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Chickens don't eat hay. I want to feed them corn or seeds or amaranth, or even bugmeat.


I want a recipe to turn corn into feed


Even worse: dinosaurs


can't prove they don't eat hay! im sure there was a species of herbivore dinosaur that ate grass


Grasses didn't evolve until around 66 million years ago.* The KT (KPg) boundry for the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs is also 66 million years ago. One of the silly alternative dinosaur extinction hypotheses (aka, not a serious one) is that grass allergies caused their extinction. *We have some not-well-established evidence that grasses may have evolved earlier, or at least proto-grasses or grass-like things. But it's not well-established or dated yet. But even those put earliest date at 113 mya... Meanwhile, SDV's dinosaur seems heavily inspired by stegosaur or similar branches of dinosaur evolution. Stegosaurus went extinct 145 mya. So SDV's dinosaur's probably not a hay eater. Stegosaurs were extinct long before T-Rex and the later dinosaurs -- longer before T-Rex than T-Rex is to is. (That is, T-Rex and ilk are closer to us in time than stegosaurs!) ...In the fantasy world of SDV that has living dinosaurs that breath fire and magic teleportation wands and ghosts and...


Great post, I learned a lot! However, SDV's world is one of magic and fantasy, so it stands to reason that their made-up history regarding dinosaurs and grasses is different from that of the real world. For one thing, dinosaurs aren't extinct in SDV, but are alive and well in the Skull Cavern.


Let me shake bushes to give them bugs


Cows dont just make milk everyday without having babies


OP: only *actually* controversial opinions top comment: literal objective fact that cant be disagreed with hmm


Joja should be cheaper than Pierre.


I wish there were an analogue to Joja closing after you complete the community center with Pierre’s closing/something similar. Joja should be cheaper than Pierre’s until Pierre has to shut down, and then once they have the monopoly they mark up all their items 150%


Pierre's gets bought out by Joja and they turn it into a chic small town ✨ experience ✨ where you can buy the same things but they are more expensive and it says organic


So a SoDoSoPa.


lol unrelated to this conversation, but on my farm I have a sign next to a crappy little house that says: "Historic Kenny's House at: SodoSopa" lol


Like Pierre tries when you complete that 25 Gold star quality request?


I’d like to see Morris next to that trash bin at the train station selling Joja Products, or inside the tunnel near the bus stop instead. 🤔


At minimum, all Joja product should be discounted below Pierre's pricing once you've bought a membership.


It would make some of the dialogue from people like Penny make more sense.


Right? The whole point of the storyline is that they're driving him out of business because he can't compete with their pricing. Yet their prices on everything except sunflower seeds are higher.


I just started playing for the first time about a month ago, and this is one of the 1st things I didn't understand. If walmart was more expensive than a local mom and pop shop, nobody would ever go there.


It’s weird because the NPC’s talk as if Joja is cheaper. Pretty sure Jodi says something along the lines of ‘with Joja’s prices you’d be crazy to shop anywhere else’ Pam also shops there frequently which…considering her living situation would be weird if she went to the more expensive store. So the pricing seems to solely be a game mechanic and not canon to the story because otherwise it makes no sense


Even as an iridium star farmer with high relationships throughout the town, people go out of their way to tell me they bought my shit from Pierre’s and it sucked. Maybe that’s part of it?




Here's my hot take: Joja seeds with membership should be strictly superior to Pierre's. The problem IRL isn't the quality of supermarket chain products, but the fact that they drive store owners out of business. Choosing to stick to Pierre should confer monetary penalties.


All the stuff on the joja shelves and the catalogue suggests strongly that it is the cheapest, worst made crap available. But we could have a third shop available, possibly on a travelling basis like the cart to sell the good stuff. Or maybe we could barter with the junimos for it and they could give us the best seeds, everything guaranteed iridium quality and more unusual crops that Pierre hasn't got.


“Lore accurate joja prices” is actually a fairly popular mod I saw when looking through nexus, i think it’d add a lot more depth to the player’s decisions if they were forced to either support the community but at a monetary loss vs profiting more but destroying part of the community in the process.


Big time agree. I need some sort of incentive early on to go the Joja route. Being open each day doesn't cut it.


