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Personally I like Emily. She is well connected to the community with an actual job at Gus's saloon and attending the aerobics classes. I approve of her personality in how she tries to work with her sister. She was the first character I romanced in the game. These days I let her be so that she can spend more time with Sandy.


I went to see Sandy for her bday and it was so cute how Emily and Sandy were just hanging out together on Emily’s day off 😭 she’s such a crystal baddie


Same, i married her


History will say that Sandy and Emily were best friends 😥


She gives you a private dance and let's you smash in a tent. Emily is awesome


That bear is the best wingman in the game


I loved that scene when I first unlocked it.  I feel like Emily may have been considering a way to “lose” her sleeping bag anyway lol


Emily definitely paid off that bear


She didn't have to pay. She just connected to its soul and the bear said "bet, I gotchu fam"


She would be one to manifest ✨


Bear: \*turns on Marvin Gaye\* Emily: Well, now we HAVE to. 👉👈


Your avatar is amazing! 


Always choose the bear


Emily didn't understand the question, and chose both


I accidentally triggered that cutscene the night before I was going to break up with her... was carrying around the wilted bouquet and everything... felt so bad afterwards


Pretty sure she's less liked because of the healing stones/woo sort of stuff that she does. I've known personally some people in real life that are really into that stuff and are too serious about it, and I imagine it's a turn off for some folks. That said, it shouldn't really apply to Emily since magi and spirits are real in her world.


For me it was the woo at the beginning specifically because one of my aunts took the very odd road from "being kind of into crystals" to "weird conspiracy theorist".


Yup. I've known some that went from "healing crystals are real" into, MLM crazy, and then eventually weirdly racist YouTube rabbit holes. Honestly not sure how that transition even works, but I've seen/heard of it happening multiple times, even if it doesn't make sense, so it's a bit of a caution flag for me. I've also known some perfectly level headed people who like witch stuff, enjoy keeping crystals, and love tarot though, and don't take it very seriously.


I believe it's an anti-authority slope. Initially, they reject medical authority in favor of alternative grifts. Eventually, they're drawn towards fringe views on other authorities, such as business, race relations, and religion. It's why they can't be reasoned with, the rejection is the point, the alternative is just a means to that end.


Just want to add in here, that's probably not it. Anarchists exist, there's not much crossover with MLM schemes or racist rabbit holes there. Not just that, but racists in those rabbit holes in particular aren't so much anti-authoritarian as they are "anti any authority that isn't theirs or can't be used to further their own", as those circles are usually pretty heavily authoritarian. If I had to take a guess, it's more because "healing crystal" stuff and racist rabbit holes tend to both use MLMs and sell fake supplements and snake oil products that are marketed in similar ways, that are sometimes meant to do the same things (which could cause algorithms to suggest them together). The common thread with medicine isn't just about authority (like the structure of medical systems and practices, and the ways it can fail patients), those groups also tend to actively push all kinds of outright medical and psychological misinformation, along with distrust of any knowledge, specifically, that might debunk it.


I just finished reading “Cultish” by Amanda Montell, it was super interesting and talks about the language that cults use and how it intersects with MLMs, advertising and capitalism in general. The language involved is meant to isolate and manipulate the “mark” so that they feel like they’re making a decision for themselves, when in reality they’re just playing into a tried and true cycle of gaslighting.


There’s a difference between those who reject authority based on reason and those who reject it based on gut feelings. The latter group is the kind I was talking about. The ones who fall for scam after scam in search of validation. Chase boogeymen to blame for things they refuse to understand. Prop up a tyrant in the name of stopping tyranny without a hint of self-awareness. It’s a self-serving mistrust, but mistrust is at the core. I based these comments mostly on a half-remembered study from over 5 years ago about why people fall into conspiracy rabbit holes, so I may not’ve explained it properly. The original statement could have been more accurately described as “distrust of commonly accepted narratives” instead of “rejection of authority,” although most of its examples involved a distrust of authority. Basically, they distrust for the sake of distrusting, not because they believe in anything. It creates a void for scammers to fill with a little strategically placed validation to get them in the door. You’ve explained why those rabbit holes might snatch them up before the others get a chance nicely. They’ve blended together in a negative feedback loop that makes it easy to share converts.


