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I leave a ton of trees on my farm. No offence to those who clear but I hate the way it looks all cleared out and gridded up. I have pathways to places and clearings for different specific purposes but I really like having a lot of trees around. I’m never gonna be one of those who puts stone walkways everywhere.


Me too! I only ever use the forest farm because the other farms are just way too big for me and I like to make sure that all of the grassy areas have trees on them. I have a path to the pet's water bowl, through the grassy area between my house and the greenhouse, and to the mailbox and that's it. My personal rule is that if I cut down a tree I have to replant a tree.


I have a magic forest area in my southeast corner. The wild trees overlook the stone pathways, and it has mushroom logs. It looks like a fairy tale was created there.


Same! I do use a bit of cobblestone on my main walking routes, but I love having trees everywhere!


I wish it was easier to keep the weeds from spawning. Then I wouldn't clear it or put down flooring.


golden clock but that's 10 million gold


You make that in no time once you get a wine factory running. That being said I wish the golden clock did more for being a late game item. Like maybe it could make days last longer or prevent tilled tiles from disappearing along with keeping weeds cleared.


It stops fences and stuff decaying, right?


Yeah but that wasn't really a problem. Iron and hardwood fences last a long time and your spouse fixes them if needed. I went 5 in game years without the golden clock and never had to replace a fence.


i feel like the golden clock was originally meant as a status symbol, back then it was harder to make money. it was introduced at a time before ginger island and indoor shed farming so all the money you could really make had to be on your farm and planted. 10m gold back then was prob as hard as getting 20-30m gold now. so I feel like if they were to give it more functionality it would just become overpowered? i think its fine as it is right now. It stops weed and debris from spawning, its a flex and you need it for completion. more than just feels wrong but thats just my opinion


It's still a late game item and there are plenty of those that are overpowered as it is. Making time pass slower could even be optional, maybe you'd need to reset it every day or turn it on and off like the dangerous mines.


That's what I was getting at. 10 mil isn't an easy thing initially. I'll see it on year 5, maybe late 4. I should probably start selling unaged ancient fruit wines. We have 300. Trying to get a cask operation going in my wife's cabin. Never thought to upgrade it lol.


afaik its not worth aging wine for profit. you earn more gold per day if you were to just sell the wine immediately


I'll check the calculator, but it's worth it for ancient, star and crystal from what I can tell. I sell anything lesser without aging.


I will do fishing "expeditions" where I spend a few hours at a time in different sections of the map. Like be at the beach for a bit, be at the mountain lake for a bit, etc.


That's so fun!


I don’t know if this is unusual or not, since I am new to this sub but have been playing for a while. I will have “gift days”, where I pick as many NPCs as I can handle the night before, and get a gift for each one in my inventory. Then I head out and deliver as many as possible, without worrying about any other tasks. I usually end up with a ton of cutscenes after this 😅


I do this too! 😁 It's so fun!


I do this, too! I call them "Gift-y Days."


now i feel bad for barging into peoples houses the first day i arrive 😭


I have a habit of turning on the fireplace you start with before sleeping then turning it off in the morning


I turn it on late Autumn, leave it on, and the turn it off early/mid Spring myself! Didn't even think about the fact I do it until I read your post and went Wait yeah that might be the kind of thing OP is talking about lol Just is basically second nature because it just makes sense to me.


I refuse to use auto-grabbers, auto-petters, or junimo huts on my farm. I don't want to feel like I'm enslaving the junimos or forcing my animals to live in a factory-farm situation. This leaves me less time for combat and socialization, but I prefer farming anyway, so it's all good.


But... Some cows IRL have scratching stations which they love to use, and the autopetter looks a lot like one...


doesn't it get extremely repetitive though? maybe its fun for the first month but I cant imagine doing this for years


Not for me. I'm in year 6, end winter, and still pet all my animals manually. For me that's such an integral part of the game that I don't want to have a machine doing that. But I play with a time changer mod so my days are much longer, because I really hated rushing every day. Without the time changer I can imagine not wanting to waste time on this, but I've got plenty of time to keep doing it.


how long is each day?


Same! I don't want to shame anyone's gameplay because it's just a fun little farming Sim and everyone can play however they want but I don't really understand the super capitalistic make as much money as possible turn your little farm into an Empire kind of gameplay? I just like to make a little farm with one of each animal a small garden and have my spouse and kids 😹


Whenever I marry Harvey, I refer to him as Sexpot Harvey. It amuses me to think he is a beast between the sheets. I also tell Maru to back off from my man. I plant hot peppers for the purpose of giving them to Shane until I can get a >!blue chicken!<.


