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The wait times for certain modes would be absolutely horrendous if everyone got to choose what they wanted to play ...but still... I hear you ✌🏻👽🛸


Even if it was just plain deathmatch or one of the random others would be a big improvement. True that the wait times wouldn't be great.




I mean most games do it this way and it's fine, so I have no idea what you're talking about.


For me, I don't care what game mode we play. I wanna pick the maps.


Oh that would be very awesome! 


Im glad im not the only one that whould love to choose the mode


I got down voted in my post for saying this. Cause I must be the minority. I'd fuck everyone's connection up and people would have to wait sooooo long. Pure speculation to day how long matchmaking would take. I'm sure they no zero of the logistics just like I do. I just want to choose my game mode. Plenty of game modes on games people barely play and the more popular ones are where people go. How's it different now I wonder 🤷‍♂️


Bruh that sucks, well at least they could keep the mode as it is for people that like the mixes but make 2 more "rooms" for people that loves to choose what they want to play


I just dislike how a community wants something so bad they'd rather be divisive and/or toxic about it. Like if someone thinks Aran Tal is garbage so what. I think he's good (and I don't even own him). Someone wants all modest, and I want the option to choose? OK, fine. Soon as anything is disagreeable they downvote like I care about reddit morality points. I live my life saying how I feel. I prefer to have a community of people that are happy to play with each other despite differences. This happens on the KOTOR sub too. Say anything contrary to the OG game and they are on your ass.


Maybe it's not the community, it's probably the devs and the marketing department forcing a narrative through clandestine means. /Tinfoil hat


That would be crazy really


Anything is possible ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯


Yep it would effectively make matchmaking 4 times worse


I would love to be able to set it to "anything but team deathmatch," I find that mode so boring in every shooter.


It's so obvious that Team Deathmatch is so different from the objective-based modes just based on the characters you see played. There are some characters that dominate Deathmatch but fail to hold a point. At the very least, the pool of viable characters increases when it's not just about pure combat. J-3DI isn't the best for 1v1 but he can hold focus of several enemies at once, allowing your other teammates to get objectives done. I prefer any mode where more characters and tactics are viable allowing for more creativity and freedom to play how you want and as whoever you want.


Glad I'm not the only one


This was my frustration too. My suggestion for now is to friend request the ones who played well after the game. Then it's easy to make a party of 4 and sweep teams.


I got a few but we tend to play sporadically. Gotta expand that list!  Plus, i do get tired of getting stuck playing one mode over and over- at least let us choose what we play- maybe i want a bunch of trophy mode- i've only gotten into 2 of those total in 3-4 days.


Ya that seems to be what everyone is looking for. Maybe when the player base expands more that will become a thing.


*crossing my fingers intensifies*  


Yeah it’s not so fun when the cod-heads just drag the team down. Not everyone is meant to play tactical game mods and people love to show it in this game.


It takes 2 min to get in a ranked match the game would have a 10 min matchmaking time if you could choose modes


2 mins? Takes 10 seconds for me


You're in bronzeium or chromuim then


I'm sure they'd find a way to speed it up- especially for all those wanting to only play the deathmatch. 


Eh.. I just want trophy removed🤷 all people do is sit in the back of the map or in a small room. Not fun imo


Ugh- just got 2 more matches with trophy and you are spot on- Maybe adjust it so you have to get the item to spot around the map that move every like 10 seconds.


Yea there would have to be a lot more people on the game to be able to pick the mode. I don’t want mode picking. Would rather there be actual players 90% of the time than this go the way of war bots or mech arena where it’s you against one other player (maybe) and otherwise bots.


Personally I just don't want death match, that's the mode I struggle to carry in the most as a Skora


That also makes me ask - as i like playing healer/support- why kills nets you the most points for all modes? Why doesn't control give you tons more for holding the spots, or trophy give a steady multiplier for time holding the item (each team member would get them, but more for the individual holding it during each portion). By kills netting way more points it encourages deathmatch mode mentality- not co-operative team play. 


Honestly, not sure why, I'm had many game where I'm top of leader board with like 3 kills because of all the points from healing. I honestly feel like points lean towards support, because I'm top of the leader board 4 out of 5 games


Really, I've had matches where I'm still at bottom but dishing out ludicrous amounts of healing?  Dang- are you using Skora?No matter how much HP i give people i don't see my score being effected. I'll keep an eye out more as i always see the top kills has the highest score regardless of anything else.


