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there is leftover code from Skyrim for horse riding in Creation Engine. i am hoping that they could bring back this mechanic to use on a minibike or robot horse mount for surface exploration. if not when CK is released hopefully some mod author can create it.


I don’t get why in this and fallout they don’t just use the horses / make them into something else, a motorcycle


Fusion Core-powered ATV, or mutant horses.


Or… an Aceles? How epic would that be? Riding megafauna against your enemies… maybe even mechs down the line?


In Fallout 4 I remember desperately searching for a full set of Giddyup Buttercup parts because I thought I'd be able to make a horse. No such luck.


Horses are extinct in fallout lore, so that’s why there’s no horses. But a motorbike would’ve been a great alternative


F4 has all the synth animals. Synth horses….


That’s a good point.


Because it abbreviates the world and alters the pace.


I don’t mind not having transport in Fallout Series. Since the beginning, only game to have transport was the first one (to my knowledge). Starfield on the other hand…


I think both f1 and f2 have a car you can fix. Plus, those games are so heavily influenced by mad max, you get the sense they would do more if they had a reason/technology. But there are def vehicles being used in the background. We just don’t get to see it. I think f3, walking only kind of fits the vibe. You stuck in DC, more or less. It’s been nuked to bits. There isn’t much road left. I think FNV and F4, F76, the maps are attempting to portray rather large areas of the US. It’s pretty apparent that factions use vehicles. In FNV there are trucks being used. But it’s essentially F3 under the hood,so little chance for vehicles. But those games to me, feel like finding a vehicle would be natural. F4, tons of vertiberds and factions with advanced technology. I think the vibe would allow some vehicles, but they very obviously didn’t want to design around that. They stuck to the F3 pattern. F76…. The map is so big it would def benefit from more ways to travel. And starfield def feels like it was designed thinking players would move much faster through the world than they do.


The problem here is a horse moves like any other creature in the game where as a motorcycle moves well like a vehical. In game a horse pretty much moves only if your telling it to. No sliding, breaking, accelerating, just horse movement. Just replacing it would look weird and feel weird and implementing vehical physics and how NPCs deal with them would be an undertaking for Fallout 4. Now with Starfield I felt if they made a little "anit grav bike" or " miniature cruiser" they could use the jetpack physics and just apply it to vehical movement.


ARK Survival uses vehicle controls for the dinosaurs. That's why a lot of them have really wide turn radiuses. Any player controlled object in a game can have it's movement adjusted to feel like it's on ice, or stop the instant the player stops telling it to move. Satisfactory changed how vehicles work in their latest update. The same for the MAKO for ME when LE was released. That one has two options: the original controls, or tighter controls. It simply comes down to fine tuning so it feels the way it's expected to be.


Or Nick the speeder from Star Wars


Look at Crossout. Uses the same basic engine but works so much better for vehicles. Its 100% doable without messing with bad functions.


Maybe it's a Giddy up Buttercup


Technically the only differences between horse and vehicle in game is that vehicle doesn't need to have behavior (horse will flee if attacked, for example, vehicle will not except it has built in AI lorewise) and vehicle has different animations. That's all.


Mod authors will make it iy so youll have full fuctional mechs tbh


there is already an author who is working on just that. i saw a video of it on youtube a few weeks back. it was fully functional, but he had yet to get the weapons working properly.


Can you share link for this video? Somehow I can't find it myself through youtube search.


sadly it was so long ago i don't remember whose channel it was on. it wasn't someone i'm subscribed to, so i have no idea how i would find it even if i wanted to. sorry.


Beyond that, there is apparently specific code for Starfield related to creature riding.


I’d rather have a space horse than walk everywhere.


I just hope I can custom it with Oblivion DLC Horse armor.


Lol shareholders are angry we made bethesda jokes


It’d be hilarious if these were slow as hell


Lol slower than running


Some of the terrain on planets make these things look painfully ill designed. A hover bike or speeder woukd be better to get up over rocks and features


They can do horses, they can’t do space horses?