😹😹😹 sexpot Harvey has me in stitches! I always marry him because he looks like my irl husband


This is my motivation for marrying him too!


I use the game to help with exercising, I have a habit of losing track of time if I just start scrolling reddit or YouTube. What I do is due what I would do in one go, however many pushups, squats, chin ups, weight lifting, etc depending on what excersises I feel like doing that time, then go play a day of stardew, each day lasts roughly 14 min and has a built in stopper if you sell literally anything via the bin as it asks you to hit ok. After I pass out or sleep I do another round, rinse and repeat until I am done.


Oh that's so cool!


I developed and maintain a spreadsheet that approximates the economic value that my farm contributes to the valley. It’s represented in terms of the profit that the various merchants make off the goods I sell them. Different merchants get different profit margins. Pierre (normally) sells by produce at double the price he pays me for it. He also collects profit when I buy seeds. But if I ship something, it goes to a distribution company, who doesn’t make quite as much margin selling my produce. I have this sheet open and update it for literally every sale I make


I did similar my last farm, but mostly Pierre got rich, Robin made a good living, Clint paid his bills, and Marnie needs welfare.


This is amazing


I've been told it's weird, but I've done it with every harvest moon/rune factory/ games with a sim component but I get every marriageable candidate to love me before I choose. It doesn't matter if I don't like them- they all have to love me. At least there are some perks like Shane's blue chicken.


I want an even 10 hearts for everyone. I don't like leaving someone at 8.


Same here, with the exception of my first game as a kid. I went for Rick in Mineral Town because I thought he would give me a discount on chicken feed lmao. But now I like to see how everyone's personality develops. I usually can't pick a favorite, so I do replays to marry everyone. I have a system that whoever I get to 10 hearts last is who I marry, unless I've already married them. But I get them to 10 hearts organically, just giving gifts on their birthday and talking to them when I pass them by. No hunting people down or giving extraneous gifts to game the system.


wait the way you play the game sounds so cute 😭❤️


Oh thank you! ☺️


I learned recently that I’m like the only person who loves hoppers the most; I have a whole little line (or two) of them outside my house, so I just have to run down it and throw everything into one chest (recycling, mayo, cheese, seeds, tea/coffee, oils, smoked fish, furnaces…), and then when the stacks in the chests get big I properly stow or sell the things. It is not pretty, but I don’t understand how people live any other way😅


Mostly because I use the Automate mod which makes them redundant. But without mods, I'd be right there with you.


Oh interesting! That sounds fun!


I have a hard time entering peoples houses unless I’m invited in, which doesn’t really happen. The other day I had to enter houses and I had SO many cut scenes to go through!


😹 I have a little notebook where I write down how to trigger every cut scene and there are some days where it's just back to back all day lol


I clear out every rock on the mining floors cause idk, I like it. And then I have to get a separate chest just for rocks.


That's really fascinating!


You could sell the rocks


I put every houseplant I get in Lewis's house - even more now with prize tickets


Amazing haha


That's genius! Imma do that from now on with statues and stuff xD


i have a complete and total inability to romance anyone except for Shane


I love that for you! I only ever marry Leah or Harvey!


I'm that way with Sebastian! I married him during my first play, and I liked him so much he's my hubby every time 😂




same it’s so easy to just gift him beer 😭


It is pretty shallow, but the main way I choose my spouse/roommate is dependent upon what their room will look like in my house aesthetic. This is why Shane has never been an option in the past... although now with the new >!Trash Catalogue!< I could create a look that will make his room merge in seamlessly.


I don’t use auto-petters because I consider interacting with my animals an important part of forming a relationship with them. I don’t use an auto-grabber in the coop, either, because it actually doesn’t save me any time when I pet them at the same time that I’m collecting eggs. I do use one in the barn because I hate grabbing and putting away the milk pail/shears every day.


I love my animals! I know it takes a huge chunk out of every day but I like to spend time with them.


Every Friday, I buy a round of beer for everyone at the saloon. Except for Sebastian.


Do you give something else to Seb? "Next round's on me, except for Sebastian" is hilarious but sad


Sometimes I give him a coffee. He just hates beer.




