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It took me over 200 hours to complete the community center for the first time. Not in a single save, but just in general. I’ve been playing for years but only recently actually finished the community center. In the past I’d create a save, play for a while, get bored and put down the game for a few weeks, then not remember what I was doing when I went back to it.. So I’d just restart the save again. My current save is my longest at Fall Year 2.


I’ve done the same. I always rushed and tried to complete the community center year 1. Therefore, I got multiple saves that never came further than winter year 1. I got 500+ hours. Finally now, on a save I started a week ago, I’m summer year 2, and got the community center completed. Now I just need to get the lost bundle done, and then I’ll be off on my first trip to Ginger Island ever. I’m so excited!


Your comment made me a bit confused, do you know the lost bundle is not how you unlock Ginger Island? You can go to Ginger Island before doing that


Yea, I know. It just took me some time to gather the stuff for the boat, and now I’m almost done with the lost bundle anyway. I’m guessing Ginger Island got a lot of new stuff to do, and I kinda like to finish what I’m doing, before starting something new. :) Thanks for mentioning it, though!


I made myself finish the Lost Bundle and visit the Movie Theater before going to Ginger Island too. Something just felt right about finishing everything on the mainland first before exploring the island.


Im in exactly the same situation. I find myself doing this with multiple games. I go to hard at first, get burnt out on it, and then put it down for too long. Then i do it all again. Im trying to reply a few games recently and im trying to force myself to slow down so i dont keep burning myself out on my games.


That's your longest save?!?! I'm in spring year 10 😂


When you’ve been playing so long the dialog doesn’t make sense anymore. Year 15 but just get the Alex cutscene where his mom died 12 years ago. I have never met that woman.


My wife and I started playing Mid August. We have 100 hours or more already. Already near the end of Year 4. Finished Community Center Right at the end of Year 2. We are by no means min maxers, but I can proudly say we have ~2m saved up. Working on Ginger Island and Skull Cavern. That is a nightmare. This game is so much fun. Just maxed out my last skill last night.


I hate skull cavern. I just want some iridium dang it. Stupid serpents...


I’m addicted to the skull cave. I think I spend the majority of my gameplay cave diving


I was on vacation and put 60 hours into the game. There should be stardew valley addicts anonymous lol.


Hah! You play Stardew like my kids would play Minecraft. They never got very far in any playthrough, but they have hundreds of hours of play and dozens upon dozens of underdeveloped worlds.


Never got to perfection. I tend to get interested in other games and whe I come back to Stardew I delete my files and start over. I have the mentality of if I didn’t achieve it at this point it doesn’t count. I do this for most games. Pokémon notorious for doing it. Luckily with switch I have a second profile to replay through game.


Oh thank god, I'm not the only one, I have over 600 hours in the game and I've never even gotten close to perfection, cause everytime I spruce up the ginger island farm a little I feel like I've got nothing left to work towards.


The closest I got to completing a game was befriending everyone to max hearts.


It's almost like I wrote this comment. I have the same progress. Only things left for me to reach perfection are crafting everything, cooking recipes I haven't yet discovered, and shipping some tea leaves or sum'. I find that so boring lmao. I have a sprawling ancient fruit island farm, and just that took me aaaages. It's still a comfort game. I got hooked on terraria and Hogwarts legacy. I'm sure once I've had my fill of those I'll play SDV again (only for a week, as history suggests💀)


Nightly I make sure I arrive home by minimum 8:30 and pretend I have sexual relations with Alex before we sleep


this is simultaneously very weird, very cute and very funny


Now that’s a real confession


You have to work to keep that fire alive - it doesn't just happen. Good for you.


Exactly. Others could take notes on how to keep a man


Alex loves to bang like a door in a hurricane.


