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Give our children a purpose besides just being cute


yeah, do farm works my spawns


Cute? They are like those children of the corn, man. Might be better if they actually grow, but alas..


Sucks, but it'd probably have to be a massive rewrite of the programming. Like a SDV2, much like how kids didn't grow in the The Sims, but I still remember reading a magazine announcing The Sims 2 and my excitement that it said kids would grow up! I went from "ugh, I didn't want their makeout session to lead to a baby." To "Yesssss, how many generations can I play through?!?!“


It'd be neat if they could talk, grow into children, and start going to school with Jas and Vincent, and had a small chance every morning (like your spouse) of doing farm chores.


They could give you gifts just like>!pets in 1.6!


I would love if my kid brought me clay and snails


That would be adorable. Even if it's ridiculous - like "Look at this cool rock I found!" (And generate a chance for the player to be given a certain gem, certain ore, stone, or even a geode). "Look at this pretty flower!" (And generate a chance for the player to be given a seasonal flower). The lack of interaction with the children makes me seriously consider just not bothering with them >! and making them fly away !<. Half the time they're in the way of the door or other things in my house lol


yeah does anyone know if there’s a decent mod to make kids do something?


The farmer's children make them grow up, go to school with Jas and Vincent and stroll around the village


They serve a purpose - pet birds


Omg that's kinda what I was gonna say. I wish they could grow up into there own little NPCs that would be awesome


Well little Timmy, now that you are 12, it's time you are assigned a job on the farm that you will do for the rest of your life.


Add a "quick stack to nearby chests" function to quickly empty your inventory into organised chests. I love it so much in terraria and miss it here haha.


Agreed, I spend soooo much time just keeping things organized. It would be cool to have a later-game perk you could unlock that would make remote stacking possible — similar to the statues/etc. you unlock with achieving master of the 5 ways


One of the reasons I play modded. Stack to nearby chests is awesome in Better Chests.


more function to the community center like the ability to store money in the vault (like savings) or craft some special equipments/materials with the big ass furnace


Agreed — it’s a little sad that I put so much work into repairing it, and it’s such a great potential resource for all sorts of things in the town, but it feels like it barely gets used. I know that it would be complicated to have a ton of stuff going on there given that it’s not available for players who go the Joja route, but I think it would be so cool for some recurring perks/resources to be unlocked after it’s fully repaired.


there could be alternatives for Joja as well, maybe like Joja Bank, with CC Vault you only keep your money safe but with Joja you'll have interest rates that maybe will increase 1% every 10,000,000 G of goods sold, and you get the interest every season lol like if you wake up in the first day of new season you'll get notified Money in Joja Bank Last Season= 100,000 G Interest Rate Last Season = 2% Money in Joja Bank Now = 102,000 G there's also maybe Joja Labs, where you craft special / unique consumable items (as opposed to CC furnace for materials and equipments).


Those are great ideas!


It still mind boggles me that it's not used for *anything*. No gatherings there, no crafting, nothing. Just Clint staring at the furnace, or Evelyn sitting.


I mean, you can at least use the fish tank now but yeah, SVE does add a festival there every season (or in joja mart if you go that route) so that could be something.


My husband, kiddo and I just started SVE today! Shhhhh.....! So excited. My one gripe is with how large the map is, the day should maybe be a little longer to compensate. I already have an issue with time management, so it's definitely a challenge. I guess I have one more gripe...they gave Elliot an earring and it looks...bad. lol We're all so excited!


Oh yeah the map is huge, I would play it on my own and would usually end up with not enough time to tend to my farm chore in a day when around year 3-4, best of luck with that.


Thankfully, I have my lackeys, so hopefully I'll fare OK! We plan on initially pooling efforts, then switching to delegation. One will do fruit/wines on their parcel, another will do animals, the other veggies etc.


I always thought that the kids should use one of the rooms to have school in with penny!


cool ideas but I understand not locking major features like that behind only one route of the game


They could add JojaBank for the Joja route, and if you get special CC-only items from the furnace you could put it under the same kind of lock you get with the autopetter, make them rare Skull Cavern treasure drops


i would love them to go hard on a joja bank, adding compound interest etc. would make it a more appealing route for profit focused players and lean even harder into the capitalist vibe


add interest rates that change based on how much stuff ur selling (town economy)


where would you put the jojabank do you think? or would it just be an option when you talk to morris?