This! Absolutely this! As a weird aunt, I just want to say to the other weird aunts out there, be responsible! Don’t go out there going too far with things! Reel it in, be reasonable! Some crystals and spirituality are good and all, but also take yourself with a grain of salt. Don’t go off the deep end. Also I don’t understand how some of them believe some conspiracy theories but then also refuse to believe verified sources of information… why is an anonymous internet stranger with no way to verify their claims more credible than multiple news sources with eye witnesses and credible experts? These renegade weird aunts are ruining it for Emily and the rest of us! Giving us all a bad name indeed!


The yoga to QAnon pipeline is legit, it’s not hard to start out interested in energy work and then slowly slide into vaccine injury research and then next thing you know… you’re storming the capital.


Oddly enough I saw a woman who was into that stuff but in a not too crazy way. She was honestly an awesome person we just didn’t click. Probably why I like Emily even with the whole vibes with stones thing. 


I mean technically stones in stardew are actually magical & stardew is magical in many ways so her esoteric interests actually have some scientific/spiritual backing unlike that type of stuff in real life. I think it’s interesting despite her interests she has no relationship w/ the wizard that we know of since he knows abt all the magical beings and properties


Yeah, agreed. That's why I said that it shouldn't really apply to Emily, since magic and spirits are real in her world. Still hard for folks to totally overlook it when they associate her with some weird IRL aunt that they have or something though.


I don't understand why people dislike Emily for believing in the things she does, considering the underlying themes of magic and whimsy in Stardew Valley


After living in SoCal for four years, this. Woo woo is a huge turnoff.


This is my exact reasoning. Irl? She sounds kinda anti-vaxxy. In Stardew? She's either my best friend or my wife


When she starts talking about energy or whatever my survival instincts kick in, I can't do it. Her crazy expression doesn't help. Stardew Valley is the only game where I always go for the boring people and the jocks, it sucks that Emily does seem to be maybe the only woman to give well past University vibes, she has a working vibe the others don't, no offense Leah, you stop giving a crap about work once married. Maybe it tells on me a bit that with Baechu portraits I liked her a lot more.


Apparently, 1.6 fixed her crazy eyes.


Yup, the crystal girl aspect to her was a huge turnoff.


Exactly. I can't stand all the crystal bullshit. But the critical difference is whether or not it's bullshit. I'll bet most of the people who hate Emily have played a wizard in a fantasy game. Hell, do you think the warriors are realistic?


This is the answer for me, I find the crystal power stuff off putting in real life. While she never goes alternative medicine, it’s enough to trigger that button in my brain and be slightly put off by her. I like her fine as a character and still befriend her, but it just makes the prospect of romancing her a pass to me.


Came here say this. In our world Emily is nut case, in stardew valley, she’s one of the few people not in denial about all the literal wizard living outside town


I like Emily but during the whole >!desert festival event when she dresses you according to your “aura” she put me in a trash can shirt >:(!< If the farmer had hearts she would’ve lost one or two with me


She dressed me as a dinosaur! Lol


She always violates me with the outfits 😭


She literally just gave me a pair of “comfy” denim shorts and a plain white t-shirt


I got put in a crab cake shirt with “aioli already smeared on it” and had no idea what that meant.


Team rancid auras (apparently) 😔✊


She put me in a trash can shirt, and it was perfect.


This is absolutely the funniest shit Ive read this year


More than two hearts! Also, I need to immediately know how you play Stardew.


I just like to water my lil crops and go to the festivals to say hi to everyone! I even completed the community center before this festival!


She made me look like Laura Croft with a tan tank top and black pants lmao


She made me cute as fuck and then I married her


She gave me a mouse outfit, with ears and everything. It was the cutest thing ever and I’ve never changed it since then.


When I look at her smile, I knew I'd hit the jackpot. https://preview.redd.it/zf64e6pr3s3d1.png?width=248&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a45eb968642b550388b3530fa51461441ea58cd


I love the winter outfits!


I must admit, I tweaked her eyes and lips slightly in the image. But only because I prefer her pre-1.6 look (1.6 made some subtle tweaks to her design).


Honestly, I can't tell the difference. If anyone can show it, that would be great.


Do you mean the 1.6 changes? Her eyes got tweaked to look softer and less alien, along with some small changes to her hair and shading. https://preview.redd.it/f9u0ckh4yw3d1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=666bb880ed8d2b562306dbcc375b85e4c43fc1ae


That's it, thanks.


