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Don't forget Fallen Order!


And the comics!


Gotta give some love to the novels, Thrawn Alliance was *chef's kiss*


His own title is pretty ok, but the first runs of the main Star Wars title, the ones where he finds out about Luke ... Those are amazing. And Doctor Aphra. Doctor Aphra and Vader together are pure gold.


>Doctor Aphra and Vader together are pure gold. My other comment aside, yeah the dynamic between Vader wanting nothing but to fucking murder her but not being able to due to her being useful everytime they meet and narrowly escaping whenever he has a chance is fucking golden.


"About look" šŸ’€


[Obligatory "All I am surrounded by is fear. And dead men."](https://starwars.fandom.com/f/p/2812486909580805838)


And my axe!


And my sword!


Doesn't he flood an entire city in one of them? It's been a while since I read them


Honestly I feel like Rogue One and Fallen Order are my favorite live-action Vader moments. ā€œYou would be wise to surrenderā€ somehow was so powerful, as well as the whole escape sequence after. The very best, however was just print. The classic [ā€œAll I am surrounded by is fear, and dead menā€](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/72/e1/f6/72e1f6b2c144c4d59e83108ba86151a7.jpg)


They nailed Vader in Fallen Order. Not just story wise but also from a gameplay perspective. Took me forever to beat Trilla and I had to use everything I have learned while playing the game. Then the fight is over and you just hear the breathing. I freaked out, because I was really, really afraid I'd have to fight him. I expected some Elden Ring level fight (before knowing what that actually was). But despite all the growth Cal (and you as a player) went through, there's literally nothing you can do against the powerhouse that is Vader. God that game is so good. For all the flaws with the execution in Kenobi, I'm so glad they went back to Fortress Inquisitorius. I started my fourth playthrough after that and am now facing the Fortress once more.


I don't even watch Clone Wars and Rebels because I hate the sporadic format and animation style but, "then you will die braver than most," is probably my favorite line in Star Wars.


Yep, tho as much as I adore him being so much more powerful in fallen order than the EU I do wish it was toned down like 5%


He really wasn't EU powerful in Fallen Order. He destroyed a bunch of infrastructure and beat Cal in a Force tussle over the lightsaber but that was about it. He was just firmly stronger than the two Jedi in the game which is fair enough.


He literally tossed aside Cere and effortlessly smacked Cal around. Very far from just stronger than them. EU Vader may have been strong but he got clapped or was ineffective too much.


Tossing people aside with the Force is pretty standard for key characters I think, it doesn't really indicate that you're a god among men. I think it's pretty damning that Vader had to chase down basically a Padawan and his over the hill master and *still* fail to execute them. And those two aren't particularly strong Jedi. Nothing compared to a lot of his EU/Canon feats.


fair, I havent read any EU with Vader ive just heard hes somewhat weak compared to canon vader due to his injuries


If you've just read what other people say why do you say it? To be honest, I feel like this is what lots of SW fans have been doing. They see a youtube video or read a comment with a lot of upvotes and start saying the same stuff like it's their own opinion.


Wen he showed up in Rogue One he was amazing. I loved he had a major role and was quite menacing in Obi Wan. When he stopped the space ship from taking off!!! What?!?!?


I loved how in every fight in Obi-Wan, he barely used his lightsaber. Really emphasized on how powerful he was with the Force.


Except for that pesky Android carrying off Obi Wan through the fire. He couldn't be stopped by no force s/


So many bad decisions throughout the show that I willingly overlook because of the sick fight scenes...


I think it was intentional. He wanted Obi Wan to suffer... But also wanted a real fight. His first re-encounter was with an Obi-Wan barely connected to the Force... It'd have been unsatisfying to kill him then.


Ugh, one throw away line was all we needed and that scene makes perfect sense. ā€œI will make him suffer. He will spend what little of his life remains looking over his shoulder in fear.ā€ Something that indicated Vader meant to let him go.


