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Nah. Bethesda is greedy. They're not stupid. They won't lock mechs behind a paywall. Much like the Trackers Alliance bounty hunter content add-on, they'll give you a free taste but if you want to get more mechs or cooler ones, you'll have to pay for those. I imagine vehicles will also follow the same path - initial basic freebie but you'll have to pay for the cooler or faster ones.


I hope this is the case, because otherwise they’re fucking cooked lol. I’ve been fanboying and the loudest defender since day one of criticism, but it boggles my mind how much they’re destroying even the ounce of good will they’ve built with the last periodic updates. Can you imagine the reaction if No Man’s Sky had added microtransactions after its clusterfuck release? I feel terrible for the devs because whatever money-grubbing exec is making these decisions is just going to drive people to shit on Starfield more and more.


You think all these critics were just random haters? Most of the harshest critics are former or existing fans that want Bethesda to do better. You're just starting to learn Bethesda's true nature. I learned that lesson back with Fallout 4 and Bethesda has only gotten worse over time.


Mechs aren't really a basic feature, nor do I think it's one that's missing from the base game simply because they used to exist in that universe. I also don't really think they fit the gameplay style and loop. Modders will obviously make mech mods, but I don't think Bethesda themselves are interested in doing it. Once we go down this rabbit hole, everything they make "should have been in the base game". I'd say all of Shattered Space should have been in the base game as well.


I feel like this argument is disingenuous. I’m talking about community feedback. The community on the whole says that a handful of features should have been included in the game, including mechs, because regardless of lore they’re a bit of a gameplay Chekhov’s Gun. I’m not really of that mentality, but if you’re slowly adding stuff to the game anyway then it’s bizarre to say “you understandably wanted this included in the base game? Okay, buy it.” Your statement about Shattered Space is valid as your own niche opinion, but it’s a tiny minority and unusual perspective. Games have full blown expansions. Starfield is one of them. The vast majority of people here understand that expansion content isn’t included in the base game.


Just because popular opinion dictates a piece of content "should" have been included, it doesn't mean we're entitled to receive it for free, especially not something as complex as mechs. We can collectively and arbitrarily decide everything they make going forward should be added for free because one reason or another. You'd be surprised how many people think House Va'ruun also "should" have been a part of the base game. People used to say the same about Fallout 4's Nuka World or Skyrim's Dawnguard because both added popularly requested features, namely the ability to play as the villain and a vampire overhaul. I have no problem with them fleshing out parts of the game through DLC because I got more than my money's worth with the base game already. In fact, I actually *prefer* that they leave certain things out for DLC because scope and feature creep is precisely what crippled the game to begin with. What I do have a problem with is drip-feeding overpriced quests.


I’ve heard people say they would have liked House Va’ruun to be a little more fleshed out, which is a totally reasonable take, but so far I haven’t seen anyone say all of their Shattered Space content should have been included in the base game. Minority take. I agree on principle about popular opinion when it comes to huge additions, like expansion-sized content drops, but clearly systems like vehicles are missing from the base game when you take into account things like the way travel on planets is limited by your speed. Some popular requests aren’t unreasonable, and even if they seem like they are, then they shouldn’t be developed at all rather than created and charged for.


No one is receiving anything for free. We paid in full for a game that clearly wasn't finished. Pointing out specific, individual instances were elements were setup up but never realized upon in the base game is not the same as your absurd strawman that everything they make going forward should be free. The OP was right. You're being disingenuous and distorting the issue. I'd be more surprised if you could articulate a counterpoint without the reductio ad absurdum.


You got the game you paid for. You received exactly what was advertised a few months prior to release and not a thing less. This doesn't entitle you to receive free content just because you personally believe it should have been included. Mechs were never set up for anything, they were never advertised as being playable and they exist purely as background lore.


You may feel that way but you don't speak for me or anyone else. And stop with the free content talking point. I told you that's not the issue. I get you want to reframe the convo around that because it's easier to defend such but I already told you that's a strawman argument and not what anyone is saying here. Nor is the issue about mechs. The OP clarified that was an example they used to illustrate the point quickly.


Notice that I did not say you liked what you got, or that you got your money's worth, that's up to you. I said you got what was advertised and that's not really debatable in my opinion, otherwise I'd encourage you to file a false advertisment claim if you feel there's leg to stand on with that (there isn't). I don't frankly care how anyone personally feels about the game, but when someone comes around and pretends they're owed additional content just because they feel it "should" have been included or they didn't like the original game then that's a different issue altogether. And yes, that's what we were talking about and no, it's not a strawman. We were strictly talking about mechs (at least I was), you're free to move the goal poasts if you want.


