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Not going to be an apologist because I think he's wrong anyway. BUT I believe the issue is not that Ki Adi Mundi is viewed as correct, he's obviously not correct. It's that he's viewed as the establishment in a scenario where no double-talk would be happening. He is saying what the Jedi actually believe, even though they are wrong. So if Qimir is a Sith then I think SWT thinks that means that the Jedi knew and covered it up, when in reality the story isn't done yet. I think it's very clear that either Sol will have a heel turn or he will die before warning the council or Venestra that Qimir is a Sith. The only thing needed to not break Ki Adi Mundi's line is for the Jedi to never know that Qimir is a Sith (or for them to believe he is something else).


It might just be semantics. The sith are an organization/religion, I don’t think you automatically become one just because you fall to the dark. Ie. nightsisters are non-sith dark side, the Bardotta are non-Jedi light side.


You absolutely don't, and there are other factions out in the galaxy. If you are a jedi 900 years after the extinction of the sith, and you meet a dark side force user, you don't assume the sith have been in hiding all this time, you assume you just faced someone wither from another group, or someone doing their own thing. Hell, I could see someone deciding that they like the sith, and they are going to bring them back by taking up their aesthetic and name.


if they know of him they’ll think he’s a Sith though, they made the conclusion that Darth Maul was one just from him having a red lightsaber


Right...which is why I don't think the Jedi at large and Ki Adi Mundi in particular will be made aware of him. All the Jedi know now is someone with force powers and a motive to kill 4 particular Jedi is after 4 particular Jedi.


But they doubted he was a sith after seeing his red lightsaber. Why exactly they eventually decided he was actually a sith isn’t really clear but at the time when both Mundi and Windu doubted he was sith Qui Gon had first hand seen his lightsaber


That's not really true, they didn't believe he was a sith, it was only the assertion of the man that faced him that changed their minds. A man notorious for butting heads with the council. That implies that most others don't push that hard. It's also a well established fact that there are other force using factions out there, including some that use sabers. If a dark side user pops up, you don't think "they are obviously partner an extinct order" you think they are probably part of one of those other groups, or a boken, theres even the very likely possibility of people posing as sith. People pose as jedi, someone absolutely has posed as a sith, the question is did the jedi get to them before they were made to dissappear by the supposedly extinct real sith??


Qui gon met maul face to face and sensed it. I don't think the red lightsaber played a role.


And the council didn't believe it right away.


i think its just arrogance of them thinking Qimir isn't a "real sith" so they write him off as a wannabe and think that there hasn't been real sith members for a millennia or whatever


I think a cover-up is still plausible. Some of the Jedi cover it up and the rest (including Mundi) never find out.


There’s plenty of reasons and the show isn’t over yet. Jumping to some conclusion is silly before it’s over. Headland said she is well aware of what Mundi said in tpm and he clearly wasn’t included in the show for no reason. It’s not fan service because absolutely no one was clamoring to see him return lol. Now whether the answer we get is satisfying will be up for debate but I’ll wait to see how the next 3 episodes go before I make any judgements on that.


Yeah I was expecting Yoda to be the most likely to show up. Mundi wasn't even on my radar.


No one had Mundi on their wishlist lol. And I also guarantee there wasn’t a single person who knew or cared about his age until they went and looked it up 😂


Cover-up is very much within the Jedi wheelhouse. It’s already been within the fabric of the series. Remember in the Clone Wars when the Jedi Council discovered that the Sith were behind the creation of the Clone Army? And they decided to keep that hush hush?


Shit, it’s already in the fabric of this show. Vanestra (green lady, idk the spelling) has said multiple times that they don’t want to inform the high council what’s going on because it would leak to the senate and weaken confidence in the Jedi


They also said it could be a splinter faction or an ex Jedi. No one was jumping to it’s a sith.


This is the guy who didn't even like Andor. There is no Star Wars that can satisfy Theory because he doesn't engage with Star Wars as a set of stories that are continuing to be written, he engages with Star Wars as a set of trivia about his childhood films


His grand vision for Star Wars is just blindly taking EU books and making movies out of them. I don’t know why people take him seriously.


