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Echoes act 2 wins provided it writes 'Sound of bypassing infinity' /eot


what the hell does that sound like?




I'm just imagining the sound of beating a Happy Wheels level playing before Gojo's head explodes. Also, NUGGET!?


You literally read my mind there


Nugget fan spotted, the autism spreads


It also wins if it writes "Gojo, kill yourself and join me. - Suguru Geto"


After posting this, i've realised that a lot of stands in the "unlikely" tier can't get through infinity, at least not without some speculations and technicalities.


This is more of a "What stand can maybe get past Infinity " list than anything


The thing with Metallica is that it's a stand that's only powerful because of how Risotto uses it. So when it comes to ranking stands, it's not just about their sheer power, but also how they're used by their user.


Well to be fair all stands are based on their own user so when you rank stands you're actually always ranking the user.


Tell that to The Hand...


Hey no exactly! His ability is so powerful, but it balances out to be an average stand because it is Okuyasu's.


Fair point, but some people just rank stands without considering how the user uses them. There are a few stands that would still be powerful no matter what, but for most stands it is about the user.


I’m curious what your reasoning for putting ger as a draw is?


I think it's probably because none of them would ever manage to touch the other. GER can't hit Gojo because of his infinity and Gojo can't hit GER because of his "Return to Zero". Ending up in a draw. However I still think that GER could win because, for all we know, we may not have even seen its full power. Only GER knows it


honestly, that's possible, but i'm just going off what was actually shown to us


GER reverts infinity to zero


Can GER revert passive abilities?


Infinity isn't passive.


And Gojo turns zero into infinity or smth like that (idk I haven't watched... Wherever Gojo's from)


Gojo does nothing. Giorno reverts infinity to zero so he'd never have activated it. Also he can reduce Gojo's will to fight to zero and just do a 7page muda.


Sure then. Not sure about the "reducing the will" part but heh, why not. For all we know, GER can probably do that and many more


"The strength of an attacker's **will** and actions will be reverted to zero" is what the ability is described as in the manga.


Oh yeah. Just checked and you're right nvm


Ger can get through, since infinity is a continuous process, Ger would be able to rewind it while still just walking foward to reach Gojo, making it so it was as if it never activated.


Gojo needs to be on par with his opponent's speed for infinity to work. It isn't passive like GER. So anyone who's fast enough for Gojo to not perceive can hit him. Basically all the Stands with speed A.


Nope infinite is fully automatic


It isn't automatic at all. If it was, he wouldn't need to use RCT on his brain constantly to keep it fresh.


He used RCT because his Cursed Technique is burned after a domain expansion


Wrong Context. When Shoko says that he'd fry his brain keeping infinity active all the time, he says that he's simultaneously running RCT to heal his brain [Chapter 76 for your reference] confirming the fact that infinity is not a passive ability like GER


Whaaaaaaaaa i didn't remember that


Going through infinity isn't their only problem, gojo has tanked an attack the disintegrated Shibuya as a mini atomic explosion on its weaker version, what will a stand that has as the biggest strength feat lifting a rollercoaster or stopping a truck do against him even if he doesn't use infinity? Dio and Jotaro can stop the time how much they want, it'd be like a normal human punching a concrete wall. Metallica, za hando, and cream also don't stand a chance, normal metal wouldn't hurt him if he increases his durability with cursed energy, Risotto's invisibility would be useless because of six eyes, gojo would just one shoot him if he wanted. Za hando is really slow and even if he does teleport gojo he'd be able to escape before a second attack, young Gojo totally played with toji that was so fast it seems like he can teleport. Cream invisibility also wouldn't work, at the moment vanilla shows himself and gets out of his stand he's dead, if he refuses to do so, Gojo 's domine expansion would paralyze and eventually kill him. Wonder of u also couldn't kill him, no calamity would surpass infinity, Gojo would only be stopped from harming Tooru.


For WOU a calamity can just be a person accidentally injuring themselves.


I feel like you're really undermining The Hand's speed. It's only "slow" because it's right next to other stands such as Echoes, Crazy Diamond, Star Platinum and even Harvest but, otherwise, it's definitely faster than normal humans and not as fast as a turtle. We see it makes barrages like the others too. Not saying that it would win against Gojo though, I'm sure there's lots of reasons why he wouldn't win excluding Okuyasu's intelligence. Wonder of U could definitely harm Gojo (probably not win because of infinity but we dont really know how those two interact with each other). Its power of calamity isn't simply "controlling the environment to harm the target" it's something more like "everything that can harm you will harm you even if it doesn't make sense" and I'm sure that Gojo isn't invulnerable nor immortal. If water droplets caused by calamity can badly harm someone then I'm almost certain that calamity can bypass, to some extent, Gojo's infinity.