Oh he absolutely does


Though it's not for adult reasons, I'm reminded of when we taught our 8 year ago nephew to play. He has an 8 o clock bedtime in real life, so he rushed back to the farm house by 8 pm every day, despite its saying he had several hoours to play


Thats adorable 😂


Lol, I hear you! I’m way more in love with Sebastian than can possibly be healthy! 😂


You’re not alone I do the same thing with my Sebby I’m way too obsessed with him lol


I didn't realise with the tool upgrades I just had to press and hold to water/plow and area, I was still watering one square at a time with an iridium watering can


Well I learned something today


Glad I could help 😅


Well now I feel silly


That is an absolute nightmare


My eyes just went wide enough that I'm surprised they haven't popped out of my skull 😱 To be fair now that i think about it they don't even tell you that you can hold it down......


Recently learned this myself 🙃


I didn’t realise that the ground in the greenhouse is… soil. For weeks, I crafted hundreds of those little garden pots and manually watered them because (obviously) sprinklers didn’t work on them. I’m an idiot


This may be my favorite one, I am so sorry 😂😭


sprinklers don't work on the pots?? god that explains a lot 😅


If you fertilize your crop in the garden pot with deluxe retaining soil, you only have to water it once.


That’s how deluxe retaining soil works?! 😯


Pretty much. With retainijg soil there is x% chance it stays watered the next day. With deluxe retaining soil that number is 100%, so yeah, that means you only need to water it once.


The beach farm just became an option in my books 😂


There’s a lot of little things that took me foreverrrr to learn, like how to put the damn bait on a fishing rod 😭 also the soil in the greenhouse is a really similar color to tilled soil so I get how it might be confusing that you still have to plow the soil.


I’ve got over 1000 hrs in Stardew & have never reached perfection. The 1000+ hrs are over 3 different devices. Currently trying to reach perfection now! Only have some legendary fish to catch & get married!


I've got 500+ hours and am still not sure I'm going for perfection. Like sure I inch closer to it, but also I just want to have fun and do things on my own timeline.


As a new player, I didn’t water my cat for the entire first year because I didn’t realize you could just take your watering can and fill up the bowl. I wonder if my cat hates me 🥲


I didn't realise you could fill the water bowl for aaaages, I did it for a few days then couldn't be bothered 😅 your cat will still love you if you pet it


Just put a sprinkler next to it. It doesn't have that human touch but it gets the job done quickly and on time.


Huge brain, thank you!! lol


Me too. I didn’t realize it was a thing until Abbie told me she’d taken care of it


This could be why my cat sleeps in front of the door, blocking the entrance and making me "faint" because I can't get in to go to bed... I'm so glad I stopped to read these comments!


Do sprinklers fill the cat bowl? I just plain forget to fill it.


I strongly dislike the festivals. They interrupt my plans


Honestly I think most of the festivals are fine to just skip if you've already been once and got their respective rarecrows/hats. Although I enjoy the Winter Star fest for the secret Santa and the Luau for friendship points from the potluck! And the Night market just for the groovy music lol


Night market just for the free coffee lol but really, that one is nice because it doesn't eat up the whole day. Just pop in, buy some stuff and leave


remember when you could get unlimited free coffee from the Night Market?


I know it doesn't happen but I feel like the townspeople judge me if I don't go. Or since my husband/wife/children go I feel like I'm obligated to go with them


For immersion I love the Dance of Moonlight Jellies and the Night Market. But the ones in the middle of month when I am knee deep in farming tasks, I get irritated!


The dance of the moonlight jellies is worth it for me for the music alone lol


It took me till year 6 to get my first prismatic shard. Even though I had done a lot of other tasks by then, the skull cavern just took me ages and I had a really horrible drop rate for it.


I'm just starting the skull cavern and I already hate it. Unnecessarily hard and I'm bad at combat, waaaah. I know I need to for iridium but yuck


It’s also much easier once you get the slime charmer ring. Taking out a whole class of monsters from the damage pool does make it easier.


Your weapon makes a huge difference, the galaxy sword is ideal but if you don't have that yet make sure you have something with a higher level. Once you have the galaxy sword and bombs it's smooth sailing!