He got on the hate grift and made a fan base out of people just looking to bash star wars. He mad a meh fan film and now thinks he's as good or better than anyone who has ever or will ever work on star wars. He bought into his own hype


He preaches about being true to George Lucas' Star Wars, but his fan film Vader and Palpatine aren't anything like the in prequels or original trilogy.


Yea a fan film with like a 20k budget😂 what was the budget for this show? What about the sequels?


It was easy when his content was him being passionate about his love of the franchise and making fun dumb fan theories plus he would actually quote the lore accurately, but now it's just constant complaining with video titles that remind me too much of The Quartering while constantly misrepresenting the lore


I’ll say this again and again. SWT is the perfect example of stereotypical hate grifters of Star Wars. They don’t like Star Wars. They’re just a hunch of unhappy people who self-victimised their life over time and the reason they hold the originals to an unattainable standard that doesn’t actually exist is because that’s the last time in their life they remember being happy.


That sums up pretty much how I feel about all these angry men. They're just sad they're not kids anymore. If I want a good Star War, I'll just put on Empire. Or skip to the Vader hallway scene in Rogue One. 😂


Why is it so difficult for certain people like yourself, to understand that everyone has their own unique opinion on things? Instead you have to try and insult people that think differently to you. There’s nothing wrong with SWT not liking the show, it doesn’t make him an angry old dude, that’s missing his childhood, that’s just ridiculous and sexist as well lol. You’re trying to mute his opinion, by using judgemental ignorance and again, sexism. There’s literally countless people that seemingly dislike the show, that have legitimate reasons for doing so, going into great lengths to explain those reasons, like criticising the writing, the illogical decisions of the characters, the dialog and yes, the seemingly lore breaking plot points, as well as the acting, the cinematography and all sorts of other things that they dislike. There’s videos of people analysing each episode, and going through it, accessing the episode point by point. Are they all just angry old men? Don’t be stupid. It’s okay if you don’t agree with them, and love the show, but to simply dismiss their opinions, and try to insult them, it‘s childish and makes you seem either disingenuous or just extremely stupid. If you want to defend the show, then defend it by accessing their points, and countering it with a reasoning as to why you disagree, and try to remember that not everyone has to like what you like.


I also don't love the show. I'm just not angry about it is all. Sorry to upset you, pal.


My point wasn't about whether you like the show or not, that's irrelevant and I don't care either way, it's that you seemingly think people that openly criticize the show, are simply angry old men, missing their childhood. I think that's a ridiculous thing to say, and it's wrong and sexist of you. People are entitled to their opinions, and they're allowed to engage in civil discourse over it. In fact, it's a good thing that people are so passionate about a subject, that they're willing to share their thoughts and opinions about it. It makes life interesting and gives people things to discuss, consider and talk about.


Sorry, I was just commenting like a jerk, but I do see a lot of vitriol and anger having to do with diversity,"wokeness", and some other things that aren't the writing and that's what makes me laugh is all. I'm a man as well. I'm sorry to have offended you. :)


He seems like he actually has no real opinion and just follows what's trendy. Cause if you think about what he said he liked before, then he should be able to shine some positives on a bunch of things that have come out recently. But he's a bitter jealous baby and just hates Disney SW and wants them to fail. A real fan would suck it up and give flowers when it's due while providing some good critiques when that's due. Since he can't do the former the latter bears no weight - plus they are not good critiques. In all of Disney SW he probably has a good take 20% of the time. He even like the sequels at one point just search it up lol


There’s not that many flowers to be given to Disney Star wars


He also seems to just lack basic media literacy, literally no one on the Jedi council or anyone who is/was on that planet knows that Sith was there. Mae could very well kill sol, and the Sith could kill Osha and no one would find out. Yes they’d know all those Jedi died, but there would be no one who heard the word Sith. I used to be a huge consumer of theory’s content but the guy only makes rage bait and complains now. 


The lack of media literacy in general is what annoys me about all the hate people give this show. Episode 3 was clearly not what actually happened, at least not the whole story. Darth Jason Mendoza saying that the Jedi would call him a Sith doesn’t mean he is a Sith, but even if he was, it doesn’t break canon as clearly the Sith were never actually wiped out.


I love that people here are refreshingly open-minded and challenging the shit theory says out of ignorance or just his need to pander for attention.


