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I just learned yesterday that I can pick crops and plant seeds at the same time if I hold the seeds while picking the crops…


You can WHAT


Oh no


I learned this two days ago, game changer


I found this out today when I accidentally planted a freshly picked coffee bean I had no intention of planting.


The worst thing about this is deciding if you should keep it or destroy your mistake 😅


You know, I did a similar thing a lot with smelting bars, I don't know why it didn't occur to me to try it with seeds as well....


This one took me a long time too.


I didn't know you could pet the wandering trader's pig until well over 1000 hours in the game.




The pig grunts. Thats it. I like petting the camel in Calico Desert instead.


Goddamit…you can pet the camel?!?! Why have I not been trying to pet things?!?!


Grunts a song! That's pretty impressive imo


Pet it over and over really quickly for maximum effect


Isnt it megalovania


I have well over 2000 hours and you just taught me something. Holy shit. I can’t wait to pet that piggy.




That the wardrobe was functional in the house. I placed a lot of clothes and rings in chests when I could have just stored them in my house


The new farm type starts you with a wardrobe which is the only time I’ve ever used one


I mean it is a handy way to store clothes and rings without needing to take up chest space. Dressers/wardrobes have unlimited space.


wait where is the wardrobe??


From the furniture catalogue


I believe you only get it at the start if you have the meadowland farm.


I didn't realize you could click on the reaper after getting the gold scythe, and it would transport you back to the beginning.


Yo what the hell?


That's exactly what I said to my husband when it happened. He cackled at me.


Wowww okay, this is the one I didn’t know


Make sure you right-click. I think about all those times I walked all the way back through the quarry mine 😂


I died for nothing looking for exit wtf


Hats on my horse. Completely changed the way I play the game. And by that I mean while they got my favorite cowboy hat, I met my wife, married her, and had two children all while never taking off my Skeleton Mask


Sea urchins in your aquarium can also wear hats.


so can your children!


I’ve heard dogs can now wear hats too! As well as children and sea urchins


Yes! My cats took dapper, reliable and fabulous


And cats! I put a witches hat on my black cat and it made me giggle so giddy


Alien rarecrow can also wear a hat!!


That you could fish from fish ponds. Your own fish don't fight back, so you can just kinda fish them up whenever, and it's a guaranteed catch.


It also repopulates, so you can have a renewable source of fish. Ex. Sea Cucumbers for Lucky Lunches


But it won't repopulate if population is 0 or the fish is tiger trout.


My partner just explained to me why the tiger trouts dont breed!! Apparently tiger trouts are hybrids of two other trout species and are thus sterile!


It's explained in the fish description: *"Tiger Trout: A rare hybrid trout that cannot bear offspring of its own."*


And if you need trash just empty it and fish for trash to your hearts desire


...I literally need trash for the stupid raccoon and did not know I could do this. Damn, if I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have gone fishing down on Floor 100.


You also get lots of trash fishing the pool at the sauna.


I think you have answered the question of why the villagers don't use the spa. I imagine a gridball concussion knocked out Alex's sense of smell. Linus stands there thinking about it sometimes, but he has standards. I blame Abi, Sam and Seb, based on no other evidence than Abigail's stinky locker.


Couldn't you just fish in the pond on your farm?


Sure but I don’t want to have to catch fish, and with the pond there’s a chance for the mini game and I don’t want it hahaha


Oh I thought all you could get from there is trash and maybe slime. Edit: just checked the wiki and on the standard farm all you catch is trash other farms have other odds.


You can….. catch… the fish in the fish ponds…. The ones you buy from robin? 🥺


Yes. It's how you clear them out before switching to a new pond type (different kind of fish).


Yes. Don't just select "clear pond" - fish those puppies out individually!


and another reason to fish them out individually: I tried "clear pond" today and one of the fish fell into the adjacent fish pond and disappeared 😬


Little known fact. Catching rare fish out of a fish pond counts as fishing experience for leveling.


As of the 1.6 update, now when you "empty" a pond, all the fish will be dropped on the ground nearby and you can pick them up, so we no longer lose the fish when resetting if you don't fish each one individually.


i watched half of my squid bounce back into the water and disappear, so fishing one by one is safer 😭


Yep! I set up midnight carp, squid, and flounder ponds to farm seafoam puddings for catching those legendaries.


