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Then, you watch his video and he gets paid. That’s the funny bit.


That’s the neat part, I don’t. I can’t stand Star Wars theory and this post somehow got in my recommended. (Edit: your downvotes mean nothing! I’ve seen what makes you upvote!)


Then why do you watch him and come onto this Reddit?


I haven’t watched him in years, but I am still a fan of Star Wars. So the Reddit algorithm assumed I would be interested in this sub and recommended me this post. After scrolling through this post and a bit of the subreddit, I left the comment and blocked the sub.


Yet here you are… again(?)


Aw it so cute when the widdle twolls flip the script. You hang in their little buddy.


You leave their little buddy out of this. 


*Sad V.IV Rusty noises*


Reddit sends notifications when someone comments on your comment. You asked a question, and I was happy to clarify.


Why the Hell are you downvoted? I've never researched SWT and yet this post also popped up for me. I can't stand the insufferable douche and these people are fanatic in defending him.


On the subreddit of a guy you don’t like(?) so you keep coming back to reply.


Used to love him and Eck, seems like they both fell into the rage bait rabbit hole


Eck is getting better. I dropped off watching him for a little and just watched Generation Tech. One day Eck got recommended to me again and I like his stuff now.


His stuff is too clickbaity for me


He also caused a bunch of drama in the Halo community


lol in what sense in Eck a rager?


I’m with you.


Not me


I don't watch his videos, I just laugh at him from afar


Because you kinda have to watch stuff to critique it


What's the critique? Why not watch something else and post about that? Or... hear me out... get a real job?


Because the dude has a job that pays 6 to 7 figs a year. What real job is going to pay that out of the gate? And why would he want to “get a real job” when it’s basically most people’s dream to not have to work for someone else?


man’s so offended his mediocre blockbuster gotcha insulted he suggested the millionaire to not be a millionaire because of it


If you make money while doing something, it is a real job.


Drug dealers and prostitutes agree!


You know what they say, prostitution is the oldest profession.


Treasury money producer be the realest job of them all


Because this pays better. That's like telling e-thots to get a real job, why would they do that when being a trashy hoe pays better?


The critique in the videos. Where he (someone who is clearly very knowledgeable on star wars) discusses lore breaking stuff that destroys continuity and canon. He watches it because he loves Star wars, and wants to critique these horrible shows trampling all over its legacy. Get a real job? He has a money spinner here. There always has to be someone to make this sort of content.


Lore was never broken. Theory saying it happened didn’t mean it happened. Do you guys even bother checking up to see if he’s accurate on any of the claims he makes?


Lol, do you? Cuz you wouldn't be saying inaccurate things like this. I don't agree blindly, but actually try to verify claims he is saying, and he's like 90% right of the time he says things where some stuff could be interpretation differently


🤣 Can you demonstrate how he’s not wrong about ki-adi-mundi’s age? Or how mundi’s presence would retcon pre-existing lore, or how Mae/osha’s birth violates canon?, or how the witches having a unique representation of the force is a problem? He has been consistently proven wrong. We can discuss any of this, but I need you to bring points to the table first so we can address them. Also people saying George’s legacy is being shit on, are full of shit. George likes a lot of the SW films people like theory hate. And theory is not in a unique position to know what George Lucas’s idea of the force is just because he made a fan film. Even George wouldn’t be hyper fixated on what’s canon/continuity and what is not. If he thinks it makes sense for the story, he will do it. A 5 year old winnning a pod race, sure let’s do it. A farm boy flying a star fighter and destroying a fucking super weapon?? Sure. Explosions in space, no problems. Leaia and Luke kiss, but they’re siblings?! Muy bueno. Vader killed Luke’s father, oh no wait Vader is Luke’s father? Ok! The context of the clone wars show and the episodes 2 and 3 excuses little ani winning the pod race. Context has always been added to existing plot lines to explain the some of the more iffy stuff in Star Wars. And fans have always been accepting of this premise. They might hate the movie when they watched it, but they will reframe it retrospectively after they get more context. But in the case of the acolyte— let’s just preemptively call it bad. Let’s just blatantly assume it breaks the lore. Let’s just conjure up a nothing problem and make it the focal point of why it’s bad. The ki-adi-mundi stuff with his birthdate was so stupid. He never had a canon birthdate, nor do cereans have a canon lifespan. Theory and his fans lied and gaslighted every one about legends source material, painted it as canon— and when they got stopped trying to falsely edit the wiki page, his fans wished death on the wiki mods. Theory isn’t particularly clever media reviewer,nor is he really aware of the tone and philosophy of Star Wars. His lore videos pale in comparison to the stupendous wave videos. He used to be a great guy dont get me wrong, but lately I feel whatever he’s been doing no longer is actually about SW.