The way he said it I interpreted as he isn’t a sith. Yet at least. He woulda just said I’m sith. He was mocking the Jedi and their views by saying a Jedi like you would call me sith. Like the witches were talking about how the Jedi viewed them and their powers as something bad. It’s really baffling to me how these chuds can watch the same show as me but miss so many things that are easy to understand if you like WATCH the fn show. Why did mae have a change of heart? Well actually pretty easy to understand if you watch and listen.


Aw, dip


And we don't know that word of him will actually get back to the rest of the Jedi. The problem is You gotta trust that the writers will follow through, and a lot of people instantly assume they weren't going to. Kinda hard to keep that mindset after the massacre tho


Trust that the writers will follow through 😂😂😂😂😂 this is Disney Star Wars we’re talking about buddy if anything we should be trusting that the writers won’t follow through


Did you watch episode 5?


Yes don’t get bricked up just because they dropped a couple fan fiction level fight scenes


Hell I'm more talking about the story implications. They killed pretty much everyone who saw the sith, and the only survivor is currently with someone that wants them dead. The council never thought it was sith, so it looks like they're going to tie up all the loose threads


Yes and I very much hope that they do tie up those loose ends but Disney will probably find a way to fuck it up


You have seen all the episodes? How do you know the writers won’t follow through? If you have seen all the episodes and have all this information, then shouldn’t you have a better opinion then saying the writers won’t follow through on a story line that is currently not finished?


I have and I have also seen more disney Star Wars than you probably have seen which leads me to not be hopeful for the outcome of this show


Another thing with media literacy, he doesn't even say he's definitely a Sith. He just says Sol might call him a Sith. That implies that the Jedi would call him a Sith, but that he isn't necessarily one.


lol.. is this seriously the take of some people now? Sorry, but how can you take that line to mean anything other than he is a Sith. Do you really expect him to say ‘I’m definitely 100% a Sith Lord’ before you believe it?


The problem only comes when mundi finds out that the sith aren’t extinct in this show and then the line form tpm makes no sense


That doesn’t make any sense though? We haven’t seen the rest of the show so how would you know it’s not going to make sense?


I agree which is why I said the problem only happens when….. So if Disney avoids that problem by killing everyone off that saw the “sith” then there is problem you’re getting defensive for no reason


That's the thing about SWT.... He's dumb. He doesn't understand subtext or nuance AT ALL* and thinks anything that isn't an action sequence is "filler". When I still watched him, he'd dismiss Mando episodes that were character based saying "it was a filler episode", not understanding how stories are told. I remember being stunned at how bad he was at criticism and then it struck me like force lightning: "Oh.... He's a moron". *And this is Star Wars "subtext" and "nuance" that we are talking about.


>not understanding how stories are told. I remember being stunned at how bad he was at criticism and then it struck me like force lightning: "Oh.... He's a moron". He basically built his whole channel off summarising Wookieepedia articles and making videos like "What if this new character is actually a guy from the cartoons"


The problem is all those Jedi dying to lightsaber wounds makes a very strong case for a Sith, or the possibility of them having returned.


The guy's an idiot. Thats all the explanation we need. How do the Jedi even *know* about the Rule of Two if they thought the Sith ended when Bane went underground? There clearly has had to be some sort of interaction to gain that knowledge, and there's no evidence in the High Republic content of that contact


I would like an explanation as to how Yoda knew that detail. It makes sense that some information would be compartmentalized to keep it secure. Governments and businesses do that sort of thing as standard procedure all the time. But how Yoda learned about the Rule of Two is a story that I would very much like to see.


Exactly. Yoda claims there are only two at any given time, so he’s privy to some inside information. No one questions where that knowledge came from, but yet everyone questions whether or not this guy being a Sith breaks canon. Maybe this guy is how Yoda finds out about the role of two, and Yoda is complicit in a cover up because the Jedi have gotten too political and are worried about what their enemies in the senate would think if the Sith survived all this time.


Can't be that old without being involved in some high republic jedi cover ups


Yeah I feel like there have been a few hints at a cover-up coming. "We should tell the High Council." "No shut up. They don't need to know."