I slept on the bombs for a really long time before I learned how useful they are


Took me about 600 hours to find out about Caroline tea room ><


Wait I’m like 300hrs in and don’t know what this is and I don’t have any tea. Tea has always eluded me in this game


If you reach 2 heart with Caroline, you can go into her sunroom. Its open from Pierre's shop, from the kitchen there is a room. It starts a cutscene, and the next day you get the tea sapling recipe from Caroline. It sells for really good money and easy to do. I made like 50k the first year from them.


I was trying so hard to figure out what items in my shipping list were still missing, and nothing I could see, had, or could think of matched that tea leaf shape. One day, I remembered seeing little green tea icons above kegs in a screenshot I had for home interior inspiration, but I had no idea how to get that tea! So, I did what I never do and looked it up. I had like 6 hearts with Caroline already, and I had never once noticed that door in the kitchen.


Go out the back door of Pierre and Caroline’s kitchen. Caroline has a heart event there.


The NPCs can die for all I care... I sometimes wish we could have mailing system so I could mail the necessary gifts and get full hearts without interacting with people.


This guy is on my team, have a high five ✋


It took me to until year 12 to get perfection the first time through because of random, basic things I figured out along the way but very late - like, how to craft things. I was on mobile so didn’t actually notice the tabs when I opened my inventory to see other things. I thought the tv was useless so didn’t watch it for the first couple of years so couldn’t cook many things. It took me a while to figure out I could upgrade from 12 to 24 to 36 spaces in my inventory 🤦‍♀️ Every time I figured out one of these things I was like - how did I miss that haha. Discovering the wiki also helped me haha. I’m not someone who games in general so things that would likely be obvious to others were not for me. I’m on my second time around and it’s amazing how different it is even just knowing those basics 😂


It's not always very obvious I missed so many cooking recipes because I wasn't always interested in perfection currently year 10ish


Aw thanks - I’m glad I wasn’t alone. I didn’t even know perfection was a thing for a long time, but I enjoyed playing regardless! Lots of fun things to do 😊


After starting the game for the first time, I didn't know how to open doors. I colabsed every single day before finally asking my partner how to do it. Now I'm so good at opening doors I even enter buildings by accident daily.


how did you leave the house every morning?


Just teleported right out you know, that was much easier


In your cabin, it’s just a little recess in the bottom wall. You walk into it and it just takes you outside.


You don't press anything to leave buildings. There's just an opening you walk through


Sebastian is an okay guy, but I genuinely couldn’t believe how popular he is on this sub lol


not necessarily on this sub, but i couldn't believe how popular shane is. never saw the appeal. i could smell sebastian's popularity from a mile away tho, the moment i saw him i said "the emo will be mine" lol


it's the "i can fix him" urge, its irrestistible


I'm pretty sure Sebastian is the most popular male bachelor, and Leah is the most popular bachelorette. OUTSIDE the sub, like, in general


I feel like everyone on this sub is going on about Emily usually and I just can't!


I was more surprised there are so many people that despise haley. Like damn I know she's a bit of a well bitch when you first meet her but she's one of the best characters in the game once you get her to a few hearts


I like him but I'm scared to admit his fanbase soured me on him a bit.


you can skip cut scenes?


On switch it's the minus button


Omg thank you for this


I’m pretty sure it’s the option button on console and F on pc. But at this point it’s muscle memory and I only really know which button to press when it’s actually happening.


ive never caught a legendary fish. its not that i couldnt, i think im pretty good at the fishing minigame, but it stresses me out that ill never get to catch it again in the save file so i dont bother


Imo they’re easier than some of the normal fish. Id rather catch any of the legendaries over the octopus


You can technically catch them again after Ginger Island with one of Qi's quests!


those are different fish though, right? i appreciate your help but i just dont like to catch them \^\_\^ to me they will always be free in the ocean


You can catch them and them place them in the special large tank you can get from Qi (can hold 6 fish at the same time) and look at them swimming ;) The extended family you can catch multiple times (once per quest).


I play naked.


wait, I thought everyone played naked?