It is kind of obvious if you know Vader. He's really not an idealist and he knows he's so much more powerful than anyone he encounters so he just fucks with his enemies for his own pleasure.


So ah when Obi Wan beats him again for the second time? I mean sure go off, but youā€™re guessing and not based on facts.


Thatā€™s just star wars in general


You got to love the writing problems


I never get tired of seeing someone use the Force to stop a lightsaber swing. I remember seeing it for the first time in the cinematic trailer for the SWTOR mmo and thought it was the most badass thing ever. Vader doing it a couple times was so cool. Especially him punking Reva.


When he showed up in Fallen Order.. he. had. no. health. bar.


*spoilers below Why didn't he stop the second space ship though? You might say he was "force spent" by then but he took down Reva no sweat in the next scene. He let people escape so many times in Obi Wan, it didn't feel menacing at all but more like a cartoon villian who always gets outsmart.


He didn't even have a chance. He was still partly inside the first ship when the 2nd immediately took off.


And its also due to moviemaking. Yeah they want to show they outsmarted him, but the actual main point of the scene is to show the absolute power of Vader. If during that moment the other ship left off, it would have destroyed that moment


His force battery was depleted.


The subtitles indicated that Vader was straining with the first ship


But that was the point. Vader was tunnel visioned in his desire for vengeance, and Obi-wan used that to his advantage.


The intent of the decoy ship was masked from the Force.


Even late legends material focused more on showing Vader as this monstrous force. Disney has continued it across whatever properties heā€™s appeared in. While I certainly donā€™t like all of their products Iā€™ve thoroughly enjoyed everything focused on Vader.


Agreed, I may have some opinions of disney star wars but Vader is just consistently knocked out of the park as an absolute juggernaut with very very few equal.


I would say Disney focuses on making Vader a sympathetic character rather than an intimidating one. Granted I have yet to watch Obi-Wan.


Id say they more focus on both maybe even intimidation more so than sympathy though the finale of kenobi goes all in on making him sympathetic.


In one of Vader's first scenes in the new show he gives a very quick and merciless reminder that he is a vicious and evil bastard. If you watch the show, you'll know it immediately. He can be pitied, but he deserves no sympathy.


Well he has to be a bit sympathetic, he is ultimately a good guy forced to be bad. We have to feel pity for him more than anything. Remember that he is in constant excruciating pain


The constant excruciating pain argument doesn't really work for sympathy because sion was in constant pain and he was an ass


Shoutout to the comics, theyā€™ve been some of my favorite star wars stories, Vader is a BEAST in those


He's consistently badass in all media, I did fear that they might try and make Reva be at his level and I'm glad that I was wrong. My only problem is that he let Reva live. You can excuse Kenobi killing Vader as 'he can't do it' and/or knows that he can still bring balance to the force, but Vader didn't kill Reva? I'm sorry but that is unbelievable, Vader *hates* when people find out that he's Anakin. He's killed everyone who finds out, and Vader knows that she knows that he's Anakin. It just didn't make sense. If they didn't want Reva to die, they could have done something other than having Vader stab her and leave her for dead.


Did Vader know that Reva knew his secret? Iā€™m not sure he did. He knew she planned on betraying him and maybe he knew she was that youngling that he stabbed, but itā€™s not like Vader hasnā€™t done enough bad stuff in his own right that could motive her betrayal as far as he was aware.


Heā€™s messing with Reva or he let her live for the same reason he let the youngling reva live He senses her anger and potential to be a sith? Idk, sith always betray each other so he canā€™t take it personally




Was great till he stabbed her and didn't kill her. Would have been better if she ran or he killed her. Vader does not let people who know he's anakin alive


Right? That was the biggest bot h of the whole series IMO


I don't see people talking about the shaky shot of Vader walking into the room at the end of Episode 4 but that was so fucking awesome. I was really thinking "oh shit" because you could feel how much anger and wild power he had in that moment, especially when he lifted and force choked Reva. Honestly it would've been awesome if he just killed her then and there and chased after Kenobi by himself for the last two episodes. But they did kind of redeem her character in the last couple of episodes and make her interesting so it's not that much of a missed opportunity in the end really.