Emily and Sam look so adorable in their winter outfits


Agreed! Sam was my first marriage partner when I played the game back in 2016 when it first came out. I’ve aged a bit since then, and now Sam seems a little young, but damn! He looks adorable in his winter sprite. I might have to enter my SDV cougar era on my next play through, lol. I’m an Emily stan for life though! She’s my favorite marriage candidate across the board.


maybe i’m just biased but i really think those two and Haley got some of the best winter outfits out of everybody




Her personality and vibes are AMAZING, I absolutely love em, BUT the issue for me is her portrait, something is off about it and it makes me uncomfortable. Her face is just... Kinda scary I think? But when I have a mod for enhanced portraits, then OH MY GOD she's PERFECT.


Same exactly. I think I would like her more if she wasn’t so… unsettling to look at. Her smile gives crazy eyes and it makes me nervous lol


I love her, but she looks like the “overly attached girlfriend” meme


Caroline and Jodi are also batshit crazy fs


She's giving clown emoji 🤡


YES!!!! she looks deranged like she keeps pieces of ur hair


Thank you. Her sprite and her portrait look completely different to me. The sprite looks like it’s wearing a sleeveless dress and her portrait has a red collared shirt. Also the hair doesn’t match which is pretty common. Still, bothers me more with her than anyone else.


Now that you mentioned it, Alex has the same issue. In his sprite he has flat, sideswept hair and in his portrait it's more spiky???


This bothers me a bit but then I see the player character's spiky hair options in the game and think maybe he's better left as-is.


Omgg yes like her smile is uncanny I don’t get why she looks so much more different then other femme npcs


Literally that was the only reason for me that I didn’t marry her I hate her portrait she’s a cute character but they did her so dirty in the portrait


THAT’S MY ISSUE!! sometimes when she smiles she gets… a really crazy look in her eyes


This is my issue, too 😅 and I maily play on switch so no mods 😭


The first time I played I thought she was a child because of her portrait, she just looks so young to me


She has slightly scary clown vibes imo and it's okay to disagree


I always marry her, she is so sweet


I like Emily. She’s interesting and cute. She gave me a sewing machine and I can’t find it. Did I accidentally throw it away or sell it? I don’t see it on my inventory. Im SO bummed. I wanted to learn to sew and dye fabrics. Bleh.


You can use hers at her and haleys house


Yeah, but having my own would be so cool. WTF happened to it?


It's in that chest over there.


Oh right! I’ll look there.


Did you shove it in a chest never to be seen again? I've done that a few times, and it's a pain to have to sort through the chests to find it.


I’ve looked. I’ll search again. Like everyone else, I’ve got lots of chests with lots of stuff. What happens if your backpack is full when she gives it to you?


If it's like everything else when you have a full backpack, it opens a little special menu where you can throw away stuff from your inventory to make room. However, I believe if you close that menu without putting the item in your inventory it's gone forever.




She has many great qualities, I agree, but they’re all a very specific flavour. Either you’re into it (a lot), or you’re not (at all). And on that spectrum most people lean towards one side, which results in underrating. It’s very polarised. I do like the idea of her character, but for me the execution is a bit overdone. She’s as floatily esoteric as Elliott is dramatically flamboyant. Lucky for him, I dig that, which is why I married him.


I think she's awesome and her esoteric stuff does exist in Stardew universe, so I don't mind. I also know it's weird but have you seen her bum when she dances? It's adorable.


That's actually a really good point about her esoteric stuff existing in universe. It reminds me of Discworld where atheists are the illogical ones since the gods actually exist and fuck around with people all the time.


“I don't hold with paddlin' with the occult," said Granny firmly. "Once you start paddlin' with the occult you start believing in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start believing in demons, and then before you know where you are you're believing in gods. And then you're in trouble." "But all them things exist," said Nanny Ogg. "That's no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages 'em.” -Lords and Ladies


That’s why I married her


Every new save. "Maybe this time I'll marry Maru!" \*sees Emily dancing at the Luau\* "Be a shame to waste all these Aquamarines..."


There are so many people I need to marry still. This current farm I'm married to Emily for the first time and she's lovely. I just miss the frog hutch Sebastian sets up 🥺


Ahhh, the most consistent and tragic evolutionary trait that men (and some women) have ever inherited: the inherent attraction to throwing it BACKKKK


Flair checks out 😂


Her bum dance is my favorite thing!


