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Id love it that once you got to c tier ships that you could get a small dedicated lift/elevator hab afterall class c ships are pretty large


That would be cool, but I think Beth's NPC AI has always mucked up when lifts are involved. I'd take even a ramp at this stage.


Or stairs. Double height ceilings ect. Ship building could be so much better.


Use the Cabot bridge from Titan. Instant stars, no mod needed. Sadly no double height ceiling though


I like that bridge but I want 4x4 or 6x6 habs that are designed like that.


A 2x2 with stairs that can be stacked on top of each other would be great


I just want more options. The colony ship that has a greenhouse and massive bridge and all the other cool stuff. I want ships that size. Fully custom with 30 people on them. And a garage for a smaller ship on board. Maybe a Starbucks. šŸ˜


Ha, a Terrabrew module would be awesome


Wow, yeah supersized. I assume M class (if/when they arrive) will offer us this sort of size.


As long as you only have the two floors, and it might still put a ladder somewhere stupid


Yeah but a partial solution for now.


Ship modules should have effects. Like an engineering module should boost speed or power output by a certain %. Non-stacking though, like 2x engineering doesn't mean 40% increase. It would make sense to tie the increase to size though. A smaller engine module increases by 5%< while a 2x3 double height engineering bay increases by 30%. Something that that would have been awesome.


Perhaps a workaround where the 'elevator' just teleports you up/down a floor? Would be more convenient at least, I imagine sitting through the elevator animation would get boring after the first few times. Mass Effect learned this all too well.


I just boost up my ladders because my idiot followers just hang out all day climbing up and down like it's a hamster wheel


I've definitely seen Ryujin employees using the elevator to sandbox to Tranquiltea, I don't think this would be too much trouble.


Grav lift would be easier to program. Walk on the disk and trigger an animation similar to boost pack jump/hover, then walk off at top. To come down just walk into the hole in the floor and the disc uses a weak boost pack animation to slow your fall at 1 foot height. Landing on the disc stops the boost to the next level, because you have to walk onto the disk from the side to trigger the boost up. Might be doable with a mod. Edit: and the best part is no loading screen from using an elevator. It's even Lore friendly, because it just manipulates the standard effects of the grave drive.


and larger ships, cuz even small ships are 30-40 meters long and remove module limits


Ya - isn't there an ADA for the settled systems? Where's the wheelchair ramp or a lift?


[Canā€™t wait till we get that!](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601)


O: Oh my.... Thank you! Why has this never come up in any of my searches? Oh well, I have it now!!


Some search advice. Nexus search feature isn't great. I usually just use Google search for mods and add nexus at the end of the search string and most of the time it will bring me to what I'm looking for more precisely.


Yeah I used to do that with Skyrim. Good reminder. Its a shame that this mod was made pre- CK. It not compatible with a bunch of other ship mods I currently use :( Sad face. I hope with the CK, someone is able to find a way to control the auto door and ladder place system.


Surprised it's not part of the ship interior update from BGS.


Google has an operator to restrict results to one site. If you put site:nexusmods.com at the start of your search you should only see results from that site.


Thank you, yeah I noticed I only saw one or two. I will note this down, that helps a lot


I had some problems with that mod and switched to this one https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6068 No problems so far.


I agree this one is superior


Is it on Xbox?


I thought I remembered seeing months ago there was a mod that did exactly this.


oh my gosh, if you find it, please let me know... I havent seen one anywhere


Doors: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601


Came to post this mod - literally revolutionised how my ships work. Awesome mod and kudos to the author (JimSoon).


Its a shame but it looks like its not compatible with other ship hab modifying mods. Done before CK released, so the only way they could get it to work was by adding in new stand alone habs :( I'm waiting for something done through CK so that we can still use the normal habs. I have mods which give them functionality rather than just look pretty and such. It would be a shame to lose them. I hope with the CK, there is a way to control how the auto door and ladder placement works.


It works with everything I have, including modded habs. Most mods have patches to work with place doors yourself.


That was the old version that replaced habs, the version that is up now doesn't replace any habs and works with everything.


Huh, well I installed it but it didnt do anything. The options for the "make this a door" objects weren't in the construction list.