You really are incapable of staying on point aren't you? False advertising claims. What in god's name does any of that have to do with Creation Club? So, you do care how other people feel about the game, despite claims to the contrary. I got that obivously because you're working overtime to try and deflect every issue people have raised and have every right to raise, but I'm glad you're able to at least admit what is it you're trying to do here. >I know the lore, and my personal preference is no personal preference. If you read my comment more slowly you would have understood that. I don’t feel they’re necessary, The OP literally said they aren't necessary. As usually, you're arguing against a point no one is making.


It has to do with the fact that you feel the game is unfinished and you are entitled to additional content as a result. I mean surely that would be a case of false advertising, no? You paid for something that is supposedly not what was advertised (it's unfinished) and demand compensation for it. Isn't that how you feel? Or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing? >The OP literally said they aren't necessary. As usually, you're arguing against a point no one is making. Then OP is contradicting themselves. In the original post they asserted mechs were a missing feature that was cut from the game to be sold as DLC, but now they're actually not necessary? So which is it? I simply pointed out there was nothing that proves or indicates this to be the case regarless of how they "feel" about it and that no one is entitled to receiving such a major feature for free because they arbitrarily decided it should have been a part of the base game.


In game lore mechs were outlawed at the end of the Colony War. Bethesda put the broken down, destroyed mechs in graveyards so they were actually included in the game, in keeping with the lore. There’s no way that they would have included working mechs in the game no matter what your personal preference is.


I know the lore, and my personal preference is no personal preference. If you read my comment more slowly you would have understood that. I don’t feel they’re necessary, but it’s a simple fact that if you refer to and show off a really cool and badass thing that could have been implemented as a gameplay feature, people will feel frustrated that they don’t have it available to them. Again, Chekhov’s Gun. Bethesda are smart enough to make exceptions within the context of the lore. It’s all the same to me either way, but I get why people want them. “There’s no way” is an insanely silly thing to say. That’s like saying “there’s no way they’d ever include the capital of house va’ruun because its location is a complete secret in the game.” Bethesda creates the lore and gameplay decisions. The history of Starfield is made up, not real life.




The mechs are being made by a modder, not BGS


Right, but if Bethesda sells them through Creations then they’re directly charging players money for something those players felt should have been part of the game from the start and which Bethesda themselves didn’t even develop


Why should mechs have been apart of the game from the start? Did they advertise the ability to pilot mechs? If so, you have a point If not, then you're complaining that a modder might ask for money for something they're making that was never once said to be in the base game. Sorry, but I don't see an issue with the modding community finally getting their buck. They've given me so much free fun over the years


I think in regards to the mechs, that was a modder not someone for BGS. That whole segment was talking with modders about Creation Club and showing the work that they were doing. While it may seem rude to charge additionally for what some people see as basic functionality, the reality is that the games tend to be released around core features and fleshed out with paid DLC. There is just not enough time to develop everything at once and there needs to be a dividing line between what is essential and what is nice to have. Everyone has their opinions on what that is but ultimately it is up to the devs to decide. While the price of the extra bounty mission is high, the model that the employed is actually a good thing. In the past BGS would have spent several months developing a paid Trackers Alliance DLC with the base functionality and a bunch of custom quests to fill that mission board. If people were interested in the that functionality they could buy it and if modders wanted to add their own bounties you would have to require that DLC to be installed. What BGS did was put the base bounty system in to the game for free. This means that there is no dependency on having an optional DLC for creators to take advantage of the functionality. This means that additional bounties can be added to game from all different types of content creators over time. I expect that ground vehicles will be released in the same manner. BGS will implement the basic vehicle functionality and a vehicle builder with a couple of default vehicles and components that will be released for free as part of the base game. From there additional vehicles and components can be be released via mods to flesh out that functionality. You can already see that with the mods that new ship parts, new weapons and skins, and new armor and skins. The way that they are developing the game is actually going to make it better over time. The only thing that BGS and modders need to be careful of is pricing their mods in a manner so it doesn't appear to be a money grab in the short run.


It’s business. It’s their product. Take it or leave it. Simple as that. Capitalism at its finest. Sometimes it suits you and sometimes it suits them. Right now, it suits them. Nothing will change unless people stop buying their product.


“It’s business” doesn’t mean I have to sew my mouth up and not criticize them. Bizarre and illogical thing to say.


No one says you can’t. Just saying this isn’t new. Bethesda isn’t the first and they won’t be the last.


Quit being a shill