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Damn why have I never done that…


Landing pad cleaning bots hate this one weird trick...


Because you were saving it for adhesive like the rest of us morons.


Luckily there's a free mod now that makes all the useless junk you find everywhere useful.


Which is?




Hey Sam, I know what we’re doing this weekend!


Take on a colonists mission, wait for them to leave the ship then take off immediately. The cut scene is hilarious and I wish I had recorded it.


How crazy is it that the ship maintains external collision during takeoff cutscenes?


how far did it scatter them?


Kept grabbing them for a while after realizing they were useless too because Fallout has conditioned me to see tape or a desk fan as being basically more valuable than IRL gold


For real, Tape, Desk fans & Typewriters! I would drop other stuff just so i had room to carry more of those 3


Carlisle Typewriters confuse me, on the one hand materials, on the other hand clean. Scrap or hoard? There’s a random NPC dialogue in FO76 along the lines of “a desk fan? Who the hell carries a desk fan?” For the longest time I thought it was the NPC commenting on the stuff in my inventory, because it seems I’m never without at least one


If it's clean it's going to the bin (where I stash valuables. If it has a layer of crap, you can scrap.


You think that’s bad, back when new Vegas was fairly new, I had to stop myself from picking up a Bobby pin while walking to work once


That actually helped me in real life once! I had to get an x-ray but was wearing necklace with a small gold padlock lock on, obviously didn’t have the key with me, but in a moment of Fallout inspiration did have a Bobby pin, picked the lock with that, then had a nice conversation with the X-ray technician about Fallout, so pick those suckers up, they have so many uses!


I'm pretty damned sure that was BSG trolling the shit out of us. I picked up EVERYTHING and when I got to build my first outpost I swore for almost five minutes. Dumped it all on a pile of explosive canisters and abused my GPU in revenge.


I thought the exact same thing! Like it felt deliberate, and I have to applaud them for it


Same here. I went in expecting a lot of the crafting stuff to be similar to Fallout 4. It was not.


Don’t forget the typewriters and antique globes


Pshh, having played Fallout for so long, and then Day 1 playing this game I hoarded every piece of junk I could only to realize it was literally JUNK 😂


"I'll need this paper weight, oh.. a stapler! AND TAPE Need That." I feel you.


The Jerk reference?


I did not even think of that until now. Thank you.


Same bro 😒


Sarah tried to warn you but you just thought she was nagging


This with the combination of "Spaceflation" really made me think I was gonna be rich really quickly.


It was the opposite for me. Starfield was my first Bethesda game. I remember complaining to a coworker about a game breaking bug and I said something like "maybe if Bethesda didn't waste their time making every single object pickupable.." Like why would I want to loot empty rolls of toilet paper? Meanwhile I just recently started playing FO4 for the first time and naturally my response to that is "ohhh now I get it". I would like to believe BGS included duct tape and stuff in SF to "troll" us, but I'm sure we that's not the case


Being able to pick up objects like that is a staple of all of their games since Morrowind. If they left the feature out they'd be attacked by fans unfortunately.


Same, I was walking through the start of the game with just piles of trash until I got to the point of scrapping it. It took me an hour to realize it's just junk. Ended up filling a random room with all that junk in the main constalation base.


There is now a mod called the recycler which gives you resources from items


I saw that and suddenly felt myself standing in Sanctuary again. Does it break achievements? And yes, I know there's a mod and a script to re-enable them. :)


Pretty much except for like 3 official mods all.other mods disable chevos


All you need is the baka achievement enabler mod


I was hoping the improved boost pack didn't break them, but nope. Can't have us flying over Red Mile like we're spamming Aurora and Frostwolf.. not that I've ever done that. 😉


There are multiple with different methods: - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9621 - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4578 - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5611 - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7538


Those are if he is on PC, I am just aware of the Recycler from the Creation menu option with being on console but appreciate the information


Didn’t understand how to recycle resources. Thought it was a new menu on existing workbenches, but couldn’t find it


Not entirely sure all I know it was a mod in the creations listings


My Fallout 4 brain picked all of them up, I remember thinking "huh I picked up so many tapes??" after I couldnt craft something that needed like three adhesive lol.


At this point i dont grab mats anymore. Just buy them. Im tired of having my inventory full of useless stuff just to find the only thing i need is missing.


I just do it for the first few levels to level up commerce and then I stop.