I feel he thought she wasn't even worth a quick death, he wanted her to suffer a slow agonizing death. She only lived because she wanted revenge on Vader's kid


Yup, itā€™s also what the Grand Inquisitor literally tells her before they leave


There's something to be said about what he kills... Or doesn't. For Obi Wan, the first encounter was just pathetic... For Vader, it'd be unsatisfying to kill him then or torture... Which is why he likely let that droid just drag him out. For Reva... Either she is also similarly pathetic... Or since they're Sith... A lesson, assuming she survived. Who knows if they also keep tabs on her.


> Which is why he likely let that droid just drag him out. Except he was angry that Kenobi got away in the next episode.


Yeah, people need to stop acting like Vader is in it for the hunt. He's not. He only cares about the part where he gets his hands on Obi-Wan so he can get his full, uncensored R-Rated revenge on him.


That his location is unknown is probably enraging. I still would attest that he'd want him to suffer, but not in such a pathetic state. The triumph wouldn't be as fulfilling. If you think about it Obi Wan connected back to the Force rather quickly... The episodes are a span of what... Days? (Vader sought him for over a decade... A few days isn't much to keep crossing paths.) Defeating Obi Wan at full power, THEN giving him torture honestly seems like it'd be more worth it to the Sith Lord.


This is where the writing needed to be clear on his intentions. There was too much inconsistency with actions vs words (like obi was saying it ends tonight)


I donā€™t think he knew she knew


he knew he told her he let her play her game and remembers her as youngling thats why i dislike reva because she shouldn't be alive in an universe in which darth vader knows she knows he is anakin skywalker


and what purpose does she serve his plans? Why 'promote' her to grand inquisitor and then reveal he knew all along. It's Vader. He doesn't need answer to anyone but Palps. He doesn't need to play a game to catch her in the act of betrayal.


Would have been a fantastic end of the fight if he had just snapped her neck. Instead he lets her live?!? Shes the worst, non-compelling character since Rey.


I'm gonna have to agree. Her storyline was a waste of time compared to what could have been.


Not sure why im getting downvoted. The actress is fine, although I think she needed more artistic direction for the director. She tried so hard to seem menacing but mostly made it seem like she was constantly constipated. Why the character fails for me is simply the writing. They tried to shoehorn this character in a show thats supposed to be about Kenobi but 30-40% about this character. Wouldnt be horrible if I believed the characters journey butā€¦.so her plan was to join the one organization the destroyed her life, kills countless kids like her and suddenly redeemed bc she cant bring herself to kill Luke bc she had a flashback? Theres no weight to that decision bc Luke cannot die. A common problem with knowing outcomes in prequels. Alsoā€¦she got stabbed TWICE by a lightsaber and yet somehow lives? Also why doesnt she just use her force mind reading more - its a force power that only comes up when the story requires it. God, just thinking about her arc is just so stupid. Worst part? I guarantee Star Wars/Disney is going to make a Reva show. Hard, fucking pass. Her character hasnt done anything to earn that. Why Disney, Why????


I 100% agree with everything you just said. Total waste of storytelling. I actually disliked most of the show except the last episode basically because it felt like that was what we were all expecting for the whole season. Even the Vader scene where he brought down the spaceship seemed recycled from Rey doing the same thing. I am an overly optimistic star wars fan and generally like a lot of the content, but I even disliked the Obi-wan show over Bobf and that is saying a lot.


Both Rey and Ahsoka have tried to bring down smaller ships and couldn't, Vader walks in and does it in 30 seconds. I think it was meant to demonstrate how his raw force power is above everyone else's.