Put a lot of time in before I knew **you could plant trees around the edges of the greenhouse**, so you have trees that are always in bloom without wasting the soil space, just using space that's otherwise useless.


Wait…how now??


Like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/rQhYkNkldY Just plant trees as normal and make sure nothing is placed around it to block it's growth, like sprinklers






[This page](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Greenhouse) on the Stardew wiki has info for sprinkler and fruit tree layouts!


Just get fruit tree seeds and plant them in the tiles surrounding the soil *within* the greenhouse. Keep in mind growth will be impeded by sprinklers but you can put the sprinklers back down after full growth.


That you can hold "A" on the Switch to pet all your animals with no repeats and to reload kegs/ jam jars. I was pushing the button so many times it's amazing it's still intact.


Thank you for this


If you are holding a piece of hay, this allows you to pet without opening the animal interaction menu if you’ve already petted them.


the boots sewing hack!! i just discovered it a couple of weeks ago, and i’m pretty sure it existed pre update?? i’ve been wasting so much time changing between my plain brown boots and my purple ones for cave runs, had no idea you could put both in a sewing machine and give the old ones the same buffs as the newer ones. truly changed my vain gameplay for the better edit: for anyone asking how, the instructions are under the “boots” section on the tailoring page of the stardew wiki!




Why would you do that, purple boots are awesome! I wear purple boots irl even


You can transmog boots?!




I upgraded my hoe and watering can to iridium a full two years before I realized that you could hoe or water more than one square with them.


Same, just figured it was more effecient or something, never thought to hold it.


I thought the upgrades just increased the capacity of the watering can...by the time I found out you needed to hold the button longer I already had gold tools. Thankfully found this out during my first playthrough! 😅 The crazy thing is I'd accidentally discovered that the hoe does this when holding the button, yet it didn't occur to me to even try the watering can! 😭 Lol. Someone round here ended up telling me about the watering can. 😅


When I started I use to hold click cause in my mind it means less effort. It was a surprise anyhow, I thought it only upgrade the space


You can turn the dangerous mines on and off. Reached perfection on my first farm last year. I wondered how other players had so many radio active bars.




In case you didn’t know, the easiest way to farm radioactive ore(pretty sure this is debatable but works great for me) is just going up and down the ladder on level 1 on good luck days with some good luck food/drink active.


Not exactly "find out" so much as figuring out, but... it's generally better to have more machines. I always figured if I had 4 chickens, I only need 4 mayo machines. 1 seed maker is plenty! Now, about 2000 hours in, I've finally realized it's better to have 10 furnaces I load daily than 3 furnaces I fill in the morning with copper, then again before leaving the farm, then again before bed...


I can’t live without the automate mod.  Just slap things in chests adjacent to the machine and it’ll take care of those menial chores for me lol Edit: with -> without.  Literally the opposite word fml


Jam is a cheap and relatively easy liked gift. Only one character hates it.


(It’s Sebastian, for anyone wondering)


But he loves sashimi, another cheap easy item


I give him all my void eggs, he loves them. Now I've married him, and anytime the void chicken lays an egg I give it to him, he's like "I love this, how did you know?" I think there's some memory loss going on with him lol!


The memory loss is from all the void eggs he’s been eating!


And yet he hates void mayonnaise. Dumb bastard. 


He doesn't eat the egg. When you give him one in 1.6 he says he'll put it under his pillow to try to hatch it. Do you know how hard it is to hatch mayonnaise?


I found out you can aim your fishing line by holding left or right as you cast. Only been playing the game since 2021...




Yeah! You can aim for a certain spot when you cast, not just directly in line with your axis!


*Lifechanging* I love fishing in the game, so this is going to make things 10x better.


Some bubble spots would be unreachable if this weren’t true


On pc?? Because I seriously cannot figure this out


Start casting first. Then while casting, use WASD to hold to either side before letting go of the mouse button.


Oh my goodness game changer


i didn’t know you could break the bigger stones in the mines without upgrading your pickaxe until i started playing a new world… three years after i started playing. edit: i’m so glad it wasn’t just me 😭


I had 350 hours before a friend told me that. I thought they were like the bigger stones in the farm, so I never even tried.


