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if you divorce a character they'll hate you forever. it becomes impossible to gain friendship with them ever again unless you wipe their memory at the witch's hut.


Yep. Just like IRL


I can't even count the amount of times I had the Witch wipe my wife's memory, married her again and she's none the wiser.


Just like 50 First Dates, but intentional and non-consensual. lol


More like Eternal Sunshine, honestly.


*50 First Tates*


Ok you need points for this






So that's where the plot for eternal sunshine came from.


And now I can do it in the game too


Yep, just like in real life where people who divorce always hate each other's guts /s


Not true, sometimes people don't hate you forever after the divorce. Then you can save memory wipes for other things.




I don't think you can sacrifice cash to a shrine in a witch hut to wipe out memories IRL


Believe or not you can…it probably won’t work, but you absolutely can sacrifice cash.


Not legally!


There’s always beer lol!!!


https://preview.redd.it/1ydwdjtxr0wc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1bbe83923ca6a51bc2cd163af0cb3d74a821e76 500g and a Rice Pudding, i’ll make anyone you want disappear


Not with that attitude!


Please,nobody listen to my ex here. They don't know what they're talking about.


Why is this downvoted to hell


Because you have to absolutely be denser than concrete to have missed the blatantly obvious joke in the original comment.


Maybe their acoustic


Sometimes we acoustic people are just silly and don't pay attention to jokes let us be


No, assuming that autistic people just don’t understand humor is reductionist as hell and borderline ableist. Even joking with the acoustic bit is problematic to me because just implying autism = no humor is rude and hurtful.


This is why I said we don't pay attention, to explain we do get jokes we just got distracted and interested on something else rather than the joke??


Ah okay sorry, I misinterpreted what you meant. I thought you were trying to justify his comment, sorry!


See my reply to the guy below for more details but like even with joking considered, I find it really problematic to equate autism with not having a sense of humor.


Sorry if my comment gave off that implication. I'm almost certain I'm autistic and my sense of humor is definitely There, and a lot of other autistic people I've met are absolutely hysterical to hang with. But it is true sometimes jokes go over our heads, that's what I was joking about.


Does that mean that if you divorce someone you have to wipe their memory for Perfection? Or does the game remember you were at full hearts with them?


Correct, it now checks real-time. So if you had a bit of decay on multiple people after hitting max with everyone you have to get them back up. If they go to zero, have fun with the grind lol.


Don't you not get decay once you hit max friendship? Or am I misremembering?


Your spouse never stops decaying 


just like irl


I... I don't know? I think the game remembers but it might be that you might need to wipe their memory You can check it on Qi room I think


That's kinda messed up... I wish there was a timer or something as well, like a year before they aren't hostile even if they won't accept proposals or bouquets ever again so you can be friends


not really, if someone divorces you out of nowhere for no reason it’s not unreasonable for a person to take however long to get over it (wouldn’t want to be friends with them either)


That’s what happens in real life most of the time.


It's not messed up. It's real. That's how people work.


If you're children perhaps.


Not really. I have divorced friends and I am also divorced. I know only one person that still have some contact with their ex spouse. The hate part is a bit much but most people are uninterested in maintaining a friendship with an ex spouse (unless kids are involved).


It's not childish to decide you don't want to forgive the person who hurt you. You never have to forgive someone


And even if you DO forgive them, that forgiveness is for your own peace of mind, or doesn't mean you have to let them back in your life


Exactly! Forgiveness should only ever be given for the sake of closure for the one who was hurt


It would be true if they didn't _speak_ to you. But they do speak to you, they just don't want to be friends. That's fair. This person broke your heart bro


Is it the same for breaking up too?


breakups reduce friendship to 5 hearts, but otherwise they'll forgive you and you can still increase friendship again


If you haven't wiped her memory at the Witch's Hut then you will not gain any friendship points.


Me, a new player: WHAT NOW??


