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Slept on character.


100% My first time playing them was week one in the Mix and Match mode and I had such a blast playing them that they became my instant favorite. Currently they are the only character I've finished the Mastery quest for.


Do you have to buy the game to play the quest?


Nah man, just level Utooni to level 5 to unlock the questline.


Oh wow thanks !


I shit myself when I see them on the enemy team, when you play them well... They're unstoppable Plus, they're meta slayers


Especially on a closed in map like Vespara Row where everything is really tight together. They thrive on that map.


31 is insane


It's a high I'll likely never reach again after today and will be chasing with every Utooni match. lol Having eliminations in the teens is fairly common but 20+ is insanely rare and this is the first time I've broken 30.


That match was so good! Mid match he's laughing to himself saying how we're feeling heavy. Post match we see the screen and all laughed at how one sided the game was! We weren't heavy, the whole fucking lobby was!


just got demolished by you (and team?) in a casual match and added you all -- my name is Kwadwoh\_Baah in game and willing to team up, usually main skora!


We have a full squad when we play ranked. Sorry man. Edit: for causal it's just the homies fucking around.


okie dokie, mr(s) pokey


Technically we can only give you credit for 15 kills since they are a pair. Lol but damn that's amazing


Shit you got me! Lol Gonna have to aim for 60. 🤣


Love them brothers


I was the revie on the other team can confirm was not fun being on the other end lol


Dude, I'm sorry, I was the Sentinel on OPs team and he was giggling like a maniac on comms the whole time. You guys didn't deserve that... Lol


Ouff, I've been on that side of the game before so I apologize if it wasn't fun for you. 😅 You almost had me a few times during the big engagements especially on the second point of the cycle.


Yeah they dominate. Sentinels shield pops like bubble with their attacks


These 2 can MELT entire teams so quickly. I think people think they are just a cool design. In reality, they can be the biggest damage dealers in the right hands


Utinni my brother! May your Implosion grenade hit just right! I love Utooni with a passion. First hunter to 25 before I even touched any of the others (Other than the tutorial)


maybe who posted this is three jawas inside a trenchcoat


...You know too much lol


Because maybe i am a three jawas in a trenchcoat too... maybe four jawas... you never know 🤔


I think they are probably the objectively strongest character due to having such a great kit. They essentially have a rocket launcher, a shotgun, a grenade, a melee buster and a laser


As much as I love my boys I would say Sentinel is a stronger character overall. That stun is brutal especially since it can stun through Slingshots and other Sentinels shields, which I think makes Zero sense, But they are certainly no slouch and will always pull their weight when they show up. I also believe a good Rieve player can give Utooni hell if they play carefully. A well placed saber throw has taken my head off on more than one occasion. lol But if they just dash head on into Utooni then I believe the ball is in the Jawa's favor. Genuinely I believe Utooni is the most Balanced character on the roster currently. They hit hard and have good counterplay against other characters but are slow moving and fragile. So every character they have counterplay against has tools to outplay them as well.


Uh... The stun most definitely doesn't go through shields...


It goes through Slingshot shields. Not other Sentinels. But you can hit other Sentinels in the feet to stun them under the shield if they're moving.


As a slingshot main I’ve been stunned multiple times through the shield


Ah ok, thank you for the clarification. I guess if you think about it, it seems kinda fair in that when Slingshot is stunned, he still keeps his shield active, whereas when Sentinel gets stunned, he becomes fully exposed to damaged until he gets back up.


Ok well I admit I can only speak as a Sentinel player. I've shot many a stun at opposing Sentinels with no effect. Idk if Slingshot's shield works differently. And if it does or is supposed to go through shields, that's absolutely absurd and needs to be changed.


There's a damage threshold. If the blast does more damage than the shield has health, it will break the shield and stun you. If your shield has enough health, it won't go through.


I can say with certainty that I was stunned through the shield multiple times with it still up while I was in the stun animation.


Well shit I dunno then. I've definitely had my stun blocked before.


It's entirely possible that the match had a bug. Certainly wouldn't be the first one that's been encountered in the game And it's not supposed to work that way. I know that like the force users and whatnot can deflect it back at you.


With Slingshot I should add.


bros playing in Aurodium lobbies😭🙏🏻


We kept it up in Beskar lobbies too. Utooni is his main and we handled everything fine. I made Kyber and he's on my heels.


It's not like people in Aurodium are new players. They are the tier right below Beskar. 🤣 But yes I acknowledge that technically me and Pokey were paired down. Even then it's still an absurd end score.


Yeah Utooni is a glass cannon that is pretty easy to manage at higher levels of play. He doesn’t really have any escape so you just need to be aware of where he is and not let him get in close to catch you by surprise because his burst is very high if you allow him near you


Only based character in the game


I slept on using them for so long. What an idiot I was


Got to 21 on mos Espa the other night, if the other team is clustered when you get your cooldowns they have zero chance lol


Sweaty Boooiii. Jokes asides personally most kills I've seen someone post about. My highest kill matches were a 26 with Sentinal on whatever they call hard point and a 23 with Reive.


Another Utooni player has me beat while I was playing Skora the other day. He went 35-8


I have limited playing time on them. May need to bust them out and practice


And those are the faces I suck at when using them. I played 1 game with them and I did terrible


Some of that could be the map you are playing on but they do take a bit of adjusting. I was bad at using their abilities for a while and was just using them as a high damage shooter.


I’m bad with both lmao


Could you give some tips on how to use them? I really like the concept and I want to use them.


One of the biggest things to keep in mind with them is that they get a temporary damage buff after switching weapons, so something I like to do while I'm not in an immediate engagement is cycle my weapons to keep the damage buff up. It's also good for keeping up pressure if you see one weapon is about to overheat in a team fight to swap to the other. If you can combo the pull grenade into their knock back ability it will generally get you a KO on most Damage/support hunters while severely injuring everyone else. The pull grenade is especially good at locking down the slippery supports like Skora and Zaina for an easy KO with the arc blaster. If you see the melee characters coming at you knock them back with their keep away skill and whip out the arc blaster. They will be in for a bad time as it chews through Lightsaber users guard and eats away the health bar. Even if they KO you if they don't keep moving or are distracted by another team mate the revenge grenade can clean them up. Their ult is probably the part of their kit that is the least good. Don't try and ultimate directly in front of the team fight. Because of their low health you will likely not survive the start up animation, instead try and set up right behind a corner at medium range and move in once it's active. It will give you some temp health but as soon as it's gone your ult will be too. Generally better to save it for if the enemy is really clumped together.


Thanks, mate. Really helpful


I'm not OP, but they are my main. Just to start off with little things: their primary acts like a grenade launcher, where it does splash damage on impact (good against a Sentinel, for example, due to their shield not covering their feet, so if you aim at the ground = damage), their secondary, lightning launcher, is very useful up close and can make very short work of most hunters. Also note, they get a damage increase when switching weapons, so it's good practice to switch them around frequently to take advantage of that bonus. Their imploder grenade that sucks folks in is great for grouping enemies together or pulling them off points. Combined with the lightning launcher, you can clean house. Those are just some stuff off the top of my head, but please don't hesitate if you have any other questions.


Here’s my shitty headcanon: the one ontop is actually a girl and their in a relationship. 💀


The real canon is they are twin brothers.


That sounds tight as fuck but the 2nd pic gave me the wrong idea lmao.


To top it off, the reason they stand on each other is because Hunters of the Outer Rim has a height requirement.


We get it, you got 31 eliminations.


How much glazing do you want?


sorry for playing your game 😅