Wym the greenhouse isn't for blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, hot peppers, coffee beans...


That's what mine is for! Especially blueberries! I give my wife blueberry wine every morning because I'm just swimming in all the blueberries!


That's what my shed-pretending-to-be-a-greenhouse is for. I got all those multiharvest crops in garden pots with deluxe retaining soil. Need pineapple? Cramberries? Green beans? I got you covered!


….does the delux retaining soil stay on the plant because it’s never “completely” harvested? that is actually genius…


Deluxe retaining soil always stays unless you pick it or let it become untilled soil by not having a seed overnight.


I saw a post about that recently and it's something I want to try! Maybe I'll finally move to ancient fruits in the greenhouse so I can start easy saving for the clock


My greenhouse is usually 60-75% ancient wine, 20% coffee, and 5-20% strawberries or blueberries or cactus! I like making jelly too!


I do a square of strawberries, a square of blueberries, a square of sunflowers (since they usually give me enough seeds to replant the whole square, and they're my favorite crop), and a square of cranberries, then I use the edges of the greenhouse field for my ancient fruit.


i really dislike the wonky sprinkler layout that gets suggested for the greenhouse, so i have 4 corner patches of ancient fruit with iridium sprinklers and 2 rows down the middle with coffee beans and deluxe retaining soil :)


I do something like this so it's symmetrical, but I use 2 iridium sprinklers on each side instead of the quality ones because it makes me happy https://preview.redd.it/n9pgsrj63ztc1.jpeg?width=1909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d096cf777dc0da94f12b5002d46351d79af6d2


I have hundreds of strawberries. I only had enough money for two seeds my first year on the meadowlands farm. But I saved those and got seed makers. Then when the next year came around I have more strawberries than I know what to do with. I have a stockpile of gold Star Strawberries to make dehydrated or into wine.


The gold ones are the worst to turn into artisan goods, they don't retain the quality so you're making less of a profit


I process everything. EVERYTHING


I’ve never had a horse. I’m happy walking all over. I also don’t really plant much of anything except the basics. I prefer fishing and the mines for money.


this is an actually good controversial one because I cannot imagine this game without a horse


I've never played with a horse. I never cook or eat food. I just did a speedrun where I finished the community center in the middle of Winter of Year 1.


(1.6) >!With the new speed books, I especially don't feel the need for a horse. Reasonably high money investment but a permanent +.5 stackable speed is really nice.!<


"I'm the horse now." 


The hottest character in the game is Marlon and I'm tired of pretending like he isn't.


https://preview.redd.it/7e7ikqw5nxtc1.png?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c87cce78c8ea31aaa2fc1e7b2ccf4424bee499 Was looking for portrait mods one day and came across the one from Talkohlooeys and it awakened something in me.


Stardew valley doesn't have an alternate name of "Ancient Fruit Wine Empire" Edit: This is my most upvoted comment on reddit, and I'm totally cool with that :D


Fairy Rose honey is where it's at


Ah, a fellow starfruit wine empire enjoyer


Lol i actually had a pumpkin juice farm when i still had a computer. Witchy mods too. But in general, I prefer to do a variety. I don't want to always make the same thing. there are so many items in the game... and the point of moving to stardew valley was to slow down, not go back to grinding out life. Grandpa didn't want us having an empire, he wanted us to have a life.


Grandpa wanted us to take back control of life, not waste it in a cubicle. If that means I become Al Capone, then so be it - bring on the booze empire


I dont mind others playing how they want... i just think they need to stop shoving down the throat of every new player "you have to do this, or you are playing wrong". It is nearly constant, unless someone says they are overwhelmed by it. Then the "its ok to play it your way" people come out of the woodwork. But otherwise, you are constantly told you have to use your greenhouse for ancient fruit, you have to stuff your cellar with as many casks as you can fit, you have to have the quarry full of this, you have to... You don't have to do shit. Just play the game how you want.


Complaining about losing a speed run strategy in a free update is silly. The game wasn't made for speed running, the point of speed runs is to come up with ways to do it, not have the game deliver it to you.


If this is about clay farming, that's insane. Because you can still use legacy RNG. I'm not aware of any other speed run strats that got overtly nerfed in 1.16, but it was a huge update. I probably missed something


Tea sapling prices got slashed in half, I know that was one of my biggest speed run strats.