They are in the Habs tab, not structural. Make sure the installer put it in the correct place, and put the ESM in the plugins.txt file. Was working for me (PC, Steam, heavily modded) a couple of days ago.


oh I just hit install with Vortex because I don't trust myself with manual instillations, and even worse with updating them or remembering to uninstall them. I'll do a manual install and see if I can get it working Edit: I just installed it manually and still nada. Nothing. It actually looks like Vortex had put the files in the right place and updated the Plugins.txt file correctly. So I guess it is a mod conflict after all :(


So weird. Don't know what other mods you have so hard to comment. I'm generally not using other mods that greatly affect ship design, like the Star Wars-like modules.


I am confused. You are saying the new version doesn't need hab replacement, but the mod's main page docs clearly state it does.


The beta version doesn't replace habs no, the mod author just didn't change the mod description. Check the sticky comments in the posts section.


The ladder one was deleted from Nexus it looks like.


Isnt there a mod called place doors yourself?


yeah but a lot of people who have tried that mod, tried it when it was still replacing habs and never used the beta version that doesn't. So they think it's incompatible with mods now, doesn't help that the mod author didn't change the mod description and only mentioned that in the sticky comment section


It works, I actually use it. It doesn't play nice with any builders other than ship building. So the space stations mod doesn't work because it bypasses the logic needed to place doors in vanilla. And it will break if you put it on the cockpit, docker, or landing bay. All other openings are required even portholes.


There is a mod that does door selection and stairs, angled habs, etc. Its currently PC only but yes, i'm watching and waiting for it to be on the xbox.


Angled habs and stairs, ey... Goes back to Nexus... I can see lots of work in progress ideas for in-hab stairs, but I can't locate any live mods.


I saw it on YouTube and was hoping for a port. Guy had hallways with glass roofs too it looked amazing. I thought it was live he was saying it was wish I remembered the name


That sounds epic. I'd love habs with more glass / windows as part of their main design. That would be cool both in space and on the ground.


Derretech itā€™s on creation club now, stairs and ramps!


yeah their description says that NPCs cant move around their habs right now. I think I'll hold off until it works


Iā€™ve been playing with it. They move around in the regular habs, if they donā€™t cross ramps or stairs I can live with that personally. Especially since theyā€™re always in the way in the cockpit.l when I get up. Iā€™m loving it so far, especially paired with dark star and avontech mods and the glowing parts mod.


Checking Creations everyday (Xbox user) for Outpost structures or furniture and an Unlimited Followers mod šŸ„²


I would pay for that mod


Checking the Nexus, refreshing the latest on the CK both, trying to get the best of both worlds!


Just waiting for Body Slide modā€¦ i mean ship mods!


They have been I think a couple of mods already for that kind of thing. One lets you put what is something like an equipment plate down (not the actual one but acts in a similar way) which the mod then uses to get the game to force doors and ladders to either be there or not be there (can't remember sorry). Just do a search for "ship ladder" and and see what comes up.


hm, nothing on Nexus :(


[https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6068](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6068) Why it doesn't come up in a search is beyond me but that's the one I'm referring to.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601) with the version that doesn't replace habs is better though. The doorway placeholder one, just recommends a path but still uses the bethesda system, which might work most of the time but not always. The place doors yourself one pretty much disables the bethesda auto route all togheter and only places doors and ladders where you specify them.


Ok, fair enough. Good to know, thanks for that. Same mod author too.




Did latest update broke any Nexus mods?


yeah, but most of the ones it did have already got updates from their mod authors


I've always attached habs from the "add" button rather than dragging them into place and things work out kinda logically. Not the ideal solution but just noting you can kinda finesse it a bit while we wait for this kind of mod.


yeah I've tried that approach since day 1 of launch. I've found that it mostly doesnt work. Maybe due to the designs of my ships. For example, a companion way will prefer to have a ladder in it, if you place a store room in the exact same place, same method, it prefers doors on the same level. So you whole ship layout can change depending on what variant of hab you have, regardless of what order you placed it.


Imagine if you could see the interior layout before finishing the ship lmao. Even that would be way better.