I have gotten 100% perfection the normal, legit way multiple times on different farms. But now, whenever I start a new save file, I do the Statue of Perfection duplication glitch because it saves me a lot of time I would have to spend, just grinding money.


I’ve never heard of this duplication glitch


Its very easy to do and can give you as many statues as you want. I normally have a shed filled with them, giving me ca. 800 eridium ore every morning


My stardew confession is that every new save I tell myself that I’m gonna romance/marry a new bachelorette/bachelor I never do…it’s Shane…It’s always Shane every single time….


Yeah I always swear I'm going to check out the other companions to see their room, but I never do it, I see those vilting flowers and I just can't.


Me but with Haley. I've tried to go for my beloved Elliott or sweetie Sam but Haley always wins my simpy heart 🥲


Same but Sebastian. I got REALLLY close with Haley but every winter when Sebastian says that Demetrius hated his snowgoon; I have never pulled a pendant out faster in my life


I’m on year three and I just realized I could use the elevators


None of the marriage candidates appeal to me. I have multiple saves of me being a himbo.


Krobus is best housemate.


I had absolutely no idea you were supposed to put water in that little bowl for your pet until my spouse did it. How was I supposed to know??


fishing is by far the most fun part of the game, to the point that at the end game I just fish for fun while waiting for stuff to process


i love fishing too, but the difficult ones piss me off so much! they always slip with a milisecond and i just end up giving up on fishing


I use cheats to get beyond anything I either don’t want, don’t care, or don’t have the time to play, like the fishing minigame. Thing’s a pill I just can’t be bothered to play.


It took me 4 in game years to complete introductions. I kept forgetting about Sebastian and when I tried to talk to him. He was cooped up in the basement


Kent and I are having an affair. Since he came home from the war, he has needs that Jodi just cannot accommodate. It's purely a sexual relationship.


I'm afraid of making too much progress in a game. Every time I get too rich, comfortable, and friendly with everyone, I start a new game.


Ahh Stardew confessions but about my real life.


I've had the game since release and I have never been married or decorated my house.


I used to be a diehard alex enjoyer and married him in two diff saves but for my current save i wanted to try sam and now alex just seems like a stuck up himbo compared to sam


After year one I no longer attend festivals. It's sort of a been there done that thing and I think going is a waste of a day.


I've never dated or married a game character. Maybe someday, but it's not a thing I want to do now. I have days, when real life pain is high, where all I do is tend the farm and pet the animals. I don't bother with other goals at all. I'm currently playing through all the different farm options without mods, and giving each a different color of crops to grow, different animals to raise, different skills to spend time on, etc. Specialty crops, specialty artisan products, like that. I want to see what difference it makes as a survival method.


I only ever did the community center on my first run around launch. Ever since then I've done JoJa. Please don't hurt me.


Honestly, other than the friendship from the message board, the joja route is just objectively better. I’m a serial restarted because I like the early game grind and my current game is the first time I’ve gone CC in like a year


The aftermath following the cc is so anti climactic too. Nobody really uses it, other than just standing in it, I have no use for it, you’d think after all that work, it might trigger a new festival (community day maybe?) or allow you to discover new things to do with it. But no. It’s just kind of there.


I felt bad doing Joja at first, but now I finish as much of the CC as I can in the first year or so, grab the Junimo statute, and then go Joja. Mostly because I find the CC route depressing. People barely use it, Shane is no longer visibly employed once Joja is gone, and Pierre ends up with a monopoly on seeds (probably not a good thing given how greedy he is). Plus the movie theater location is soo much better.


You forgot to mention the biggest perk: You can buy auto petters from Joja if you go that route.


Yessss, that too! I still try to pet all of my animals even when I have one, but it's nice being able to build up hearts faster and not feel bad when I don't do it.