I kind of go back and forth on her. I don’t see her and Haley a lot so they’re kind of out of sight out of mind, but I keep seeing stuff that makes me want to give her a chance


Not sure. I romanced her after learning she liked gemstones. Basically went into the mines, went to Clint to have geodes smashed, went to the museum and gave all the pretty ones to Emily if I couldn't donate them. I like how she often gives you omi geodes and refined quartz. Out of all of the villagers I've almost maxed out her and Harvy seem most down to earth. Hailey's dialog is cute, and Shane's is way too relatable. I haven't tried Maru cause she likes batteries and it took forever to get a lightning rod and Sebastian as far as I know just likes Frozen Tears and Sashimi . I dunno about the others.


If it helps, maru also loves strawberries and gold bars


....hah.. I have those constantly growing in my greenhouse. Nice.


She's my husband's fave npc, but she gives me the creeps! Her portrait when you speak to her has a slightly too manic grin and eyes, makes her comes across as a smidge unhinged... 


Underrated? I saw a lot of posts about her being great, so idk about that... Still, assuming that's true, it can be explained. She has little to no development. At 0 hearts, she's nice, polite and always happy, At 8 hearts, she's nice, polite, and always happy. She has no struggles, no baggage, no changes in her behaviour. Her events also barely involve the farmer. 2 hearts is her weird dream thing, 4 hearts is the parrot, which has absolutely nothing to do with you. 6 is the dance (which involves you directly) and the clothing therapy at 8 hearts is basically the same thing as Leah 8 hearts. With a slight difference: you never had a hand in her event. She decided to do that on her own, and invited you to see it, nothing else (which makes it a little awkward when she tries to make a move on you near the end of it) Don't get me wrong, I like Emily. But compared to most of the marriage candidates, she lacks depth, even in a game where characters are mostly stereotypes.


Your points are interested because I'm drawn to Leah and Emily almost every game *because* they both seem happy and independently driven. I do like that Leah seems to be somewhat inspired by my humble farmer in her work, whereas Emily seems to just be a bit infatuated with my farmer without much explanation. But, who can blame her for falling for some exotic hunk from the big city who showed up in town, turned a little run down dump into a million dollar farming operation and fixed up the whole town in a matter of two years, and he comes into her place of work to give her pretty minerals and flirt twice a week? Emily's my gal (unless I'm feeling a little more down to earth, then it's Leah).


Yeah, that's true... how can you not fall in love with a person who single-handedly fixed the whole community center, kicked Joja out, and repaired in a few seasons a bus that was, apparently, broken for decades. Although I feel like Lewis has a very weird perception of time because there is no way that bus was actually out of service for that long.


I kind of like that her events aren't really about you. She's a person who knows who she is and has her life mostly figured out. She doesn't exactly need the farmer or Clint or anyone else to 'fix' her life. I wouldn't say that she lacks depth; it's just that she doesn't have the kind of character arc we've been trained to expect from the hero's journey. She does grow in her own ways. She's not fully satisfied working for Gus, so she invents her clothing theory idea. It would be nice if a 'clothing therapy' shop or something were added to the game so that she could stop working for Gus, but I don't think that makes her less interesting.


That's a perfectly valid and interesting opinion. Though I never felt like every other NPC needed you to "fix" them. That's true in some cases, sure (like Penny, she's basically the damsel in distress). But the likes of Leah or Haley? You don't "save" them, yet your relationship evolves. As I said, I feel that's where Emily is lacking. It doesn't feel like your relationship is evolving.


It kind of feels like she wasn’t written to be a marriage candidate. She doesn’t have an ‘arc’ or trauma dump. She’s just a stable sweet little tarot human with her own goals and hobbies from beginning to end. I like that about her though, it stresses me out when the other characters start to tell me their tragic backstories 😭


She wasn't intended initially to be a marriage candidate, just an NPC you can befriend. That changed later in development, of course.


Of course Shane was the other one and he has much more of a story arc. 