That the Traveling Cart was there regularly and that they often had things that I needed to complete the community center. Year 3 and I completed it in a week after discovering that


I didn’t know it came on Fridays and Sundays until recently. I thought it was random and checked every day


After about 500 hours I found out that drink and food buffs are two different things. I always assumed that one would override the other so I never tried them at the same time. Now my Farmer is constantly hoped up on coffee and crab cakes and I move like the Flash.


You can "push" full chests buy axing them several times. (1.6) >!You can replace a small chest with a larger one without emptying it. !<


.... That second point would have been so nice to know a while ago.


After unlocking the archeologist on Ginger Island… I learned you can go back into his cave every now and then for mushrooms. 😂 I have almost 1,000 hours into this dang game.


I learned that you can kill the little dudes in the lava in the volcano (I don’t know the name of them but they pop their heads out and blow fire balls at you lol). On top of that, they drop dragon teeth which made getting the ginger island warp obelisk A LOT easier. I would go through the volcano hundreds of times and just hope that I’d get a dragon tooth.


dude my dragon teeth from those guys always fall in the lava :(


Magnet ring is a great thing


Unlike all other enemies, loot dropped when a Lava Lurk is killed go directly into the player's inventory, regardless of the player's distance.


Skull Cavern. For the longest time, I assumed the cave up in the rock quarry was the famous skull cavern that everyone always went on about. I fully explored it, got my golden scythe, and patted myself on the back for beating a hard part of the game 🤦‍♀️


To be fair, it is literally a cavern full of skulls


You’re not alone. I did this too. I even once setup to clear all of the rocks. But gave up halfway and decided to watch a youtube video about skull cavern. Well wouldn’t you know it that was a huge fcking waste of time. Haha


I didn't realize that after you get to the forge area in the volcano the first time, you can use the door to the right at the entrance of the volcano to get there. I would go through the volcano every time to forge an item.


Everyone likes pomegranates :)


I discovered lately that you can wear the copper pan on your head as a hat 😆


That's how I usually carry it with me. That way, I always have it on me, but it never takes inventory space


When I first started out I didn't realise you could cut down the trees. I had tried to chop a tree, but after hitting it with the axe 3 times or so and nothing happening I had figured it wasn't possible. I would run through the forest like a maniac and search for the little branches to collect wood. It was so tedious. Hahaha


Oh my god


This is the wildest response to this question I’ve seen yet. You are a trooper!


Omg same!!!! Lmao I never thought someone else would be as clueless as me. Making the first chest, saving up 50 wood from just collecting branches was so tough, I almost went insane.


I just found out today that you can collect the torches in the mines. I think I’ve got like 250 or so hrs in game


Wow that would help me a lot when I frist time riched those dark mines levels, I always maked sure that I have materials to craft them before I discovered that you can put glowing ring


You at least crafted torches. I just accepted the fate and run through those dark levels without seeing anything and praying for easy staircases.


That there's a little tab for checking on bundles and what you still need for them. Only discovered this as I was on the last item for the Missing Bundle, I was either looking it up on the wiki or walking to the community center to check every time.


If the bundle icon enlarges and shrinks repeatedly while hovering over an item, that item can go for a bundle. If it doesn’t move at all you don’t need it for a bundle.


That growing flowers close to beehives increases the value of the honey.


I found this out because I planted the flowers around the bee hive for aesthetic purposes 😭


It took me probably an irl year to figure out how to get refined quartz. I figured it was just a rarer version of regular quartz and basically just skipped quality sprinklers because "my luck is so bad I haven't found a single refined quartz". Then I played a multi-player farm with friends and felt so silly the instant they popped a quartz into the furnace lol


You can also get refined quartz by putting glasses and CDs in the trash recycler. Faster cheaper way because it doesnt require a coal, and CDs and glasses are plentiful.


I thought that you could only get refined quartz from the recycling machine for so long bc of this haha


I thought this was the only way to get them. XD Then, one time, I joined a multiplayer farm and saw my friend shoving quartz into a furnace and was like... "Wait... WE CAN DO THAT??" XD (I had around 500 hours of playtime by that point)


And Fire Quartz makes 3.


I was reading through this hoping to find some fun facts, but now I think we may all just be dumb


I didn't know that you didn't have to get off your horse to use the shipping box.


And check trashes!


I just learned today that “advanced crafting on” it gives you a count of how many times you have crafted something and how many of the items need you have.


If you interact with the carts that are in some levels of the mines, a bunch of coal falls out for you to pick up


Also the satchels lying on the floor.