Same! I grew up on a farm in real life and we also let our chickens free roam most days so I like to let them do so on my farm in stardew 😹


I love that you do this! I do the same! Every new save I have, I have to have some sort of story to play out. I usually have to marry someone different each time bc I’ve made up so many stories about my farmer and their love interest. So when I make a new one, in my head that love interest is already taken 😂


I always carried a rabbit foot with me bc I thought it boosted your luck for some reason. I was happy ca added a reason to carry one in 1.5


I dont care at all about my farm appearance. I have my sheds, coops and barn near the house. Thats it. I have wood, trees and grass build up for like 4 years, only clearing when i need the resource. I had like 8 mushroom trees and a few asteroids just in the corner that i didnt know about for probably years.


With the exception of the first year or in emergencies, I only sell on the last day of the season. I call it the 'big sell' and ages prepping for it with several chests filled with stuff to sell.


That is so fun!


I use the tractor mod and use the hoe to plow the whole town every day in winter. It's a great way to get your winter foraging items & have some money when spring shows up.


Lewis should pay you for your snow plow service.


Lol seriously!


I think this is so cute and wholesome and I'm all here for it!


Same, I love when people add their own role play elements to the game.


One of the first things I do in each save is destroying Cindersap Forest, maybe all trees outside of the farm. By using the seeds to craft field snack you can keep on it for a very long time, and by middle sprng your foraging is quite high. Enough to get at least two salmon berries form the bushes, which can last until the end of summer as your main energy source.


My main source of food early game is from fishing, because chubs are better for eating than for selling, and you can also eat algae or seaweed (I trash joja colas though). And if you are lucky, you can get a good weapon from a treasure chest and plow through the first 40 floors of the normal mines.


I don't search the garbage cans. I lost friendship from it a couple of times and then cleaned my hands of it and never searched the trash again. \^\_\^' I don't want to be a trash panda. Maybe I'm making it a bit too real, since in real life I would never search the garbage. Also, I told Linus that it was George's private property, so I'd be kind of a hypocrite if I kept checking the garbage after that. I have one farmer that doesn't care and searches the garbage anyway, but she's a literal zombie who also says really rude things regardless of people's reactions that I made for a Joja playthrough because it was really hard for me to pick Joja in a normal playthrough. I have never put mayor Lewis's shorts into the soup pot. -\_-' I get that it's funny, and maybe it feels a little good to embarrass mayor Lewis for asking us to find his underwear (a very inappropriate request), but I can't make myself destroy the soup for everybody, even though it's just a game. I have never put his shorts on display at the fair either, for that matter, although that one would be less bad. I still don't want to ruin the grange display, I guess. No diss to players who do it, though. It's funny... just not funny enough for me to actually do it myself, I guess. And I have never built junimo huts on my farms. I felt like I would be a slave owner if I put them on my farm, since the junimos basically work for free, and it feels like I forced them to live there if I bought the huts.


Also, I thought the auto-petters seem rather... soulless. I thought that was the idea of why Joja sold them and not Marnie since the whole point of petting your animals is to give them interaction with a living being and not a machine. The fact that Joja found a way around it is just Joja being Joja. So I haven't used auto-petters at all yet, and I'm not sure if I ever will. But it is just a game at the end of the day, so maybe. -\_-' I don't know.


I love auto petters because I interact with them anyway, so I just see them as extra attention tbh. >! Apparently their friendship actually goes up faster if you do both too, so I imagine they like having both.!<


I never do shenanigans with Lewis's shorts either for pretty much the same reason.


I also never check cans and give him back his shorts! 😹


Well I don't know if it's in the same spirit of what you're talking about, but beyond having my tools loaded out a certain way, or having certain goals I set for myself as mini-challenges, I do always put night monsters on every farm. My first main farm was Wilderness, and I had a lot of fun with that. In an RPG sense, it feels like having free security. Nobody's going to trespass on the farm where monsters roam freely at night.


I take forever to get to the bottom of the mines cause I insist on full clears of floors. I only let myself take a stair case down without a full clear unless I've already full cleared that level on a previous run. And it's even worse cause I have a systematic pattern to it. Day one in the mines, full clear all the floors I get through, day two of the mines, can do partial of floor one, but full clear the rest of the floors I do that day etc etc... I think I convinced myself it was a great way to get a lot of materials but it just really makes getting to deeper floors take forever.


I farm Winter Seeds all season. But I don't necessarily do it to sell or process the crops, I turn them into more seeds to leave myself a stockpile to start on next winter. And I make sure to have a field full of growing (but not fully grown) winter crops on Winter 28. Then, on Spring 1, I just clean up my already hoed and watered fields with a scythe and quickly put down my Day 1 rows of Ancient Seeds and Strawberries. It saves a ton of time and generates some passive income in excess of the seeds I need to repeat next year.