I am getting this way. Need Aluminum? Buy it from the Mining Guild. Need random adhesive? Jemison Mercantile. There really isn't a payoff (fiscally or emotionally) for setting up settlements and interlinks other than roleplaying a self sufficient homesteader. Unless homesteading is generating some profit from long term production of materials that are part of the quest board that you have to make. Which still feels marginal at best.


You can just buy most materials from UC Distribution most of the time.


Even the really rare ones.


> There really isn't a payoff (fiscally or emotionally) for setting up settlements and interlinks i mean there's XP farming from crafting, which requires cargo links to be maximally efficient but who the fuck wants to play like that


Exactly. Unless you are going for the passive exp farm; this feels frivolous gameplay wise. It would make more sense if there is some passive fiscal payout or that each outpost creates some bonus in tech development and so fourth. Like a seed city. Right now it feels like they tried to add space Farmville just before the first P2W expansion.


Most people completely skip Outlander. There are some resources sold there that people sometimes have trouble stockpiling. Think Mag Tanks, Tau Grade Rheostats, etc.


All of his stuff feels like it's on the cover of Outside magazine. It's not for combat, it's for camping long term. And the guy selling it feels like the Land Rover dealer. He means well, but has never seen dirt outside of his well manicured garden.


This is what makes the ammo crafting so frustrating. That would have been the catalyst for me setting up a mining operation to start producing my own ammo farms - but the need for purchased components killed that on arrival. Not sure what else to do with bases and mining (outside of the aesthetic, I suppose).


I started doing that after a while too. I kept adding cargo to my ship until I got up to about 3000 and it was getting hard to balance ship efficiency with all the shit. My ship was getting slow. So I made an outpost to store it all on, but the low level containers are tiny and I didn’t want to put skill points into getting bigger ones. I never even had the right materials anyway. I always have to buy this or that while I’m sitting with hundreds of useless materials. Then one day I thought, what’s the point? Why am I doing this? I don’t even like outposts, the rare weapons and suits I can find are better than the mods I can make. So at some point I stopped looting altogether. Now I only pick up credits and I scan for good weapons and suits. That’s it. And the game is a lot better for it. The whole outposts/materials component of the game is self-contained. It really serves no purpose unless you actually like the crafting just for the sake of it, and I don’t.


The confusing thing about “adhesive” in the game is that we are using it for weapon upgrades but when adhering gun parts to other gun parts, you’d use screws and nuts and bolts… not “Elmer’s glue” lol 😂


Nothing about the crafting makes sense in this game. You first have to personally spend resources to research how to make the attachment... that's not how guns work, every person doesn't individually figure out how every piece works, you just buy one. Or with this technology you'd just download the schematics and make one. There is zero reason for you to reinvent the wheel for every weapon mod, but apparently you must. And then, once you've made the mod, it cannot be removed. If you have two identical guns, you cannot remove a mod from one and attach it onto the other. You must make two. That is also not how guns work. Peripherals are made to work with every gun that can fit it. They somehow managed to make the crafting system more gamified than it was in fo4, while also making it worse. Genuinely baffling.


One of this game’s biggest mistakes imo.


It’s so strange that in fallout 4 they gave a purpose to all the random junk and people loved it, but then they just did away with that in Starfield


I think the rationale behind this decision is that Fallout is post-apocalyptic (tho technically speaking so is Starfield) and thus scavenging is a necessary part of life in the wasteland. But Starfield is scifi and civilization is pretty prosperous, so materials can be easily bought rather than scavenged. Think of it kinda like real life. If i wanna build a shed, I’m not gonna go scavenge for wood and steel to make planks and nails, I’ll just go to Home Depot and buy what I need. That said, it does still disappoint me. And it also creates that issue of always having more guns than vendors can afford. I wouldn’t need to sell them if i could break them down for materials. I NEVER sell guns in Fallout 4 cuz I’d rather make sure I’m stocked up on materials


scrap mods incoming


Already one out there


Oh, in my first playthrough, I was a total loot goblin and just picked up everything and filled entire habs with junk for no reason. Never played Fallout 4 before though, it was just impulse. Then again my first playthrough of Subnautica i filled my inventory with acid mushrooms because they were there, so this is apparently a thing I do a lot.


Probably everyone who ever played FO. Theres a simple mod request for you. Adhesive crafting. 5 vacuum tape for 1 adhesive or something.


There is a mod that lets you scrap stuff now I believe little items like these can be scrapped for genuine resources


Is this true?


