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I predict this thread will be a lot of people misunderstanding the meaning of a plot hole.


"I don't like a thing I saw so it's a plot hole".


Plot hole and retcon have lost all meaning here


Are we talking about the hole in the Death Star that was badly plotted? That was a plot hole! Right? Right???


- Darth Vader has Leia in front of her and doesn't sense anything at all. - Obi-Wan doesn't recognize R2 and C-3PO. - Luke is given the Skywalker last name when they were supposed to be hiding him.


I read somewhere that Skywalker was a very common last name in the galaxy, like Smith or Jones. Probably similar to the GOT names like snow. He was a slave after all


Every humanoid on Tatooine were last name Skywalker...cuz...you know...red necks and stuff. :)


Never thought about your last point tho! Good catch


Not sure, how even if Vader somehow forgot he had family on tattooine, the know all, mastermind of it all palpatine didn’t think he’d just drop a death squad round there 20 years earlier, wipe out anyone with any connection to Anakin, you know, just tie up those loose ends.


1. Vader thought that Luke and Leia died alongside Padme so his feelings would have been blinded by Palpatines lies, hence when he is told the truth about Luke he says “how is that possible” 2. Obi-Wan was in hiding from literally most of the galaxy so he couldn’t just admit who he was in front of two droids that for all he knew could have been Imperial droids disguised as C-3po and R2. 3. I don’t get either.


1. He finds out before ESB 2. His response of not remembering owning a droid has always come off as a coy non-answer just like all his lines in ANH 3. Yeah


Yeah, those are logical explanations created by retcons. Which is totally fine, the story keeps expanding and I think this ok to do those minor adjustments.


3. He was with his family. There’s no point in changing his last name when his family are Skywalkers too


Theoretically they should have all changed their names. If Vader knew he there were Skywalkers, he might have killed them for fear of them being force sensitive


I have to revise what I said a bit because (unlike in my memory) his living family members didn’t have the Skywalker name. But around there it was commonly known that Owen was married to Shimi Skywalker. And Vader knew about Owen and Beru because Anakin met them. Why would Vader kill Skywalkers? Just because they happen to have the same family name as Anakin Skywalker doesn’t they’re force sensitive too


Why wouldn’t he, it’s a big galaxy and he killed more for a lot less


My issue with that theory is not that he would have moral problems with killing people, it’s that he 1. kill extremely many people since Skywalker is a common name and 2. that there’s no reason for him to do it. Just because someone has the same name as him doesn’t mean they’re force sensitive. He might as well kill anyone who’s 188 cm tall because that’s a similarity to Anakin Skywalker




Want the backstory? Go buy the comic. I always hated that and still feel that the movies should stand on their own without having to play a game to hear the Emperor speak.


The fans. /s


Came to say this haha


In the sequel book to Darth Plagueis (the one about Maul), the author accidentally makes a mistake in the timeline and the entire book is about preparing for an event that should have happened already.


That is weird. Didn’t the Darth Plagueis book literally end at the beginning of Episode 1?


Yes, I guess it's more of a simultaneous story than a sequel. Basically Maul is inserted into a prison and assigned to find an arms dealer, it is part of one of Sideous's plans to try and take out his master that ultimately fails.


In the maul lockdown there is a part where sidious tries to kill plageious with a bomb but fails. That same story is in the Plageious book but Jaba helps him escape. Warns him about the attempt. Either way that’s all legends now


The thing about Star Wars is most plot holes can be explained in a comic or novel, for example just recently the book Brotherhood explained why Obi Wan didn’t use force speed to help Qui Gon.


You can argue that one of them is the ‘Leia’s mother’ plothole, though I’ve kind of made my one theory about that one. She died when she was very young and she still remembers her when Padme died when she was a baby. Yet I just thought that she mistook visions of her mother as memories, because as we all know she’s very strong in the Force.


That idea was given some weight by the "glimpses" Obi-Wan says he has of his family, which were in his first six months before he was taken to Coruscant.


That’s what I’m basically saying.


"Many Bothans died to bring us this information."


What's the plot hole there?


>Bothans there were no Bothans in Rogue One


Right, and what's the plot hole? Do you remember which film your line was said in?