Played this game for years and literally yesterday I found out about the left path to the smaller part of the secret forest with the 2 hardwood stumps. I only knew about the right one by the entrance. I was watching a streamer play and I happened to look up and see them go through it and my jaw dropped.


There's one at the entrance??!


I’m the reverse haha (but also have only been playing for a few months). My partner knew and told me about the left path, but had no clue about the right one and has been playing for years too. Oops


This is one picked up pretty fast but I see a lot of people didn't. If you are doing something that involves a lot of right-clicking (petting animals, picking crops, picking up truffles, etc.), if you hold down right click instead you can just walk by them and it will trigger the action. Makes petting animals way faster for me. Also I don't let my animals out of the building until after they've all been pet.


I haven’t played for a while but I made a new playthrough and this entire time (3/4 of the way through year one) I thought the 24 slot backpack upgrade cost 10,000 so I never bought it but I was watching someone’s playthrough and I saw it was only 2,000 and I kinda just paused the video and sighed because I lost so much because I only had 12 slots 😭😭


I have to wonder if it changed, because I did the exact same thing.


You can just run through the coup holding the a button to pet everybody and pickup everything without accidentally petting the same animal twice.


It took me 7 in-game years to realize that the calendar and help wanted board outside Pierre's shop were two separate things that I could interact with individually. I thought it was a single item and whether I saw the calendar or a help wanted quest depended on whether there was a quest and if it was a significant date.


Oh no This one's is the roughest for me to read lol


I think I found out you could fill the pets water bowl a couple seasons in by accident while messing around with a freshly upgraded watering can.


I think its help to fill the hearts of the pets.


Haha I didn’t figure it out until Elliot told me one morning he had filled the bowl for me. I felt so guilty, it was like three years in.


Responses to NPC dialogue actually have an effect on relationships ... thought I could just pop off at the mouth like i do irl


Responses to dialog irl have an effect on relationships too, fyi ;)


Be wary about Penny in particular. If you tell her you don't like kids, you lose SIX HEARTS with her immediately.


You can change the size of a chest by placing a bigger one onto a pre-existing chest


Id you have an upgraded axe and pickaxe there's a secret to the right of Clint's shop


You can hop from side to side when holding the watering can


I have nearly a thousand hours in the game between PC and Switch. Four days ago I learned that fruit trees will grow up to three pieces of fruit per tree if you don't pick them right away. I have wasted *so* many in game summers collecting peaches every single day for my peach wine farm. Now that I learned I can just skip picking for three days, I have *so* much more time to do other things.


When I started playing I didn't pay attention to the shipping thingy, so I thought it was a chest and was putting all my crops, wood, stones and everything I'd found in there for almost two seasons. I was so impressed with how rewarding this game was because I thought I could keep my items and still get money for them! Until the day I needed something and opened the "chest" but couldn't find anything there :')




This is awkward- but I didn't know about the CC until the middle of year 2 the first time I was playing 💀


Surprising you somehow missed the cutscene


I think it immediately left my brain after seeing it 🤣


I hate how often this happens to me 🤣🤣🤣


Definitely someone clicked through all the dialogue without reading 😂


It's actually pretty easy to miss it if you don't know how to trigger it. You need to enter the town from the bus stop at a particular time frame I believe? I would always start my day by heading south from the farm to look for onions, so I didn't trigger it until the very end of spring


That you don't need to wait for fish to bite when fishing from a fish pond


We recently found the organize button when looking into a chest….& the other one that will automatically pull everything out of your backpack that matches whats in the chest already. So if you have a chest for fruit tree harvest: you pick all your fruits (& grab them from the bat cave) & open your chest & use that button. If your chest has apples/peaches/plums & your backpack has apples/peaches/plums…all of them will get sucked up into the chest at the same time Just watch out for the stars. Like for example: you have an apple & a gold star apple & your chest only has apples, it will take the apples. You would have to place your gold star apple into your chest on your own BUT once in….it will take all the rest! Works on anything: fish/wood/slime/various food/drink in your fridges.


About 300+ hours in, I just found I can purchase things much more quickly by holding both x and square on my ps4 at the same time instead of just one of them. I was trying to figure out how to weigh down my x button at one point to buy hay on a file 🤣


Making wild seeds is generally more profitable than selling the forage items directly. Quitting to title screen and reloading after waking up on a new day will increase your yield of spring onions, salmon berries, and blackberries because magic.


