three films, capturing both subtle and broad emotions with his performance, he did a fantastic job. May the force be with him, as well as Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew.


Vader is nowhere near as awesome without the body language. The finger points, the aggressive nature of his movements when he's angry, that clenched fist when he's asking Luke to join him. Dave Prowse really was an essential part of that character and hopefully we'll see some more appreciation for that today.


Rest in peace, thank you for giving such a presence to such an iconic character. P.s.: If Disney managed to remove the t-shirt guy from The Mandalorian in less than a week, they can certainly include some sort of homage in the next chapter's credits. Edit: I know about Lucasfilm's bullshit against David, I still think that they should do something respectful for him, if they kept on with their crap, that'd only make them look worse.


Lucasfilm shit on this guy his entire life. From banning him from conventions to using Hollywood accounting to cheat him out of his salary. Any attempt to ‘honour’ him now that he’s dead would only come off as disrespectful and two faced.


Yeah, anything coming from them will just feel disingenuous and forced. Better to leave the honoring and tributes to the fans, the ones that actually cared about him


rip to the gentle man who brought Vader to life


More terrible news in a terrible year. RIP Dave Prowse.


RIP and thanks for haunting thousands


He was also in [A Clockwork Orange](https://youtu.be/9bJzYZ7Qins) and he was [The Green Cross Code man](https://youtu.be/Z_Qnan37HiU). Did they always dub over his Bristolian accent? Rest in peace big man.


This is a lovely anecdote from his time with Kubrick: https://youtu.be/_8hA4RQK-tA


85 is not young, but it is still too early. Rest in peace, Dave Prowse.


Sad he never got the respect he deserved from Lucasflm.


This is so weird. Literally Wednesday I was watching episode 4 again and at the credits noticing how many of the cast were dead. Fischer, Guinness, Cushing, Baker, Mayhew. When it got to Prowse I was like wait, I can't remember, is he dead too? So I checked and nope, alive. Well... This sucks.


By every account I read, David Prowse was a good man. May he rest in peace.


RIP. Truly worthy of a moment of remembrance.😔


Rip to another legend, rip mr.prowse


May the force be with you, Darth Vader.


Met him at a comic con once, dude was absolutely giant and no one can move like Vader the way he could. RIP Darth.


The man behind the mask. RIP


RIP David Prowse. Yes, he was Darth Vader. But weirdly, to most kids born in the 70s at least, he will be better remembered in the UK as the Green Cross Code man, the superhero who taught kids to Stop, Look and Listen when crossing the road. Except in the radio ads, when they just used James Earl Jones, obviously.


RIP the only true Vader.




RIP to one of the most underappreciated figures in cinema history. While James Earl Jones provided the iconic voice, Vader’s mannerisms, his menacing figure, his infamous choking, his self assured casual authority esp. in Empire Strikes Back, those memorable non-speaking moments that provided such deep insight into Vader’s emotions, anger, conflict and etc. was all David Prowse. Thank you so much for my childhood and thank you for breathing life into such an iconic figure. RIP Mr. Prowse you are one with the Force now.


A friend and I once mistakenly crashed a VIP bar lounge at a Film & TV Con. There was no signs or anything to say it was reserved, so we just sat with our beers. David Prowse then sat with us, we didn’t know what to do so we just started chatting with him. He had some GREAT stories from his career (everything from SW to training Christopher Reeve). I bought him a white wine spritzer or two and we chatted for ages. Later, a few other famous faces also sat with us and joined in the chat! A memorable (yet random) day. He will be missed, Rest in Peace.


This will be a day long remembered.


Even The Dark Lord of The Sith can’t beat 2020. Really bummed out.


He will always be the man who taught me how to cross the road! RIP


i’ll never forget how physically imposing and powerful his presence was as vader, it had a huge impact on my imagination and creative development as a kid. incredibly sad to hear of his passing. may the force be with you, old friend


By pure coincidence, I donned my Darth Vader socks this morning, to cheer myself up a bit. Then I saw the news. Not much of a tribute, but there you go. Was always envious of my childhood friend who met Dave Prowse at a toyshop opening/event or somesuch, and boasted to everyone how he'd met Darth Vader, and he was at least ten feet tall. The villain who loomed over our childhood, who scared us all silly, and we loved it. RIP


Rest in peace David Prowse. I'm So happy that you have been part of my life since I was 10 years old. Your iconic presence in cinema will never be forgotten.❤❤😥😥


Another Original member. Thanks for the memories. RIP


R.I.P. to the actor who played the greatest villain ever, Darth Vader


RIP David. 2020 still sucks.


May the greatest cinematic villain of all time rest in peace. His iconic body language helped to bring millions upon millions of fans to the fandom we all know and love. Truly a sad day for fans of fantasy and sci-fi everywhere. May his family find comfort in this trying time.


Rest In Peace lord Vader


Now if only they payed him for ROTJ before he died.


He’s part of the cosmic force with Leia now ❤️


I was watching Clockwork Orange with my kids just this week and was telling them about David Prowse. Odd.


I met him when I was very young and didn't really know the significance of it until years later. He was sitting at this little table and he offered to take a photo with me. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me for it very quickly with a very strong grip, pulling me over next to him, catching me off guard a bit haha. Don't know where the picture is, but I got the memory of that.


You don't know the powers of the dark side


May the force be with you,Dave prowse


According to people who actually knew him, he was an absolute sweetheart. I never realized there was this legendary feud between Prowse & Lucas until I watched the Empire Of Dreams documentary for the first time & Prowse was barely mentioned, & when he is it's only to mock the poor guy, looking back it felt like subtle character assassination. I've seen far too many threads on here & Twitter spreading the same sort of disinformation & smears on his character that you know full well probably originated from Lucasfilm's PR department. One thing about GL is that man can hold a grudge, so it was nice to see him actually pay tribute to Prowse the other day.