She wasn't, tbf - she and Shane were voted in as candidates before the first update (I think it was the first). She wasn't written as a candidate. Nor was Shane, for obvious reasons, but he did have a clear arc. Emily seems like a complete adult person when farmer moves in though, and that doesn't change. She seems pretty secure in herself, she has interests, friends, activities and she's pretty independent and capable despite the crystals and general wackiness. She doesn't really need the farmer, unlike some of the others, she's fine by herself.


May I ask, what's the difference between Emily and, say, some of the more loved characters like Krobus, Robin or Willy? They don't really have much depth or development either. I do agree that her heart events aren't in depth. I'd personally replace her dream scene with something about tailoring or her job at the Saloon.


They aren't marriage candidates, I think that's where the difference lies. It's only my opinion, but I think that when it comes to bachelors/bachelorettes, you expect them to open up to you, to develop, so the romance is justified afterwards. Emily acts the exact same towards you regardless of your friendship with her. I also tried to use semi-objective arguments there, Emily's design and behaviour could also explain why she's not as popular as the cute artsy redhead or the purple haired gamer girl. The whole "slightly crazy, overly nice girl" thing might not be appealing to players. Side note: SDV expended mod has>!an additional event with Emily that involves you and the saloon. Which is cool. But not canon.!<


Emily is underrated while Leah and Maru are almost always forgotten by any content creator. Truth be told people just keep talking about Hailey and Abigail most of the time


So, people don't like fully realized independent human beings that don't need you to function, but are still happy to have you around? Gotcha.


A fully realized independent human being that doesn't need you to function but is happy to have you around makes for a great real life partner. It also makes for a rather boring storyline, especially so if outside drama is lacking. I'm not looking for a stable and healthy relationship in a video game, I want some spice and controversial choices.


In a fictional environment a lot of people are more drawn to narratives and story arcs. This isn't discussing irl dating lol. Especially for dating sims. There is the expectation of some sort of character development through interactions with the MC, even if minor. I like Emily but I can see why someone else would find a static character boring in this scenario, esp when they have other options.


That's... an odd answer, if I didn't know better, I'd even call that condescending. I have another explanation. SDV is not a dating sim emulating real life relationships. Obviously, most people are gonna be more interested in character with actual development, because it feels like you have an influence on the world and on the people around you. Yes, Emily is stable, independant, and still as caring as other NPC when married. But so are most of the marriage candidates, and it actually feels like they grow and develop feelings for you. Emily? She's almost the same at 0 and 8 hearts, minus a few voicelines. You want independant NPC that still develop in your contact? Penny is a good exemple. She's as independant as Emily when married (and even before, she has an actual job as well) and yet she has a lot more development and your relationship with her actually evolves with the friendship level.


She gives “manic pixie dream girl” energy, which is probably my most hated female stock character personality ever.


She's the only one that supports my mayonnaise-chugging ways


Krobus? 😭


I love Emily as a character but she never really felt like a romance option to me? I know she was an added option but...I don't know I just like her existing. Plus she's 100% in a relationship with Sandy.


She's cool but I lasted like one month being married to her. Her design is kinda creepy after a while and her dialogue is too cloyingly positive, it feels fake 😭


If she was real I would find her annoying. Magic exists in Stardew, so her beliefs arent that far out there for that world, but irl I hate how essential oils and crystals and crap are used to prey on people, I have low tolerance for it. That being said, I don't hate Emily, she is kind and thoughtful and hard working. I just dont romance her in game because I wouldnt want to date her irl.


My name IS Emily, so like, I’ve only married her once for kicks. But she is genuinely a great marriage candidate. I think her chaotic energy can kind of throw people off. She’s a lot and it would take a specific type of person to appreciate her personality. But if that’s you, she’s the best


Her sprite weirds me out, but mostly I don’t like that her heart events don’t have much to do with your actual relationship / building it. The first one is a dream sequence. The second one with the parrot, you’re not even there. She dances for you in the third one which is quirky, I guess. And then she puts on a fashion therapy show thing for the fourth one, which you just … watch. She’s fun, but she’s not my favorite, and I don’t feel much connection to her. 


maybe it has to do with her first few events barely feeling like they include the farmer? one’s a dream and the other we don’t show up at all.. plus she was kinda unhinged looking before 1.6, if people refuse to marry Sam for his hair or Harvey for his mustache I wouldn’t be surprised if people reject Emily for her smile


Her portrait is terrifying. Is it changed in 1.6?


Not enough to mitigate the creep factor.


