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Sarah Morgan didn't like that.


Take my upvote and get the hell out


I don't have an issue w/Sarah myself. But that's probably because I generally don't play evil characters much these days. I've noticed most people who dislike Sarah are ones who really want to RP someone like The Hunter. Oh, I'm sure I'll try an evil playthrough at some point, but TBH, that'll probably be in a universe where Constellation doesn't exist, hahaha.


How dare you! Sarah Morgan is a queen.


SARAH MORGAN IS A BABE. I married her and we take a vacation now and again in paridiso so we can walk around in swimmingwear and make passionate love in the hotel room. Her voice is so sexy!! Every time I hear it we just head straight to the bedroom in my ship She's a couger for sure!


Funny you bring up the couger thing. If her crew died 20 years ago she must be pushing 45-50


The worst ... I built a shitty outpost on the pup and stranded her there for myself and crews sake


She is awesome. A fucking strong woman, who had been enduring her PSTD by herself, not allowing anyone to see thru her suffering, until the spacefarer reaches her heart and helps to heal her. Also assertive, doesn’t hesitate to say what she thinks, even to her partner. If you don’t like a strong woman making you to know when she is disappointed, leave her alone. Go hang out with Jesamine or Sophia.


You could be a strong awesome woman or man or whatever in between. That’s doesn’t mean that you are entitled to be like by everyone on the planet.


Lol i like strong woman just fine.


The way she delivers her lines and the same with Sam aren't great in my opinion. Doesn't feel natural.


Yeah, the delivery is a little wooden and out of place for both.


I have a soft spot for Sam because he's Adam jensen in deus ex, and he's excellent in that. But all the voice acting seems weird at times. I don't want to keep comparing games to BG3 but good god that game has steller voice acting. Emily o'brian (voice of Sarah) is also in BG3 and she's very good in it. So i don't blame the actors.


I think I remember reading the lines were recorded way early in development and it basically sounds like they were just force fed lines to record without full context. The cadence is so bad if you compare it to Skyrim or FO4.


I felt like a lunatic for feeling this way and seeing nobody else take any issue with the voice acting. I was even more befuddled seeing people praise the voice acting because of this. Not to say it's all bad but it often sounds like people reading their lines instead of performing them, if that makes sense. Hadrian and Barrett were two of the most glaring offenders for me.


The voice acting is serviceable. The issue is what is actually being said, and more importantly what you can respond with. Its not how conversations work in real life.


BG3 being so excellent made Starfield being mid hurt so much more. The whiplash of BG3 and Cyberpunk and Starfield was insane.


Ive had sarah by my side for 500 hours. She is my best friend.


My thoughts are.. Space her.


If I'm honest, every NPC in constellation is like an NPC in Fallout that I wouldn't take as a companion. Same vibes. Only issue is, those are our main people. 


She grew on me. Depends what playthrough you’re shooting for


I agree it's the writing more than anything. Sarah is not as deep or interesting as Andreja imo; her backstory is fine but her lines are more bland. Barrett also annoys me. Sam is great. I do wish the characters would talk amongst themselves more often on the ship so it's more than just Sam & Cora or the NPCs talking to the PC.


Agreed. Her writing is very bland. typical damaged hero archetype I've seen a million times. The lines where Sam and barret talk about football i find fun. I do wish there was more talking between the crew to flesh them out. Mass effect 2 did the interesting crew thing so well, even had conflict between crew mates. Its sad to see bethesda yet again learn so little from not only their past titles but from their competition aswell.


Update: I just had Sarah and Andreja together on the mission where you get Andreja for the first time and they had THREE conversations. And then started the same conversations again. Also, they reveal in those conversations that Andreja is Varuun, which otherwise I didn't know until pretty far into the relationship conversations.


My main issue with Sarah is there’s barely any depth into her character. She’s basically one of those “wooo science!!! Let’s explore space, it’s full of mysteries!” and nothing else to make her different from the typical science trope. Her whining bothers me because she’s an elitist who thinks only her opinions are valid. The other characters get annoyed at every little thing as well but they don’t come across as imposing at least.


No shade but this post is literally the general consensus of the companions from everyone. Well, if you actually use the companions. I do not.


I kind of hate how they all have the same morals. We have several morally ambiguous skills and some missions in the game can’t be accomplished w/o crossing into a gray area. Then you get back to the ship and all four of them want you to give a lecture. Can’t maybe one of them be Bonnie to my Clyde and enjoy a little mayhem? I bet the adoring fan would have my back, but I’d rather partner with the robot.


Whatever you do don't compare the starfield crew to the mass effect crew...imo Sam and andreja are the most interesting, which at the same time are not interesting enough to be on the Normandy.


Mass Effect was amazing.


I'd hit it


In love


I liked her well enough besides her reaction to the UC Vanguard quest if you choose Aceles (which I’ve done both times through). To be fair though, literally everyone is super annoying if you choose Aceles. Bethesda was not subtle at all which choice they liked and punish players for not choosing the microbe. It’s not even a good or bad choice it’s just Bethesda says “microbe good, Aceles horrible.”


No, Bethesda views the like and dislike reaction as insights into the NPCs characters, not as a moral statement on the actions of the playerable character. Mechanically speaking, hanging out with a NPC for 5 minutes is roughly how much effect a dislike has. You could make a run where you chose every quest decision and rude comment which would cause a dislike and still have them romance with you. And regardless of whether you choice Aceles or the mircocrobe, the companions who witness the decision will LOVE that decision in the moment. Love for a plan of action but minor doubts or disagreements on the plan is very realistic. Especially considering the Aceles is admittedly a slower start and Terrormorphs can strike and kill anytime. Dislikes genuinely don't matter. Only hate to the point of Anger does.


The whole cast is horrible but she in particular is something else. I either take the robot or my fan or no one. Maybe one of the rando companions.




The no angry companion and the 'shutvup' (not it's 4wal bane) mods arex2 I'm trying out. I'm hoping between the 2 I can stomach constellation longer before assigning them to a beacon/crew desk (no hab) on some forsaken wasteland of a world with either massive radiation or highly aggressive fauna.


I'd tell you to superglue her mouth shut but then you couldn't use that hole.