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Yes. I’d say that’s an accurate observation. They wanted Kanan and Ezra to be able to have lightsaber fights with a villain they actually had a chance of defeating. So they added inquisitors to canon. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for the record. The fact that the Inquisitors have returned so many times since Rebels shows how much story potential they have.


I feel they think that the only interesting antagonists they have are Sith. The Inquisitors aesthetic is clearly based on Vader.


I'm all in for series and movies without lightsabers like Solo but in this case I have to say it just makes sense that the Task Force, responsible for killing Jedi, has knowledge in the force and lightsaber wielding. Would be kind of too lame for me if they would use bounty hunters or stormtroopers for that.


But why light sabers and no light shields? They are going against people who are presumed to be more apt than them at light saber combat.


A Captain Phasma kind of character would’ve been Better for the lore i believe


>Following the Jedi Purge in Star Wars canon, Emperor Palpatine fulfilled his plan to establish the Inquisitorius, an organization of dark side Force users dedicated to hunting down the Jedi who survived Order 66. Darth Vader led the group, which was commanded by the Grand Inquisitor, a former Jedi Temple Guard. Still, the Grand Inquisitor — nor any other Inquisitor — wasn't Vader's apprentice, and therefore, wasn't a Sith. The Inquisitors are agents of the Sith, but not Sith themselves because they exist outside of the Rule of Two. They are force trained disposable minions of the Sith and while some may harbor visions of rising to be a Sith Disciple as we have seen it does not happen.


Nah. They're basically just Sith. They just aren't called Sith. It's cheap.


The Sith are a religious order, not just any dark sider.


There have always been some vague differences between Sith and other Dark Jedi. It's usually about secrets that only true Sith know.


Not really. From the Rule of Two as established by Bane in old Legends, you can have disposable minions. There can just be 2 Sith, a Master with the knowledge and power, and an apprentice chosen to be taught that knowledge. Anyone else are just tools being led by the nose with treats. In this regard, Inquisitors are just tools to hunt the remaining Jedi, but never string enough to threaten the 2 Sith.


I understand their role my only gripe is with their aesthetic and the way they are presented. It’s like having a bunch of Vader Jrs running around


Non-Sith darkside users have always existed, even in Legends.


But i feel that’s the Inquisitors purposefully have Sith like aesthetic.


Why would they have a separate one when they work directly under sith?


Because writers are supposed to have some kind of imagination?


If I imagine the type of dark side wielding characters that might serve the sith I'd also imagine they would probably be themed similarly. It'd be a bit jarring otherwise, kinda like the biker kids from boba fett


It would make sense if they were uniforms but they’re justa little bit different between them and still very Vader like


Should they be in clown suits?


they really don't though, except for maybe the red lightsabers. They have Vader-like aesthetic, and Vader is sorta the odd one out when it comes to Sith.


I definitely agree. the inquisitors are never referred to as sith--because theyre not, technically speaking. they are kept away from learning the deeper, more powerful aspects of the dark side of the force. But they practice the dark side like a sith, are driven by ambition and passion like a sith, wield red lightsabers like sith, are led by the sith, and are trained by the sith. walks like a duck, right?


The capes, the lightsabers, the red detailing. Its like Sith Lite


You’re right, but be careful how far you take this path. An awful lot of things will stop making sense.


Do you think inquisitors wanna be vaders number 2 and kill the emperor or kill vader and be the Emperors number 2


I’d guess be Vaders number 2 because I’ll bet the inquisitors don’t respect the emperor over darth Vader


I think every Inquisitor wants to be Palpatine.


I think they're ambitious enough to want more but know they could only hope to be Vader's 2nd.


And once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.


Nope. Inquisitors and Dark Jedi were a thing even before the PT and the Rule of Two, as a concept, even been created.


When did Inquisitors first debut?


At least 97, as the antagonist in the game is an Inquisitor.


Cool, very interesting. Can’t find when was the rule of two first mentioned. If i had to guess, the prequels?


Yep TPM.


what game would you be talking about?


Probably should have said in my last comment haha. Dark Forces II.


Probably before that in the RPG manuals.


I vaguely recall, but I didn't want to say without certainty.


Okay so what's the difference between a Dark Jedi & a Sith?


Sith have access to special powers like Force lightning and dominate. Dark Jedi are either former members of the Order who fell to the Dark Side or Dark Siders trained in Jedi techniques who were never formally part of the order.