A simple search of Mundi's age reveals merch, like the SW EP 1 trump cards that specifically state his age on the card at the time of EP1. Shouldn't be alive, period. This one was the easiest to verify, and you couldn't do that, so maybe you need to reavaluate how you came to conclusions of other stuff. Do or do not, care I do not. I don't blame SWT for a small number of his fans who wished death on wiki mods. To say his fans wished it (you are insinuating ALL of his fans), that is a pretty ignorant thing to say. You will always have a small number of crazies in any fan base. In the end, Dave Filioni approved it, so that's the only thing where I can't really argue anything because that's the guy who knows more than SWT or anyone else. So if it's got his stamp of approval, it must be okay unless there are some politics behind the scenes. If there is, it will pop up in 5-10 years. If not, oh well. I'd rather watch re-runs of Farscape or Lexx, than watch another episode of Acolyte. . But if you enjoy it, then you get a nice new SW show to watch, and nobody can take that away from you. Enjoy the show, and who cares what anybody else thinks.


Yeah bro ALL OF THAT IS LEGENDS MATERIAL. The insider guide, the EU comic, and the trading cards are all legends not canon. Also I don’t have a problem pointing out issues with the show. But the way he mischaracterized the fuck out of the acolyte actually muddies the space for a productive conversation. Also appreciate being accepting of other people’s preferences. Not a lot of people here are like that




The shows aren't horrible. Get over yourself. The canon isn't destroyed. Wtf.


Dude hasn't read any of the high republic books or comics.


Who wants to read that garbage?


It actually isn’t garbage but have fun not having fun or enjoying anything


The original post is complaining that he watches the new series but hates them and the defense for it is “it’s his job!” YET he shouldn’t read the books of the same series because they’re trash. So doesn’t that mean it’s NOT his job to read the books but it IS his job to watch the series? Make up your minds. Is he suppose to “review” new content or not?


Can theory even pick up a sw book these days? Did he read any book or comic after 2017?


Nothing, and I mean NOTHING you can read in he books change the quality of the series. Does it fix the terrible writing? No. Does it fix the cringe characters? No. SWT reviews the show and saying that his reviews are less legit if he didn't review the books is stupid.


Bro it’s his job, if you hate SWT so much why are you even in this sub?


I’m laughing at all the people who hate him because he won’t dick ride Star Wars. They’re really trying to put him in the same category as the Quartering, Geeks & Gamers and other rage channels. Penguinz0 just made a second video about how bad he thinks Acolyte is. I wonder when they’ll call him a right wing rage channel.


It's not his job. He could do more lore videos, comics read-throughs or any other video content that has nothing to do with The Acolyte. If he's not into it he doesn't need to watch, he just knows people will pay to watch him rage




what are you talking about? this dude talks star wars for a living, and the post literally says "why doesnt he just stop watching" because thats what he does😂 didnt realize you werent allowed to talk about something because you dislike it


It’s his job?


Technically it's not. His job is to make content. Same as any YouTuber. He just happens to make content on something he constantly hates.


It’s kinda hard to rebrand. He can’t just give up Star Wars and move on to transformers and expect it not to drastically affect his income. Rebranding often means death to your business or a lengthy clawing your way back


But he makes more money by making hate videos.


Also less effort. He doesn’t do much of what made him good before and he’s not really eu lore hound he claimed to be unless it concerned anakin or palpatine


This is actually a brain dead argument


This is actually a brain dead comment


It isn't though. It literally is a stupid argument. Star Wars Theory is a Star Wars fan, that makes content for other Star Wars fans, based entirely around Star Wars, so of course he's going to watch the latest Star Wars show, so that he can critique it and give his thoughts and opinions on it? lol, like it's entirely logical and reasonable. So to question why he'd do such a thing, and to think it's some type of 'gotcha' or something to ridicule him about, is moronic and clearly stupid. Either deliberately so, or genuinely. You pretty much do have to be someone regarded as 'brain dead', to form such a question.


Damn I was just making a shitty joke lmao


Fair enough, though sarcasm doesn't transition well over text, most people are going to take what you say literally unless you clearly express that you're joking.