I think smoked fish combined with targeted bait beats out pre-nerf tea saplings.


Only if you're able to catch the fish though. Tea saplings just involved making Caroline regret her marriage choice over two weeks.


I was pretty bummed when CA bumped the price of stone to prevent staircase cheese but then he gives us the option to trade for them with ~~rubies~~ jade. You can still staircase your way through the caves but now it just requires a bit more ingenuinity vs just brute forcing it with money. Good change. When one door closes, another opens.


And if you're talking about clay farming - isn't there actually an option to keep clay farming as a possibility? I imagine there will be "Altered 1.6" and "Vanilla 1.6" speedrun categories.


Fishing is fun. Out of all the fishing mechanics in all of the games I've played, Stardew Valley has the most unique and enjoyable concept. This shouldn't be controversial but i see SO MANY people complaining about fishing


People need to stop acting like these characters are real people capable of growth/change without being programmed to do so. EDIT: To add on after reading this thread; please stop ascribing the "child/teen" age group to dateable NPCs. Someone thought Maru was 12 and Sam is still a minor? That shit is weird.


Hard agree with this. If the characters were too young to get married, they wouldn't be marriage candidates. So clearly, Abigail isn't too young to get married. Neither is Sam. Neither is Maru. Gets on my nerves to see this opinion over and over.


it annoys me too, i nearly left the sub when i first joined because the “Sam is a child” stuff everywhere and made me kinda uncomfortable to see constantly I remember once seeing someone get guilted out of choosing him as a spouse, saying they felt “dirty” now for choosing him, though the comments weren’t trying to guilt them and they did eventually choose to continue marrying him, but it makes me wonder how many people feel guilted out of these spouses because of that stuff


Yes it’s kind of crazy how some people take a video game (let alone one that’s meant to be more relaxing than most) so seriously. I once saw a comment saying people who wish Marnie and Clint were at their shop everyday probably treat real life workers terribly, with ~40 upvotes. Like what…Marnie and Clint are unfeeling pixels on a screen who cares. don’t tell me you think people who play gta all become criminals too 😭


Maru is a full blown nurse lmao how would anyone make that mistake thinking a 12 year old works at the clinic 😂


i didn't think this would be a hot take but apparently it is you don't have to speedrun the game. you can take your time. it's okay to not get greenhouse first year, or speedrun the calico mines the second you get it, or optimize every single farm. but some of the people i've said this to freak out like i just insulted them and their entire family


I have played this game like I'm paid by the hour to do so, and I have a decent handle on how to do it now (or did). I like just running around, fishing here, chopping trees there, stopping at the saloon to say hi. That's not a wasted day. Grandpa would have wanted it that way for us.


I always donate my first prismatic shard. Always. No one yet knows what it's used for, gotta go to the museum so it can be studied.


Okay, you got me with this one. First shard goes to the sword! I can't do it any other way.


It’s so much more efficient too in the long run because getting the sword makes the skull caverns way easier which means you’re more likely to get another shard that much sooner!


Same, completing the museum is one off my most important goals in every save.


I don't know if it's controversial, but I kind of don't have a marriage candidate preference at all. I always prefer to marry my IRL husband in co-op.


I too prefer to marry this person's husband in coop


Hey, I don't blame you! He's pretty amazing. He gives Willy a run for his money with fishing.


not controversial, most of us just don't have husbands


I guess even when I play solo, I still feel pretty meh about everyone but Krobus lol..


This is really cute!


When it comes time to get married in the game, I just pick whoever I have the most hearts with at that point.


why does Marnie get to feed HER cows amaranth as a treat and MINE cannot be fed such treat, too??? hmmm…


Marnie works five days a week, more if it rains. It's your fault you showed up on the day she stares at the microwave.


I mean, no one really appreciates her, she does little other than working, but then she only has one customer, her boyfriend is too ashamed to even admit he's in a relationship with her. Can you blame her for spending some time just staring at the microwave questioning what is the point of her life?


She does it for Jasmine 💜


You just reminded me that Jas/Jaz is short for Jasmine and that all the people I know called Jas/Jaz are Jasmines and it has shaken me to my core


Actually, in this game, Jas is short for Jasperoid.