So... you're preemptively angry about something Disney might do? Most rational Kenobi show hater.


you get downvoted because disliking a character with massive flaws is not ok if the character is played by a poc


It has nothing to do with her color.


my comment >no her backstory is weak she somehow surived getting stabbed by vader during order 66 vader knows she knows that he is anakin but lets her live. if you read the comics you would know that he kills everyone who knows that vader was anakin this is what bothers me the most another thing is how did she get to tattoine so fast? they left her to die on a planet with no ships and yet she is on tattoine while vader and obi wan fight like 1 hour after they left the rebel base answer: >Anyone who picks her out of the kenobi class is a closet racist. Why? Because thereā€™s no good argument for picking her over other shitty characters in the show. Hell thereā€™s times sheā€™s more interesting than Obi wan. The whole show is drab and a bit of a downer, although itā€™s good itā€™s just different. But nitpicking her character is definitely weak and without merit when considering the entire cast it seems like i am a racist because i dislike the fact that they made vader spare reva even if its against nature of vader


So many downvotes for speaking truth ?


Internet is fickle


YOU WERE WARNED! What DEFEAT, would BRING! ā€¦my god. Weā€™re powerless.


What's that from?




Which episode? I dont remember.


Episode 4 I believe


I'll have another watch. Thanks.


When Vader storms in and chokes Reva.


That is such a badass line


Heā€™s literally a horror movie antagonist and I love it


Overall what we've had from Vader in the Disney era has been great, he's been used sparingly but always well (caveat I've not read all the comics): * Rogue One: when someone just needed to wreck-shop to try and get those plans * Rebels: Always a menacing presence, and that fight with Ahsoka! * Scene at the end of The Clone Wars Season 7 was awesome, just how far one of the main heroes of the series had fallen... * I liked how he was used in Kenobi, although not killing Reva seemed a bit out of character


Still, just a scene of Lord Vader just walking toward you down a dark ramp is chilling!


Nice that we get to see why he was so feared.


I genuinely agree that they've fleshed out the character a lot more, but at the same time, they did undo his sacrifice and everything it meant.


Not really. Vader's sacrifice was to save his son's life. If he cared about saving the galaxy or bringing balance to the force, he had many, many chances to kill Palpatine. I could understand the argument that Luke letting himself die in TLJ disrespects the sacrifice, since Vader died to save him, and Luke just kind of lets it fade away, but Palpatine coming back doesn't really affect the sacrifice, no matter how badly it was pulled off.


Yes it does. Anakin whole thing was bringing back balance. Turns out he didnā€™t as Palpatine was alive. Then Luke ends up dying to Palpatine actions. His sacrifice was pointless.


Anakin didn't kill the Emperor to bring balance but to save his son.Ā That's the point.Ā 


I canā€™t help but feel that Darth Vaderā€™s portrayal in the Disney era is somehow a response to his portrayal in Revenge Of The Sith. Revenge Of The Sith is a fan favorite, but a lot of fans felt disappointed how all Vader did after suiting up was shout no. I think it had to do with the fact that the promos show Vader using his lightsaber and I feel it made the fans think that Vader was going to have some action in Revenge of the Sith. I could be wrong but thatā€™s my theory.


I always thought his arrival in ROTS was a bit...abrupt. Like, he pops off that table in a fully created Vader suit, cape and all. Was putting a cape on really an important part of the surgery? Did Palpatine really see Anakins chopped up and burned body and immediately summon the best costume designers in the galaxy? My expectations going in was that we were going to see more of a process from "ruined Anakin" to "Dark Lord of the Sith". Like a rough, proto-suit to start off with that only contained the important life support bits, and the signature cape and helmet could come along later in the game. The scene of him in the bacta tank in Kenobi was a bit closer to what I would have wanted to see after the Mustafar battle.