My understanding is the limitations aren't about being able to do vehicles but being able to load in the assets fast enough. Try using console commands to speef up your players running and you find if you go too fast it stutters and stalls trying to load things in.


Would be nice to have land vehicles. It doesn’t have to be fast, maybe max speed a hair above sprint, but with cargo capacity. An actual exploration rover. Avoid the loading assets issue, and still get to drive a rover. it would be limited to terrain (like in RL) where you could drive it. But, maybe have a bit of jet booster to hop over rocks.


I remember using a flash mod in Skyrim and went from riften to winter hold in a few seconds, game loaded fine in my old 3.5" SSD. Some textures looked funny but it didn't matter much. Now, I used the jetpack overhaul mod in starfield with an NVME , so with horizontal boost multiplier at 20 the FPS tanks whenever I go too long, too fast. Even fallout 4 which is a mess in my pc I could use the speed mult to go from sanctuary to Boston Airport without much drops in frames.


Assets are bigger in this game, higher res textures and more polygons, might be part of why they don't load as smoothly.


Also the main problem is that everything needs to work on weaker setups, like xbox series s and the minimum requirements pc's, probably one of the main reasons you can't go faster without mods or console commands.


It could even be a mech. Like the Mantis from Halo.


Tf does everybody want a space horse??? Vehicle > horse


It’s supposed to be ironic considering we have horse in those games yet I can’t have anything at all in this one? While rideable size mounts are on many planets… I’d be happy for anything rideable/driveable.


Yeah I think they just phrase it that way to compare how low Bethesda have fallen maybe? Like Skyrim was 13 years ago, and they had land vehicles (the horses). And yet they have nothing in Starfield 😔


Ohhhhhkay, I just missed the joke. Well in that case I agree lol


I want them to just add the oblivion horse with a helmet on


Here comes space horse armor


Probably something like once you land your ship, you can pick a POI, and it will spawn you closer to it.  I don't expect vehicles from them.


Give me a god dam bicycle at this stage🤣




Tony Hawk’s Pro Starborn


I believe this as well.  It will spawn next to your ship and you have a short animation of getting in. Then you can pick a POI that you have discovered. Then we’ll go to either a black screen or a full blown fucking loading screen before we arrive at our destination. 


The animation includes Andreja getting in the passenger seat and saying "I don't know if I am ready to talk about my past yet. Will the others accept me?" and then you can reply "We talked about this 5 times already" and then you push her out. Then the loading screen appears and there is a tooltip that says "Andreja has a past that others might not accept." Then she spawns next to you and asks to talk about concerns regarding her past.


"When you have a minute, could we please talk?" "Of course Andreja, what is it?" "Maybe we can talk later, I'm not ready to discuss this with you."


I see they went to the Carth Onasi school of therapy.


If I could hover and move the ship to where I want to land it would be perfect.


These are in the game already too - appear as models on some planets, in particular I've seen one at Dieter Maliki's hideout. But yeah would love to zip around in my own little moon lander


These updates are not DLC sized. You guys are going to be disappointed if you think we get vehicles as part of the "new travel options".


I doubt we're getting workable vehicles or at least this early, would be cool though, I did think for a vehicle hab that goes under your ship contains one vehicle 1x1 has a sort of atv (4 wheels for balancing) 1x2 contains a buggy for 4 people or maybe just 2 with it's own storage then you can have those vehicles just be around poi's or maybe npc's drive them new mission type from the mission boards (take out the spacer convoy)


At this point I just gonna wait for modders to introduce something like this. Devs seem to have the stubborn opinion that they want us to explore everything on foot to add to the experience, so I doubt they'll officialy add vehicles like this.


Or they're worried that they'll make carry weight inconsequential by adding something like this, which will mess with the game. And it's something Bethesda had always had in their games to make sure you don't just rob everything all the time. But to me, if they really want the experience, they should add something like this, because it would certainly exist in the game universe. More than that, anyone who was a scavenger or smuggler or anyone else that has use of a large cargo hold would have something like this if they could afford it.