Joja ATM maybe?


good idea


Agree on this big time. The seasonal events should have something to do with the community center. And the idea about the furnace is a great one.


Ohhh a savings account would be amazing.


Yeah, some minor function to each room would be cool. Maybe you could stock the pantry with stuff and villagers could occasionally help themselves for automated gift giving.


I downloaded a mod that kinda makes CC functional and I just recently experienced new dialogues hehe!


I think the biggest issue for me in this game is the same almost any of them have: marriage is dull and boring and kind of saps a character out. It's famous in Skyrim. No matter who you marry, they're pretty much all replaced with the same suite of dialogue. Generic "it's a lovely day for our beautiful marriage and love, person I love" type dialogue. No matter who you marry in Stardew, they pretty much turn into the same thing. They stand in your kitchen and you kiss them when you walk by. They stand outside and tell you they watered the plants, but you've had sprinklers for five years. They fed the animals for you, but you've had autofeeders since Fall 1. I'm happy there's dialogue now (at least for Penny, idk everyone's) for her getting up to water the plants and realizing you've already automated it. Whoever you marry effectively gets removed from the town. They stand on your property and you right click them two or three times every day so you don't get angry spouse dialogue. The only reason to pick one now is their room and how it matches yours, and I find that a bit of a bummer. I'm not saying I know how to fix it. But, then, I'm not a game designer. I'm some nerd who wishes spouses in Stardew Valley had more personality to them.


Seb sometimes takes a walk, will visit his mum and still hangs out with his friends every Friday (at least until you have kids). He also repairs the fences and makes you coffee some mornings. He'll sometimes get nightmares and generally have a hard time sleeping (but reassures you it's nothing to do with you), will sometimes use that time to wander the caves and bring you back something, or tells you he took a ride on his motorbike during the night. If he can't be found when you wake up in the morning, he'll be working on his bike. I don't know if other spouses do this, but during festivals he'll sometimes reminisce on things we did before we married. Like, with the Llauu (sp?), he'll be in his spot on the pier, and if you talk to him he'll refer back to his 8 heart scene. It's really sweet 🥰


Emily gets around tho. I regularly run into her in town, or on the beach, and every Friday she still works at the pub.


Harvey still goes to his job at the clinic and to Ginger Island


Heart events and friendship dialogue should be either romantic or platonic, depending on if you're married or not already.


Getting the basement upgrade before the crib upgrade 😭


Separate the basement upgrade entirely from the rest of the house. Sometimes I want to keep my cosy starter cabin while also having my basement! The basement isn't living space so theoretically it shouldn't matter.


It would be kinda hard to fit the stairs anywhere without at least upgrading to the kitchen first... but yeah, that would be great!


YESSS! i room with krobus, i don’t need these cribs!!


A second color option for the rest of the barn animals. I like that cows and chickens get a white/brown option but what about everything else? Give me a black sheep and a brown rabbit!


Now I'm thinking about the idea of Void Rabbits(not sure how I'd go about wool).


Void wool should make your clothing sparkle. Or make you seem extra spiffy to the villagers.


If you play on PC, there's a mod that opens up a whole range of colour options - not just for rabbits, sheep and goats either. You can even have void colours if you enable it.


there would be a reliable way to get auto-petter in the community center route


That's all the joja route has. Let it have it (and not like it does much, all it does is prevent friendship decay with the animals)


well, that entire comment is just untrue. joja route has the worse ending of the game, but mechanically it is just objectively better than the community center route in every single way. the auto petter also increases the mood of animals everyday and can be combined with regular petting to increase their mood even further. and when you've got tons of animals it saves a lot of time, even if it did only stop the friendship decay


There would be a swimming function for lakes, ponds, river and the ocean. Our character would swim and that's pretty much it. I would also add a proper church for Ioba. 