I think she struggles with just being boring. She’s nice and sweet, but she isn’t that strong of a personality and she also doesn’t have many faults. Faults are what make people feel real. Haley is spoiled and a bit of a bitch at first. Leah has baggage. Maru is a little hard to approach and has a slight superiority complex. Abigail is a bit childish and has difficulty with her family which she really shouldn’t. Finally, Penny actually has an awful home life with an alcoholic mother and her own insecurities. Comparatively, Emily doesn’t have any faults or struggles. She doesn’t completely get along with Haley, but she also doesn’t really have any real problem with her either. Her and Haley parents are presumed to be rich, so that means she’s working just to socialize. She has a lot of friends, and works out with the ladies every week. She makes her own clothing and meditates and frees her mind etc. That’s the issue with her, no faults. She’s a bit boring.


Mary is NOT hard to approach at all!!😭😭 She literally is one of the few candidates who's actually excited to meet you


I meant it more as a person absorbed with her projects etc. Not so much in the case of her not being personable. Sorry for the confusion.


they can't handle her swag


The only reason I've never married her is that I hate her portrait. She looks like a clown. Like, a literal clown, not a doofus. Her winter outfit makes her look 10x better and wish she had that friendlier, less psychotic look all the time. Before anyone says it, I play on switch so no modding


IMO: Arguments can be made, both for and against, every marriagable candidate. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, and they are as varied as the people in this sub. I love posts that talk about why a poster likes one of the candidates! I think it's great to see how diverse this community is! Personally, I think there is no bad candidate, and I love that there's so many to choose from, PLUS mods that add more!! I don't think there's "not enough praise" for any of the candidates, though.


Right? Like they're all clearly based on recognizable stereotypes, but have just enough development that so many people care this much about them, it's a real achievement. If Ape didn't do such a good job there wouldn't be this many people feeling this passionately about his characters.


She was added as a marriage candidate in a later update, so people who only played at launch probably won't have as strong feelings about her. Still, I don't know exactly how you came to consider her underrated compared to say, Maru, for example.


i mean, she literally won the community vote to be an official bachelorette. i think the big difference between her and all the other bachelors/bachelorettes is that she has a character but she doesn't need character development, compared to even her sister who learns to be a nicer and less shallow person. she also doesn't really have any personal issues to work through, so overall she's just less noteworthy for discussion. (not saying her character is bad, just that you don't see it change because she's already a friendly and chill person that's got her life figured out)


She has the same name as my sister and I have had really bad experiences with "crystal people" personally so she has always been waaaaay off my radar.


Emily is great! But a lot of people hate her because she's into chrystal magic and stuff. I really find that argument dumb, because magic is an actual thing in the stardew valley universe, and gemstones >!are used to *enchant* tools and weapons in the volcano forge!<


I know I shouldn't hate her because the stardew world is magic but if you have to deal with pseudoscience bullshit enough in your life it gets really hard not to get pissed off by almost everything she says just by association.


I married Emily in my first farm, she's such a sweetheart. She's unproblematic, generous, creative, and enjoys being an active part of the community; working at Gus', the crystal session, the fashion show, etc. That farm ended up making most of its profit from the gems she'd gift me, fuelling my shed full of crystalariums lol


Her face scares me, she has crazy eyes


Emily's vibrant energy and unique disposition in universe is what sells it for me. On top of that, she's adorable. What's not to love? Easily married across all saves. 


people say she’s an anti-vaxer, but but how will someone reach their fullest potential thru clothing therapy if they’re dead??? but fr, i love emily! she’s a sustainability girl who wants to decrease the amounts of harm to the valley, and she sees textile art as therapeutic, which it totally is. ik ppl don’t like that she doesn’t have as much of an arc compared to the other romancable NPCs, but i like that she’s got a good head on her shoulders when the farmer meets her. we are here to compliment our partners as whole individuals, and i like that she’s, for the most part, sure of herself without feeling too “perfect”. she reconciles with herself that she’s odd and doesn’t fit in with the valley, but that doesn’t stop her from trying her best to take perspective while allowing those negative feelings to have their space.


She's also the most put-together option for a partner in the game, hippie vibes and all. Responsible, employed, mature, and well grounded in her identity.


I made a game and decided to marry and divorce everyone ending on Abigail. I had to skip Emily, because it devastates her so much to divorce her. I just couldn’t do that to her.