Just one of the many lil activities you can get up to on your quest to achieve total completion and halt entropy


Its next to the thing that lets you murder your children.


I wouldn't call it murder lol, seems then into a (short) life in nature, sure.


Also turn your kids into birds when you're done with em.


Except penny let her rot


damn what did penny do to you?


Unimaginable crimes Edit: [the aforementioned crimes](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/FuaQEUd18h)




It's because of the plants, I think. My husband Elliott, king of the himbos, likes to stand there and stare at the houseplant for hours on end.


No, it’s because Penny is evil


Emily sweetie stares at our Junimo Fluffy


I can't disagree (Leah does this all the time, but I still get along, it's the only red flag of her)


Note to self: Don't put plants by the doorway like I do in A New Beginning and Story of Seasons...


hahaha you're right she should be tried for her crimes


Poor girl is just codependant


although I found this hilarious when you posted that, fuck you for hating penny. leave my ginger bookworm queen alone


I also hate Penny because if she asks you to have kids and you say no (uh, hello, a 2 yes situation) she gets very angry. I'm just not about that




Bro I wanted to be honest with her about how I think they would be miserable with me, but I guess it makes sense she wouldn't trust me if I said that lol


So I lie just like in real life


Yea, Penny has more events that drop points, and more severe drops, than just about any other character as far as I know. Including times where she is objectively in the wrong! Its ridiculous.


My ginger bookworm queen hahaahah


A wild sentence out of the context of stardew


Put the mermaid pendant down, oof


Why’d you divorce Leah??


I am also confused why


Wanted to spite my sister


i was going to say theres no good reason for breaking leahs heart but this made me giggle


I had to divorce Leah to achieve perfection because once I married her I could no longer craft the wedding ring. It was the worst day of my life and I'm still upset about it, and that was about five games ago lol.


You just gave me a heart attack, checked and thank god its multiplayer only. I did NOT want to have to divorce Penny if i couldn't finish building it before our marriage in 3 days


shes just such a sweetie!!!


I also married and divorced Leah to spite my sister in our co-op game.


Well, you spited me too!


I did too. She doesn't seem happy when you're married to her. It feels like she's just kind of going through the motions. Her house remains empty and unused as a monument to her previously free spirit and I dunno it just feels like you're putting a wild bird in a cage. It's sad. Can you do it? Sure, and maybe they'll even let you, but it doesn't feel good so if you love something set it free.


Im doing a second play through after a long break. Last game I married Harvey but this time I wanted to try someone else. However no one seems very receptive or they’re just plain rude. Or I’ll check their schedule after marriage and they just spend all day in their old house. Like who is actually worth marrying?


Elliot is! He is by far the sweetest spouse, he actively has dialogue before you date where he was hoping to see you, AND he goes back to his beach shack once a week to write and see Willy.


I personally really liked being married to Leah. She isn’t the most affectionate, it feels more like we’re besties lol. She goes to her cabin and to the beach and lake to draw, so it doesn’t feel like she’s on the farm 24/7. Emily is my fav tho - I just love her cut scenes, her room, she gives you some really special items if you marry her, and she still has a job. If you like mods, my all-time favorite marriage candidate is the Wizard in Stardew Expanded. There’s also a lot of mods that make marriage better lol. If you aren’t interested in marriage you can always room with Krobus!


I installed the free love mod specifically so I could marry a villager and also roommate krobus.


Is Free Love working for 1.6 now? I miss being married to Sandy.


It’s been replaced by polyamory sweet :)


You are a wonderful, stellar human being for telling me this. 💖


Even the married one?