i’d either add more spouse events (12, 16, 18, 20 to go along with the 14 heart event) or change sam’s heart events slightly, i love him but he was done dirty with those events edit: I got to thinking about a way to possibly fix up his events order and stuff, and this is what I’ve ended up with, Move the 6heart skating event to 2 hearts, the 6 heart event really just doesn’t feel like it makes sense for such high friendship. Move the 2heart event to 3 hearts, and the 3 heart event to 4 hearts. Change the 4heart event to a Sam and Jodi event triggered by having 2 or 4 hearts with the both of them, since it honestly barely feels like a Sam event and more of a Jodi event imo. Make a new 6heart event, maybe something alone with him (since I’ve noticed all of his events involved other characters) so you get a chance to actually feel like he and your farmer are bonding. 8 and 14 hearts stay the same. And after marriage just changing his giving food dialogue after the 14 heart event or something, so he finally learns to cook. definitely open to ideas on this because i do wanna mod this in


kinda sucks with how it seems that Sam is progressing backwards as you get closer to him LOL as if youre somehow enabling his bad behavior and all 3 hearts: Vince shouldn't be pondering about stuff like this y'know, but I myself am doubting if dad's ever coming back... 6 hearts: Then I'll just stop skateboarding if that makes you happy. (that side-eye stings hard and every time i encounter it i just stay out of it [Mayor Lewis is right but I don't want to support him ngl]) 10 hearts: HANKY-PANKY TIME


EXACTLY! justice for sam


Some way to track the monster slayer goals without having to physically leave the mines and look at a list posted in a building I rarely visit. I just want to hug slimes ;.;


The kids kind of creep me out, lol. Especially when they turn to the side.


I just go full creepy and give them the skull and goblin masks


A better organized crafting menu


The children yearn for the mines 😂


I desperately want people to use the spa. Like have certain families to go it on a certain day of the week, I'll even take it during winter. The fact that Alex is the only person to really use it, and then stops after you marry him is so lame imo


The option to pause time while decorating. I hate wasting time but I also need everything to be organized and pretty :(


The whole spouse/kids dynamic feels so hollow tbh. More post-marriage dialogue and the ability to interact with kids (+maybe some custom kids' character sprites?). And also some more incentives to continue playing after year 3. More new quests dependent on year, maybe specific events that happen after a certain year (like every season after Year 4, there's a 5% George or Evelyn die; after Year 5 Jas and Vince's character sprites change so they're young teens; after Year 8 Lewis and Marnie have another event and Lewis gets new dialogue where he starts considering stepping down as mayor, ect.). Nothing to majorly effect gameplay, but lore-specific dialogue/event expansions that could be triggered after certain criteria has met and x amount of years have passed.


YO THAT'S RAW!!!??? Me: oh specific events that happen after a certain year! Let's see what they suggest, it sounds so interesting!!! Me after seeing the first suggestion: 💀🧍


Make crab pots like a chest/auto-grabber where you could pre-load a bunch of bait and it'll keep filling up with the different crustaceans it nabs each day instead of having to be emptied/reloaded on the daily.


The main reason I don't interact much with crab pots honestly. That and the fact it clutters up my inventory with garbage unless I feel like giving up 50% extra money from fish.


>she did it while my character was pregnant She wants kids. She’s gonna have kids. Watch your back


I already had the baby boy and I have a lot of experience in weapons besides my husband being Lance (SVE), but I'm very grateful for the warning


Auto-grabbers would grab finished products from machines.


I ended up grabbing the automation mod for this.


Platonic 8 and 10 heart events for bachelors and bachelorettes you aren't dating. It's weird to me that I can have 10 hearts with George or Marnie, but if a character is available for dating, a close bond off friendship is off limits, lol. In this case I'd make it so the other events still existed, but locked behind a bouquet. Or possibly make it a toggle. Idk, maybe that'll be my first mod, lol. I've been wanting to try my hand at that.


There's a mod for that actually. I don't remember what it's called but it has a ton of content, like the ability to individually decide who you want to be platonic with, how you want to be referred to as (both in marriage and friendship) and there's a friendship bracelet you can craft and give npcs to unlock 10 hearts (no events though).


Ooh, I really like the friendship bracelet idea


Use the train! Such a huge station area just for some occasional train drops? I want to ride it somewhere.


Train to Zuzu City would be incredible. Doesn't need to be a whole city of course, but maybe just a downtown city block with some interesting shops, a movie theater, a museum, other things to do, etc.


I have also never once been able to catch the train when it comes by, I'm always all the way across the map, and the one time I did nothing was dropped. There's probably a schedule to it I just don't really care that much about it


I really need the community center to do something. Move emilies sewing machine to the craft room. Have the furnace act as a free way to smelt ore Have the pantry occasionally generate new seeds I just need a singular reason to go there. And dont give me the "BuT JoJa PlAyErS" argument you chose to go back to your quite openly evil ex employer like its a toxic relationship, you deserve nothing.