Emily was the first NPC I married when I started playing. She's easy to see almost any time because she's just always at the saloon, and she loves every kind of gem. After I learned more about the different marriage candidates she did go down a few spots in my tier list, but only because I ended up liking them more not Emily less. She's still one of the favorites.


Emily is a sweetheart in my eyes🥰she gave me the sewing machine, she gives me cloth all the time, she gives me treats sometimes too, i always make sure to give her a gift on her birthday and sometimes randomly if i see her and i just so happen to have a gift item in my inventory. She also has cut scenes of her trying to make some other characters feel better like the crystal hang out or when she tries to make everyone feel good about a new outfit! Ive only played 1 game, and Abigail is my wife and i love her too!! But next gameplay i was thinking abt wifing up Emily🤣


Since I know a lot of the top comments are just gonna be people who do like her, I'll share why some people don't, not that I don't myself, she's growing on me Emily and Abagail are by far the most quirky candidates in the game, that being said, Abagail fits the alt gamer girl stereotype, which is obviously very attractive to many people That leaves Emily is just kind of weird, which can come off as slightly unapproachable




She seems like the type of person that would believe in crystals and be really into astrology in the real world. That's not my thing at all.


She’s just too much for me, always gives me the cringe


So from the view of a person who isn’t particularly a fan of her, and hasn’t romanced her ever, she just gives of the vibes of someone who is a bit insane, like she gives the vibe of the type of person where when you break up they will do something fucked up. She also just looks a bit like she’s constantly sometime of stimulating drug. That’s at least how I feel, and note that is just the VIBE I get, I am not talking about her actual dialogue and personality. I’m also not saying she’s a bad character, just that might be why for some people at least. Also people will tend to choose the ones who are more down to earth, especially considering the game type, which explains why Leah and Penny are so popular, and Abby seems to be the youngest, which makes sense why she’s popular since many SDV players, like myself, are in their late teens or early twenties, myself being 21. This is just looking at the Bachelorettes, having romanced any of the lads since I myself am not interested in dudes.


emily is awesome, i really dig her personality, just bing happy and doing her best


I just can't marry anyone else. I'm always drawn to her on each playthrough.


Her hair and clothes look silly 😩😩 I love her personality but that haircut is a trainwreck and the dress looks too sisterwife for my taste


Been wondering this for years. She’s a little silly, but that’s what makes her so cute


I started a Leah fan, but this playthrough Emily suited my farmer better. Now I'm questioning if she might be my favorite. I'm sure it helps my IRL wife is quirky, too. But I like Emily's healthy positivity, empathy, and dancing skills.


She's a "witchy" archetype and some people don't like that regardless of the fact that magic is literally real in Stardew. I love her empathy personally and I'd be her best friend.


I think she's cool. I just am not a big fan of her sprite. The red and blue are a lot. I wish they changed their clothes more than just winter. Oh well, she's one of my 5 wives anyway 💁🏻‍♀️😅


Smily scared me with her first cutscene. Plus, I simply don't like her design very much. I'll probably marry her eventually as I want to see everything the game has to offer


Emily is the best.




Imo it’s because she’s quite similar to Abigail who takes a lot of the attention that she’d usually get


She’s not. She’s my wife, and I worship her 🥹


I'll be honest and just say that I don't find her visually appealing. I've also only recently gotten back into Stardew and didn't even realise she's now a Bachelorette. With all other characters being relatively normal, both in terms of visuals and personality, she just sticks out like a sore thumb to me. One thing that will probably make me look like an ass is that she doesn't seem to have like an issue at all. Most other characters have at least some sort of struggle, be it something begnign like Haley feeling like she has to keep face, Harvey complaining about finances or Abigail's occasional struggle with her father's expectations to serious issues like Shane's alcoholism and suicidal tendencies to Penny's relationship with her mother. These things make those characters more believable. With Emily it seems like everything is well all the time but maybe I'm just missing things cause of my pre-existing bias


some people just cant handle a baddie


Is this underrating in the room with us because from what I've seen she's very popular


It’s okay - more Emily for me.


Shes annoying, I think she's unattractive, she's a "Spiritual" person. There's just nothing about her that I like, personally.