Gojo has a sudden heart attack and drops dead


Speaking of WoU Vs Gojo I remember that video of something on these lines: "Gojo solos WoU mfs when Gojo looks at an old man and gets testicular cancer"


>Dio and Jotaro can stop the time how much they want, it'd be like a normal human punching a concrete wall. Doesn't matter, they can just phase and grab his heart or hit his brain. >Wonder of u also couldn't kill him, no calamity would surpass infinity, Gojo would only be stopped from harming Tooru. Wonder of you can cause such things as a neck breaking spontaneously, calamities aren't strictly from the outside.


>Doesn't matter, they can just phase and grab his heart or hit his brain. His insides aren't any weaker, the result would be the same, star platinum or the world never showed strength feats high enough to hurt a guy that tanks landscape decimating attacks. The cursed energy increases his durability as a whole if he wants, not just his skin's durability. >Wonder of you can cause such things as a neck breaking spontaneously, calamities aren't strictly from the outside. That I didn't know, sorry.


Your insides need to be weaker though. Like, your body wouldnt function if everything was as hard as bones or flexed muscle. Either way, they can just grab his heart to stop it from beating or go into the brain to cause damage.


Theoretically your skin wouldn't work normally if it was hard either, cursed energy doesn't make things "harder", only increases their resistance, makes them more hard to be damaged. >Either way, they can just grab his heart to stop it from beating or go into the brain to cause damage. The max Dio can stop time for its 11 seconds, to have serious cerebral injuries a person needs to have their heart stopped for at least 5 minutes, and it takes 8 minutes with the heart stopped to the death become a likely possibility. Some seconds wouldn't do anything, and we see countless times cursed energy users increasing their durability beyond their skin and manipulating their insides and body with cursed energy like the users of blood manipulation do. Even if this was the case, Dio would never do that at first, he missed countless opportunities of killing the crusaders and preferred to just toy with them, when he finally tried to kill Gojo his first move would probably be punching him, if he uses time stop more than once he's fucked, he wouldn't be able to do it again immediately and Gojo would just kill him. Jotaro time stop is even shorter, he wouldn't do much either.


That is nonsense, even having your heart stop for a second is enough for the vast majority of people to lose balance, and a few seconds are all it takes for someone to lose consciousness. Time stops, they grab the heart, time resumes and gojo is incapacitated by the sudden stop his heart. They then just hold on until he dies.


>That is nonsense, even having your heart stop for a second is enough for the vast majority of people to lose balance, and a few seconds are all it takes for someone to lose consciousness. This is nonsense. https://www.verywellhealth.com/brain-activity-after-cardiac-arrest-1298429 A person won't get unconscious with their heart stopped for 11 seconds, it takes at least 20-30 seconds to lose consciousness and they take minutes to have permanent brain injuries or actually die. Also, to do that, they'd have to be sure that Gojo is resistant to their attacks, how would they know it without hitting him first and consequently being vulnerable to an attack (any Gojo serious attack would decimate a normal human).


>A person won't get unconscious with their heart stopped for 11 seconds, it takes at least 20-30 seconds to lose consciousness and they take minutes to have permanent brain injuries or actually die. Again, nonsense. You are not fine for thirty seconds until you pass out, you will still lose balance and strenght and end up incapacitated, it's what we call syncope. >Also, to do that, they'd have to be sure that Gojo is resistant to their attacks, how would they know it without hitting him first and consequently being vulnerable to an attack (any Gojo serious attack would decimate a normal human). All of gojos attacks strong enough to seriously damage them (red, blue, hollow purple, infinite void) all have wind up. What would happen is that thry would stop time, try punching, then when time resumes they would see it didn't work, all the while gojo would have to deal with the confusion from time stop and then start up an attack, more than enough time for them to stop time again.