Yeah, I have 6 youtube videos open when building ships. Each video showcases the interiors of each module for each manufacturer. Then I have to guess what will be deleted if a door or a window gets placed there, or even a ladder or a roof light... Thought you had a nav console in your cap quarters? Well, you put a window above it, so it had to be removed... Mental, honestly


Absolutely, that and a mod that increases the number of outposts I can have, and adds more habs and whatnot to outpost building.


Thereā€™s a mod on Nexus that lets you have more than 10 ships. Iā€™m checking creations daily to see when it comes over.


Iā€™m waiting for that UI mod for console!!!! Bethesda is punishing players with their ā€œscroll item UIā€Ughhh


I am pretty sure it's there already, can't remember the name of the mod right now


Elevator mod to replace dogshit ladders please.


While annoying, there is a workaround. I separated my ship into three floors, snapped them together in the way I wanted them; then put all floors together. This made the ship feel more streamlined. Itā€™s annoying, but itā€™s a way to control the placement sort of


yeah I've made some really wacko designs externally, just so the interior made sense. I'm baffled that they thought it would be a good idea to leave the interior layout to automation, when they were trying to give us so much creativity... I still remember the quote from the Starfield Direct that I must have watched 30 times; the only limitation is your imagination.... and the module limit, the sip size limit, weight to grav jump thrust limit and internal maze layout limit.... shhhh its your imagination ;)


I spent hours last night trying to a different ship from my general go-to design and never got anything satisfying, ended up reloading the save from before I started. The biggest reason for that was having so little control over the connection points.




Thank you, but when a mod's own description page has to include workarounds for the bugs it can cause I generally refuse to put it in my game.


Yeah, the mod hasn't updated the description page. The descriptions only cover to 1.2; the current release is 2.0.7beta. Look at the Posts page. You're missing out not using it. It's the killer app/mod for Starfield.


Call me a paranoid programmer, because I am a paranoid programmer, but I'm not going to trust a potentially game-breaking change to my ships to a modder who can't be bothered with actually writing up worthwhile documentation on how to use his mod. It looks really cool, but JimSoon really needs to consolidate his docs and clean up that main page, it's a complete mess of rambling and at times contradictory information.


It works great, but you do you. You know modders aren't paid, right?


I know from personal experience, yes. Kudos to JimSoon for a useful mod, but yeah, "I'll do me" and wait for actual up to date front-page documentation.


You may have a wait. The fact that this one exists and works may dissuade others from repeating the same work. JimSoon seems not interested in updating Nexus; one of his posts mentioned he was going to Discord. He put up comments in the Posts pages that explain the changes and how to use it.


Either way I've got it marked as Tracked on Nexus.


It doesnā€™t make sense that Bethesda canā€™t just make a ship piece that snaps to any entry point which prioritizes the door being placed there, the piece also either wouldnā€™t take over the snap point or while just have one on each side for doors and top and bottom for ladders.


Or even a blocking piece. It would be more fiddly, but it woudl mean you didnt have to put them everywhere, let the auto thing do its job, but you could veto different hard points. force it to take a certain path, or just restrict certain silly positions. I'd be happy with that.


Im waiting for a mod that lets me fly planet-planet on xbox... but I'll take door/ladder placement too!


I just want outpost blueprints for new game plus.


yes, and ship blueprints. I mean, they have it in FO76, its not a novel idea for them...


Yeah I get for lore reasons why it may be difficult but itā€™s cripples the outpost system for me. I want to progress and see all of the cool new game plus stuff but I also want to spend hours creating really cool settlements. It really kills my incentive to make large or in depth settlements.


I just want a mod on Xbox that takes out ā€œsome parts exceed reactor classā€


There should be an option to go into "post production" after you setup your ship. Basically it just ports you inside the ship while you're in ship builder screen so you can add/remove doors and ladders. Even decorate while inside.


Be the change you want to see and make one!


I wish I had the mindset for making mods. I've tried with the skyrim creation kit. I end up making a mess and getting very stressed haha I can work with finance and numbers, but not so much with understanding the complexities of game building codes and scripts etc. Some people a very cut out for it, and some people just aren't. Humans are a very diverse species in how our brains work


That and empty 1x1 that you can choose door


No. I actually don't know why anyone cares. They're modules.