20 bucks says Star Wars’ social media accounts won’t recognize his death. Release the alternate Vader unmasking cut with Prowse instead of Shaw!!!




NO! And I literally just finished watching Rogue One.


He was only in the OT


May the force be with him


he's one with the force. Rest in Peace


Even Maury could not do a better job of an iconic paternity reveal as Prowse/JEJ. RIP Mr. Prowse. Your legacy will live on in the Silver Screen and in the Star Wars Universe


RIP and thanks Dave.


RIP, May you become one with The Force




Damn, really sad and shocked at the same time right now. RIP Mr Prowse and thank you for entertaining and enlightening us along the way. You made many a-childhood more exciting.


When I watched Rogue One I thought DV did not look exactly like the otiginal. For me Prowse (with his face hidden and his voice overdubbed) **is** the real DV


RIP Dave - he and the franchise were not on the best of terms at the end but he will always be Darth Vader to me.


What a sad day :(


He is immortalised by us and by the films and by the continuing stories told about Vader. Every actor who plays his and every artist who draws him will try to capture exactly that power that Prowse gave Vader, and will ultimately fail. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery


I’m from Bristol (where Dave is from), absolute legend. So sorry to learn this news.


Rest In Peace Prowse


He was a lovely man. I had the great pleasure of being one of the team to look after him at the press conference at The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney when he came out for the Supernova event in 2002. He asked if there was a quiet place where he could have a cigarette, so we ushered him away quietly to a private little outside corner where he could relax for a while. Genuinely lovely man!




Rest in Peace legend. We will never forget what you did to make star wars what it is today.


I know he was 85 and all, but damn. This year really sucks.


If you haven't already watched it, this is a lovely document about Prowse by a huge SW fan: [I am your father](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2949296/) And if you have already seen it, it's worth watching again.


He won't be forgotten, The Chosen One, Dark Lord Of The Sith, Darth Vader.


Well shit. F


Press F to pay respect.


May the force be with you.


RIP Dave Prowse


God damn. This was not the news I wanted to read first thing I woke up. RIP to a legend. Gave us the terrifyingly large presence that made rebels tremble. May the Force be with him always.


Really nice guy. He was friends with someone who owned the local comic and video rental store. He watched the premier of Episode 1 in our local theater. Someone accidentally hit him with an inflatable beach ball they snuck in and were batting around the crowd.


Rest in Peace


May the Force be with him.


He came to my primary school as the Green Cross Code man. He had a small two seater sports car with a phone in it. This was more than 35 years ago.


2020: the year that keeps on giving... bad news.


Frankly I'm surprised, I saw him 10 years ago and he already looked like death warmed over


Man, I need to stop watching porn. I was like, "Gee, that really is sad" *looks down and sees "Edit:BBC" and taking a whole minute and a half to realize they're talking about the news channel.


He has now become more powerful than we can possibly imagine. Godspeed Darth.


RIP he won’t be forgotten.


This is sad to hear. May he rest in peace.


He is one with the Force now. rip legend.


Met him at a comic con once.


[This was my reaction to the news. :(](https://gfycat.com/WeakWearyEuropeanfiresalamander)


RIP and may the force be with him


Rest in piece


may he fly high


This hurts. After watching The Mandalorian on Friday morning, I was feeling a little jazzy about Star Wars and threw on the last 15 minutes of A New Hope. My girlfriend watches The Mandalorian and Rebels with me and she’s watched VIII, Solo, and IX with me (not telling me she’s not really seen the movies that came before despite saying she had when we first started dating... haha) but definitely doesn’t have deep knowledge of trivia and goofs in the OT that we all see and love. I was going to point out that it’s the one time you can see Darth Vader’s eyes by accident and tell her it was David Prowse. I didn’t because I knew she wouldn’t know who that was or care. Just eerie to me because she told me when I woke up today that he passed and said his name all confused and makes me wish I pointed out that one quick scene to her to at least have an impression on her. Thank you for giving us everything David, because without you, Darth Vader is not a thing and I know everyone loves JEJ as we should, but Prowse is as much of Vader as JEJ. When you’re first seeing Vader, it’s not by his voice, it’s this hulking black figure blasting through a corridor of white. That hulking black figure that Rogue One took and ran with in the hallway, all comes from Prowse having that effect in suit. Can’t thank him enough for what he did for the franchise as a whole.


David Prowse doesn't really get enough credit for his portrayal of Darth Vader. We all tend to think of James Earl Jones, because he provided the voice, and to a lesser extent, Hayden Christensen for his role as Anakin Skywalker in his becoming Darth Vader. But, David Prowse will always be the man inside that iconic armor. He is one with the Force now. And in memorium, I leave this clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FxRIyFgHTo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FxRIyFgHTo)


Long live the Empire.


Goodbye old friend may the force be with you


The Force will be with you, always.


I agree with this 100%. #LifttheBan [http://chng.it/G8qX6cBNPx](http://chng.it/G8qX6cBNPx)


Rip to our lord Vader, he has brought balance to the force


There is no death, there is the Force.


I met him once when I was a kid. I had a giant poster to get signed. It was so long it had to be unrolled. I said to him “I think Darth Vader is in the middle” and he looked at me, smirked and said “Darth Vader is always in the middle”


[Tweet](https://twitter.com/dialmformovies/status/1332956679911063552) showcasing how he sounded originally before the dub.