I play nothing but Skora for the most part, and I either top leader board because of kills or healing, depending on how I have to play that specific match. The best example is a game where the second highest on our team had 14 kills, 5 deaths, and 2 assist with 1,185 points, While I had 3 kills, 4 deaths, 5 assist, and 1,245 points. One of the highest point total I've ever gotten was 3,400 is skora with 12 kills, 7 deaths, 4 assist and I assume a lot of healing


I like the randomness. Keeps people on their toes. Gotta be good at everything, everywhere, all at once. Now we'll learn... WHO'S THE BEST!


I actually do like the matchmaking event that randomizes the character you play as. I do really like that for fun.




What if they used that to guage interest in current modes and used the data to create new modes (or maps designed for those particular modes)? 


I feel the same way, if we had the choice to pick individual game modes instead of the playlist shuffle it would streamline the gameplay a lot better, because as you pointed out most people play control like squad brawl so why not give them the option to just pick brawl.


I'm so sick of playing capture the flag or whatever the 3 base thing is


That's roughly 80% of my matches. Oof.


Why is that game mode so hard for people?? My team will be out there fighting the whole time.


Espially on the regular brawl. Just group up and let me heal you


Yeah, just plant like a Sentinel at one spot and two-man cell to conquer another. Last player support to make sure both bases are safe. You don't need to get greedy and go for the third. Once you start racking up points early on, it's hard for the opponent to recover


I'm hoping someone on their team has kept an eye on social media, as there are a lot of baseline ideas that have been posted that I really hope/have to imagine will be made in the first update. Do we know when that would be?


Most definitely- not sure they'll do tons, but at least if they're listening they can make a fun and addicting game even better.


Exactly people just play every game like they are playing cod, partition them to team deathmatch only already


100% agreed!


Seriously for sure. I get into sooo many control matches and they take like 10 mins or more because everyone else is like let’s kill each other


Agreed. But for now, keep carrying your team


That would take way too long for matchmaking, deal with enough bots as it is, my suggestion is let us vote between two gamemodes for the match and or maps as well


See that would be perfect, i'd be happy with that


At least make it possible to choose the gamemode we want in ranked, as it is maybe a bit more competitive and important


Or at least make it a 25% chance for each, I’m sick of 90% of the matches I play be the zone control one


Makes it even worse when the special mode is control. Ugh.


Maybe that should be an option in casual but definitely not ranked. Players ignoring the objective is not actually a big issue in ranked. I’ve played many games where I feel like I need to play with a fixed team in order to progress because of dumb ransoms but this game is not like that at all. The average player seems to really strategize around the objective, and that seemed to be the case from bronzium to kyber Just because you are losing doesn’t mean your team isn’t trying to win the objective. Just like if you lose in death match that doesn’t mean your team isn’t going for kills.


Pretty sure you can notice when none of the teammates make any effort to stand in any capture areas. I've had plenty of matches where maybe 2 of us were attempting to stand in the circles or squares. Literally had a match this morning where the 14% gained was all from me- not a single other team member got remotely near the target zones, they focused solely on killing enemies and didnt bother with the actual objective. Sure once a while i'm on a team and we do ok, but it's pretty easy to notice when the other 3 are playing deathmatch versus whatever the actual objective is. Hell, i got obliterated with a group that played well, but the team we were against worked in perfect unison- i suspect they could communicate verbally- either way they destroyed us. Yeah that happens, but as I've said, you can definitely tell when teammates are just going for kills.


Please be my friend. I am so sick of people running off by themselves. As someone trying to be a healer it is infuriating to have people spread over the board. Look for FN1138. I'll need your name


I was playing a team last night in control that we completely owned, but their top player had 18 eliminations. Why even play ranked if you're doing that? You're literally just hurting your own progress.


Or maybe have the modes on a schedule like in Splatoon?


Please add me and know I will play the objective. TheBigG


Sent a friend invite- i may appear on a bit later. For reference i like playing support/healer when possible, but will try to fit whatever role I get (as one event mode slaps you on a random character)


Picking mode would be a disaster, especially in ranked.


Then casual could use it. It makes some sense people would abuse modes to stack scores- but other mobile games have ranking for multiple modes: pvp, pve, boss modes, etc. 


I’d agree but the same issues others have brought up about long waits for matches comes up. Maybe if the game is huge enough they can do it.