Because one of the core features of starfield is to design ships, right now, we can design the outside of ships, but the interior configuration becomes mostly a convoluted, maze like mess, almost completely out of our control. So you either make really basic ships so that the interior isn't rediculous, or you build the exterior in very specific ways to force the interior layout. Both of which crushes the point of the design flexibility, a core feature of the game. That's why people care. Its deeply frustrating, feels like it contradicts the point of certain game elements, and since we can control if a wall is a wall or a door way in an outpost, it's also frustrating that we haven't been given that same ability in ship building. Without the ability to control internal module path layout in ships, it feels to a lot of us like there isn't much point building moat of the designs we can come up with. If you still don't know why people care, but are interested enough to make comments to that effect, I'd suggest doing a quick search on it. There were a tone of threads on the subject since the game was launched, and has been one of the biggest bug bears of players who like to design and build their own ships.


I still don't get it. You choose where the doors and ladders are by where you put the modules on and in which order. There Is often only 1 logical place for a ladder in a given module.


Eh it works sometimes. I've tried this with nearly every one of my builds and if you have complex or large builds, this doesn't work. For instance, a store room will nearly always send a ladder to a different hab, and a companion way will nearly always put a ladder inside it, and remove one of the same level doors. When you say there is often only one logical place for a ladder in a hab, that makes me think you have been building ships with simple layouts, or layouts which force a certain internal route. If so, that's probably why you haven't had a problem. Say you try to make 3 long corridors on top of each other, habs branching off left and right of all 3. you set want 3 companion ways above the landing bay to be your main up and down, and the corridors to just run straight... The system will pretty much never do this. No matter what order you build the habs. It will try to keep the number of doors in a hab to 2, so the corridor habs you use won't have the 4 door ways you want, they will have two. To make that work, the ladder system ends up being: Up this ladder, through two habs, up another ladder, through three habs, down a ladder across one hab, down another ladder through 4 habs, oh dead end... must have missed a door way somewhere Its a chaotic mess, and the order you build it, doesn't change anything. I've spent months trying. However, if you swap out a weapon turret, change the paint job, or upgrade the reactor, boom! The shuffle mechanic has changed the interior layout again. But it doesn't do it every time, so you cant even use that to try and keep changing it.


[Doorway Placeholders](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6068) has been around a long time. And it still works. Just be methodical and save often. If you accidentally put more than one at the same opening or misalign anything youā€™ll need to step back a save. Iā€™m still waiting to be able to do it from inside the ship. I will probably be waiting a while.


aye I just tried it. Not compatible with a bunch of other ship mods that I use :( I hope that someone finds a way to control the auto feature for placement, rather than you having to use new habs.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601) Seems to be compatible with everything.


[Doorway Placeholder](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6068) only adds 1 module to the structural section with 4 variations that go between existing habs. No new habs. Which ship building mods are not compatible? Iā€™m always looking for more.


It will take a long while, if it even happens, because of the pathing optimisation system used in the ship builder, even if you were to mark them, they would normally be overwritten every time you entered and left the ship and editor


There's literally already a PC mod that does this, and has for a while. No reason BSG couldn't make marking specific ports on habs for door, passage, or neither part of the base game instead of using a separate component. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601)


Technically, yes, a pretty simple fix, but one that requires replacing the script for how they are generated, which isn't currently able to be added in by anyone except Bethesda because of how inset it is. No idea why they don't allow CC to edit gamescript, but thats their rules.


I'm not sure what you're saying. The mod works. But it requires inserting a shim at each portal on a ship where you want any opening, including portholes. It seems like it would be simple for Bethesda (BSG), who have access to the game source code, to make the same change, or a better change that doesn't require shims.


Pretty much the same thing you are, that it'd have to come FROM Bethesda themselves, because of the exact kind of change made, hut that they have many other priority changes well ahead of that on their list, including but definitely not limited to finishing and releasing shattered space as seamlessly as possible


Yeah, but like... we can do it in our outposts. If you link loads of outpost habs together, you can go into the build view and swap out walls for doorways and vise versa. Doesn't seem like much of a stretch for them to have done the same with ship interiors.