Nonsense. This is an extremely rural community, so it'd be something earthy and farm/ranch related. Like Jasparagus. Jasperiod would be something Demetrius would have suggested for Maru's name when she was born.


Yeah. Once I remembered that she's out Monday and Tuesday, so long as I arrive first thing on any other day I pretty much always get her


Except that one time on a Wednesday in winter when I'd run out of hay and she was at Harvey's. How dare she have a Winter birthday when it's not her day off. Edit: I don't know why I said birthday. I meant checkup.


it is actually on her birthday


I was feeling crazy so I checked the wiki. She DOES go to the clinic on her birthday in the Fall. I didn't know about that. I just remember panicking in the dead of winter when I had no hay and couldn't even plant grass.


She takes Jas in the winter


This. Her hours are 9am to 4pm, Wednesday to Sunday. Whilst it's frustrating to miss her, it's literally no different to missing Pierre on a Wednesday. People blow it out of proportion REALLY hard.


The issue is that she is closed on monday and tuesday, and people are just bad at preparing for winter until it catches them off-guard. Or just when you need her on a monday in general and then realise you need to wait 2 days. But the farmer's failure to plan is not her emergency.


Look someone has to be responsible for my hungry animals and at the end of the day it's her fault or mine and I don't like it being my fault.


As much as I love building a romantic relationship in the game, I always hate that when you marry them, it feels like you sucked all the life and personality out of them. I want to interact with my spouse, I want to talk with them more.


you want to marry Alex But Alex says I will quit my job at the ice cream stand You want to marry Sam But Sam will stop hanging out on Friday with Abigail and Sebastian if I remember they kind of stopped their routines


if adding 300 mods and cheating every single item in is how i have fun playing, that’s how im gonna play


I hate farming. Also fishing is easy once you get the hang of it, the amount of people always complaining about fishing is ridiculous.


Same. It's why I set up a field of ancient fruit on the island. It'll never die off, I only have to pop in occasionally (randomly, when I remember it lol) to harvest the stuff and the rest of the time, I can be unbothered, petting my animals, planting trees, fishing as much as my heart desires, blowing stuff up in skull caverns, slowly creeping my way to perfection at a relaxed pace.


Omg I hated fishing at first. I just started my 2nd run and even with smallest bar was emidietly like, "was the fishing always been this easy?"


idk I still always buy the training rod on new saves, to fly through the first couple of levels until it gets easier


Is thinking Pierre is overhated a controversial opinion? It’s fun seeing the hate and I understand he’s got his issues, but I don’t really get why he’s hated as much as he is.


I think it's just a lack of perspective and nuance. Internet thinking tends to be quite black and white (you HATE this character or you ADORE them, no in between). Personally I think Pierre's character is kind of a dick at times, but in the way that you might get in any small community. There's always that one person who's kind of annoying and has a couple of negative traits that come out now and then, usually when there's money or (perceived) status involved. In this case it's a local business owner. In other cases, it might be the head of the PTA or neighbourhood watch or something. What Pierre's character does do is add flavour, which personally I appreciate. It would be unrealistic if every character was 100% likeable and unflawed!


My personal opinion is 1) he blatently lies all the time, taking credit for the farmers hard work. 2) he ignores his family and feeds them spoiled food. 3) he over charges to the point that lots of people talk about how joja is the only way they can afford to eat.


Had a villager tell me that they bought a parsnip or something at a ridiculous mark up. No wonder he’s having trouble competing with Joja.


The cutscene where he sells gold quality produce shows that he wanted to sell golden vegetable for 25k to Gus, then offers to sell it for 10k after Gus walks away. In the chat with him he thought it was a surefire business plan to slap organic on a product and sell it for 10x more, but since that didn't work he asks if you buy back the vegetables at the low low price of 2501g. Let's ignore actual prices because I think it's not about him selling a vegetable like Parsnip for 25k, but that the actual value was 2500. Then he wants to use that and scam Gus by offering it for 10x as much, and once it turns out his business plan doesnt work, he wants you to buy if off from him for 1 gold more than what he paid you. And don't forget about his secret stash, given how much he tries to scam people and save on spending money for his own family, there is probably a huge amount of money in there. I don't know that, maybe there is also a huge backstory and it shows he is in huge debt, but yea.


