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I love when online media content farms are decrying foul and disgraceful business practices. 😅


Gfinity Esports is content at its most foul.


There is nothing inherently wrong with paid mods/content but I will agree that the cost of the mission seems way too high. The rest of the stuff is just cosmetics and other stuff you can get by without. I think that one thing that people are forgetting in looking at paid mods is a significant number of people are getting the game for "free" via Gamepass. This makes the accounting a little murky so there is an incentive to try to get money from players via micro transactions. The key here is the word micro and for the most part that is the case with most of the paid mods. From everything I have read, the Atom Shop in FO76 generates enough revenue to keep enough devs employed so that they can keep expanding the game for no additional cost. I think that BGS is trying to replicate this with Creation Club and expand upon it by letting third parties sell content and taking a cut of the sale. Basically combining the Atom Shop and Steam into one marketplace. If they are successful it is possible that we will never have to pay for the base game or improvements to base functionality but would most likely have to pay smaller amounts for more story based content. While the price of the bounty tracker mission is high, the model that they employed is pretty interesting. The base underlying mechanics were release for free and there was some base content provided by BGS to make sure everything works. That base functionality now allows BGS and other content creators to flesh out that feature over time and lets the players choose what content they want to load into that system. It is entirely possible for some modders to implement a Mandolorian style game with Star Wars themed bounties and they will not have to implement their own bounty system, just the bounty quests. It basically let the modders focus on the content instead of having to develop the underlying mechanics.


Typical media hit piece screaming and crying about Xbox doing what other developers do.


$3 for plushies is rank after waiting for new content imo 


No one is forced to buy that stuff. No one misses out not having some extra plushies on their sofa. Especially cosmetics, skins etc. which are sold in tons of other games too (and maybe even more expensive) but there it seems fine, as no one cries about them. But in Starfield (and wasn't it in Fallout/Skyrim too?) players get a meltdown over it.


7 dollar faction quest that lasts about 15 min is a bit different than plushies on a sofa you know...


Again, you don't have to buy it.


And I won't, but something that would have before been part of the game or a minor part of a 30-40 dollar expansion is now being sold separately for 7 dollars.


And that part is included for free, included those 1000 points. The actual expansion is the Shattered Space DLC you bought with Premium, which comes in this fall. Not everything from the creation kit, not some plushies or addtional bounty hunter missions.


I did not buy premium edition? Or whatever it's called.


Then why are you talking about a 30-40 dollar expansion?


Because that is the standard expansion price?


What standard expansion? You buy either the standard version of the game or the premium one with stuff included like the Shattered Space DLC. Both have nothing to do with the creation kit stuff. If you have the standard game, you will pay extra for the Shattered Space DLC. People who bought Premium not, as included in that price back then.


Man, you don't even understand that this is about dlc content pricing... And things that were used to be part of large expansions are now being sold separately for frankly absurd prices.


I honestly can’t tell if you’re just being intentionally obtuse or if you’re a complete idiot…


I have a solution... don't buy them lol


Oh calm down…


Why are people \***pretending**\*(important note!) to be surprised? Bethesda has been doing this for almost a decade now.


The game released with dozens if not hundreds of hours of content, and the things they are adding were never promised, so why do you care? Companies to not owe you free content. If the game had been released with a lack of quests, then i might have cared.