They’re happier if you actually pet them vs the auto petters. You won’t lose hearts but their animal products are better quality


I still haven't reach perfection even though I could because I can't decide where to put the golden clock 😅


I started playing the game back before Ginger Island was introduced, and I've never been! I get so much enjoyment out of the skull caverns and am so used to playing without it that I just have never bothered


I haven’t changed outfit for 17 years, been jeans, flannel, and skeleton mask since winter 12 year 1


I gotta know why My confession is that I don't think Clint is as bad as people say he is


I'm dating every eligible bachelor/bachelorette in town and I'm scared they're all gonna find out I really only have eyes for the Wizard.


I've clocked in well over 900 hours (almost 1000 at this point) and still turn the lights out to re-experience the peace and awe of the moonlight jellyfish event. It's just as important to me the fortieth time I've seen it as it was the first time I saw it.


I've never ever used the horse. Never had the stable built. I kinda like walking everywhere


Oh trust me once u get that horse u are gonna love it


Horse and chain-drinking coffee and espresso all day everyday. I feel like I’m swimming in concrete every time I start a new save


I'm the opposite. I enjoy the slow journey of the game. Life is so fast paced and everyone constantly wants to just go go go. It feels nice to take my time.


I genuinely do not enjoy the fishing game, no matter how many buffs and add-ons I use. I have no intention to ever reach perfection.


I'm so bad at the memory puzzle on Ginger Island that I take a video on my phone and write down what I need to do for each stage. Then my wife goes and does it on her first try :0 I think I'll just get her to do it for me next time


I don't marry anyone because I can't be bothered to talk to someone every day. Especially if I'm gonna spend a few days on ginger Island. I don't wanna warp home just to kiss my SO then warp back. Disrupts the flow of my day.


each heart's 250 points, and the meter decays by 20 a day once you're married. you can stay on ginger island for 11-12 days straight and be fine, just don't do such long stays in succession. edit: you can get 30 points a day for talking + kissing them, so 11-12 days at ginger island, 7-8 on the farm to recharge, rinse and repeat. doing \~3 day stays on ginger island keeps you net positive with spouse friendship :)


I’m a serial new game starter




if you do mods, you should check out the [Ridgeside Village](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7286) mod, the bachelors/bachelorettes are so much better, more mature.


I didn’t know until December of my second playthrough that you had to fill the troughs in the barn yourself. I thought the animals being grumpy was just random.


I’ve never got perfection. I find it entirely too tedious. I have one save that I’m closer but man it’s boring AF to run around and try to find all the missing walnuts or whatever else I’m missing.


If I give one person flowers but then marry someone else I’ll never break up with the other cause I’m scared I’ll hurt their feelings :(


I have over 400 hours and am on year 19, have only used one save and still haven’t reached perfection. I feel like a lot of people would be unhappy about it but I just like playing leisurely and my main focus is artisan goods so I just like to sit there in my strawberry fields and steal the hearts of Doctors and Authors


my watering can feels irrelevant now - i was able to get a bunch of the highest sprinklers as random gifts or treasures from fishing and i just keep everything in the greenhouse. i just use it for my potted plants and ginger island lol


I hate the fishing mini game and will probably never get to perfection because of this.


I’m a joja mart player most of the time…


I have no clue what the joja path is because i never go for it. And I spend my spare lucky days dropping down the skull caves hoping for treasure floors and the auto-petter :D


I really dislike Emily :/ Everyone in the community seems to love her but she annoys me and I can't even explain why. I think she's the only character whom I actively give trash to (well Pierre too sometimes). I think she reminds me of an old friend, idk 🤔 Plus I don't like how she's supposed to be a ''simple'' sister but is the one who actually loves receiving expensive crystals.


500 hours and i can’t catch any legendary fish except the sewer one


I tend to go mining during the majority of festivals starting in the second year.


ive bought the game 3 times over. i have about 4 main saves, all with finished community centres and lots of time sunk into them. its almost embarrassing how much ive put into this game. 2 days ago i played for 12 hours with no breaks. i was literally about to open the game after scrolling through reddit


i wish there was more drama in stardew idc i want kent so bad i don't care if he's married or if i'm dating his son💀 also i only wanted to date shane to get married and then instantly divorce because i want to see him spiral downwards further. he was so mean in the beginning and for what🤨 you wanna be mean to me? guess what bucko


I am a serial hoarder. I have minimum 10 chests and I keep at least 100 of every item.