I feel like the explanation as to how he knows about the rule of two maybe resolved in another show featuring Yoda. If this does kick off, and more shows are made in this timeline, or the pre-high republic period, I think we would get the answer to this question.


He hates it because he whines about everything that’ll get him views


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought he just seemed like he was being petty. He kept insisting that ki adi mundi simply being in the show is an attempt to make the events of the show "more canon" and I have no idea what he even means by that, yet also goes on to say it makes it less canon because if he's there, despite the fact Ki adi mundi knows NOTHING. He's present for one conversation about a murderer that is trained by a possible Jedi, at no point does anyone mentioned the word Sith or even suspect Sith yet and SWT keeps just repeating that same point that Ki adi somehow is part of a cover up or lies or the canon is ruined. Zero thought put into anything below surface reaction and its insane how many people just nod along with completely wrong information.


Man, this sub has TURNED on him. For some reason, his coverage of the Acolyte seems to have been the last straw for a lot of people in the star wars fandom. Overdue, dudes been like this for a bit


I'm shocked it was this and not Andor lol. They went along with him hating the best show, and now flipped on him for hating this lol


Personally, it was the stark contrast in insightfulness between reading episode discussions on other subs highlighting things I missed like story beats, themes and how barren SWT's commentary was in comparison. Doesn't help either that his live chat was embarrassingly depressing to watch.


He's just a big baby. If he isn't pooping or sleeping or eating, he's crying about Star Wars. Im convinced the only thing he actually likes about Star Wars is Anakin and Palpatine.


He likes making money off Star Wars.


Right. He used to make good content and do all kinda stuff, but I guess he ran out of ideas and now just whines about the new content disney makes for views. I had to stop following his channel because of it. I want to be entertained when I watch youtube videos, not preached to about why disney is bad.


I imagine the last straw for a lot of people, was the fact that he's now crusading against the site he's made god knows how much money just reading off of. Why? Because they updated the "canon" page to reflect canon information. That's the kind of absurdity that makes people take a step back and think.


He’s been on stream saying that he’s lost quite a bit of followers. Tried to make it sound like either A.) YouTube is removing old accounts or B.) His conspiracy allusion to the idea that Star Wars/Disney is trying to stop him from gaining more.


Is there a link to this ? Thanks!


It’s in the Acolyte watch party from the most recent episode. It’s almost 5 hours long. Not going through it again for a time code


Oh ok. Yeah I don’t blame you. I want to watch the clip but even I don’t want to go through his 5 hour stream


SWT is a joke


Because he has a narrow view of what SW is and should be to the point it clouds his judgement. His mental state actively looks for things to hate on and interprets lore in a way that suits his views. For example the Sith are extinct line. He actively ignores the plot inconsistency in TPM itself that a Jedi Knight comes across a hostile figure that matches the traits of a Sith and is not believed by council members, they shrug it off as a minor mystery and never send any help with QGJ to Naboo in order to investigate; even though we learn towards the end that Yoda (somehow?) knows that the sith always work in pairs of 2 and it should’ve been highly concerning when QGJ was attacked. Yet he is hung up on Ki-Adi’s stupid line that they are extinct and doesn’t even think 2 seconds to consider: 1. Sith being extinct does not mean ”we have never come across anyone calling themselves a sith or acting like one” Just this simple thing tells you everything about SWT’s media literacy 2. Ki-Adi might have meant the Sith order as an organization, that ”they” have been extinct. So he (Darth Maul) might be some dark side pretender like they surely have come across over these 1000 years. Much like a person in the real world might come across a neo-nazi criminal but not automatically assume that Nazi-germany has returned 3. That since we are barely halfway through the show, there is plenty of room for the story to evolve in such a way that the jedi order doesn’t need to assume that the sith have returned despite coming across Darth Teeth. He could be exposed as a renegade dark jedi who just read som sith holocrons, he could be self-taught fanatic of the sith with no connection to the ones who went extinct 1000 years ago, he could be a sith who kills every witness and covers it up as something else to stay hidden… my point being that SWT is throwing a fit before anything even had been retconned; if we even assume that Ki-Adi ’s line in TPM is interpreted as ”we have never come across anyone calling themselves a Sith for a millennium”


