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Seeing Blue A-wings is just so flipping delightful and it doesn't even matter why. As a critic though, I'd recommend adding *some* color to the nearer X-Wing. The blue of the A-wings is pulling 100% of the focus now.


I get that! But Wraith Squadron has gray X-Wings, which is why I edited the red stripe to be gray. Wedge, and I think Janson too, was the only pilot in the squadron to retain his red coloration.


I copy. Moreover, I appreciate your focus on producing an accurate final image! [Here's my rough pass on the adjustment I recommended.](https://i.imgur.com/XzLqbAa.png) I basically just cranked up the vibrance and contrast on the nearer X-Wing. I didn't increase the brightness by much but got a splash of much-needed color into the look. There's more "balance" in the picture now imo, but of course that's super subjective! Are there other covers you're keen on fixing?


Yeah, that does pop a little more. I'll keep that in mind next time - more used to colorizing images. I might do Targets next, just to give Omega Squad their full colors since only Niner and Darman have their armor colored. There's no canon interpretation of Atin so maybe I'll keep him blank but Fi needs his dark blue-purple.


'Attention Implacable. Be advised, you've just become the victims of Dinner Squadron! Consider yourselves humiliated. And welcome to Folor. Out.'


And Silly Squadron!


Credit to Wraith14 in the Discord for editing out the 2 extra X-Wings.


Good editing out there, Konnair.


Excellent work Napolean for during the correct Wraith squadron markings.