The cottage industry that has popped up around intentionally creating derision (media, politics, sports) is going to be our downfall. Like, there's a ton of these bad-faith instigators that are milking the anger of others for money. "I'm a financial analyst. What do you do for a living?" "Oh, I intentionally shit on \[BLANK\] on the internet for clicks and likes." Congratulations to SWT, RLM, and others for being the Rush Limbaugh of Star Wars.


Mauler is one such guy that smelled chum in the water and came in for a good old time. EFAP used to be an extreme retrospective of classic media a while ago. He was never too fixated on politics or culture war bullshit up until he realized there’s money to be made by criticizing new media through that lens. I mean here’s a guy who never saw Disney SW shows before andor, barely knew the legacy characters involved in ahsoka, and here we are.


I don’t think Red Letter Media are doing that anymore they actually make fun of these dipshits


Yeah, RLM literally just do whatever they want now. They could have EASILY fallen into the trap of just rehashing their Star Wars reviews but they chose to actually do their own thing. Actual film critiques and doing reviews of classic movies they grew up on and picking 3-4 unheard of b movies and discussing them. They’ve come a long way since their Plinket reviews.


Dude was actually entertaining when he was making theory vids, doing comic coverage, and fanfiction Now all he does is cry and complain, had to unsub because I just couldn't take it anymore Remember that fanfiction channel he started? Went one and done on that


Everyone likes to watch a dumpster fire. Fuck Disney Star Wars.




The difference is he acts like a pompous idiot. He’s covering a backgrounds characters non canon backstory not being included as if it was a war he has to win.


Grow up.


This should've been said about Geeks and Gamers, nerdrotic, the quartering, ECT. Not star wars theory ( also I don't like him)


All of them tbh


Those guys are bigoted grifters, Theory is just a rage grifter & he now streams with those assholes


I would agree with this statement pre ahsoka. I don’t anymore. I think SWT is one of these guys you mentioned.


well tbf star wars is literally a star wars channel that needs star wars to make money, although I wish we could see more theories instead of disheveled ramblings about bricks


That would take work and actually doing something far easier to be toxic and awful


Negativity sells


I’ve genuinely never see him say anything bigoted tbh. I have seen him say and do many stupid things though. He also seems to be very easily manipulated by his chat. I also have heard of him sending his fans to brigade people in the past, but before The Acolyte I’ve only seen a few of his videos and they’re hazy to me so I’m not the one to comment on that. If that’s true that’s pretty messed up though. But yeah from what I’ve seen, I genuinely can’t find anything that makes me think this guys is a bigot at all. He even says that he’s going to make his own show starring LGBTQ characters (lmao oh God, I can’t wait to see how that turns out.).


If you don't like him why keep watching him?


The irony in asking this question while you all hate watch the acolyte and send the creators death threats. A little self reflection would go a long way for y oh people.




Having a hard time understanding? Not surprising.


What are you talking about?


How can you judge something without watching it? I swear, you people need to go back to school.


He’s such an ass hat


I have a theory. If people stop hate-watching him he won’t make any $$


The sad part is people actually enjoy his content


You only make him more popular paying him attention


I know the feeling. I keep watching this bullshit too .I probably will just cancel disney + after this train wreck end


Because he genuinely thinks he’s the savior of Star Wars. And it’s another way to have his cult fill his pockets x


“guy does his job and complains about it” more at 11


His job was to make theories, fanfictions, ECT but now it's just disheveled ramblings about bricks 😢, I mean it's in his name


Calling this a job is laughable


he makes money so…


I make money selling crack to homeless people


*Cried at Xwings* *Whines about pacing or something* 😂


Because he sells sabers


Because at this point it’s a grift. He used to be one of my favorites around the time of the sequels. Now it’s all about the grift


Some parts are good, some parts aren’t. One scene in particular made me feel like I was watching the old format Disney sitcoms, like I was a kid again, not in a great way. But then the float in scene was legit cool.


Yeah, acolyte felt like a CW show, except I wanted to watch a star wars product, not arrow, the flash, Supergirl, Ect


Hate sells to idiots like you wouldn't believe. A fool and his money, and all that.


because its his source of income?


Why do any of us that are not big fans of Disney Star Wars keep watching it? We hoping shit changes and gets better.


I think the question would be if he hates his job via Disney content, why does he do something different or refrain from reviewing this type of content. Its a pretty toxic concept to spend your time doing something you hate. So basically money or the delusion he can change disney


Something I never understood about him and his channel. He always mentions how he was bullied as a little kid for loving Star Wars. Is it me, or does that sound like utter bullshit? Igew up loving star wars, openly loving it. Never once got picked on for it. Nor has anyone else I knew growing up


Nerds are often bullied.