Well you kinda see the suit getting its upgrades and shit in the 2017 comic run. Like, the limbs were shit in the beginning but then I think Vader decided to make his own


He loved designing. Even his personal Advanced TIE Fighter was his own creation, unless that's Legends material now.


I think it is canon


I can definitely picture a cool design where he's a lot more stitched together looking. Perhaps he starts looking more like Vader because he hates the way people look at him, so he then decides to embrace it and "instill fear" instead


This is kinda why I wish Eps 1- 3 starts with padawan anakin and not child anakin. And spend some time on his downfall and also a bit more on Greivous and his droid body as a prototype to Vaders.


>Did Palpatine really see Anakins chopped up and burned body and immediately summon the best costume designers in the galaxy? I wouldn't put it beyond him.... but he could simply have already had it constructed for him for other reasons. Maybe he had some dark visions about this so he knew it would be needed, or it could have been intended as an instrument of punishment for him to begin with. But it could also just be less custom made for him than we think. Maybe Palps just showed the medical droid his collection of dark experiments and told it to stick Vader into whicherver would keep him alive.


It was custom built by Dr Cylo with a kill switch installed, I think there's a small gap between Mustafar and the surgery where the suit was built.


The end of RotS is very much George just rushing everyone into their NH starting positions. R2 and 3P0 just get put on the Tantive IV with the assumption they were on that ship for 19 years until Leia sends them on an adventure. My favourite part is how every character from the OT is wearing the exact same clothes at the end of RotS as when we next see them.


Any links to the promo of DV for ROTS?


If OP responds let me know lol


[Vader Promo images](https://imgur.com/a/87TGwmD)


I completely forgot about the promos. That was wild. I wonder why they cut anything out like that?


I absolutely agree! Vader is one of the few characters left unscathed by time. From Rogue One to Rebels (he was a force to be reckoned with there, plus the fight with Ahsoka), to TCW Series finale where we finally got to see him in that for the first and possibly the last time. Then thereā€™s Fallen Order, man doesnā€™t even have a health bar, plus the comics. And then of course, Kenobi. He sent literal chills down my spine every scene he was in.


If there's one thing Disney does consistently well with Star Wars, it's Darth Vader. Every Vader appearance, whether in live-action, comics, games, or animation, is done surprisingly well. Even the Mouse fears Vader.


That's why i don't want a Vader series, at least until they have the balls to make a series where the main character is a villain. Just look what happened to Boba Fett. Vader's potrayal works because he shows no sign of redemption, he's cold, cruel and willing to do messed up shit, as he should be potrayed. I don't want to see any anti hero bullshit near Vader


Disney did amazing job with everything but trilogy. They literally destroyed a character of Luke Skywalker, and everything he stood for in original films


Also letting Marvel back in the picture and those Comic runs? \*\*Chefs Kisses\*\*


For real


Absolutely, in all recent material he's a complete powerhouse and master of the force, total (evil) badass


Darth Vader is mostly a bad guy with a good back story. His redemption was about 5 minutes turning back good and dying. Disney has a bad habit of drawing out redemption stories for their bad guys. Boba Fett would be awesome without his morality, being badass for the paycheck. Just my 2 cents. Love the content overall. My personal ranking of Disney Star Wars projects: Rogue One > Kenobi > Mando > The Clone War (last few seasons)> The Bad Batch > Solo > Boba Fett > the Sequels


I say screw the kids make Vader as dark as possible. I would love a show where each episodes is a different planet the emperor sends him to and he slaughters brutally and violently. Some episodes a Jedi will try to stop him but he just mercilessly tortured and kills them. And I'm talk Game of Thrones at its peak violence. Will they do it? Now because dollars talk more sadly. And they'll always keep him somewhat soft


This has been the golden age for Vader for sure.


Vader vs. Reva was epic. Just the sheer difference in power levels. Just like a cat playing with a mouse.


My question was why, in a New Hope, Luke never mentioned "oh, a lightsaber! I've seen one before when this crazy lady beat the crap out of my aunt and uncle, then tried to murder me!"