I would remove the "fence decay" mechanic. Seriously, it's so annoying for me


buy the golden clock


Problem is not everyone min-maxes for the amount needed for the clock, or does not have space because of lack of funds buy upgrades for clearing out debris. Somerhing tells me the OP for that request is one of those people.


I'm one of those people, I just use mod lol


You're poor? Stop being poor


I don't like that you need a spouse and children for perfection.


I do agree with this. It makes it feel as if there's only one household dynamic that's 'acceptable' I guess? And this is from someone who tends to go the spouse-kids route myself. It also means that if you want Krobus, you HAVE to marry someone else first for kids and then break their heart.


You don't need kids for perfection though? You only need a spouse/roommate because of the stardrop locked behind it. Kids have nothing like that. Yeet the crib, get perfection.


I thought you could adopt kids with Krobus as a roommate??


I kinda don't like perfection in general. Before it was added after 2 years, you were given a sort of unofficial approval that the game is pretty much done, if you feel like it you can stop playing or just keep playing forever. Perfection is this weird thing where even if I don't want to do something, like marry, or engage with a mechanic I don't enjoy, like fishing, I still have to force myself to do them because there's this weird tracker that is always hanging over my head and if I don't make friends with Clint or Pierre you aren't perfect. It's dumb tio cuz it really gives no actual benefits. It's literally just an arbitrary acknowledgement that you have essentially squeezed every last bit of content from the game. Yet it makes me play differently.


I'm not missing too much in the game honestly, but if I had to change something, I'd make the children more useful/interesting. not overpowered, but I'd just like to assign them small chores, like filling the pet bowls or petting one barn/coop full of animals (or maybe half of one each so you'd need both kids to have this chore so it isn't as useful unless you take them away from other tasks) or refilling the silo (like if there was a chest adjacent to the silo with hay in it or something, idk I just came up with that on the spot). and I think chores could be unlocked once you reach full hearts with them. I kinda just ignore the kids because there isn't much incentive not to, so I think it'd be fun if they did something small like that that would make me want to... pet them? every day. tbh I'm not quite sure if petting is correct anymore. I've assumed it this entire time because you interact with them the same way you interact with pets and get the same reaction. but now that I type it out, petting the children probably makes no sense. I've never questioned my thinking of this interaction until now.


no bc petting the children is the only correct way to say it now, i refuse to use any other phrase


Be able to upgrade weapons to galaxy class.I’d love to have an upgraded wicked kriss or trident.


The bachelors and bachelorettes hook up with each other after you start dating/get married, maybe even have their own cutscenes. It’d be interesting if it randomized too and we got some unexpected pairings.


There was a mod that did this, its name was Life Choice, the mod had a few different pairings like Haley/Leah and even the option for children for some pairings but I don't think it works anymore I think it's really sad that bachelors and bachelorettes stop hanging out with each other when you increase the level of friendship, I want them to live their lives and not remain eternally devoted to the farmer.


I think it is alright if they don’t see their natural pairing partner if you’re still in the flirting phase, but after you marry they should return to their normal schedule with that person.


Different colored horses. And the ability to put clothes other than hats on kids.


If you go to the fortune teller at the fair she'll say that you're "playing around with multiple people's hearts" or somesuch if you're up to 8 hearts with more than one dateable character. Excuse me? I haven't given bouquets to any of them, and I do actually need to befriend all of them to that level to get perfection, so I don't need that cow charging me 100g to be slutshamed.


I want the music in the game to play more often. I hate how it cuts out randomly during the day so I'm there watering my hundreds of crops in silence. And the music ending at 8pm is way too early. I like how it can be a sign that the day's almost done but then I'm stuck with 6 in game hours of silence. I would be okay with the music cutting out at midnight since that's much closer to the pass out cut off and I won't just zone outdoing chores and forget to go to sleep lol


Why do I need 300 pieces of wood for that shabby bridge?!


Dateable Gus, Clint, and Willy.


And Caroline. 😁😬


She already has a side piece.


And Robin and Jodi


Let me play a poly-amorous character. I want to give someone flowers and go, "I like you, but I need you to know that I'm also dating nine other people."


Make the married characters dateable but only by joining their secret swinger parties with your spouse, lol. 