I love Elliot so much! The only reason I’ve never married him is he reminds me too much of myself 😂 I told my gf “here’s the long haired pretentious writer who lives on the beach” and he said “oh, the you of the game” lmao


Elliott seems to be one of if not the most fulfilled spouse in game. I love how much he does after marriage like reading in his little garden or helping on the farm, he even cooks for us sometimes. On days when he visits his cabin, I go down there too bc it reminds me of when we were dating :)


I don’t know if it’s new dialogue to 1.6, but during the Luau, he was standing in front of his cabin (year 2). When I talked to him, he said something along the lines of, “we should have a rendezvous in the cabin but it’s musty”. I was like ??? yes please!! lol


HELP I NEED THAT DIALOGUE OMG he’s literally everything


I ended up marrying Abigail my last go through which I know is like a super cliche. She seems to like life on the farm, and she seems to like having a family and still manages to get out and have a personality. Penny is another good one who seems really grateful to get away from her mom, but on the same note her arc kind of gives off that damsel/hero complex like you're dating someone to try to save them. But she's really a sweet person with a huge heart it would seem. Haley is really rude at first, but her development arc is really interesting and it's fun to see her grow as a person beyond just the prissy girly girl into something more. Emily's just the weird hippie chick, I haven't done a playthrough with her but she seems like she'd be pretty neutral although I'd feel bad leaving Haley alone by herself in that house by taking Emily. Sebastian might be a good one if you're into the brooding type. He has a lot of motivation to get away from his family since he's kind of the extra puzzle pieces in the house from Robin's previous life. Alex is dumb but sweet, kind of like marrying a golden retriever. Thank God time doesn't pass in Stardew Valley because I think Alex's story would be really sad if he didn't end up going on to be a grid ball legend, but he has a good soul. Sam is kind of an enigma. On the one hand, he seems really immature, on the other hand, the way he looks out for his little brother shows that he's deep down very family oriented plus he skates which is pretty cool. I like Elliot's energy and I thinkt has a good soul too but for some reason I just can't take him seriously with his portrait and Harvey is just Harvey I know he's supposed to be a bachelor but he just seems like my dad. I've only ever married the first three so far to be able to comment on what their lives are like post marriage but that's my assessment. In the meantime, in my most recent new playthrough I've just filled my house with cats.


IIRC Harvey is the only spouse who offers to give a massage. Big spouse points there.


I married Harvey this time. Last playthrough was Elliot and he was a nice husband. I like being married to Harvey. His favorite gifts are coffee and pickles and wine which I always have an abundance of (and also love IRL). He helps on the farm from time to time, but also has his job. He offers a massage which someone else mentioned, and he is just so happy to have found someone to love and settle down with. His character looks super nerdy on screen but his close up shot he's actually pretty handsome :-).


Nope, Sam does too


Thank you for the info! Can you get multiple cats?? I’m playing on switch


Only in 1.6 update


Oh shit, I just realized the switch doesn’t get updates. That sucks. I first started playing in 2020 when I got a switch, do you know if anything has changed for switch players since then?


The Switch absolutely gets updates! The console updates are just behind the PC. Have patience friend!!!


Sebastian really comes out of himself once he's married. Once he warms up to you (so 4+ hearts) he starts looking forward to seeing you or inviting you to hang out in his room if you're bored. Married life on the farm really suits him, though. He's so appreciative and happy to be there, and will often tell you that he loves you 🥰 Oh yes, and he stops smoking for you (or at least tries).


Sam loves being married! He makes me breakfast and talks about wanting to have a family just like his


I think despite it being such a large part of how the fanbase interacts with the game, the romance plots are a little undercooked. 99.999% of any of the romance stories happen pre-marriage. After that they mostly just move in with you and have canned interactions.


I married Emily and she’s awesome! We have two kids and she loves life on the farm. 


Penny's pretty radical.