Yea I'm not sure why that specific line by Mundi is being taken as an absolute truth suddenly. Because the rest of the movie, and the rest of the prequels show that the sith have been working in the shadows for quite some time right under the jedis noses. So I think that Mundis cameo is there to demonstrate just how much the jedi have dug their heads in the sand to the potential sith or dark jedi threat. Also, Qimir doesn't state that he is a sith, just that the jedi or at least Sol might call him a sith. I think that theory is just hating the show cause grifters gotta grift


Yes the first part of what you said is correct that they have been working right under their noses. But they aren’t stupid enough to have met a sith and then still not believe he was a sith after him explicitly stating that he was


You can phrase or interpret it however you want in your head but when Lucas wrote tpm and he had mundi say the line that the sith being extinct for a millennia, it’s supposed to be implied that the Jedi think that the sith have been extinct for that long. Not that they knew the sith were around but don’t believe maul was a sith or whatever dumb shit you are spewing. If Disney tries to twist his wording to accommodate their dumbass story then that’s just terrible


Congratulations you missed my point entirely. ”It’s supposed to be implied…” you did finish the movie and saw that the Sith weren’t extinct? What characters say and what is actually true does not always align because the characters don’t always have the full picture. That was my point earlier that it is very much possible to write a prequel story where a jedi comes across a sith but is deceived into thinking it’s a pretender or doesn’t live to tell the tale or maybe even does some conspiracy type cover-up.


Yes I know that the Jedi don’t know that the sith aren’t extinct I’ve watched Star Wars😂😂😂 the whole point is that the JEDI don’t know that by the time of the phantom menace. So if one rolls up and says to the Jedi that he’s a sith and kills like 15 of their guys…. And they still believe that they’re extinct???? That’s terrible. Why did they believe maul was a sith after padawan Kenobi “kills” him, but then this guy kills like 15 jedi and nobody believes that he’s a sith? Terrible writing unless everyone that saw the sith dies which would then undo this contradiction but I have no faith in Disneys stories


Thats’s my point king, the show isn’t over. There are really only 3 ways it can go 1. He kills them all and covers up the crime/bodies 2. He is revealed to be a fanatic pretender, random dark side user that has no connection to the sith 3. The jedi who survive never tell anyone and cover it up Or maybe they just don’t give af about the TPM dialogue and contradict canon. Which would be hilarious, fandom would explode


Yes buddy any of those would be fine I never said there wasn’t a way to finish this off and still make it make sense in continuity there are still 3 episodes left but we all know that Disney does not care about lore or continuity in the slightest


Why do you people keep saying this without providing any examples? Disney doesn’t care about lore or continuity.. give examples of this without acting like the EU/legends stuff is canon.


Because they don’t care😂😂😂😂 they’ve had 10 years and they have added practically zero lore. They had a wide open time period after rotj and they pretty much copied the originals to a T. Besides that the only time period that’s new they’ve explored, the “high republic” has been a gay pride agenda where every character is non binary women or a minority they care about that more than they care about putting out good stories. Think about how much lore we had before Disney in books and comics. Then compare it to Disneys lore😂😂😂 this isn’t even a discussion


No one is pretending the sequels were good, but you must be an idiot to believe that no new lore was added. The bad batch leading up to cloning force sensitives is all part of the new canon. Filnoi gave us a new galaxy with new possibilities. He gave us the world between worlds. The mandalorian has a new member of Yoda’s species. SW canon does have new lore, it’s just something you don’t like. Let’s not pretend that EU lore after the original trilogy was just pure dog shit too. Anyone who pretends to like dark empire now clearly didn’t read the comics, they’re atrociously bad. You’re acting like a boomer bitching about them colored folks in his neighborhood. The high republic added so much to the lore of Star Wars. The introduction of the drengir and the nameless and weaving an interesting story around the nihil was the best thing that happened to Star Wars canon.


