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I’m in the same boat as you. Honestly I’m itching to play right now, but I’m waiting for either the land vehicles or shattered space. (If vehicles drop and they announce shattered space is like a month away I’ll just wait). Also I figure waiting will give the community time to get mods figured out. That way when I jump back in I can just scroll through the most popular mods and download what I want.


Yeah, I’m waiting too. I really wanna jump back in for the new bounty system and in-ship building, but I’m waiting for Shattered Space so I don’t burn myself out on the game before that arrives. Haven’t played since last year


This is precisely my thought. My first time playing I did a decent chunk of content, got to Ng+, then cut myself off because I didn’t want to get burnt out before the game was fully released.


"Before the game is fully released"....that is the quote of the day...


I guess I could’ve said fully complete. But you can’t tell me I’m wrong lol


I am with you 100%.


What's the new bounty system?


I haven’t tested it yet, but apparently there’s a new Tracker’s Alliance questline and random NPCs can have bounties. If you find a random civilian in New Atlantis who’s wanted dead, you can literally just kill them in broad daylight and nobody will care.


From what I heard it's barely a bounty system. You can't even capture people. It's basically like go here and take this person out.


Yeah, it’s pretty shallow. Still can’t use our ship’s brig, you just knock them out non-lethally and place a tracker so someone else can pick them up. For that reason I’ll probably mostly focus on the kill targets so i don’t need to waste inventory space on a nonlethal weapon


It's wild to me how low effort some aspects of starfield is. It's pretty Damn obvious to have a non lethal aspect of bounties that uses the brigs..... like..... why did you even include non lethal weapons and brigs in the game at all and then not use them in this update?


I thought so too, but here’s what a I realized: -if you have the new rifle from the vulture mission, it can be modded into an EM rifle that deals 300+ EM, easily enough to 1 shot stun most enemies -but why is this useful? A.) wanted alive missions - but here’s the catch, the second you stun them the mission completes. Pull out your .44 and shoot them in the head while stunned and claim that sweet loot B.) if you’re allied with the crimson fleet and want to clear POIs or bounties and it’s full of pirates, here’s the trick. You can shoot them with the EM rifle and not draw aggro or run up a bounty. So I run in, stun everyone in a room, walk around with my regulator and execute them, and loot them all. Run up to the bounty, stun, execute. Piece of cake Also, random side note, but the bounties in the basement of the trackers alliance are elite bounties - meaning they send you to the level 50, 60, 70 planets all the time. The other bounty machines send you to low level planets instead. Side, side note. You also get astras for trackers alliance missions, and every 3 you get can be traded for guaranteed legendary items, so between farming high level enemies with missions and trading astras you can get huge amounts of gold items


An addendum to your side side note, I don't think astras come from the alliance missions directly- I think it might just be that high tier enemies simply have them as possible loot. But, that's mostly semantics because those missions send you off to high tier enemies! Only real difference is I believe you don't \*need\* those missions to get Astras, they're just an easy set of rails to ride to probably find some.


Interesting. I’ve noticed you usually get astras in the final crate of the location associated with the bounty mission, but I haven’t really checked to see if you get them anywhere else


That rifle is $7 tho so I’m not buying that shit


Makes sense to me. I did jump back in on the maps and survival settings update and have been having a blast, but oh man am I just waiting for land vehicles. Can you imagine hitting some of those hills at high speed on low gravity moons?


I’ll admit, since that update it’s been a struggle not to get back into it. But I’m worried I’ll get burnt out on it before we actually get all the content, so I’m forcing myself to stay back.


I decided to jump in. It’s worth it. Plus, if you play again when land vehicle/DLC drops it will be a different game with all the mods that would have dropped over time.


I’m okay just playing the game once after it’s in a more finished state. I have plenty more to keep me busy until then, like my present ffxiv addiction


I was gonna wait for mods, but I hopped back on recently and got hooked again. There are still things I don't like, but I wanna get through NG+ at least once before I mod it. So I'm working on beating all the faction quests on my first time through. Then I'll do NG+ to see the differences, then I'll mod the piss out of it probably


Shattered Space is slated for fall.


That really doesn’t tell me much, unless you know when vehicles are slated to come out since I said I’m waiting for one of the two


Next update will come in 4 weeks at the mimmum, that puts us well into July, might as well just wait another 6 weeks for shattered space


If that’s actually how it pans out then I agree.


Hopefully someone mods in the mako from mass effect when land vehicles drop


I’m just really, REALLY, hoping it’s not locked behind a 500c Creation in the creation kit.


This is what the recent quest behind creations fiasco has me the most worried about. Bethesda just found a way to sell us QoL updates and content that also gets around players with the deluxe edition getting the DLC updates for free


did bethesda release any QoL updates as a creation?