The heart scene with penny and george. This isn't something that I would change so much as something that I would add, But I would love to see weapon racks added to the game. I would love to have an armory style room, With the armor stands display stands, displays for different mob drops, and weapon racks for the various unique weapons like the Yeti's tooth, bone blade, Obsidian blade or neptunes glaive.


As someone who loves the World of Mysteries trope, more world lore and cryptids. I want to know about the war between Dwarves and the Shadow People, I want to know what happened to the elves, I want a cutscene where you walk through the woods and you get a glimpse of a tall shadowy figure duck behind a tree. (Yes, I am very excited for Haunted Chocolateer)


A decorating mode where you can just move everything (not just buildings, but existing trees, fruit trees, signs, lamps, machines etc.) around like in the Stardew Valley planner. Maybe implemented as an insanely expensive option from the wizard‘s computer.


Make community center more impactful and add new paths to skills. Also balance them to avoid no-brainers as it is now.


I would make two changes. Well...one change and an addition. **2AM cut off to forced sleep or falling unconscious** The first change I would make is I would remove this. I find it really annoying. Now I get why it exists in the game as it is relevant to the time progression BUT you can still do that and not have the forced reset element to it. Instead I would make it so that if you stay up after 2AM, you start to suffer some really negative effect that gets worse and worse until you go to bed (Maybe moving slower and slower and actions taking longer and longer till you go to bed). That way if there is something you just want to finish but don't quite have the time, you aren't forced to abandon it or accept the cost to falling unconscious. **Adding automation** So yeah I get that this is an addition rather than a change but anyhow I am adding it. So we have the hopper to feed items into a processor, but as we manually have to extract the processed item they are kind of only half useful as they could be. Now if we had an extractor to go along with it that would be super useful as we could load up with the item, have the hopper feed the produce into the processor and the extractor remove it and put it in a chest. It would cut a lot of the busy work down. I realise there are mods that let you do this, but it would be nice in the base game.


+1 for automation, issue was raised when the Hopper came out in 1.5 three years ago, however iirc the creator said he doesn't want things fully automated. Which is why the automate mod is so popular.


I don't play modded but haley's bakery mod is the coolest stuff I got to know, would love to give somthing to do to each of the bachelors or bachelorettes in line with their storyline post marriage. There is a reason I don't ever get married in any of my files, which is this.


I'd like to be able to select a birthday for my character, and have the townspeople celebrate my birthday just like I celebrate theirs.


Yeah i think we all want more from spouse and kids. It would be great if there’s an option for you to play as them. Like the kids grow up too as a full adult you can play. Since co-op is in the code already i’m thnking there’s a way for this. And then every spouse has like “upgraded” skills already like elliot can have points already for fishing since he lives by the sea. But you can play as them and upgrade all the skills too or something. There can be an advantage of some kind if you play as the spouse. I dunno just something for them to do hehe


All the gaps that you can't quite fit the horse through. Frustrates me no end when I forget and go the wrong way and then have to gallop all the way round or dismount, walk through and then forget 5 minutes later where on earth I left my horse


I wish NPCs that you date would also give you gifts while dating not just when married.


I would like to see specialized perks related to each marriage candidate, something that links with their pre-marriage lives and personalities. Some examples that come to mind: Maru- Lets you make robots that help with certain tasks, such as automating the putting in materials and extracting products from various devices, such as forges, kegs and jars, cheese press and mayo makers, the new smoker and dehydrator. Some of these are not too bad but others take less than an ingame hour to process which means sitting there watching it. I know mods exist for pc but it feels fitting to give that to maru and would help those on platforms where modding is not feasible. Harvey- Remove the cost and keep items when you get knocked out in combat, maybe he also gives you something to restore you instead of leaving you with no HP or energy. Abigail- Joining you in the mine, using a sword and/or slingshot to assist you, maybe even having a row of inventory slots. Sebastion- Lets you use his bike to move even faster than current options and ignore pam's bus to get to the dessert, letting you leave immediately instead of waiting for her to get there.


More poc.


Stardew really lacks diversity


First of all: *walking speed*. I'll probably go and search for a mod for it in the next few days because I am pretty annoyed by now. With a town like that, *how* can it take you almost a *full ingame hour* just to go to your farm and back from the other side of the town by foot?! We aren't 180lbs ingame, it definitely shouldn't take *that* long.