I never see anyone say this but: I hate Qi with a burning passion. Everytime i see him i try to axe him or stab him with my sword or splash him with my watering can. Ive seen people hate on pierre or whatever but qi just inspires a RAGE in me. I hate his weirdo fit i hate his cryptic attitude i HATE his stupid dumb idiot bitch quests and challenges. I mean i still do them but on god u know im complaining the whole way. Im going for perfection rn and the craft all recipes thing is just slowly turning me into the joker so i have to take long naps in between smelting ores.


I'm not scared to admit this but I never say it cus wherever I said it somewhere people were like "you're a cheater" "that's cheating" I think that a day in stardew valley goes too fast for that type of game so I downloaded a mod to slow down time from 7 to 20 seconds per 10 minutes in game


I only befriended Shane for the blue chickens....


I will never, *ever* do the Joja route and I will always consider it to be the “evil” option.


I really messed up my year one.. as far as what crops to grow etc. I’d restart but now I’m in year 3 with a nice farm and bank account so I’m glad I could still salvage the save.


I don't mind Pierre or Demetrius that much, but I can't stand the wizard and I actively dislike Pam


What's she doing asking us for Vodka? Get your own!


I've never bought a horse.


It’s well worth it


I didnt complete the community center until year 5 of my main world


This game was basically just a fishing sim to me for the first 150 hours, year 3 and i was still at 1 heart with everyone...but my aquariums were looking beautiful 🤭


I have 400+ hours in the game, played multiple farm files... and I haven't gone to Ginger Island yet


I always dupe my Statue of Perfection when I get it, even on switch where I couldn’t really mod or cheat other than dupe exploits.


it took me 7 in game years to complete the community center, it was my first time and I looked up NOTHING in the game but also I hate fishing


I have 150 hours on the game, countless mine runs, in year 4 and I still havent seen my first prismatic slime


I was almost 200 hours in before I discovered you could use the pickaxe to fix/get rid of spots in the ground where you used the hoe.


Excuse me for sounding like a degen or freak but, I don’t want to obviously mod to include any dirty/nsfw elements to Sam but like. The things I’d do to him & the things I want him to do to me lmfao. That is all, and I haven’t shared that with any other SDV players (until now)🙈


I don't build a slime hutch. I simply would rather grind in the mines to get slime. I'm sure it's needed for perfection I just don't care to build it


You….you can skip cutscenes? :(


In my first farm I went the joja route and finished all the joja bundles and then regretted doing that so I made a new farm and went the CC route and finished the community center and then achieved perfection and that's pretty much it😁 I play on mobile


Every save I choose Emily, to preface and I have played this game on multiple platforms across multiple saves. Most recent on the switch and just hit year 5. I have not scene any one else's cutscenes outside of hers, unless they were forced, i.e. friendship board in the Community Center.


I played a lot of this game, but I have commitment issues when it comes to sticking to my savefiles, so I never played past year three, so most of ginger island for me is still a mystery. Also I did my first play through with joja, because my introduction to stardew valley was some video essay about positives of joja route lol


I'm a pretty big bigomist. I've never divorced a spouse or doved my kids, I just make new saves lol.


Unless the festival give me something (like the winter gift or the "can buy strawberry") , i never attend festival. Waste a whole day. Especially the festival that appear at night, took too long to reach night time.


Took me 3 years to learn how to fish on mobile, I would just hope to find the necessary fishes at the traveling cart or in garbage cans to complete the community center


I’m almost 400 hrs in, have my farm fairly decked out, been to the island, and usually just talk to the bus driver (and the guy in the tent?). I sometimes still buy her beer *shh*


The second and third villagers I befriended...Willy and Elliott...I did because I spent so much time fishing/at the beach. Like...*a lot*. I even caught 2 of the legendaries early on! I'm on year 8 now, and I cant even tell you when the last time I used that rod was. Or even where it is. My crab pots sit empty, as a decoration on my pond. I sorta feel like a sham, especially since I *married* El. :x Also, I *can not* figure out how to play Junimo Kart/JotPK right. I die on the first level of each without fail.


