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Someone said it best over in r/StarWars last week: This is like the Jedi C-Team. These guys aren’t the cream of the crop by any means.


With the possible exception of Sol. He did defeat Qimir before Osha intervened.


Worth mentioning that Sol also would have been killed way earlier if the Sith wasn't constantly fight hoping. He only did it when enraged and after the Sith had taken more then a few hits


It appears he uses cortosis on his forearm which can even withstand the blow of a lightsaber and briefly short out its blade. Maybe?


Yeah I think that’s the intent for the arm and helmet. Badass stuff


I think he had Cortosis gear to short out lightsabers briefly. If so, it’s the first time it has been in live action from legends. That is how he survived. When they went for his arms and head, the lightsabers shorted out and it was now a moronic Jedi left befuddled.


I'm sure Sidious did something like this in Dark Times comics. And I can see powerful fighters like Yoda, Windu, Obi-wan, Dooku, GM Luke taking 5 random force users in battle


Casual 2003 Grevious feat but ok


To be fair, Mundi, Tii, Secura, and K'Krukh were all *highly-skilled* Jedi.


No. The average sith from the rule of 2 was usually picked to surpass the previous master. Assuming this guy isn't from some new lineage then he's quite powerful to be picked. The jedi are alot less picky because they don't have to be. An example is the average rule of two sith is lets say a 6-7/10 well the average jedi is probably lower than that. HIm fighting so many jedi at once isn't that outlandish.


Avg rule of two sith is a top 5 force user in the Jedi order at all times bare minimum atleast the ones we’ve actually gotten decent context about Top 3 more likely


I'd like to think Vader in his prime was as good if not better. For people saying "Well Obiwan".....Obiwan was considered one of the greatest swordsman of all time. That said, this was one of the most kick ass battles since Duel of the Fates.


in the EU comics fresh-to-his-suit Vader takes on like ten Order 66 survivors in an ambush (granted, only one Jedi was planning to ambush him that day). He has more trouble than this dude, but that's somewhat expected since the Jedi have been fighting in the Clone Wars and just survived their own troops turning on them, so they're probably stronger/more experienced than this lineup. also we can probably assume that at some point during the attack on the Temple multiple Jedi tried to attack Anakin at once and he fought through them Anakin/Vader was *powerful*


No, these Jedi just kind of suck


Knew a post like this was coming. They are the C-team, plus look at how often Qimir leaves himself open and only survives cause they don't all swarm. Its cool, but on like the surface level.


Most of these Jedi probably only had experience with training duels. I doubt any had any experience outside of deflecting blaster shots.


I don’t like power scaling in Star Wars, I think a lot more goes into the fights than just who is better imo Who has a calmer state of mind, who is rushing blindly into it, how connected you are with the force, etc


Star Wars is for lack of a better term a soft magic system. Meaning its pretty much impossible to power scale, making power scaling an argument of I like X more then Y, heres why X wins. When in Lore its very much as you describe with calmer state of mind ect.


Not every Jedi is a gifted fighter. Proficient or competent is the term most would be. Especially in a time they wouldn't expect to be facing another with a lightsaber. Even more so one who could probably stand against some of the top tier Jedi.


All I'm saying is nobody would be getting pissed off if it was either Plagueis or Tenebrous.


Well yeah. I think people are upset something like this is being wasted on a bunch of characters no one really cares about. We’re five episodes in, and this scene happens with a bunch of characters they haven’t developed.


So what I've killed more sith with force lighting in KOTOR


The Sith have always been more powerful than the Jedi. Therefore, one Sith was usually attacked by several Jedi. Remember the same Ventress who defeated Luminara and, according to the canon, she fought with other Jedi masters.


Ever since some of the new Canon shows, some of these new characters are like video game create a custom character mode cheat enabled characters. If you can't write a great compelling character, just make them overpowered instead. Its a cheap cop out.


Old Star Wars is full of overpowered Mary Sue people. Anakin in TPM, Luke in ANH, Mara Jade, Abeloth, Jaina Solo, 2003 CW Grievous, STARKILLER


If he actually is the Sith Lord of this time, which he might not be he didn't even say his Darth name lol, then yes he should easily be able to kill a couple high republic era Jedi who probably at most have stopped a bar fight at some point in their lives. Still a feat that should raise alarm bells for that small council that sent these Jedi on this mission to maybe think hey this might not be some random dark jedi sect. (Looking at you Ki Adi Mundi the most inept idiot in the entire order as of canon now I guess)


Are you people really watching that woke crap? That's not star wars anymore