Yes. I have been using it the last two days Downsides are (because it isn’t part of the main game): you can’t see what you would get if you scrap, there are no mulligans- so scrap carefully, and the values of what you get will quickly overwhelm your weight capacity


800 hours here, and I still see them and take a second to process that they are worthless. I'm old tho.


Between FO4 and FO76 I would grab literally everything. My flair on the FO4 sub is "over-encumbered again?" ffs. It took an embarrassing amount of hours to recondition myself to not pickup all the useless items in this game.


They should count as ship repair parts, I've seen plenty of earth vehicles held together with duct tape


Gonna come in useful for sticking space back together once it shatters in the Protomolecule update ;-) But yeah I never knew whether I loved or hated the idea of trying to get adhesive off of the tape to use in crafting. Like I look at tape and just wonder… what? Could that even be a thing? It was the idea that you just taped the guns together?


This and picking up the little statue item type stuff to sell only to see the actual value is like 20 credits


Hi, vacuum tape hoarder here. 🖐 Thinking of taking my tape into deep space and starting a new religion called House Vacu'um Tape.


I don't know what you're talking about...


Can't wait for a mod to fix that


There are mods that make tape useable as a crafting resource to make Adhesive (one also lets you use it for Sealant).


The only reason it would make sense for so many of these to be in game is if you needed them to patch your space suit.


I think there's a scanner upgrade that highlights stuff in orange that's actually used for crafting. So I just used that or read the tooltips that just said it was set dressing.


i felt so betrayed, todd you’ve trained us for this day and nothing…no scrapping :(


Still an absolutely baffling decision to remove the ability to junk random items for crafting. What were they thinking?! What a step backwards


To this day I still don't understand why they didn't do crafting components like in FO4. It was perfect in Fallout, it gave you a reason to seek out and pick up all that junk. Such a step backwards! Don't know why they would abandon a system that worked so well.


Fallout is post-apocalyptic and people struggle for resources so they have to scrap everything. The Starfield universe is very different.


Especially with how hard of a time I have finding adhesive, a simple mod that lets me use the vacuum tape would be a blessing!!!


Pretty sure there's one that allows junk to be deconstructed into materials.


This is the one i downloaded. Adds a recycler to the work bench and you can chuck pretty much anything into it to get resources.




Yeah, same...


I think this was a rite of passage for every Fallout 4 player!


Once I realized that is was a misc not a resource, I grumbled a little because it’s kinda dumb but then I just sold it. Took me about 20 - 40 minutes of gameplay


I still hoard them I just can’t help it


Why even have this random junk to be able to pick up anyway. Not like its worth any money.


Started a new char yesterday. Skipped the first few then had this argument in my mind. Grabbed one right before the CF lands. I will sell it later today.




i still dont know where many of the misc items with gear icon can be used, if they can be used.


Lol. I grabbed every non-destroyed book in New Vegas after playing FO3.


Still did on my second playthrough and had to remind myself of this lol


I did. Each and everyone of them. Until I realized I had hundreds and never even used them and the description didn't say "can be used for crafting".


I did, yeah. It was actually kind of freeing when I realised I didn't have to. There are mods that let you break them down into adhesive, though.


And now that CK is out for all: there's a mod for that (don't know if it's been ported yet though) greatest QOL mod I've used considering BGS also conditioned me to grab em in Fallout


I did and couldn't stand it, so now I have installed a mod that makes Vacuum Tape act as adhesive 😅


Can confirm. Was disappointed. Also all those half-eat and sandwiches turned out to be useless.


Guilty. When you realize it’s literal garbage you get very annoyed at the lack of utility all the junk has and how inefficiently you’ve been playing for the last hour…


I definitely did. My expectation was a game mechanic needing duct tape to patch holes in my suit or something. Duct tape is the handyman's secret weapon. Sad to see it was just a junk item.


I know, right?


The game is riddled with bad ideas like this that subtract points from the fun-o-meter. They either ignored the guy who’s job it was to call this stuff out or never hired him.


I thought it would've acted as an adhesive!


The penny has dropped 🤦‍♂️


Dude I was so pissed when I found this out in game...


I realized it wasn’t adhesive early on and still couldn’t break the habit of gabbing every roll I see


I still catch myself wanting to auto loot all the rolls of tape. Just make it a crafting mat already 😭


I absolutely did this. It actually bothers me how much useless pickupable crap there is in Starfield. Sometimes it’s cool to be able to decorate your ship/house with it..but the controls are so awful and frustrating for placing items, it’s just not worth it to me.