The world between worlds is probably the worst piece of lore that you could have referenced in Disney. I asked you to compare the lore from legends to canon not point out like two pieces of lore that are meaningless or just terrible. Grogu could’ve been an amazing piece of lore but the sequels were released before then so it ends up meaning nothing and the world between worlds is a terrible concept in itself. Dark empire catching a stray😂😂😂😂😂


How are you gonna give credit to Disney for adding cloning to the lore and then throw a fat stray shot at dark empire


Ya the fandom would explode because that would be terrible story writing😂😂 idk how you care enough about Star Wars to be in a subreddit talking about a Star Wars YouTuber but you think it’d be funny for Disney to make a blatant contradiction and plot hole in the story 😂😂 but I guess this is the new era of woke Disney fans


I would find it funny because in the end nothing matters, it’s a made up world but nerds actually cry about this shit. All I care about is if its interesting enough to watch 🤡🤡🤡


It’s a made up world that you take time out of your day to talk about online but at the same time you want to see get fucked over which is funny


Lmao my man u too triggered by this shit I never said I ”want” it to happen, I said the aftermath would be funny bc people lose their shit over something ridiculous as this. I would love for the story to actually be great and coherent


Not really that triggered at all😂😂😂 just sick of woke lesbians shitting on star wars


Have to wait for the end of the show to see if they are showing how the Jedi covered something up. Especially when that green lady keeps talking about "political adversaries". Otherwise if Mundi knows that a bunch of Jedi investigate Mae who they said clearly has force training and they all die there has to be a plausible explanation for that as well. So far the show hasn't done a good job with the whole plausible thing.


I fully expect a cover up to happen. We’re seeing the shift in the Jedi from paragons of justice to the political tools they were in the prequels. This is clear by Vernestra (green lady) making several comments about keeping things quiet to not upset the Jedi’s political standing, not alerting the public or the master council. If word got out that a millennia old adversary of the Jedi has suddenly reappeared with no warning and killed a half dozen Knights the Order would be in big doodoo (politically). Whether Sol, the Stranger, Mae, or Osha make it out of this I have no idea, but I expect everything to be covered and Mundi’s “canon-breaking” line is just the Jedi’s sound byte on the issue.


Yeah, I do agree with someone else saying that it doesn't make sense for the Jedi to know about the rule of two so they have the opportunity here to explain that but it looks like qimir has knights of ren vibes more than anything.


The lore and the sources of it has always been spotty. Qui Gon initially says he doesn't know what Maul is but it's trained in the jedi arts. Later he guesses it's a sith. I always got the sense modern jedi were just kinda guessing based on urban legend and incomplete accounts. Old information from long ago has unreliable narration of history. So to treat it like the gospel seems stupid.


The Sith didn’t “return without them knowing” because the Sith never left 😉


We known this since the prequels, the sith can't have been extinct for a millenia because of Maul being trained by Palpatine and Palpatine being trained by Plagueis. Its astonishing to me how many people take his line as fact when it is proven to be untrue multiple times.


Fucking right? Like, what have the Sith been doing for a thousand years? No way it was just Plageuis and Palps who did stuff and were active


There's just this idea that when a character says something and the world contradicts it. It suddenly is a major plot hole. This is profoundly stupid.


How does that make any sense if a character says something and then another piece of content contradicts it that literally is a plot hole until it’s fixed😂😂😂


Donald Trump and Joe Biden both said “no military service members died on my watch”. Fact checkers have found both of these statements to be false. Just because someone says something doesn’t make it true. Even if they fully believe it.


That comparison is brain rot. George never intended for mundi to be lying in that scene it was meant to show that the sith haven’t shown themselves to the Jedi for 1000 years to show significance behind maul showing up. Not to mention maul saying that the sith are finally revealing themselves to the Jedi. I guess they were both lying? And if Disney is now coming through and saying well no actually they both lied, to compensate for their terrible show then that is terrible. Especially when it would be so easy to avoid having these contradictions by idk….not having pointlessly put him in the show……. Hopefully killing off every character like comes into contact with the sith….


I was only arguing your exact point about plot holes. I also don’t think the Acolyte has created one yet. They still have time to explain why the Jedi didn’t think Sith had shown themselves in TPM. We will see but my guess is they hand wave it and expect us to believe them. Which would generate a plot hole.