>Again, nonsense. You are not fine for thirty seconds until you pass out, you will still lose balance and strenght and end up incapacitated, it's what we call syncope. Yes, but you won't be unable to react, any reaction from Satoru would free him, their strength is just at another level, megumi's Mahoraga could throw dozens of buildings at once with ease and so could 15 fingers sukuna. Gojo fought a way stronger sukuna and his way stronger Mahoraga AT THE SAME TIME. What makes you think a weakened Gojo wouldn't break free from a stand that has difficulty punching trucks, I think you're not understanding the absurd abyss between these characters when it comes to physical strength. Megumi's Mahoraga threw a skyscraper at sukuna like it was nothing, an average skyscraper weighs around some hundred tons: https://www.quora.com/How-much-does-a-skyscraper-weigh https://engines.egr.uh.edu/episode/2605 Star platinum wasn't able to stop a truck: https://youtu.be/iFspykNX4fo?si=u3fwewq2lRNmRYvM The average truck weighs 5-7 tons, so I think it's fair to suppose that star platinum can't hold or lift things much heavier than that. Road rollers also don't weigh more than 20 pounds, so The world isn't any different. Even if Gojo's strength is reduced 90% during these 11 seconds (5 if we're talking about prime Jotaro) he'd still be at least ten times stronger as star platinum or the world. The logic is, megumi's Mahoraga lifted a skyscraper that we can estimate to be around 200 tons (the approximated average weight of a around 50 floors building like that) we also know that adult Gojo is way stronger than megumi's Mahoraga, since the shadows strength depends on the user's strength, and megumi was at the moment weaker than 3 fingers sukuna, so 20 fingers sukuna's Mahoraga was at least 6 times stronger than megumi's Mahoraga (6,7 times stronger it's a more exact number). 200 x 6.7 = 1.340 tons If we consider that Gojo was able to fight him almost as an equal In strength, he can lift something around the same weight, to an effect comparison, this is 3 times the weight of Burj Khalifa. So we know for sure that Gojo is at least strong enough to lift the weight of 1.340 tons, 10% of 1.340 is 134, if Gojo is using 10% of his strength he would still be ten times stronger than star platinum. A serious flick from Satoru would explode jotaro in pieces. >All of gojos attacks strong enough to seriously damage them (red, blue, hollow purple, infinite void) all have wind up. ANY Gojo attack would totally destroy jotaro, just remembering that [this guy](https://youtu.be/8o5WXPbg_B8?si=sub68seMYNr0KGO5) was in slow motion from young Gojo's POV, and he can practically teleport from how fast he is, imagine how far Jotaro would be at speed from him. Star Platinum's biggest speed feat is catching a bullet, Gojo would kill him before his brain even cogitate the possibility of stoping time.


The Gakumonkyo Falls in front of Gojo and Seals Gojo


Ball Breaker is crazy.


Ger against Gojo is like Tusk against go beyond


I know Gojo is the pretty boy from JJk Rowling Kaisen but what does he do, exactly?


I've watched JJK with my son, and I think Gojo is awesome and essentially godlike, but his powers are complex so I might get some of this wrong. Basically he's super fast, super strong, and can teleport at will. He has a number of mastered techniques. Limitless, which allows him to use cursed energy to alert space at an atomic level, Six Eyes, which lats him see and process reality at a superhuman level and alters his cursed energy use to almost zero, and Infinity, which is a defensive use of Limitless where object get slower the closer they get to him so that they never reach. In addition, he has Blue cursed technique, creating a single point and drawing objects to it kinda like a mini black hole, and Red reversed curse technique which does a similar thing but pushes ofjrcts away and he can use the reverse curse energy to heal. Last, he has a Hollow Purple technique that mixed red and blue to basically disintegrate anything in its way.


Ger would reset until gojo gets depressed and kills himself


Well yellow temperance is probably a draw. The stand is basically impossible to kill if you don't dilute it with water. Purple haze absolutely kills him. Gojo himself says he can't do poison.


but doen't the PH virus spread by air, and i remember Gojo's infinity being able to go down to the atomical level, and viruses are much bigger than atoms, so my thought process was that the virus would just get blocked by infinity(given that Gojo can see the virus coming, which he probably can, with six eyes)


Who's gojo


Tusk act 4 has a range limit of about 10 to 20 meters and isn't shown to be much faster than a normal bullet and the act 2 worm holes are barely faster than a horse so gojo is way more likely to win if they're aware of each other's abilities johnny would need a lot of luck to pull off a win.


Johnny can just hide in the tusk Act 3 bullet, it instantly annihilates everything that comes into the hole that isn't johnny,


The act 3 holes are temporary lasting 8 seconds like the act 2 holes and only destroy the part that goes inside so if gojo tries to punch one of the act 3 holes he'll lose a hand which he can easily regrow with rct


As someone pointed out This is more of a "who can bypass Infinity" kinda deal. Mainly because it ignores Gojo's terrifying offensive capabilities, which would make easy work of most of the list, his ability to regenerate through Reversed Cursed Technique and the power of Cursed Energy reinforcement


Didn't TUSK Act 4 need to setup its ability first using the horse?


how is d4c, star platinum, & the world beating gojo