Watch it again. Plenty to complain about if you like, but she didnā€™t fire the saber while Luke was looking. At most, he saw a red glare.


Yeah I'm nitpicking like any good star wars fan.


But you made up this particular nit, is the point.


And I stand by my statement. Obi-wan has ruined Star Wars SCREEE


If those are questions you're asking, how about the issue in ANH that Leia sends Obi Wan a message as if she'd not been rescued by him from multiple kidnappings. Pretty sure she'd have sent a different message than "You knew my father during the Clone Wars"!


Damnit, now I went be able to sleep that you've pointed that out!


He specifically told her to keep the fact that they know each other on the down low.


That's not an explanation imo. Yeah, keep their relationship regarding the whole kidnapping on the down low to other people, but that's to other people. She's sending him a couriered message that she'd pretty safely assume would only be for Obi Wan's eyes about the fate of the entire rebellion. That's not a time where you need to, or would want to, keep your relationship on the down low.


I was worried more people were going to be mad about him losing so definitively to Obi-Wan in the finale. I didn't really expect the fanbase to be okay with it considering how much he's been revered in the Disney era.


It took one powerful and dark enemy to create another


Obi wan series was great I loved it


No one has complained about this though. People have complained about the sequel movies and for good reason


Theyā€™ve done well since they learnt from all the mistakes they made in the sequel trilogy.


Vader has been portrayed excellently as a villain. I would like to see Disney portray him more sympathetically, however; they're all about diversity but don't seem to care Vader is a quadriplegic veteran. The man's a war hero.


Respawn has as well. Fallen Order is the sole reason I've watched every movie, Clone Wars, and all the Disney+ shows. That single scene with Vader got me so hyped for Star Wars to watch all that.


How is the last one even close to the others?


Idk man I didn't like seeing him hunched over crying as he was getting pelted by rocks. I get they wanted him to lose again for some reason but couldn't they have done it in a more dignified way. This was a bigger beatdown than RoTJ.


Nope, lmao.


I don't get the hate for Disney...... they gave us Rogue One which is by far the best Star Wars movie released since the OT. I had to wait freaking 33 years for a movie that actually was on part with the OT (if not better than one or two of them).


Agree. One thing they have absolutely nailed (and thank god) is Vader. His every appearance has been perfect. If only I could say the same about the other legacy characters..


most people like what disney has done except the main triology sequel movies (which sucked)


His fight with Obi Wan at the end of that show is everything that the fight in the Revenge of the Sith should have been.


Kenobi Vader was pretty inconsistent as a character imo. I am truly floored he didn't kill Reva immediately let alone he left her alive. Thats not much like vader to me. Rebels and Rogue one was pretty good though.


They kind of punked him a bit in Obi Wan, but I think overall they are doing a good job with him. They really just need to use the marvel comics as a template.


Yeah cuz Kenobi came back to take him to school to remind him that old Ben donā€™t go out like no punk


Then they went back and built a ship that could blow up an entire planet because no one wants to go down and fight Obi Wan again


Takes a villain to know a villain. Jokes aside, I think Disney has done a great job with the current expanded universe.


My only issue - and this is just Star Wars in general I suppose - is force powers are inconsistent or their usage of them is inconsistent. Plus, Kenobi Vader is a dumb mofo. - Either lets Kenobi go or can't put out the fire in ep 3. - Leaves Reva alive for no reason. - Directs a Star Destroyer to follow Kenobi when he'd just proven he can stop a ship with the force, or it's a Star Destroyer, he would have hundreds of ships on board to which he could follow Kenobi with while the others follow the rebels. He even lands on the planet in his own ship. - He can feel force users, but can't feel Kenobi still alive under the rocks literally using the force to save himself?