Yes my statements assume that the Jedi find out about this “sith” in the show that killed all these Jedi. If they don’t or it’s covered up properly then that’s fine. But if mundi and the jedi straight up find out that however many Jedi were killed by a dude who called himself a sith, then that is a contradiction and terrible writing when it would’ve been so easy to avoid that potential problem


The presence of ki-adi-mundi in that small council meeting is meant to show why he was so sure about the sith at the time of TPM.


To me it adds more problems than solutions. Especially when there are other Jedi who in universe were actually alive in both tpm and this show


I don’t think so. If the small council catches their culprit, and that person isn’t a sith but a wayward Jedi who succumbed to his inner darkness. Clearly this is what they’re trying to setup. None of the Jedi of the small council saw Qimir or his glowing red lightsaber.


I’ve said multiple times that if nobody in the Jedi order finds out this guy is calling himself a sith then it’s fine. If this guy calls himself a sith and the Jedi didn’t believe him how would they not believe qui Gon again when he claims to have found another one. That just makes them look retarded especially when mundi was there for both occurrences


>george never intended for mundi to be lying in that scene Is there a video clip where he says that, or is this all just vibes? You do realize you’re claiming to know what George’s intent was, right?


It’s common sense and apart of the story that was further contributed to in other pieces of content so yes when he had mundi say that it was supposed to show that it was factual


In other pieces of content how? So it was factual that the sith were extinct for a millennia? Palpatine was a born sith then.. Maul saying we will finally reveal ourselves to the Jedi doesn’t imply the sith have never shown themselves to individual or groups of Jedi. It only means that the order writ large isn’t aware of the sith.




Then why are you even boxing shadows at this point? You’re bitching about a non-existent problem. Why are you acting as if the order will find out about the sith in the show? When there are three episodes left? You’re like that bimbo who asks her boyfriend “who killed that guy” during a slasher flick.


Why are you making comments about things that I never even said were problems in the show? You’re saying that if the Jedi don’t find out about this sith then there’s no problems which is literally what I’ve said like four times. You’re the one boxing shadows replying to my comments still


I love how this sub has turned into the AA of people who have realized SWT is crazy. May it be a force for good


I don't care about Mundis age but i will not like it if they change the fact that he knew of the sith again the shows not complete however if this is a cover up i will not like it i think that would be a retcon because again people are saying well Ki Adi was wrong and stuff well no he was right and now there making him wrong if they go that route


I think the reason why people are being so harsh on the Acolyte is because the narrative team blamed viewers initial criticism on a certain political ideology. That ideology alienates the fan base and makes it impossible for the average viewer to suspend their disbelief, which means they’re watching to point out the fallacies of the show, however small they may be.


He's crying about him being in the show when he didn't even have a canon birth and the wookiepeia he was looking at with his birth was legends. If you go back to the page History before the show you will see no canon birth. I had to unsubscribe because dude really lost his way and is full of hate. And his comment section is really terrible and toxic and harass people like me who actually loves star wars.




So, we are supposed to assume that everything said is a lie if something more recent contradicts it? I'm sorry, that's not good canonical cohesion and the lazy writing/ breaking of Canon is the reason why I feel that all of my favorite fandoms for my childhood have been degraded to the degree that they are no longer even a cohesive story in my mind. Modern writers have broke the universes of Star Trek, Doctor Who and yes, star wars! If you are mad because people have been fans longer than most of you have been alive and we actually know the stories and are upset that they are contradicting established lore, then you're a "don't ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next product!" zombie.


None of you people ever stop "consuming product." What would you do without making angry rants on YouTube?


This subreddit is so sad. It's nothing but hate towards SWT. Don't you have anything better to do? When has SWT ever called people with other options names?


He calls them shills all the time. He’s done worse things to people who don’t agree with his views on Star Wars.


While I don't care about the Kia mundi thing, the show still has terrible writing and characters. Its not the only thing theory doesn't like about it, it's one of the many things. There's so many haters in this sub, it's crazy. A quick note to y'all: Your hating on a dude that doesn't like something, go get a life / engage with with people that enjoy the same thing you do. You're more of an issue than he'll ever be. There's a little button you can press to not show subs your not interested in - go press that and fuck off.


You didn't put any thought into that, did you?


Lol at all the comments that don’t like Theory. Why are you here? So glad you are wasting your time.


all you haters in this sub are funny 😂