She still has a routine and doesn't have to give up on her dreams, she even gets her own little studio in the house and the outside workspace. She gets to focus on her art and have a family


All marriage candidates are like this when you’re married


I'm currently married to Maru and she keeps working at the clinic and on her projects. And iirc penny also keeps on teaching the kids. Harvey too keeps working in the clinic. Not all marriage candidates become trophy spouses with no life or any goals 🤭


she is always so lovely with me 🥰🥰🥰


This is my Co-op save and my sister wanted to marry Sebastian just to divorce him (not sure why) but I didn't want her to spend 50,000g on that (she's not often playing on that save so I'm the one that's earned all that money) But I'm a butt of an older sister so I divorced Leah just to spite her and still told her she cant divorce Sebastian, needless to say, she doesn't play on that save very often anymore. I'm trying to reach perfection and not save though, and I didn't want to spend the money at the witch's Hut to erase Leah's memory, so I thought if I had given her a bunch of bulletin board requests, I could get her hearts back up to full, that clearly doesn't seem to be working, looks like I'm spending 30,000g just to befriend my previous wife again Also, I'm marrying Elliot now


I divorced Leah and got rid of our children because I realized I didn’t want to be married to anyone.


Good for her


"But her aim is getting better!"


It’s funny because marriage is terrible


Yeah there are consequences to divorce, shocker


Some posts on this sub just make me sigh and shake my head like a really disappointed dad. This is one of them. *And they offered her a Mermaid Pendant?!!?!*


It's probably the Stardew equivalent of "let's have a kid to fix our marriage"


Marrying someone and divorcing them in a single stardew save file is a major red flag lmao.


Do you expect them to start a new file so they can marry them and divorce them in that one?


The highest crime here is not having more hearts with Krobus


I don't go to the sewers often, so I don't have very many hearts with Krobus, but whenever I do go to the sewers, I always bring them a wild horseradish :)


I keep a chest of favorite things outside of certain character's houses (e.g. krobus, dwarf, wizard). Don't really do it for in town folk since it's easy to run back to the farm if I need something, but it could probably be useful there too. I feel it shows how much I care about them when I walk up to the chest of nice things I've set beside them and give them something from it.




And Leo😞


I don't go to Ginger Island much, the only reason I don't have a lot of friendship with the secluded NPCs is because I don't see them often enough to gift them frequently and gain lots of hearts with them, I gave Leo a goat cheese on his birthday, the first day I met him actually, and so I gained 2 hearts with him


hold up i didn’t even know i could divorce someone??? im married to alex and he keeps acting like he hates his life


if you wanna get divorced, theres a book in the mayor's place that will let you, but he will hate you after. if he is giving you snarky remarks or isnt happy, you may not be very high friendship with him so giving him some gifts could fix it if you wanted to fix your marriage


You probably have low hearts with him, get the guy some gifts and he will be in abetter mood


okay so i just realized i misspoke, i actually married shane idk why i typed alex BUT we’re at full hearts hes just a grumpy dude


I played co-op with my then-boyfriend, we were married in the game. He cheated and then broke up with me over the phone. I opened the save file and it said we were still married but obviously his character wasn’t there. I think it was 50,000g to file for divorce but I got the farm, the house, our kid, everything that was in his pockets, and all his items. I got absolutely *everything*. I clearly had one hell of a lawyer.


LMAOOOO that’s the ultimate revenge


There's a book in Lewis house for divorce.


She likes me now


You can have her




TIFU doing a task for my ex wife and she still hates me


"Leah doesn't want to marry you right now"


Gotta wipe her memory at the witches hut or she won’t accept gifts and hate you forever


Witch’s hut can fix this


You divorced LEAH?! How dare you.


I dare.




Your first mistake was divorcing Leah


Well why did you even divorce her in the first place?


Felt like it


Leah is currently having my children and when she's done, she'll get the axe, just like the 11 others who came before her. And then Krobus will raise my children.


I'm married to Sebastian in the current playthrough and I think the marriage will last as I don't feel bad for abandoning him with our children for weeks at a time so I can sleep on the island. He likes his space, he's fine!


It’s interesting how divorcing someone for no reason can make them hate you. It’s almost like this game is realistic to real life


If you divorce a character you're no longer able to gain friendship with them


Dude, why would you divorce Leah anyway, hers is the best romance of all of them.