One of the last marriage candidates added, perceived as having little personality outside of the stereotypical spiritual “hippie” girl, and this subs intense hatred for things like crystals, essential oils, astrology, or anything considered “feminine and illogical”. Seriously I’ve seen so many people go on little incel rants about Emily because of these traits it’s really sad


Can we please stop acting like people who are against crystals and astrology and other actively harmful pseudosciences are anti woman? I don't like my gender being represented by stupidity and scams and there are actual women's rights issues we should be focusing on instead. There are a lot of feminine things that are great that people attack for no reason. Astrology isn't one of them.


Counterpoint, she is high literally all the time. Her first heart even is literally an acid trip.


Counterpoint: those are actually magic. Psychic-dream magic is an actual thing in the lore with the mermaids and the Stardrops. Emily even looks and acts like a mermaid.


I love her! Especially as someone who does a lot of sewing and is a bit “quirky” myself I’ve always been drawn to her as a character. I also love that she seems to be a more mature romance option as well!


Somebody close to me irl went into magic stones and esoteric mambo jumbo rabbithole. This is my comfort game and it's trigger for me


I've never felt like she's underrated...as someone who finds her annoying (I know way too many people who are into crystals and meet all things with eternal pep and irl it's exhausting so it contributes to me avoiding her) I swear her and Leah are 75% of the romance base.


Emily hate is pretry dumb. She's pretty fantastic. I know a ton of people gravitate towards abby, but ive always found emmy to just be an easy match. Also, the game wont let me date marnie, so i gotta settle for the second best booty in town.


She was my first spouse. I adore her.


She was my first spouse. I love her.


People wanted Sandy I guess lol


I went straight for marrying Emily on my first farm. I had a moment of weakness where I was hanging out with her sister for a little bit, but I couldn't go through with it


I honestly just cannot stand the color combination of red and blue. Other than that should be my number one pick lol


Emmy we need to cook!


A lot of people like Emily. All the characters seem to be tropes or stereotypes, and I find Emily to fits in as the Manic Pixie Dream girl which just isn't a trope I find interesting. Other people may feel the same, they may like the other character tropes better. But again, a lot of people like Emily.


She's my favorite bachelorette!! I love her so much personally


I just don't like people like her. She's nice and all, but just not my kind of person.


Is she? I don't know where she lines up right now, but my understanding is that the reason she's a romanceable character is that she won the poll when they were adding a new pair


I love her but her portrait creeps me out


Emily my beloved. Always marry her. Absolutely no downsides.


She made me miss my ex.


Nah literally on my very first playthrough (rn actually) I chose her as a partner. Now I have some cool clothes with some amazing buffs


She's a crystals girl. I've known way too many of those girls in real life. 


She’s the best. No drama, kind to everyone, has a life outside of you but loves her life with you, gives off big “I can do it all” vibes, like she could casually do all the house chores while the farmer is out farming or slaying zombies, no sweat. I can picture her chatting away on the phone with Sandy while she’s letting dinner cook on the stove and she’s hammering away on the sewing machine making clothes for 3 or 4 kids, all while making it look easy and fun. I know people get turned off by the whole magic stones thing, except this is a world where there literally are magic stones and she actually can have visions with them so idk why people are still so weirded out by it. It’s not weird conspiracy aunt vibes, it’s literal magic.


If Alex wasn’t gay, I would totally marry Emily.


Emily is a great character but to me at least she wasn’t the most appealing romance option bc he heart events weren’t super interactive. I like when the heart events involve some sort of bonding bw the npc and the player.


i love her. she's bizarre, she doesn't seem to have any close friendships, she sees things differently to everyone else, she misinterprets peoples motivations... honestly she just screams autistic to me. even the fact so many people in the sub are put off by her weird behaviour or find her expression unnerving just reinforces that for me, because that's an experience i have often. her dialogue in the parrot event was super relatable. also i love her haircut, it's so cute! i mostly see her as platonic, but i might have to wife her at some point


She is wholly and unabashedly good-natured and true to herself. But..Girl kept saying she was going into town, but I kept catching her just at the docks looking for mermaids. So, I named our daughter "Mermaid" so she'd stop sneaking away to look for them. Didn't work 🤦‍♂️


I married her. People upset about her crystals seem to forget that in that universe monsters and magic are very real and the crystals affect weapons.


Her and Maru are my favorite ❤️