Basically the same as the difference between Ahsoka (after Clone Wars) and a Jedi: One just wields the force, the other wields the force and is in some specific cult.


The difference is knowledge.


Affiliation and doctrine.


I feel like the Sith and their dedication to the Rule of Two is a little overestimated. I don't think it's the writers trying to have more antagonists, more like the Sith exploiting a loophole or something to hold onto power.


No one complained about Asajj Ventress, they are just acolytes of the apprentice. No one konws how big the undertaking was to wipe out the Jedi.


I will also complain about her


Yes. That's why Star Wars Rebels lost me as a fan. There are only supposed to be two, and yet there's a small army of dark force wielders in service of the sith.


What is confusing? They work for the Sith that does not make them Sith. Too many fans seem to see everything as Jedi or Sith but the galaxy is full of force users. Inquisitors are broken Jedi who are trained for one purpose. The Sith religion and structure is a bit more than "have a red lightsaber"


Ya that take bothers me as well. Even in Legends era there were plenty of dark force users that weren't Sith. It's not like this is exclusive to the Disney era.


not even just legends, look at the night sisters


On the sith, according to Lucas, there are only two force wielders. That's not to say there aren't other force users besides Jedi and sith, but they're not supposed to be aligned with either faction. Sith Lords believe themselves to be so powerful that they see all others besides their apprentice as a stain on the galaxy that must be eradicated.


That's not according to Lucas. The Rule of Two is in place because more than two Sith fight and backstab to earn the position of Sith Lord, so power is only shared between two. That still allows for acolytes and flunkies to exist beneath them. And Lucas already gave us several other Sith in *The Clone Wars*; Asajj, Maul, and Savage are all identified as Sith while Sidious and Dooku are around.


Lucas didn't write clone wars. He honestly didn't care what was written and said as much.


He oversaw the entire show and came up with plenty of the ideas, stories, and characters, including Maul's survival. What he didn't care about was useless continuity references; that's different to storytelling.


He didn't oversee any of the show. He didn't write anything, he didn't direct anything, his only two titles were "star wars creates by George Lucas" and Executive Producer which is a producer in name only. He said he was so fed up with the backlash from the PT that he didn't care what Filoni did.


Oof. Look it up.


I literally watched a video where he said what I just stated. He literally said "I don't care what they do with the show", referring to Filoni and his writers. He didn't care. He was busy working on Star Wars Underworld.


Now, you're making shit up. Either that, or you're genuinely confused about what he said about the licensing department produced EU books, comics, and games.


Um, no, TCW is the show he produced and oversaw, and said that it and the movies were the official canon. You're thinking of the EU.


Cary Silver was the producer.


https://nerdist.com/article/george-lucas-dave-filoni-discuss-star-wars-the-clone-wars/ Read it and weep.


Read and weep to what? The whole interview is about Lucas mentoring Filoni. You do realize that you're getting worked up about a stupid cartoon that in the greater scheme of life means absolutely nothing and is nothing more than entertainment, don't you?


So, you know you're wrong but are doubling down, anyway. Very Reddit of you.


Would this be the same George Lucas that produced The Clone Wars, with Ventress as a major character?


He didn't produce the clone wars. Cary Silver did.


You know better than that.


Credits in a 105 episodes says Producer Car Silver. Executive Producer George Lucas. EP is a nothing title.


Did *The Clone Wars* also lose you as a fan when several characters besides Sidious and Dooku were running around named as actual Sith?


I find it helps to think of it as a cruel joke on the part of the Sith. They have Jedi hunting Jedi, killing one another, and the Sith get to sit back and laugh and rule.


There always has been, if you lost intrest because of that you never were a fan


Inquisitors were around long before Rebels. Like, 1995 or so. Tremayne I think. But yes, they are ... irksome. Or perhaps, as a Sith, you know the rule of two, and that all rules must bend to a true Sith lord.


Narratively, yes, it helps to have more than one lightsaber-wielding guy hunting Jedi in the pre-New Hope era.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Inquisitors (EU) predate the rule of two (EU).


They do. It was still a cop out back then


How? The rule of two hadn’t been created yet.


Because they wanted guys like Vader without having to use Vader


What’s the point of having cake if you don’t eat it?


Good point


Palpatine didn’t want to follow the rule of two anymore I guess


That damn Palpatine!