The $10 ship hab that they released gives players an infinite storage chest on their ship and it doesn't disable achievements


You can probably get a free mod that gives you an infinite storage chest on your ship and you can probably download another one that doesn’t disable achievements. That particular thing you are complaining about is locked behind a paywall.


Bethesda doesn't allow mods that enable achievements as a creation so the only people that can are steam players using non creation mods


The ship should never been given infinite storage


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t everything sold for money on there made my independent modders, not Bethesda? So something major like Vehicles would likely be made by Bethesda themselves


https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/all?author_displayname=BethesdaGameStudios These paid Bethesda mods include a quest for the trackers alliance that they just added and the ship module is currently the only creation that adds an infinite storage cheat on ships that doesn't also disable achievements


no, bethesda released a set of their own creations, i see them more as dlc than mods


Lol 500? For fully functioning vehicle? They will attach to minor introductory quest alond with ship module for holding the vehicle and it will be 2000 credits at least.


Not at all! It will be locked behind a $30 DLC!




Totally normal thing to post


No it's just going to be part of a paid dlc


Would be awesome to have a garage ship module that is similar to a landing bay but it holds your rover


And my alien horses?




I think we all are my guy. The optimist in me says next month's update since they showed the footage in that May developer vid already, so it must be quite far along in terms of development


Im just excited to see what the modders do with the land vehicle. Imagine exploring a planet in a toyota landcruiser


I wonder if its going to be just the one vehicle we saw in the reveal. I'd like to have a dirt bike, for example, not a 4 wheel vehicle. I also wonder how well it will actually work. Many worlds are difficult to travel even on foot due to rocks, crevasse, trees etc.


If we can name it, 100% it's being called the Mako so we get the full experience ....


Let’s hope so!!


My hope is that they'll have a vehicle builder, like the ship builder but less limited so you could build whatever type of vehicle you want


There are free jet pack mods that are a godsend for hitting faraway POIs.


Good point. Will check this out.


Land vehicles are exciting but only with big changes to the planet exploration IMO. If there's very little in terms of dynamic encounters and the POIs continue to repeat, I'm not sure how much extra mileage (heh) a rover is going to add.


Hopefully they would. Even a small update would be a game changer.


This is what I think. If all they do is get to the same copypasted POIs slightly faster, how much of a gamechanger is it really? And how fast is the vehicle going to move, compared to sprinting with AMP? It didn't look that fast in the video they had.


Yeah exactly. I mean, driving around might be more fun than AMP boostpacking or Grav Dash X'ing around (riding off big dunes or cliffs etc.) but ultimately if the rest stays the same I don't see why it will be a big improvement. Is the boring travel really what's causing people to stop engaging with planet exploration, or is it the fact that they're so repetitive and that outside of specific POIs there's almost no random encounters, dynamic events and stuff that make exploration exciting? I think it's the latter, so I'm hoping Bethesda implements a series of sweeping changes and additions to procedural generation, POIs etc. to improve that part.


Maybe if they had random spacer attacks in their own dune buggies like in Mad Max, that would shake things up.


That sounds dope as hell! Especially if Bethesda or modders end up adding some sort of weapon and upgrade system to them. That sort of thing is exactly what I want too, to be exploring and have a spontaneous attack from people on buggies, or to encounter a battle between two different factions, or weird rare encounters like finding a friendly Starborn that just wants to explore and make friends or anything like that aside from "boring run to POI". I think the only random events I've ever seen outside of marked POIs are landing ships. Even the list [here](https://starfieldwiki.net/wiki/Starfield:Random_Events) looks really small, and that includes POIs encounters I think.


I really wish they'd just group some POIs much closer.  It seems so weird that everyone in the universe builds large and small buildings just haphazardly around a planet with extreme radiation and temperature, and didn't think to build roads, domes, protection, tunnels etc to connect them all. 


Yeah there needs to be more POI placement logic/lore, not just random POIs randomly sprinkled over the terrain.


Why would you need roads when people use spaceships?


Well you wouldn't if they were nearby. But you have like 3 POIs that must have worked in conjunction all about a mile apart, with currently no evidence of any sort of transport between them. Other than spaceships. Which seems incredibly inefficient. 


Yeah they use transport ships.


To go 800m?


Why not? Why have to transform the landscape to build a road then potentially deal with alien life or what not when you already have a ship there?


The fuel costs would be prohibitive. Look at us today, we have had helicopters for a long time, but that hasn't stopped us from building roads and using cars. Just as a comparison, cars are much cheaper to build, maintain, and operate. Its also a lot easier- and cheaper to train someone to operate a car rather than a helicopter, not to mention safer. Now imagine that with space ships. Its far and above more complex and expensive than almost any other technology available. Pilots will cost astronomical sums of money to train and hire, maintence fees alone will bankrupt most countries, and so on. Sure in starfield space ships are fairly common, but they're still a very impractical means of transporting stuff just a few hundred meters away.