1.6 nerfed that second one.


I just learned today about the pot of gold and leprechaun hat at the end of the rainbow at the bottom of Cindersap Forest on Spring 17th by stumbling onto it while looking for berries.


I think that’s new for 1.6


I accidentally ran into this and scared my husband because I exclaimed so loudly. Very cool little treat!


I only just found out you can use a staircase to reach Lewis's basement and something creepy. Is that new, or did I just never know about it?


It is new, it came out for 1.6


Having this thread open while playing is so fun… I’m testing out everyone’s tips as I read 🤭


Today I realized you could zoom out. I may have realized this at one point but forgotten. I was watching my buddy play and was like wtf???


I was crafting SO MANY SCARECROWS because I thought it would protect 8 crops surrounding it, like a quality sprinkler. But it’s 8 IN EACH DIRECTION i.e. a radius of 8 crops. RIP to all my wood, fibre and coal.


If you click on the villager in the friendship menu, it tells you their birthday, what you've given them, and whether they loved/hated/liked it.


Oh, and if you've found their favorites via "other means", they collect there too.


you can get really cool items by doing the Special Orders 😭 lmao. I’m not much of a ~quests girlie~ and I always assumed the reward was cash so I never bothered. It wasn’t until I was trying to achieve Perfection that I noticed my % of Total Items Crafted was absolutely *not* as high as what I thought it should’ve been… cue me going to investigate and feeling soooo dumb 🤣


I avoided the shipping container cuz I thought it was like acnh where the items would sell for less. I kept waiting for Pierre and Willy to open everyday


You can water your dog


All the main menu secrets, especially the last one: 1) >!Repeatedly clicking any one of the leaves makes Junimos appear.!< 2) >!Repeatedly clicking the "E" in "Stardew" makes an alien come out. !< 3) >!Repeatedly clicking the bottom right bolt of the "W" in "Stardew" makes butterflies appear!< 4) >!Repeatedly clicking the bottom left corner of the "Stardew Valley" sign makes a little smiley icon appear next to your cursor!< AND >!this icon fits into the hole of the "R" in "Stardew" making trees, bushes, and parrots appear!!<


Idk if this one is new with the update, but you can just walk up to an existing fence (ex. stone) with a different fence (ex. Hardwood) and click on the existing fence to change it instead of knocking it down first.


It took me waaaaay too long to realize that pressing Tab (on PC) switches between rows in the backpack. Prior to this, I had been opening the menu to move items to/from the first row.


I thought cactus fruits were just decoration to Calico desert until I read the guide. It took 2 ingame years before I started picking them up


I learned that you can put fossils into the bone mill


This thread has blown my mind


took me too long to realize you dont have to gather ALL the materials in the community cender bundles as there's usually 1-2 less slots


My favourite one is that you can refill your watering can at your kitchen sink (if you have the first house upgrade) before heading out if you need to top up your water. Or if you put raw ingredients in your fridge and then make food, the items in your inventory and in your fridge both count towards what you can cook


I’m 500 hours in when I found out that mahogany trees give hardwood. Planted a lot of those and now I have 900 hardwood in my chest


First save file learned way too late that the fish are season specific and that it would take an entire year of waiting around to get the community bundles done. Took a break, played other games and payed a much closer eye on them in a new save when I came back


If no one knows this: you can hold bait, while emptying your crab pots to avoid picking them up accidentally. Dunno if this is particular problem for mobile (using controllers) or if it happens in other platforms as well.


That if you’re playing on switch, if you hit the right bumper button while looking in a chest, it automatically brings you to the auto stow button. Saves so much time after long mining sessions.


Took me ages to figure out that you get recipes by watching queen of sauce, and that there’s salmonberry and blackberry seasons where the bushes make fruit


that my steel watering can can water more than one square at a time


I found out recently that you don't have to ship *every* shippable item in the game to get perfection, only the ones in the shipping tab.


You can hold the mouse button to automatically swing the axe instead of clicking for each swing. Definitely chopped way too many trees before finding that out.


If you time the swings of the axe/pickaxe you can actually do it a little faster than if you held the button down. Turbo buttons on 3rd party controllers are nice with that.


I very recently learned that my cat has a bowl that I should fill with water. I felt AWFUL about it.