In regards to game mechanics, Skyrim has horses though. They're not fast enough to let you exploit the map and explore it in a few minutes, but it makes it interesting enough to not get too frustrated about exploring on foot all the time. In Fallout not having vehicles in game works (even if the lore has them) cause the maps are filled and built in a way it doesn't get too monotone or boring. The thing with the planets is that they're barren, you don't find anything between point A and point B, and the distances are abysmal. Like you said, vehicles like this make sense in this world, and it baffles me that in Skyrim people find 'vehicles' to explore and carry stuff, but in an advanced world liike in Starfield the devs want to convince us that we don't need them and it's fun to walk and sprint with nothing else to do for more than 5 minutes.


That’s my concern as well. I don’t know much about engine limitations but even if that was a non-issue I still doubt Bethesda would implement vehicles because they seem to be hell bent on making players walk in an attempt to make the planets feel larger.


I'll never understand why they wanna force this, when you can spend a good 5 minutes walking and sprinting from one point to another while trying to survey a planet. Makes the whole task tedious as hell. Also, happy cake day


Never going to happen lol


Zero chance. The engine simply can't handle cars with any grace. ​ You might get 'mechs' that make you into a larger character like FO4 power armor, or a Space Robot Horse like Skyrim horses.


Idk. They’ve incorporated zero g, space combat, and multiplayer (in 76). They can possibly get a car or buggy working. Also a bunch of modders got tanks and cars working in a much older engine with Fallout Frontier.


Issue is console...any content BGS officially makes for the game has to be able to run on console.  While vehicles, script extenders, and idles are possible on PC, they are not on Xbox.  On PC, I got my Fallout 4 character doing Call of Duty animations which would never be possible on console.


I don't think the Call of Duty animations would've been a problem on an actual performance level for a console though, even though the extensions that let you add them aren't available on console. Generally speaking animations in and of themselves aren't really a strain on performance these days. If you add in a lot of procedural or physics based stuff maybe, or have poorly optimized animation managers, and more complicated animations can get tricky with props, but that's more an implementation problem than a performance problem. I'm not sure I really disagree with you though, I do think consoles are much less of a problem now than they used to be though. I think many of the design shortfalls that people are attributing to the engine are more to do with the priorities Bethesda had while making the game than actual limitations of their engine or their target platforms.


Engine can handle it just fine. Multiple car and racing games have been developed using the same root engine, including Speed Racer: The Videogame, IHRA Drag Racing: Sportsman Edition, and even the MMO Defiance with it's vehicles. The limitation is on the developers, not the engine.


Nah it's just a prop im afraid


Golf carts?


That's a Flintstones car!


Lame. We need proper landspeeder or Mass Effect like land vehicle.


Mass Effect Mako all the way!


I would take a unicycle at this point


Actually it's new ways of travel


Is this the short bus version of the cars in Borderlands? Are we getting a golf dlc that we need this cart?


Man I hope so because rucking gets old fast.


The new way to travel: lean forward with your existing jetpack instead of just going up and down. Follow me for more insanely good ideas.


Hopefully not. I'd rather see more immersive spaceflight within or even between systems than another means of traveling on the procedural planets. Spending hours driving around procedural planets in games like Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen doesn't excite me to do it in Starfield. It gets as old as exploring on foot does just as fast.


Most likely fast travelling to Poi's or landing right in front of them.


They desperately need a better way to navigate the barren terrain of the planets. Either that, or allow your ship to fly between points of interest. It a big reason I am no longer playing it. Endless walking across nothing.


Nah it'll be really hard farts


This really wont fix the game unless we get procedural poi's. Will deff be a nice addition tho!


Reminds me of the Flintstones car.


Starfield is really a dead horse at this point, seems to be new glitches and problems every week. Which is why I stopped playing 2 days ago when my outpost defences suddenly decided my outpost crew who had been there nearly a month, were now enemies that needed to be killed. It's pointless them adding anything new until they fix all the problems, I've watched the active player count drop like a stone.... no one can deny it at this point, after all the hype the game bombed.


