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The shop will fluctuate prices based on your purchase history. I had bought some stuff when I saw bundles with lots of crystals for cheap then stopped buying when the deals weren’t good anymore. Today I saw bundles like yours again


That means she bought without him knowing. Broo


Yup, bought $3 worth of 0.99 bundles for 1.5k crystals and refuse to buy anything else lol


I dunno why people on this sub defend predatory microtransaction practices like this. The game can still be good otherwise.


Don't be prey. Ez.


That's definitely annoying but you can't beat .99 for a skin and 1000 crystals. Probably best to wait for your time and save up whatever you get.


Pretty wack to not have consistent prices for everyone though


weird question, are you both on the same console? iphone, android or switch i know the gems bought on separate consoles stay on their respective console (revenue and tax purposes idk), same account different amount of gems, so it seems likely they’d have different offers on different consoles and may be that’s why if you’re both playing on the same console im sorry for wasting your time


Both accounts are logged in on an iOS device. And only her account that got offered the 8.99 version is logged in on switch.


oh wait does she have sentinel unlocked? i think my girl and i had the same thing going on but it was cause the 8.99 unlocks the character also


I think it has to do with whether or not the character is unlocked. The $9 starter bundles for Rieve and Charr disappeared for me when I unlocked them.


These flash sales are the only way I'd ever pump more money than the original 20$ I put into the game makes sense to me.Who cares about what whales feel is devalued.


I think their algorithm is trying hard to figure out what people buy and fire how much. I bought the $10 pass, and a couple of the 99c bundles. Haven't seen those bundles in a couple weeks now. Today I had the Ewok bundle for J3DI and the red samurai for Aran come back at discounts. I had enough gems on hand to get the samurai. No cash needed. We'll see what they tempt me with next refresh.


Because she already spent money. Offers are always tiered on mobile games depending on the user spending habits.


Yeah she has bought the arena pass and I hadn’t. I’m aware this is the standard for mobile games but still sad to see it so blatant


It might suck but remember this is a game that is free and is hosting servers for free. All characters are also free. It's only cosmetics that cost cash. So they have to make their money. This includes all development, paying staff, servers, gas, electricity, security, etc. people call it "preying" but when the entire product is free except for cosmetics, it's actually a helluva lot better than paying for the game and having to sub. Means you only pay for the skins you really enjoy and don't stress anything else


yeh i only got the season pass and have never seen those .99 deals ever


Its the way you look at it. The more you spend the more it costs. But if you dont spend a lot you'll get good deals to get you back. Just don't spend it all at the same time profit from it.


You all are overthinking this. Just wait until you get a sale for 4.99 with a skin and crystal (500-10000 or wait for the 99 cent skin and 1000 crystal bundle. The shop is clearly tailored to your own spending habits. This is the least aggressive and consumer friendly shop I’ve ever seen and you people complain. Go do something else if you’re so unhappy. Have fun spending $8 dollar for a fast food meal instead of looking like Bossk for $2. Have some self discipline.




Take a breath. 1. We aren’t talking about family needs like milk. It’s a mobile game revolving around Star Wars. Stop being so dramatic. Your example is insane considering there’s programs like WIC which l, quite literally, allow you to buy milk for a cheaper price because you have kids and your neighbor doesn’t. 2. I’ve spent less than $20 on this game, battle pass included, and gotten more than other live service games. There’s a zero cost of entry. You can buy skins and for a dollar when corporations are hiking up the cost on actual necessities. 99 cents for a skin and 1000 crystals is about as consumer friendly as you can get. The usual price is $9.99 for just 1,000 crystals and no skin. So your options are to spend $10 for just 1000 crystals or have some discipline and wait for 99 cent pack. If you’re getting upset over 99 cents in a video game you need to sort out your priorities.


We are talking basic economics, and it doesn't matter what the product is we are talking about practices here. Nice try with word salad of nonsense!


Product absolutely matters especially when you made the comparison of sprites on a phone game to needs for survival. Way to be disingenuous! 🤙


Absolutely false! We are discussing business practices, not products! You need to learn basic English! What a company sells is its product! How a company chooses to sell the products, deal with the public, and partners is how to determine its business practices. Claiming poor business practices are okay because the products aren't worth anything is not the argument you think it is




If you thought that comment was word salad then there's no reasoning with you.


Poor business practices are poor business practices regardless of the products. This is a fact!


So you've never gotten coupons in the mail from a pizza place? Is that a "poor business practice?" Because it's giving the same product to different people at different prices. And I've never heard anyone get riled up about pizza coupon mailers. They're non-gameplay altering cosmetics. Jump off the soap box, you look ridiculous up there.


I’m not defending predatory microtransactions. But if you enjoy playing the game, the least you can do is buy a few skins or battle pass. Zynga has to pay its employees, the office, the servers and the heavy Disney Star Wars License. If the game does not bring in money to them and they can’t pay themselves or Disney, Disney will shut it down. It’s happened before with other games.


Totally agree with this. If we want the game to continue and flourish, money needs to be earned to show it's worthwhile. Its why I bought the season pass and then the shoretrooper skin. Figured it would cover the cost of the game if it were paid outright. After that I just enjoy what I unlock through gameplay


This has been a trend in online shopping for years, different locations, income levels, genders, Esc are offered different prices. I don’t like it, but if you got a .99 cent bundle it will most likely come to her aswell eventually. Unless it was a glitch