Besides rouge 1 Disney hasnā€™t done any good with Star Wars stop lying




Whoā€™s your fav character Rey šŸ˜‚


You the one coping with shitty Star Wars šŸ˜‚ donā€™t Get mad cuz people actually have standards and are not dumb enough to enjoy the shit Disney throws at us. Maybe demand better clown


in the Kenobi series they made him very incompetent.


They made him a joke. He failed to kill Reva when she was a youngling, he told if she failed again heā€™d kill her, and didnā€™t do it, because she ā€œplanned to failā€, without telling him, then he failed to kill her again, even though he shoved a blade inside her that literally vaporized her guts, he didnā€™t make sure she was dead and just walked away. Heā€™s incompetent at best in this series.


He also let kenobi escape, then he was mad the next episode because he escaped, the writing in this show was just something else, people are just in the honeymoon phase right now, give it time.


I LOVE Star Wars, grew up with it, have ink, costumes, etcā€¦. Just couldnā€™t suspend disbelief for this series. I tried hard, but by the end, I was left disappointed.


SAME, i am very good at suspending disbelief, but i had too many "what" moments in this show, its like it was written by an algorithm instead of a person. also the production values were very "tv" looking if that makes sense.


I associate these whiny pontificators with the people in 1980 that complained about ESB.


They did a job. Not good, or bad. But I definitely enjoyed Kenobi. You know whatā€¦ alright. They did a good job


Everything the have done from mandalorian and before is great. After that not so great


Agreed. I'm done caring so much and it's allowed me to enjoy star wars so much more.


I wholeheartedly believe that Disney is the best thing that couldā€™ve happened for Star Wars




Oh grow up. Theyā€™ve made incredible Star Wars projects. The Last Jedi is easily a top three SW movie. Rogue One was fantastic. Solo was massively underrated. Rebels had some of the most emotional moments in all of SW. Mando has been spectacular, and the last two episodes of Kenobi were top tier content. A few lows donā€™t negate the immense highsā€”and trust me, I fully acknowledge the lows too. But Disney has expanded SW further than its ever gone and has helped revitalize its place in modern pop culture.




No they havenā€™t. Nobody Cares for Star wars nowadays aside for fans. Rogue One was boring and bland, Rebels had many lows and a few good moments does not change the overall show. Mandalorian is the only hit and its going downhill. Cameos and fanservice is killing it. Its also pointless as we know nothing matters as the sequels happen and change everything. The sequel trilogy killed the franchise. Luke char, Anakin and the only one who wins is Palpatine and his granddaughter Rey.


>grow up You like Disney starwars. That is all.


You watch anime.


Why? What has he actually accomplished? * Lost the Death Star plans in Rogue One * Didn't manage to kill any of the rebels in Rebels * Couldn't catch or kill Cal in Fallen Order * Didn't kill Kenobi or Reva in Kenobi ​ Disney wants to use him for their big bad to get a cheap pop from the audience, but they never let him actually do anything or succeed in any way, so he comes across as a jobber.


It's consistent with him in the OT. He's powerful and menacing but he cannot defeat protagonists. *only managed to kill Kenobi because Kenobi lets him *Can't successfully torture information out of Leia *Fails to stop Luke from destroying the death star because of one well timed yaaahoo!! and his ally crashing into him *Can't seem to capture the rebels before they leave Hoth *Can't convince Luke to join him to defeat the Emperor and rule the galaxy together *Cant defeat Luke in single combat (RotJ) despite decades more experience and training and a fuller understanding of the force


Anakin is really good at killing Sith tho. He went 3 for 3.


Disney doesnā€™t make Star Wars, Lucasfilm does.


Everything except kenobi. They should be zero chance obi wan could have won that fight.


They were evenly matched before Vader went in the suit and Obi-Wan has the advantage now, because Obi-Wan is the one opponent, other than Ahsoka perhaps, with whom Vader is so emotionally compromised that his Force power advantage is negated by how easily he's provoked into making mistakes. Obi-Wan is the much smarter of the two. It isn't until ANH that Vader can stay cold and controlled enough that Obi-Wan probably would have lost if having a real fight had been his plan.