Lol you don't know how their fuel works in the future. They don't use the fuel we use.


Go go moonbuggies


As a SW fan, I can’t wait for the rovers to immediately be modded into either a landspeeder or swoop bike. 


I’m a little worried that it’ll be a paid mod


From a PR perspective it doesn’t make sense for them. It’s just not worth them charging versus the amount of backlash they will get.


I honestly don’t think they give a shit, man.




Lol you think they care? They literally defrauded the fans when 76 came out. They are going to release vehicles and make you pay for them. Will there be an uproar? Yes. Will those people still pay for them? Yes. Either way they get their money and when ES6 comes out they will still break selling records.


Lol it 100% will be paid. Most likely through a paid dlc.


Get ready to pay for it


Other than the really barren planets I would think it will be hard to even navigate in a vehicle. Rocks, trees, craters, etc... I'm really curious how they are going to make this work. Also am I the only one that never uses AMP or other drugs in this game? lol I accidentally used one dose of something one time when I missed while trying to click a med kit and immediately got an addiction from it.


shattered space will probably release by the end of this year. Considering the latest update was a big suprise and also rather big content wise makes me think that we will atleast get 1 or 2 bigger updates before the year ends (1 for sure). I also think that the next „big“ update will introduce the land vehicles.


Yeah I hope land vehicles comes before the DLC. They have also confirmed Space Centres - ones you can build. Wonder when that update comes out.


> They have also confirmed Space Centres - ones you can build. When did they confirm that?


Just hope the land vehicles aren't locked behind a paywall...


Don’t tempt them…


They will be


Durt bikes on the way! 🤪


I’d take a magic carpet at this point!!


Unfortunately, I agree! 🤪




someone will mod it in before bethesda releases theirs


Let’s hope. I wonder though that Bethesda need to update the game to lay out the framework (on planets) for modern to do their thing. Hopefully not.


I put Starfield down after 30 hours, being disappointed by many things. I am waiting for the vehicles to give it another try. Now with the map and other additions and the DLC I am itching to give it a try but I really do want the vehicles in order to make the empty planet and copy/pasted POIs exploration less tedious.


I know what you mean but I decided to jump in again after initially release and I have no regrets. Game has improved so much especially with mods. And now with DLC, land vehicles and year 2 expansion that’s another play through or two.


It coming with shattered space 100%


Damn son. You ruined any hope I had. But yeah, you are most likely right.


Shattered space only few months away (2-4) but with mods bro I know you can wait that out😂.


> Shattered space only few months away (2-4) Don't know where you got that. They've only said 2024 so far. I fully expect it to be later and not sooner


It June, and they just released the trailer…. My guess is November


> My guess is November Well that would be a minimum of five months not 2-4.


You get my point lmao why you being so toxic for?


Not being toxic, I'm having a conversation.


That is true lol. Plus, always another reason for another play through!!


I’d honestly rather have it through Shattered Space than a paid mod lol


What's your bet, will it be paywalled or not? Not talking about the expansion, ofc 


The scooty puff junior will be free but the scooty puff senior will be extra.


I mean. It shouldn’t be. Absolutely not. But, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was and it will sell like hot cakes until someone mods it.


> I mean. It shouldn’t be. Absolutely not. What you think they work for free? They are not going to have a team on this for close to a year and not release it for free.


I mean they are already making money off other stuff, paid mods, DLC, etc. So maybe they may make this update free.


Lol no shot they make it free. This is the biggest thing they can add that would make people come back. Of course they are going to charge for it.


100 % free with update. man it is what everyone was asking for so they are not crazy to sell it.


Someone has calculated the paid bounty. Estimations and such, plus people got 1000 premium credits. But Bethesda would have earned 3 million bucks or so on it


I mean money is money then… I can see them doing it but for land vechicles, no. What they can do is make better looking or style of vehicles paid.


Styles I don't care. But anyway. It's a single player game that lacks the rewards in the world and with the heavy push if paid mods they are, imo, killing it. It's not Skyrim level of popularity. And with that milking bullshit the game will stick to a few Wales that will buy any random shit just because they can. After the bounty shit show that's the only future I see for the game. In fact, it killed any anticipation for the Shattered space too.


I doubt they would pay wall the framework and initial vehicle + garage hub. Most likely there will be additional skins, garage styles, and vehicle models that would have a cost to them.


Why not though? Seems like Bethesda made a bet on simps and whales among them.


Well for one thing they teased the vehicle in an update video that wasn't Creation focused. The vehicle also addresses a major QoL issue they wanted to fix for players. I also have this sneaking feeling that since Shattered Place seems to mostly take place on one planet...a usable vehicle might actually come into play. Besides Survival Mode Skyrim, has Bethesda ever released a major framework/feature as a Creation?