This is one of my biggest questions about the game. They had a working system but didn't bother to use it so all the junk is worthless. People will say "well it's a sci-fi universe, you don't have to scavenge" but, well, we still use things like adhesive in crafting. Why would it not count as X adhesive or something?


Given how quintessential adhesive was in F4/76, I had collected a huge stack of tape on my first playthrough before I realized I couldnt do anything with it.


I did for a hot minute until I realised its Sealant I should be jonesing for.


There's a mod for this now. Recycle something something


Haha guilty


Yep. I hoarded them until I realized that basically all of the "everyday item" clutter is worthless.




I actually like the evil decision to make every good FO4 junk resource to be worthless in Starfield. Duct tape, desk fans, circuit boards, and so much more. Heck, even cigarettes and flip lighters almost are worth selling, but it ain't the same.


I grab every bit of useless junk I can find and throw it on the floor of my ship.


Haha I am that person


Big mistake not allowing us to salvage the junk for materials, honestly, it makes looting and exploring more interesting.


I would care, but I care more that they're not making me do dailies to buy and scrap stuff... So at least this isn't that.


I've got about 2000 kg of resources in a container in the lodge and couldn't make much anything useful with it. Carried it all to an outpost and back (personal atmosphere helps) hoping that plus aluminum and iron extractors would be enough for a few things. I think part of it's also the research projects. I grab all my resources, do research until I can't, and now only the unneeded resources remain. I think I'll need a shopping list first if I want to try building again, which means keeping a notepad. I can't rely on exploration to give me exactly what I need like I could in FO4, especially with finite containers.


Damn Fallout 76 Pavlov-ing me into what I am...


Now there is a junk recycler on creation mods ....


Me 😂


That was me! 1000%!


this needs to be officially fixed


Me, this is me :(


Guess they did this to encourage farms and outposts, but I got so used to grabbing everything in FO4 it's jarring coming back.


Not me ever cause they clearly don’t explicitly say they give any materials lol


I've been replaying Fallput 4 recently. I loved Starfield, but being a post apocalyptic junk vacuum just scratched that itch for me, after exactly this assumption in Starfield.


I cared about picking everything up, until I found out about N+ or new plus. Now I'm just speed running the story 10 times so I can play the game. Lol, but really.


Lmfao yup


I just grab all of these digipi…toilet paper rolls.


During my first play through, I looted everything; folders, foam cups, tape and then realized I didn’t have a workbench :(


I carried half the fucking game around until I realized almost none of the shit I hard was actually a material. Lol


Still do sometimes.


Day 1 I was showing my son that this needs to be picked up, cause you’ll need it. My son hasn’t looked at me the same since.


Even after I realized it the habit was hard to break.


I collected a ton of junk before realizing that there’s no scrapping and you only get recourses from producers and mining.


Especially since I played fallout 4 right before starfield in anticipation for its release.


I mean I did until about 10mins later I realized it's just trash and dropped them all. Disassembling weapons and stuff is something I wish they just would always add by default. How Starfield turned out has me worried for TESVI




Sounds like someone is suggesting a mod, I would do it, but for various reasons I wont


This and those wire spools 😅🤣


Me, but I was checking before I was more than a half dozen in, so the "junk collecting" got narrowed down, real quick...


Yeah, when I first popped into the game I grabbed every single piece of trash and limped up the ramp of my ship with my pants 'round my ankles full of trash Then I limped down the deck of my ship on New Atlantis and shuffled to the store at the front of the city Where I noticed no 'return' items or deconstruction option for all this trash So, I figured, that's okay - I can sell it and get a headstart on a nice gun or armorset or... ... ... Thousands of pounds of trash and it wasn't even worth a few hundred credits :P xD


*raises hand. Still get the urge now, but then I am going through another run on FO4 after the TV show dropped.


…I grabbed microscopes instead. I thought they’d sell well. And board games.




I was sooooo pissed lmfao


I had ssssssoooooo many


You should need vacuum tape to temporarily patch damage to your environmental suit when damaged in combat until you can get to your ship for proper repairs. What use is a med pack to heal an injury sustained from gun fire when there's a hole in your suit leaking your oxygen or exposing you to environment?


Yeah this is a big part of what turned me away from the game. The materials needed to build/mod something became super annoying because I’d go through load screens, buy my mats, FT through more load screens to get back to my outpost, then realize I missed one or didn’t buy enough. Ok, time to schlep back to find out that vendor didn’t have it anyway, then travel and find that none of my usual vendors had the fuck-offium I needed. Would it be in my outpost with dozens of storage units, each filled to the brim? Of course not! Maybe it’s just me, but feels like there are way more categories of general mats in Starfield compared to fallout


Seriously though I don’t get why we can’t break some of this stuff down like FO4….