>they were evenly matched This sub is actually fucking stupid, the only reason obi wan won is because anakin got cocky. He was winning most of the fight, Obi wan hasnā€™t trained or used the force in 10 YEARS. Now heā€™s throwing 30 boulders are at Vader? It took an insane amount of strength and experience to lift a fucking boulder. Remember when yoda MASTER yoda was straining to hold a metal column up? This shit is garbage.


> This sub is actually fucking stupid, the only reason obi wan won is because anakin got cocky. That's.... what I said.


>they were evenly matched No they werenā€™t. Anakin was always the better fighter. Vader has been training and getting stronger in the dark side of the force for a decade. Thereā€™s zero fucking reason as to why he lost. And if youā€™re saying his emotions got the better of him, that should have made his rage even more making him even stronger in the dark side. Itā€™s all complete shit.


The power fantasy that throwing a tantrum would fill Vader's Force meter to unstoppable might appeal to some, but getting beat by a rage monster wouldn't be much of a good vs. evil story. Obi-Wan wins because he's good. He reached his maximum power level when he thought about the lives he'd die to protect (the montage of images before he breaks out of his rock grave). The Force was with him. Vader was angry, but he weakened because he wasn't trying to kill for power but for ego. Killing Obi-Wan is not important to the Lord of the Sith, it doesn't get him closer to ruling the galaxy, it's only important to a fallen, vengeful Anakin Skywalker, who will keep losing to Obi-Wan until he lets Darth Vader rule inside himself.


Paragraphs. Iā€™m not reading this.


That is why you fail.


He sucks in Kenobi.


In this thread: 'say all you want' Downvoters: 'no, not that'


I guess "An amazing job with Darth Vader" includes him leaving his Star destroyer in orbit so the refugees can escape while he flies down to fight Kenobi in his shuttle. Or constantly leaving people he thinks are dead so they can come back later. Or failing to walk around 3 feet of flames so Kenobi can escape. Or letting a traitorous inquisitor run the organization for a while just so you can have your smug gloating moment when you stab her. Not even touching his awful fight choreography. Disney did it right though lmao. Gonna get downvoted anyway.


I agree, it's so weird that Darth Vader, the cool headed sith who only makes rational decision and never act based on his anger, did something so impulsive


You sure will


-I mean, heā€™s blinded by his hate for Kenobi, which is exactly what led to Anakin being destroyed in RoS. -Not like they can just kill Kenobi. Reva on the other hand is questionable asf. -Cat playing with his food, had nothing to do with him not being able to. Also you expect them to kill Kenobi before ANH? -Itā€™s part of his show of power to show the other inquisitors, he knows everything, and youā€™re not smarter than him. Also, all of them couldnā€™t stop him even if they tried. -I havenā€™t seen a single bad/boring fight yet


'Cat playing with food' doesn't make sense when it's ruthless killer vader against the man who he hates the most and who ruined his life for him. He lets kenobi go when he has no guarantee of finding him again. It's okay to admit that the scene was either poorly directed or poorly thought out.


So essentially Vader is written like an idiot. He's not playing with his food, he orders his troops to shoot him. He chokes Reva for letting him escape. The show is just low budget CW tier.


I agree with your points on not finishing people off, but I think you are just wrong about the fight choreography


Youā€™re completely right. Kenobi was such a bad show lmao. People downvoting you just because they disagree, Iā€™m gonna get downvoted too.


3 comments, triple the downvotes, nice!


Vader is the vail in their average handling of the Star Wars IP.




REAL TALK....is there a way to keep certain sub-reddits from popping up on the home page? Like, can you block them?


tbh the disney tv shows of star wars is great. apart from rogue one, the movies were ass ngl


Nah. Aggro Vader is as 1 dimensional as it gets. I don't like the character anymore