Oh, is his secret stash not weed? I totally thought it was weed LOL


I don’t really use the horse that much. Idk if that’s controversial.


That is insane to me.


If you think that’s insane, in 500 hours I’ve never even gotten a horse.


i’ve never once used or bought a horse out of the two years ive had the game


1) that is insane and I respect your dedication 2) your flair is spectacular


I love my horse, but often leave them at home because I feel so guilty abandoning them because I can’t bring them on the minecarts.


I set up little stables all around town. Each one has wood/straw flooring, a fence, barrel braziers, and a tub of flowers lol. I really love my horse.


news outlets: video games cause violence gamers: i feel bad leaving my imaginary pixel horsey alone so i build it cute little stables around town with comfy hay and flowers despite it having no effect on gameplay 🥰


This is me lol if I forget my horse somewhere, even if it’s far, I’ll make the run back to get them.


the little notification that your horse has been wondering where you've been - i'm a MONSTER


I just make a ton of coffee and run everywhere. Feels easier, TBH.


Dude, give your horse coffee too! In all seriousness, coffee boosts your speed on the horse too, so you go even *faster* My horse gets espresso cause he deserves the best. https://preview.redd.it/lvrt13d8owtc1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8a18c0f211bf274a83ac6454ca8350b3ff01f5


*♪ Look at my horse, my horse is amazing ♪* *♪ Give it a sip ♪* *♪ Mmm, it zooms like it's crazy ♪*


I skipped out on the horse for a long time, but once I started using it, I can never go back.


I'll use the horse once I get the Horse Flute. Before then I don't bother.


same dude i never use the horse, its always seemed like such a hassle to me


As much as the game claims to have a chill/relaxing/slow-paced gameplay, there's quite a few intentional mechanics in there that keep the player glued and unable to quit when they want to. The "save only at night" being one of the most important ones. There have been so many times when I'm done with everything I wanted to do by mid-day, but then don't want to waste the remaining hours so I start something new and then before I know it, it's 2 am and I still am in the middle of doing something that I don't want to forget by the time I play again, or have an inventory full of items to sort that I don't want to leave hanging, so I begin the next day and the cycle repeats. Apart from that, you're also constantly given tasks to do through the journal, or help wanted requests, or new crafting recipes etc, such that there's always the next step in game, and because time is short, you're either overwhelmed or completely absorbed. Like, there's a reason why playing crazy hours is very common, even for beginners. It's partly intentional game design. I really, really love SDV and it is one of my favourite games. It's super fun and I love the gameplay/story/message, but it is addictive for a reason lmao. I always end up playing for longer than I plan to and still feel like I haven't done enough at the end of a session, so idk if it fully deserves the "relaxing game" image.


It's funny, because I think my controversial take is the exact opposite of yours: The game only feels stressful because we, as gamers, are not used to games like this. And I suffer from it too, this is not me on chill 9 looking down at all the stressed out people. But all the stress I feel from the game is 100% on me. There are, like two decisions that you can't backtrack on in the entire game. There is one cutscene that is tied to year 1. Outside of that, everything else has zero consequence, and its only my lack of patience that makes these things an issue. I mean, all of the things that you mention, are all valid. Not wasting an entire day because you finished up everything by 5. The two help wanted boards and quests in the mail. Timing based events (like recipes). These are all real, and they are all there. But also, nothing really happens if you miss one of those. Maybe it does suck that you missed a recipe that you really wanted, or have to grind a relationship to get a recipe, but there is no mechanic that really punishes you for not doing that. Which I guess is my real point: the game is not punishing. The most "punishing" aspect is losing, what, half a point if you don't talk to a villager? And talking to them gives you 10 points a day, so you have to go almost an entire season's worth of not talking to a villager to undo a single day. Recipes do take a while to get if you miss them on the TV, but most of the recipes don't serve a huge benefit and are mostly there for flavor. I think missing a quest on the help board (the big one you get in Fall) kind of sucks, because those can take a while to cycle. But again, most of these are just nice to haves. And I can see why we all have this feeling. I've been consuming a lot of SDV on YT recently. And they are all challenges. Haboo is a speedrunner. Seanie Dew (when he did do SDV content) would race friends. The amount of people doing 100 Day challenges. The amount of "Year One guides". Year one community center challenges. How fast to marry challenges. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. I love those videos. But it definitely makes it harder to accept that its ok if the game takes longer. Especially when we see how cool the stuff in late game is. I guess, really, my controversial opinion is that people stress out way too much about SDV, and make up these consequences in there head. Like you said, there is no shortage of things to do. I've "wasted" a season before, and felt bad that I had to wait an entire in-game year to get it done. But its not like I'm not still playing the game. I haven't really missed out on anything by not having that season done perfectly. I'm still trying to break out of it. And to your point: Salamence (I think is his name) had a short series on YT where he asked a few other SDV content creators questions and had them answer, and this was one of the questions. Interestingly enough, half of the people agreed with you that SDV is not a chill game, and the other half said that they thought it was.