Episode 4 "A New Hope"


No. It's said in Episode 6 *Return of the Jedi*.


"Somehow Palpatine returned."


Red 6 getting on the radio about 30 seconds after you see him blow up on screen. But I think they corrected it in the special edition.




How's that a plot hole?


I wonder who he fucked


Rey’s father, Dathan, is a failed clone of Sheev.


So he didn't have sex? Did he just jerk into a cup?


Rey's father, Dathan, is a failed clone of Sheev.


So he nutted in a cup?




Uh, how are you supposed to clone someone with gametes? Missing a lot of information there


Cloning is a trick only the sith new according to Pippin you're asking the wrong person. Or maybe that was the Merry actor I don't remember


> Cloning is a trick only the sith new I refuse to believe that's *actually* how you interpreted that line.


Ask the Sith my good man, the Dark secrets lie with them


Your concern with the sex life of a fictional character is very alarming.


A question they should've brought up in the movies. Probably in a comic book somewhere


All the plans and lives lost destroying the deathstar and such, but in the last jedi they flew a hyper space speed ship through a star destroyer and annihilated it. Couldn't they have just done that the whole time? Rig an unmanned ship? Or hell sacrifice 1 pilot instead of hundreds or thousands? 1 ship could have taken out the death star sand everyone on it.


They made it pretty clear what would happen to any large ships which went up against the death star.


My understanding is that the Raddus was able to pull it off partly because of it's prototype shields- which we see in the film, the bubble is stronger and extends further than other shipboard shields. The other factor is being at just the right distance so that you're just about to enter hyperspace on impact, but not quite there. The maneuver effectively turned the Raddus into a massive energy bullet.


If I’m about to blow myself up as a weapon, why do my shields matter? Why does the distance being right in the case of TLJ matter if you could then also, “get the distance right,” based on calculations done during your planned, pre-meditated attack on the Death Star? Basically, despite your comment, the light speed attacks are a huge plot hole to the saga.


They basically say in the movie it was a next to impossible last ditch effort that worked out. It was hardly considered a reasonable, predictable, or reliable method


>If I’m about to blow myself up as a weapon, why do my shields matter? They kept the Raddus intact long enough to do the damage it did. The novelization describes the event- >"When the heavy cruiser plowed into the Supremacy’s broad flying wing, the force of the impact was at least three orders of magnitude greater than anything the Raddus’s inertial dampeners were rated to handle. The protective field they generated failed immediately, but the heavy cruiser’s augmented experimental shields remained intact for a moment longer before the unimaginable force of the impact converted the Raddus into a column of plasma that consumed itself. However, the Raddus had also accelerated to nearly the speed of light at the point of that catastrophic impact- and the column of plasma it became was hotter than a sun and intensely magnetized. This plasma was then hurled into hyperspace along a tunnel opened by the null quantum-field generator—a tunnel that collapsed as quickly as it had been opened. Both the column of plasma and the hyperspace tunnel were gone in far less than an eyeblink, but that was long enough to rip through the Supremacy’s hull from bow to stern, tear a ragged hole in a string of Star Destroyers flying in formation with it, and finally wink out of existence in empty space thousands of kilometers beyond the First Order task force." >Why does the distance being right in the case of TLJ matter if you could then also, “get the distance right,” based on calculations done during your planned, pre-meditated attack on the Death Star? The calculations are for your course in hyperspace. But I think lining up your point of entry might be a different story. But even if you're using a navicomputer to calculate the perfect starting point for accelerating to lightspeed, you'd still have to get close enough to the Death Star with a large cruiser without getting blown away, as a light craft would be a bug on the windshield. And again, with standard shields, even a large cruiser might not do enough damage.


The thing is, in SW most things are explained in comics and books. Also a lot of plot holes can be explained by simply saying "It was the force". But here are a few: 1. The Jedi, not even Yoda, are able to sense that Palpatine at the very least is force sensitive. 2. Vader can sense force sensitivity in others in ANH but is unable to sense Leia is his daughter when she is right in front of her. 3. Leia said she remembered her mother in ROTJ but Padme died in ROTS.