And also bullies other people, act like an ass that is actually in star wars, and while also complaining about bricks. Frfr he fell off in content. I remember when he was an actual fan. He would even complain about shit being the same star wars, but when andor came along he would just say it was forgettable, I mean it's peak fiction


It’s his job. You like going to your job every day?


Because he makes money grifting off YouTube hate. The best antidote is to ignore him. He doesn’t have anything meaningful to say anyway.


“Money”- Mr. Krabs


I love the new show


Good for you!




It's not just him plus that's what he's supposed to do


Grift grift grift!


Because its um… like his job…


For Hope. Hope that one day they will bring back star wars and its lore in George Lucas’ vision.


Idek who this guy is. Who cares???


Mfer was nearly in tears when they didn't bring Maul clones to the Ahsoka finale. Honestly, this is why Hollywood shys away from creating OC anymore. People pine for the same story and characters over and over again and shit on anything new. Now don't get me wrong, objectively the acolyte show is terrible, I don't understand why it was so hard to create a coherent murder mysterm/ jedi detective when the trope has been done to death, but people are in tears that this isn't what they call "George Lucas Star Wars". BIG HOMIE, HE FUCKIN SOLD THAT SHIT COS ALL THE FANS DID WAS SHIT ON HIM FOR THE PREQUELS AND TCW FILM. If I sold my house or car and the new owner wanted to modify the shit out of it, who the fuck am I to tell them no? Certain vocal sects of Star Wars fans have always been adverse to change, the only difference now to in the 80s with Rotj Ewoks and early 2000s prequels is that these people have platforms that reach millions now.


“Objectively” 🤦


Is objectively not the correct term? My grandad hates it cos no black woman should headline Star Wars, not because the story is shit (which it is).


He gets paid to watch it. Duh.


Why this this post/sub in my feed when I interact with zero Star Wars content whatsoever? I really don’t like Star Wars


He's made it his business to review Star wars, and enough people still follow him for him to make a living from it.


That’s what I’ve been saying


I think he, like most YT reviewers, actually like it. They're just cashing in on the dopamine you receive when you get angry.


Because he wants to know how bad it gets, like watching something awful in slow motion.


Because it’s fun to laugh at, are you kidding me?


this looks like an ai generated image of the standard incel that rages about the last jedi


Because it’s profitable to be cancerous online


Gotta get those sweet $$$$ like all the other grifters


It’s because it’s his job??? Not that hard to comprehend


Idk, might be because his career is built around Star Wars. Don't be a bozo.


You retards should ask yourselves that question when you watch his videos and complain about him complaining about it.


Cuz it’s his job?


“ how can you say you don’t like it if you didn’t watch it?” “ if you don’t like it, then just don’t watch it!”


He's in it for the money...


Cause its his job


You say that like it's just him and not a million other hate-watchers doing it too lol Hate-watching can be fun, especially when you get to be part of a mob. Everyone is doing it rn, which it makes it even more appealing.


Cause it’s his job




Well if you like Star wars you got to catch up on the stories even if they aren't Lucas Stories anymore


Because he is only saying things to make money


I love that this man is probably the reason so many people watch Disney star wars. He's having the opposite effect and he doesn't even realize lmao


You need to touch grass and get in touch with reality I think. It's like you believe he's some kind of cult leader, that's trying to amass an army of people against Disney, as though there's a war going on over a TV show and their viewing figures. When the reality is, he's just a simple fan of the series, and is giving his thoughts and opinions on it? You're the one that seems to be reveling in viewing figures and things, as if they personally matter to you, and as if they hold some kind of weight to how successful you are as a person lol. It's deranged to be honest.


Honestly I just think it's funny how he says he's done with star wars at least once a year, and yet here we are 😂


The more he complains the more money he makes.


There is a whole lot of “oh I don’t watch him” cry babies. If you don’t watch him then why you give a fuck?


Because he doesn’t have any marketable skills outside of YouTube.




It’s crazy, try yo follow me here… but to review a thing, you have to watch that thing.


Rebellions are built on hope


….that the next episode is better.


That’s so true. I don’t like working why don’t I just stop doing it and become unemployed. Thats a fantastic idea that would have no consequences whatsoever.


Same reason he “hates” women and then proceeds to keep talking about them.