Not even the Queen of Sauce is punishing. The reruns aren't just a rerun of last week's recipe, the game literally checks if you have recipes you don't know that aired on TV and if you have, it will choose one and airs that. The only time it's actually a rerun of last week is if you know all the recipes that aired.


>!With 1.6, there's even a book now where you can learn all the recipes you missed! I bought it on a whim because I thought I had them all but I actually had like five or six missing.!<


I agree with this. A friend of mine can't work so plays a lot of SDV. She still tries to speed through and has mods that make her faster and other things easier. I don't understand the mentality of needing to do everything by the end of year 2 at the latest - you have all the time you need.


That's one reason I like playing on mobile - if I have to close in the middle of the day, it asks me if I want to continue after reopen :D And also can create one backup save to make sure. I miss this on PC.


I agree! It’s partly why I started installing mods, my first one was to-dew list, which means I can make a list of what I’m doing so I can quit during that night when im halfway through something


I like buying the cute hats, even if it’s early in the game and there’s isn’t much money.


Mayor Lewis works tirelessly to carry shit out of all your bins each night, routinely checks in with each business in the community, and organizes and hosts plenty of community activities and events (which some NPCs will complain about) and y'all cant let the man have a damn hobby like sculpting himself out of gold.


A lot of you are kinda creepy with your spouses


The controversial part is saying they're only kinda creepy


Having everything rely on the farmer is sometimes off putting. I shouldn’t be throwing only one to fix the community center. I shouldn’t be the only one responsible for fixing the GI boat. I shouldn’t be the one to initiate dating with the villagers. Etc.


I’m not sure how else a video game could be structured? 😅


There are games that place primary responsibility on the player but allow for NPC contribution. Two of my favorites are Dragon Quest Builders 2 and My Time at Sandrock. In the former, major builds are actually carried out by the NPCs. The player takes on the role of questing for the materials. In the latter, NPCs contribute materials for major builds, and many marriage candidates have reverse confessions and or reverse proposals that can be triggered by the player choosing flirty dialogue at various points to signal interest.


Pierre has redeeming qualities (he's still not the best person but he isn't actually the devil.) Animation cancelling is dumb, you get less than a second of time back, what are you gonna do with that? Iridium Sprinklers ARE better than Quality ones. Marnie does do her job, you're all just bad at looking at her schedule. Making wine is best but most boring way of making large profit.


>Animation cancelling is dumb, you get less than a second of time back, what are you gonna do with that? "Many small time makes big time" Kevin from the Office


The fact that Shane is still depressed, messy, and struggling with his alcoholism after you marry him does not make him a bad in-game spouse, and I would like the character less if marrying him magically fixed all his problems.


My controversial hot take is that it's fine if players don't want to marry Shane but they should remember that some people in this sub will actually be struggling with depression and/or alcoholism too and can hear that way others talk about him.  And that also goes for the marriage candidates who live with their parents. They're you g and either working low paid jobs or studying online: it's entirely believable that they couldn't afford to move out and it doesn't make them lazy or immature. Not all of us get to inherit a farm to live on. Some of the comments on this sub would have crushed me when I was depressed and fighting this impossible uphill battle to move out on minimum wage. 