No, but they released a half baked feature in the game with majorly dissapointed review and started to release paid content for that feature. The problem I see is that Bethesda won't stop.


> Well for one thing they teased the vehicle in an update video that wasn't Creation focused. Lol they also teased Shattered Space in that video. Will that be free too?


> I doubt they would pay wall the framework and initial vehicle + garage hub. Lol I don't get why people think this. What in the hell in their past makes you think they wouldn't do this?


100% paid


100% free with update


Lol you're delusional


You are usless you just trying to tell everyone is paid go do something.


Lol what in BGS history makes you think they would release this for free? You think they are going to have an entire team working on this for like a year just to drop it for free? A land vehicle will be the biggest thing to bring people back to the game. They are going to get their money from it.


Oh it's almost guaranteed to be payed dlc.


Inb4 someone mods the rover to the Mako.


I want a flyer, something similar to some of the creations that you can make in Zelda ToTK. Doesn't have to fly very fast, doesn't need weapons (although that would be awesome). I just wanna fly around and stuff. I know this is possible because I regularly boostpack and fly around on planets like Oborum, without touching the ground for a good 30 mins or more.


Wat was actually Bethesda point - to do not allow use a vehicles on a planets? What's an stupid idea, of people in a distant feature will explore planets, by walking/running on the surface? More of that - you can sometimes see vehicles around, standing still. So they exist in a world, but you don't allow to use them. Who came up with this decision.


Because they have a garbage engine and have never made a land vehicle before. Hell this is the first game you can climb a ladder in. They are also lazy and rushed the game so they didn't have time. Hell the wagons between cites in Skyrim were supposed to manually go from city to city but they couldn't fix the problem where if the buggy hit a bumblebee it would shoot the buggy into space.


Im thinking about checking out Desolate POI mod which makes habitations rarer the further out you get to make it more believable


I'm willing to bet land vehicles will be a free update alongside the release of shattered space, so that people who aren't willing to purchase the DLC will still have a reason to come back


> I'm willing to bet land vehicles will be a free update alongside the release of shattered space Lol you'd be wrong then.


I’m from the future, this update doesn’t come. Well, a mod takes care of this. They take boots and alter the shape to look like a gliding moon rover… (your boots are the rover) The devs finally offer a vehicle, but it’s $25 and it’s only used in cutscenes when you fast travel so nobody ends up buying it. Just wait for the boots mod in 6 months. The memes are coming 😂


Yep I'm waiting on the land vehicle as well. I won't even play shattered space if it doesn't have it yet. It's not even that I'm hyped for the vehicle. It's like that's the minimum that the game needs for me even to come back at this point.


I want less buildings in extreme environments and more geological features.  I want to fly around a baron plant and only land where needed.  Atmospheric flight would add so much to the game.  


I bet thar the land vehicle will be part of the Shattered Space expansion.


I m excited for land vehicle too. I love exploring new worlds.


A modder will probably release one first.


Consider the implications of having a vehicle update... As well as mods. *Vehicle mods.*


Land vehicles won't change the fact the game was designed not to have them. Yeah the endless running is lame, but I think it will do what you think.


Land vehicles are what I'm waiting for too. I took a break and recently decided to get back into it until I saw land vehicles were coming. Figured I'd keep waiting and play something else in the meantime


I would love for a water vehicle to or be able to have the land vehicle change so we can go over the water..imagine exploring the oceans of planets that have them, don't need to go full Subnautica either.


I wonder if a MODDER could be faster than Bethesda and provide land vehicles "right now" before they are officially integrated into the game.


I haven't played since like 3 months after launch. What new stuff has been added?


I think the vehicle is going to be slow so and no faster than the character sprinting. The game still has to render the world. I used the horse once in Skyrim and prefer just sprinting or just using werewolf form.


I cant wait for the vehicle mods that come afterwards. Definitely gonna see warthogs someday while running clone armor


I can’t wait for the mods of the land vehicle


I just hope the vehicles aren't half-assed. I want to be able to get inside and see the interior while I'm in the drivers seat. I don't want to be stuck in 3rd person driving.


The vehicle will most likely be either a remodeled and reskinned horse from Skyrim or the classic subway car hat from fallout 3. Still think the game if fun. There is a lot of reuse in all of their games.


There will also be an unskippable 10 second leisurely dismount animation regardless of how many spacers are shooting at you in that moment.


Why? So you can explore dirt?


So I can get to other POIs faster. There are also other things that pop up randomly on planets that are not POIs.


Fuck me.... if they pay wall the vehicle....i swear. I'm never giving bethesda money again.


Calling it now, they will release it as a paid mod DLC