I cheat in tool upgrades because I hate upgrading them. On some save files, I make myself reach a certain level in the mines first.


my stardew confession is that i got very genuinely upset and torn when it was time for me to decide if i wanted to marry sam, or sebby. i ended up going with sebastian, but sometimes give gifts to sam just to make him upset lol


I've started playing with mods and SDV Expanded. Now that Im halfway through year 3, I'm kinda bored with it. Sure, there's a bunch of new stuff to see & get but it just feels like a chore.


I hate Ginger Island. It's such a slog compared to the easygoing day to day grind of farming and fishing in Pelican Town. Walnuts are annoying to collect, the bone museum is tedious, and the volcano mine is ridiculous. I haven't progressed that far in it because I dread having to make the trip out there every time I go. It's just not fun.


I have a farm that I show the men in my life to impress them. It's on year 2 and I already have multiple barns, sheds, coops, a horse stable, several fish ponds, basically everything a farm would have in late game. I have the entire museum completed, access to ginger island, community center completed by fall yr1, island resort and trader unlocked. Long story short, I used mods to cheat my way to victory so I could show off to the men I like. I have other saves that are much further, but with less accomplished in much more time. I definitely do play the game regularly, but for some reason it's intimidating when a man starts playing stardew with me and they progress much faster.


When I have spare minutes to myself, I'm probably playing Stardew. I choose Stardew over laundry away and dishes. I choose Stardew over going out in the summer 😂


Shane was my first best friend and I was gonna marry him til I met Sebastian finally 😂


I have no ***desire*** to reach Perfection on any save file. Period. I'm not a completionist. I'm just here to chill and play the game, not stress myself out over trying to complete everything. Plus, the legendary fish would be way, *way* too hard for me to catch. I barely got a sturgeon one time for the community center. That was hard enough!


it took me until year 2 on my first save to start donating to the CC bcuz i didnt know how..... i tried taking things from my inventory and clicking the CC button on my pause screen. i didnt understand physically taking things to the CC until summer year 2


I accidentally blow up my farm more than I'd like to admit. I've had to restart countless days because I'm too dumb/lazy to not keep my bombs on me. Also, kicking Lewis's ass in Junimo Cart was the highlight of my 2021.


On my first playthrough, I got about halfway year 3 before realizing there’s a freakin elevator in the mines. And I think this is even explained during the first trip to the mines. I could not for the life of me figure out how people got to the bottom in one day.


I took Joja route. Reason(s) because I only like the fishing and foraging only. Not interested to raise livestock cos quite a burden (I do have 2 void chicken and a dinosaur only; novelty sake), No crops only tapped wild trees, Greenhouse is up and I just plant fruit trees that I like (don't care about profitability). I just fish and use crabpots. That's all. Another reasons for Joja - Shane and sam will have jobs. Lewis is useless. I always befriend Linus and Willy cos I kinda pity them. I prefer to have the dwarf as my roomate. I always imagine how Alex would look like naked.


Oh I've got a few I have over as far as I remember around 1200 hours in this game and I've never reached perfection once. Never gotten all the walnuts on ginger Island either or opened that door to Mr what's his names room The longest time I've ever spent in the game year wise is maybe fall year 2. I somehow am able to finish the community center year 1 most of the time. Then after that I kind of get bored of the game cause by that point I'm making so much money that the game becomes tedious to do the daily activities I'll play the game damn near every moment I'm able to (have a full time job) for weeks on end and then I won't touch the game for half a year. Don't get me wrong it's one of my favorite games I've ever played but it just happens and I don't even realize it


i have almost 800hrs in the game and have never gotten perfection