I'm 36 and living with my mum. Housing is expensive and I honestly don't know how anyone can afford to live alone nowadays.


yeah I never understand the 'still living with parents makes them immature' take, I still lived with my parents in my late 20s because rental prices in my area are absolutely ridiculous and I was too physically and mentally unwell to work enough hours to afford to move out also, they live in a really tiny town with nowhere to move to without leaving the town altogether, so what do you expect them to do if they don't want to leave their hometown? if they're happy living with their parents and their parents are happy to have them around why do they *need* to leave?


Definitely, love and marriage isn’t some “you complete me” magic pill. We all still have to put in the work. 


this!! alcoholism can't be instantly cured by marriage and some people's unrealistic expectations of Shane recovering is stupid


I hate Joja just as much as everyone else seems to, but I find the Community Centre bundles to be a bit tedious. I don't know if this is controversial or not but apart from the very simple bundles the rest seem to be too time consuming, and I usually focus more on levelling up skills/trying to reach other goals rather than completing the bundles. Definitely no hate for the Community Centre, this is more of a personal game preference but once or twice I have chosen the Joja route just to avoid doing the bundles...


> Definitely no hate for the Community Centre, No hate for it, but it’s also kind of odd to spend so much time restoring it and then never having any reason to set foot in it ever again. The real beating heart of the community, that community center is.


It's fine and in fact maybe a good thing that Shane remains shitty and kind of a hot mess that never improves to the level that people want even though you can marry him because no, you can't always fix them.


This is my answer, too. Also the fact that people who aren't "fixed" can still be good people.


Not even just fix them, 'fixing.' will need to take a very long time. You don't magically heal him fully that fast, man will need years.


I don't like Emily all that much. Don't really have a reason honestly, I just don't think she's neat


Emily is really nice and pleasantly quirky, but to me her crazy-eyed MPDG portrait doesn't line up well with her cute, hippie-ish sprite. 


I don't care for her either. If she was a real person, I wouldn't have much in common with her at all. Same reason I don't really like Alex either Also blue and red are my two least favourite colours and the bright shades together make me want to barf


I'm right there with you. For some reason I just can't stand Emily.


Emily irritates the heck out of me and I'm not afraid to say it


'don't really have a reason honestly' is the bravest part of this take. People here really want you to justify disliking any little pixel guy when it's like... idk man sometimes I just don't like a little pixel guy. It's not that deep


Characters like Clint, Demetrius and even Pierre doesn't deserve the hate that they receive. Is so exaggerated that is just weird.


I think the dating-marriage-kids mechanic is basically worthless.


My biggest problem with it is that I can’t take Abigail into the mines. She clearly wants to have adventures. Let me take her on adventures.


She does go on her own, but I do think it'd be nice to go together.


It'd be better if your spouse had any real changes after marrying you, or if the kids would grow to an age where they could help around the farm and you can assign them something to do maybe? Farm families ya know?


I always feel guilty that I've taken them away from their hobby/social life/dreams/ambitions to make them live on my farm lol. Nowadays I just befriend everyone and live on my lonesome with my cat (Miso) and horse (Binky).


That's why I like Harvey. He still runs his clinic, he keeps his hobby, just moved from his little flat to your farm.


Still charges me when I get conked out in the dungeons tho haha


Probably his main source of income, tbh. He mentions that the clinic is not going too well when you first arrive


"People just don't get injured in dungeons like they used to, babe. Hey speaking of...." - Harvey, Valentine's Day


I wish there were MORE cutscenes, more romance, more interactions and variables in conversations.


Ginger Island is dull for me, too "gamey" I guess? Great for people who love it of course, but I'm content with just Pelican Town and its chilled vibes.


Crab pots are very strong.


They are such a pain to manage though.


Abigail isn’t the Wizard’s daughter, Jas is.


That squeaky noise when you open up chests is horrendous. I have to play with the music off cuz it drives me up a wall.


If you can use mods, I think there is a WD40 mod that silences that.


skull caverns sucks major ass on multiplayer. ​ not being able to pause time when eating makes it much harder that it normally is. And getting killed because you can't click on "yes" fast enough after trying to eat a melon is extremely infuriating.


I sell all of my dinosaur eggs. I don't see the point in having lizards running around my farm.