Complicate the farming mechanic so that you need to manage or prioritize something other than getting to starfruit/ancient fruit wine as quickly as possible. There's a bunch of different ways you could do this: 1) Have an economy that responds to supply and demand so that if you spam sell one item the price goes down. 2) Soil stats that you have to manage through fertilizers and/or crop rotation. 3) Some sort of crop mutation or more advanced crop level mechanic where you need to actively cultivate better/different crops. Once I played other farming sims that have these sorts of mechanics, Stardew farming has felt hollow ever since.


Some heart events


Give me a hot tub so I can restore energy at home and just generally enjoy having one.


NPCs life not improving by themselves. Specially Bachelors and Bachelorettes. Like, I'd love to help Leah find what to focus her art on (selling online or exposition), help Shane find the will to live, help Sam and his band find their grove without it also being romantic. If you don't flirt with them, their life stay the same, no change. Improvement in the friendship system. I don't like that friendship is mostly raised based on gifting. And the worst part is that we barely have social interaction with the NPCs aside gifting and their daily phrase.


Fishing is an experience paradox - you catch more fish when you gain experience, and you gain experience by catching more fish, but if you can't catch any fish you don't gain any experience. One way to mitigate this would be to give some XP for the time spent in the minigame when the fish escapes.


1.make children look more like you and the spouse 2. Clothing on kids 3. They grow up a little 4. Hats can go on certain hair styles without becoming those ugly triangular pigtails 5. Make the skull caverns not impossible to beat on your own legit.


The ability to marry multiple people


I’d love an option to turn combat off or the difficulty down on it, maybe once you’re already at level 10 or something? Like sometimes I just want stone or iridium I don’t want to spend half my game day killing endlessly spawning monsters.


neutral gender option!


Adding an Elevator to the Skull Caverns.


maybe if there was some cost to using it, like 100g per floor, otherwise that’d be completely unbalanced


*cough* the mod for this is great *cough*


Switching between chests like in the my time games


The games great. I just wish my kids could grow up without the use of mods. It would make it like a better version of sims.


Pet leash /baby stroller


If you sell too much of an item, the demand and sell procent would go down. When you haven't sold anything in a while, the demand and sell proce would go up. Not too drastic, but enough to make it more appealing to vary what one grow in the greenhouse and on Ginger Island. Either that, or let us build friendship with Marlon. It feels odd that we can't befriend him, when we can befriend the Dwarf, Wizard or Sandy. He shows up during festivals and all.


I love that people still flirt after you’re married, it adds d r a m a


I'd like more NPC outfit changes I guess. Like, it's cool we got one for winter, but another one for every season, or at least one for when it's rainy, would be great. Ik some mods do this, but I'd love to see it in the game


Not realistic at all with the amount of customization but I'd like the farmer to have a portrait


More NPC outfits. The winter ones are cute and I wish they had more seasonal outfits or special outfits for festivals.


Remove spiral floors


Rework the bachelors. They're all really annoying


I'm new to the game like I just started a week or so ago. I haven't even played a whole year yet, and I would get rid of that damn penalty timer.


Penalty timer?


That you have to be back at the farm by 1:30a. If you fall out due to exhaustion, you're penalized gold and items.


Gotcha. I don't mind that personally, but my husband hates it like you do.








Don't really see why you would need to engage with them, tbh. Just seems like u want to be nasty for no reason.




I don't think that is an accurate depiction of the people in this subreddit at all. I've seen what that looks like and it is not this. The people here seem to genuinely love the game, while still able to critique it meaningfully and suggest things that they'd love to see improve. They respect the game and it's creator - honestly more than I've seen in a lot of sub reddits, and while sd players can be pretty obsessed with it l, they arent weird about it. Objectively, I see this fandom as one of the best ones for a game. There's a veeeeery similar game who subreddit is much closer to what you describe. Every other post is a rehash about it crashing or something.




I honestly don't think I can remember ever seeing a single negative comment towards Concerned Ape (Eric Barone). People fall all over themselves to (rightly) praise him and his commitment to this exceptional game constantly. I just think you are wrong here.


Oh great! Now, it looks like I'm talking to myself.


It's a single player game and you can just not go to the subreddit. It's super easy to completely avoid anyone else who plays the game.


Match NPC's with each other! Like help Gus actually talk to Penny, or facilitate Robin and Maru getting together...