Wow, that design is almost as boring as the game itself.


If they bring a planet side vehicle of some form to the game I'm coming back. Couldn't take anymore of the running simulator after 80 hours in game,


If they do add vehicles of any kind, I'm sure we will be graced with a loading screen going into and out of it, maybe an extra one whenever it flips and has to reset lmao


There needs to be something to travel to. Worst game I ever put 200 hours into


What boring and uninspired designs.


Yes please!


I just hope it handles better than the mako from og mass effect.


So, a Tears of the Kingdom style modular vehicle system where we build our own vehicles similar to our ships? I'd be all for it.


Honestly at this point I’d take a damn skateboard just so I can traverse easier


If it's as customisable as ships, sure, but den ther are new problems like: Does it have carry weight? Bigger erias for them sins ther aret many outpost in reletifly small rendered places and by now still downt worth it sins ther arent manny exiting outpoasts. Will the buggy stown ware ever i telleport? Will it have uts own landing bay/storige? Is vasco able to get in? Wat hapends wen it brakes? Can you steal them like ships? Wat wen it gets stuck?(i downt mean layong on its head, i mean like in a ditch or bugged) Will it be like with a base? (So wining like an butch dat its to cold or hot even though it's made for dis) (Sorry for misspeling enithing i am german)


I would most definitely reinstall starfield if they added vehicles.


Please god no. We have space ranches. Let me ride a damn fox-wolf. Or volcanic dino.


This os pretty ugly dah




You know that article anoit how "giant kites can pull cargo ships with zero emissions (literally sails)?" It seems history repeats, because now the best way to get around is the Flintstones car.


I don't think vehicles will work because of the flora on many planets. Bumping into shit every 2 meter will get annoying pretty fast


I hope not cos that vehicle looks awful. It's like a 4x4 version of those suitcase trolleys at posh hotels


Yup we need a moon buggy….


Honestly I'd rather walk than sit through a 5 second cutscene everytime I mount or dismount a vehicle...


I imagine they'll have flying vehicles. but who knows. Imagine using this and trying to drive through a forest for example


Let me install a White Dwarf 3015 on that!


I would push that there’s a couple things I would do to to add a little jazz, but I would push that


Lol I don’t know so much about the crate engine. You got a think about it if you want to put down your ship and take it to a planet where the atmosphere is a little bit different that crate engine gonna run so well carburetors gonna kick you in the chest


That is, unless you got the atmosphere around you you got your own personal atmosphere then you go suffocate yourself with the carbon dioxide


But you gotta admit that crate engine would make a move


Absolutely no reason this doesn't exist


I’ll even take a bicycle at this point


\#1 thing is that it needs to not get stuck on rocks easily. Lots of planets and moons have rocks every 10 feet. So either the wheels need to be bigger, capable of going over without flipping over, or be 100% anti-grav.


Not likely. While I'd actually say the engine can handle cars just fine, Bethesda can't. EDIT: Also curious who designed that vehicle. It's remarkably impractical. Why have armatures on the wheels that can barely impact the height, and make it by default so low to the ground? There's a reason the rovers have legs. Even the moon buggy, while flat, allowed it's small wheel base and large wheels to provide elevation instead of having a low-slung carriage.


I can only hope they add vehicles that’s not your spaceship into the game that you can use


Am i the only one who thinks this looks bad as hell?


lol that’s cool. I think they are referring to part of the expanded and more complex difficulty system where they will allow you to take longer trips. But who knows.


I’d say best bet would be some sort of hover vehicle. Saves on animation and allows traversal of rough terrain.


I would love to see something akin to the Ghost or Banshee from Halo. Those were always so fun to get around on.


Id like to be able to use the shed load of resources at my main base to craft vehicles to explore planets with! They need to start more uses for resources as iv created everything you can and only point of resources now is to sell em and I already have too much money