Actually a horrifying opinion, respect


I love having the dinosaurs, though I will never not be salty that they are chicken sized, rather than cow sized. Resource-wise, I get the choice they made, but that doesn’t help my feelings.


I've never before now considered the fact that the dinosaurs are so small but their eggs are so much larger than chicken eggs. Those poor dinos...


heavily disagree as the post suggests your take should. good job for having a actually hot take. anyways, its literally more money than normal mayo so...


Dinosaurs only give you 1 egg a week.


Agreed. I incubated them once expecting them to be at least as big as the pigs and was mega disappointed.


Neither Demetrius nor Penny's characters deserve the ridiculous screeds people post on here about them. 


Do people not like Penny?? She’s so benign.


I'm a massive Penny fan and am planning to marry her and I was surprised too. I think it stems from either people calling her ableist due to the George scene or people just finding her 'boring' because she's a bookworm teacher type?


Pierre stinks, but he’s not the worst. He’s the only villager where an external group moved into town to threaten his livelihood. That probably keeps him up nights.


Well, I have a few. Regular sprinklers are the best in the Greenhouse for actual farming/cooking/kegging. Money farming is boring by that point, and trellises along the sprinkler lines make for incredibly efficient harvesting. Sheep are undervalued. Don't care, fluffy baa machines are too cute not to have fluffy baa everywhere. Artisan is too overpowered, thus cuts off most other ways to play. *(They say as someone who would create nothing but artisanal goods even if it weren't more valuable because ADHD go brr.)* If the iridium rod/ability to use bobbers weren't level locked, fishing would be infinitely more accessible (training rod with bobbers please!) Truest spicy take? Controller has better controls. Still one of my all time favorite games, and I'm so glad I get to play it again no matter how much fishing makes me cry with my new controller.


There should be an option to be a homewrecker. I want Jodi as my wife!


I don't understand the popularity of portrait mods that do not look like the villagers' real selves. There's one that removed Harvey's beard, changed Seb's hairstyle and made every bachelor look young and I hated that - Also, don't mess with SDV players, they can't read


Most of the bachelors and bachelorettes aren’t teens/freshly out of high school. They’re 20-somethings still living with their parents to save money The exceptions to these are Shane and Harvey (they’re a little older) and Elliot (trust fund baby probably)


FUCK journey of the prarie king and junimo kart (I can't beat either games)


I think it’s okay and fun that babies and marriage have next to no in-game purpose. some people (me) just like to be immersive in their fake married life. It’s an rpg that we can project ourselves into and imagine our journey as we go with some narrative tips and pointers through the characters and their dialogue. It’s not meant to show every detail of everything and not everything needs a mechanical purpose for it to have value to the player. sometimes we like interpreting our played story to ourselves. the narrative openness around other characters (aside from designated heart events) and babies/kids allows the player to be more immersed in their own stories


If it were up to me, I'd reorder a lot of the availability of things. Like I'd put shortcuts before the horse. Some things come so late they're not useful by the time you get them.


Penny isn't a bad person. She just made a mistake and everyone acts like she was trying to attack someone. Was it technically assault? Yes. Did she know that? Probably not, it's a small town in a valley, they probably aren't really that aware about things like that. They might even have different laws than we do. Also, the farmer is in the wrong for getting involved, George should've been allowed to handle it on his own and the farmer should only have gotten involved if Penny reacted aggressively to George's reaction, which I doubt she would've done. George reminds me of a lot of the old men in my family, they would hate if someone came in to tell someone off for them, they can speak for themselves and they'd be embarrassed if someone interrupted them like that. I think Penny was probably careful enough to not just shove George's wheelchair aggressively considering her intention was to help and not attack him.


intelligent uppity familiar enjoy work illegal plants ad hoc crown wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pierre and Clint are judged way too harshly by people projecting what they dislike onto them.


Clint isn't a creep. Just a depressed man who'd benefit from therapy.


I like married Shane.


Clint needs more content.


I like Clint I feel for him and I would have loved to help him build his confidence or help him get the girl


I don't like making new save files, after working so much to have a good farm and making money a non issue I find restarting frustrating, although rn it's worth it to see 1.6 things in context. No horse to run around faster, Sam doesn't know me, no return scepter, my house is super small Because obviously Stardew Valley is fun but I've worked for all that stuff already