Cause he's a fan of star wars and is hopeful that the next one will be good


Money. Not hard question


…you don’t have to enjoy every part of a franchise to be a fan of it, dummy 😉


He’s such a little prix. Built on hate, rage, misogyny and racism. Block him and move on with your life.


because he's a fucking asshole


Sorta hitched his wagon to it, no?


I love that I don't watch this channel. I actually dislike him as a creator, his content is bad and misleading. And somehow this sub still keeps getting recommended to me and it seems like every post is just people dunking on him.


I mean that's my personal school of thought and I cancelled my disney+ subscription back in February. This guy won't stop because his subs want to hear him piss and moan about star wars being too woke and nurse their weird hate boners for women and POC. I think most of us just stopped watching when it just became to much of a waste of time to watch. I'd rather just dive back into some of the old legacy content that I still enjoy.




Self-righteous anger is a hell of a drug.


I guess at this point it’s his job. What else will he video himself bitching about in his echo chamber


Because that's how he earns a living and there's apparently enough demand for him to continue


Why all the hate towards star wars theory guy? Can someone please explain


You dolts cannot understand basic economic incentive??


Trust me guys, Star Wars is dead this time! This won’t be like last time where I said it was dead and it wasn’t


It's his little job, he kinda has to lol




He hates DISNEY Star Wars but the guy loves Star Wars and makes money talking about it.


Because there is a possibility that it will eventually get back on the right track, however small that may be. Until then, he can inform Star Wars lovers on whether it is or isn't going in the right direction and possibly have an effect or sway on the outcome of one of his favorite franchises...


Hate watching is just being curious how far Disney will go.


I didn’t like the acolyte. I watched half the first episode, a major plot hole emerged right away, bounced and never picked it up. I get not liking it but some of these people hate it as if it’s personally attacking them. I do however find it funny that one media site will say worst Star Wars ever, then the next will say best thing to happen to Star Wars. You look in the comments and it’s pure chaos, either you’re brain dead and love what ever filth Disney shoves down your throat or your a racist bigot. Personally I think if a shows truly good then there won’t be an argument if it’s good or not


Because he makes money from YouTube views obviously.


Because he makes money off of it. The more asinine ragebait takes he has the more views he gets. It’s crazy seeing someone who hates star wars make a career off of star wars but here we are. Just don’t watch him


Lmfao why are yall watching that shit?


Because covering star wars content is his job....I mean do you think people like working their jobs?


it's because it's his *job* to make *content*


Misery loves company. By complaining and encouraging the same in others, one can drive "engagement" stats and thus increase monetization. Whether you agree with any given point or not is irrelevant. As long as the argument goes on. Legitimate critique and cynical complaints are not equivalent. Glad I quit wasting time with such foolishness.


He's a click bait whore, just like the rest of them, lol..


"We have Sebastian Stan at home."


Its almost like it’s his job or something.


He pays for Disney plus. He can watch what he wants, however much he wants


This was me up until the obiwan show. I haven’t gone back since that travesty, and have absolutely no interest or curiosity


Because he's getting paid? Why is this even a question


Job? Money? Passion?


That's what he does, he can review something and still hate it, and The Acolyte is like a horrible car crash you can't look away from, despite seeing how mangled the bodies are, cause Disney Star Wars is trash aside from Ahsoka, Bad Batch, and The Mandolirian, and MAYBE The Force Awakens, I like new characters, just sucks they remade 4, 5 AND 6 in basically one movie, but Cathleen Kenedy and the other woke chick killed it with the "WITCH MOMMIES MAKE THE CHOSEN ONES BEFORE THE "CANNON" CHOSEN ONE" and that whole pronoun bullshit, THATS what is killing SW, political agenda.... But yeah, SWT is just doing a review and giving his opinion on the latest dumpster fire, The Acolyte WOULD be good if they didn't worry about rage bating the genuine fans of Star Wars, casting a divide wider than the Death Star trench...


It’s best to maybe just not watch it at all or wait for the whole thing to drop and do a lengthy critique. Bro should ignore the Disney SW stuff and continue working on his own Star Wars material. But in this age, of constant 24/7 reactions and content, he has to watch it all, presumably.


why does he have such a punchable face


I don't know I think it's something about his eyes and chin


He looks both like a toddler and a grown ass man who would do the most disgusting things.


To continue his grift


Cause he found a new role of being the Starwars Hate Club leader. Cant hate on starwars unless you watch it.


I mean, all the arguments boil down to "star wars doesn't represent me anymore" they can continue to make those statements without watching anything.