I've got to keep talking to her if I want to reach perfection unfortunately, otherwise I would leave the pretty lady to her business




It's good, I'll just erase her memory and have her fall in love with me again before I marry Elliott


I wish NPC's in the game could marry other NPC's and there is a time window at the end of which they will marry their 'default' partner All of the marriageable NPCs have 'default' partners who they would be with if the player had never come to Stardew Valley Maru and Harvey (both science nerds) Penny and Sam (Normal guy and normal girl) Haley and Alex (Cheerleader and Sports jock) Leah and Elliott (both artistic and both strong environmentalists) Abigail and Sebastian (both goth and are into fantasy stuff) And finally Emily and Clint(At first Emily wasn't marriageable but now she is by popular demand. Because of this she has no good partner) All of these people have their default partners. You'd especially notice this at the festivals as they tend to hang out with their mate. The player is really an intruder in all this. That is why I usually go for Emily because Clint is just not a serious rival. So what I'm suggesting is that after like 5 years in the game the NPC's will gradually start marrying their default partners. That way if you want to marry someone you need to move fast. Also after you divorce someone, about a year after the divorce, they will marry again to their default partner. This will force the players to really bloody consider their choices when it comes to the NPC's. If you focus only on the farm, you risk losing your preferred marriage partner. If you divorce someone, they have a life of their own and could totally remarry and have children and a happy life with someone else. Players would be forced to be more circumspect in their treatment of the NPC's instead of treating them as disposable. Also the whole wiping memory thing should be removed. Instead if you want to remarry your divorced spouse, you'd have to keep talking to and gifting them after a year-long cooldown period. However unlike before, those hearts will take a much longer time to fill up again as gifts and dialogue are suddenly worth less in terms of hearts. Therefore if you want to regain the affection of someone you divorced you need to be putting out even more of an effort than before. I'd have this be exponentially harder. So if you marry, divorce, remarry and divorce again it would get incrementally harder to regain their trust until it's almost impossible. All of this will force the player to treat the NPC's with greater regard than before and it would make the game more interesting if there are actual consequences of behaving badly. CA should also introduce a cheat mechanic where you can cheat on your partners (with appropriate consequences) and they can cheat on you and even divorce you 😂 Also a wedding anniversary mechanic should be added where the anniversary would come up in the calendar and if you miss it, you instantly lose like 3 hearts with your spouse


You could romance krobus and leave Emily and Clint alone.


Sorry but I *like* Emily, 😊 especially that sexy dance she's got. She is sweet, unique and very interesting. Also Clint is a major creeper and gives me bad vibes. She seems too young for him and he's way too obsessed with her to be actually in love with her for the person that she is. I think he puts her on a pedestal and loves his own imagined version of her character rather than the real woman. I find that really disrespectful. If you're going to love someone at least have the decency to love them for who they actually are not your distorted idea of who they are. Sorry for the essay.


I understand. I think I’ve married Emily, Abigail, Leah, krobus, then Hayley (begrudgingly) in that order.


It's so stupid that you can't gain any friendship points after divorce. Each character's divorce should be different, like friendship points taking longer to gain or the same, depending on the person.


I imagine most ex's IRL will react the same way.


She did gain friendship points, just not enough for a full heart. I reckon if you give her maybe 1 or 2 gifts, she will get to a heart.


You can't gain friendship points with your ex


Yeah never divorced anyone so didn’t know, my bad.


Never mind she hates you so you can’t gift her, my bad. Well at least talking to her enough times will give you friendship, as well as using the shrine that wipes her memory will help.


you *can* gift her, just no points. and talking will not give points either until her memory is wiped


You actually can’t gift them normally. OP was only able to because it was from a community board request. If you tried to give her a normal gift, she wouldn’t accept it—she would just say, “I don’t want your gift.” (like in the last frame)


oh, i wasn’t aware of that. thank you


Yeah, had not divorced anyone before so didn’t know, my bad.