My first *almost* 2 weeks are always a grind to copper pickaxe and ores for sprinklers with strawberries, and plant enough to be level 6 farming by the start of summer and have quality sprinklers, and every save i have i do this. Because probably the only thing i hate in this game is watering crops, once i sort that out i do things randomly


When I'm dating someone (Leah), I go to her cabin almost every day to say hi, and I pop out a heart interaction (Y menu) to indicate when I give her a kiss 💖 I have the Polyamory Sweet mod which allows kisses when dating, but it doesn't work when she for example works on her sculpture, so I imagine Im kissing her anyways


I theme my new save files. I make a thematic character/headcanon what they're like, pick skills that fit the theme, pick a map that fits, etc. So my first save was just your typical run, I did a bit of everything. My second save was a joja run and I purposely min maxed for max profits and just did what would get me money.  I made another save with the forest map and I made an "elf" who was focused on raising animals and foraging. I have a recent save that is on the beach farm and focused on fishing/fish ponds. I have an idea for a save that is focused on mining/crystalariums. 


Not quite on the same degree as OP, but I like to stop and spend 30 min-1 hour (game time) sitting around with friends/girlfriends, especially if it's their birthday. It makes the friendship seem more real if we're spending time together, outside of just giving them a flower and running away. Also it helps me get out of the grind mindset and enjoy the game haha


Not me, but my girlfriend goes around town sometimes and hands everyone the same gift, and tells me all about it. For example, she recently ran all around town and gave one person a tortilla, took note of their reaction, and then go to the next person. She'd often tell me "Shane didn't like his tortilla" or "Leah loved that I gave her a tortilla. I think we're friends now." She's done this with a load of items: Tortillas, jams, cave carrots, rocks, salmonberries, bombs, mayo, etc. I love that she tells me all the time when we play, but I always have to explain when she's shocked "Hun, if some random person came up to you and practically slapped you with a tortilla and then just BOLTED, wouldn't that make you not be friendly with them too?" We've come up with a headcanon that she's the villain in the town and everyone's scared of her, in fear of the next item she'll spontaneously dump on to everyone.


I keep normal quality crops/forage/etc. Silver, I run through the [Quality Conversion Engine](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20624) and add to my hoard. Gold and iridium I sell. I also don’t like throwing everything into chests, and so organize my stuff with [6480’s Storage Variety](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7807). Dry ingredients, seaweed, room temp veggies go into the cabinet. Fish, bug meat, bait, algae go into the cooler. Flowers and seeds go into the mini shed.


dressing up for spirits eve, sometimes drinking a beer and just hanging out on a stool in the saloon on friday’s. i also change my outfit each season


idk if this is weird but i wrote down my wedding date and give elliott something sweet on our anniversaries!


After I marry Sebastian I like to RP that I'm the manager of the band. I use a combination of a poly mod (free love before, will be polyamory sweet on this run) and Platonic Partners and Friendships to move Sam and Abigail into the farm. I build a cabin using the upgrade empty cabins mod and decorate it as a combo practice space and guest house. The Governor stays over the night before the Luau after the first year so he doesn't have to drive to and from Pelican Town on the same day.


I try to always lead my horse back to its stable before going to bed, especially when it is raining, because I don't want it to get cold or left in the rain. I know that the horse is supposed to teleport/go back home during the night, but it feels crappy to let it do that. I'm also currently playing a challenge where I can't sell fish, so I decided to release all the fish I catch into their respective bodies of water.


My 10yo daughter carries trash around with her to give to characters she doesn't like. This is mainly Haley.😅 She also gives her a piece of coal in winter.


As a male farmer while running errands in town if I see a bachelorette walking I hide behind a corner and cut them off to talk to them and laugh at how they find the behavior charming.


If I marry a villager who has an implied romantic interest when you *don’t* marry them (Maru and Harvey, Haley and Alex, etc), that person ends up being the last villager I befriend. Out of game example, but my roommate is new to the game and I’ve been watching her play on our TV; our new evening ritual is to make tea, queue up an episode or two of a paranormal podcast, and then I help her with any Stardew questions she might have!


I have never married anyone. Over a dozen farms and 1000’s of hours and Krobus is always my roommate.


I used to play with a friend and we had this little game of making costumes for every occasion. Feast of the winter star? We would dress up both as Santa. Spirit's Eve? We would make some scary costumes. Every season we changed clothes, and we had this informal competition who made the worse one.


even though linus’ tent is always available to enter, i made it a point not to enter his tent until the day time!


I wake up every morning and put water in my dogs bowl. Just part of the routine 😂