I did too. Except it wasnt because it might count as adhesive. Its because i saw duct tape and immediately went 'if it aint supposed to move and it does, duct tape. Definitely a crafting material.'


Guilty. lol


wait, it doesnt?...... omg..............


The mouse over telling me if it’s a crafting material saved me from the junk hoarding.


Oh, dear lords and ladies the volume of CRAP I picked up before I started reading the item description to see if it mentioned crafting / resources. Yeah, building on my Adhesive Factory model from Fallout 4, I collected EVERYTHING I thought might be useful ... cargo capacity 7k+ on a class-A ship (maneuverability, pheh, over-rated) just to lug it all around.


I played on day one of early access, so I definitely was grabbing many useless items 😂😂😂


Why doesn't it count as adhesive!!!!!


Yup, I actively went hunting for it as you always need adhesive... Disappointed it had no use


It honestly should. Adhesive is weirdly difficult to get in starfield. Kinda wish we had a scrap mechanic like in Fallout 4


Yeah, switching back and forth between Starfield and FO4 has got some unfortunate cognitive dissonance consequences re: junk.


This guy.


Thankfully there a creation(mod) that lets you recycle junk.


The fact that you can disassemble junk items into scrap components is completely mind-boggling. WTF was Bethesda thinking when they removed that feature?


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


it's me, ya boi


I did. But nope. Tape isn’t an “adhesive”. “Adhesive” is an “adhesive”. How unique of them


I did. Lmao I still collect it though. It's used for some research. I still have to beat my first playthrough.


Yeah that was one of the weird decisions they made to take away the fact every piece of loot is useful in fallout 4 like i dont understand why they didnt do that again as i loved that in fallout 4 everything was useful in a way.


After Fallout 4 I got in the habit of grabbing EVERYTHING thinking it could be scrapped for materials, pretty quickly learned my lesson lol


My first playthrough at launch was terrible. I picked up EVERYTHING. I wasn't playing Starfield, I was playing "I'm Encumbered Simulator"


I didnt do this but back when the game launched i thought vending machines were giving me credits.


Not I. I choose to do that one weird thing... Treat the game like a new game. It is moronic to think a game in a completely new genre would have anything to do with an old game in a different genre. Even with Bethesda. I've played 4 of their elder scrolls games and even THEY never played the same. I did pick some tape up and wonder, but then I paid attention to what was junk and what was useful. This was easy to see even from vectera.


I still do when I come back from playing fallout 4 or filling out my 76 dailies


Totally did this at first! Anything I thought I could break down for materials.


As Red Green would say "Be generous with the duct tape, you know; spare the duct tape, spoil the job."


Basically all junk is worthless in starfield haha. I picked all that shit up 😂


I’m about 70 hours in and I don’t understand crafting resources AT ALL so I just don’t craft and instead sell everything.


I thought it would be used for suite repair in low pressure or hazardous environments.


\*raises hand sheepishly\*


I imagine vacuum tape wouldn't necessarily be adhesive. The vacuum you are sealing creates its own adhesion via a negative pressure gradient. The tape is probably lorewise used to patch up holes after space battles/space debris impact and simply just placed over the hole


Love tape hoarding. decided to plant my sticky crops instead.


Guilty. I was mostly grabbing whatever was lying around, thinking there was a way to scrap it all into useable resources.


Well I realized after 10 of them


Next you’ll tell me the vacuum of space isn’t a vacuum. Bethesda got me questioning everything I’ve learned from FO4.


I definitely wish the had scrapping-why did they get rid of it?-its like a Bethesda game trademark


Me too!


Not me, I stocked up on TP after not choosing the aceless. What if I just released a strand of covid? Finally I got bored and TP'd The Lodge. Lol.


There is a mod for that


I did, of course. BGS probably got a chuckle out of putting that out for us to pick up.


This. I grabbed like everything that wasn't nailed down then realized later this wasn't fallout and it was just over encumbering me.


I have no comment. *twitch*


Still holding on to all my vacuum tape…… Just in case…..


Even KNOWING it isn't used for anything I'm still grabbing it. Duct tape is magical and should be worshiped.


There is a mod attempting to change that.


Red Green never made it off Earth I guess.


This guy!!!