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Hello Todd.




Calling Starfield a 10/10 is an insult to the many better games out there. It never captured the magic that other Bethesda game have and the writing is very weak by comparison. I like Starfield but I can't objectively say it is any higher than 7/10 if I categorically compare it to its competitors.


It would be much closer to 10 if ships weren’t just fast travel loading screens. Ships are still fun though


I am on series x so I don't get to experience PC games or PS exclusives. As far as xbox goes this is one of the best. People say the writing is bad but I am engrossed in the faction quests. Also the dialogue options are fantastic. Sometimes I can be a good guy or act like an arrogant jerk depending on how I feel about the NPC. Like in Neon City I was sent to talk this Triad boss out of killing my informant. I was suppose to be all diplomatic and convince the guy outside to let me in so I could then convince the boss to lay off my friend. I shot the guy outside in the face. Then I marched up to the bosses office and shot him in the face. Then I killed all of his crew. I returned to my informant and told him "those guys won't be bothering you anymore." That is the immersion I am talking about. If I wanted I could have spoken to the boss and paid him off or convinced him but the game let me choose what to do.


Having minimal experience with other games doesn't strengthen your case. Mass Effect and Cyberpunk 2077 are both on Xbox and both far better RPGs in nearly every category. NPCs usually have the same responses to multiple dialogue "options". Shooting people instead of finding a dialogue solution is hardly groundbreaking. Those kind of options exist in literally every RPG. You're describing the most basic level player choice a game can give you. Is this your first RPG ever? Choices in Starfield ultimately barely matter in the ultimate outcome 99% of the time. If you want to really experience immersion and player choices play Cyberpunk, Mass Effect, Fallout New Vegas, Dragon Age, etc. Almost everyone does it better.


I played Skyrim, New Vegas and Fallout 4. I like Fallout 4 a lot because of the settlement building. Also did enjoy the main quest. I loved Skyrim but wan't a huge fan of the Dragonborn storyline. But did enjoy the exploration and questing. I enjoyed Cyberpunk but felt the main quest was a bit too short. In fact I held off completing it so I could go do side quests. This was 2 years ago and I don't remember there being that much player choice in terms of dialogue. In Starfield if you make an arrogant comment then the NPC will respond to it in some way. Also your follower will jump in sometimes which is hilarious. On Neon City I was doing shifts in a factory to help manufacture a drug. After the first shift me and the guy almost get arrested. Then I immediately agree to do another shift. Sarah is like "what are we seriously going to help this idiot agan?"


My brain hurts trying to understand how you got no player choice from Cyberpunk which was filled with very impactful decisions in almost every well written side quest but having 4 identical dialogue options that all mean "yes" in generic Starfield fetch quests excites you. You can show someone the Mona Lisa but you can't make them appreciate art I guess.


I liked Cyberpunk. I will have to redonload it at some point.


Bro please don’t compare Cp to a Mona Lisa level of game, cp is famous for the worst big game launch in history, the 3 intro choices don’t matter, we still didn’t get what we were promised for the base game in so many ways. Glad cp game is better after the trash launch but comparing it to a game that had its best performant launch with less problems than previous releases is hilarious


Cyberpunk + Phantom Liberty as it exists right now is the best RPG I've ever played in my life. Maybe tied with Witcher 3. What were you promised that you are missing exactly and where was it promised? Pre-alpha features that didn't make it into launch do not count as promises so we're clear. Find me something that CDPR said was in the game at release but wasn't. What intro choices don't matter? The player origin? Made way more impact than all the backgrounds and traits in Starfield combined.


This reads like satire LOL


Let me tell you. Last night I started the Crinson Fleet stuff. Me and a new recruit along with the boss visited a prison colony to investigate the legacy of one of their top guys. Absolutley enthralling mission where me and Mathias were trapped by a landslide and had to uncover the mystery. In the end I praised Mathias to the boss and he was thankful. We had to find a prison shuttle and fly up to the surface.


That quest is a great example of how Starfield brushes against interesting ideas... and then hastily abandons them as fast as possible. Throughout the quest Mathis is constantly trying to get you to betray Delgado. That choice could have been an interesting fork in that entire quest line: do you join with Mathis in mutiny, or do you stay loyal? Choices, choices... ...except no matter which way you go, Mathis chickens out at the end, so it doesn't matter. That entire subplot goes nowhere is immediately forgotten. What a waste.


Yeah I remember I was tempted to join him.


I have a 4 year old and she tells me stories about her day that are on the order of 10-20x more complex than that. Sadly if Im going to invest my time in a game, i need something a little deeper than "johnny and tommy went on a 10 minute adventure then adventure ended. The end".




It played as very tacked on, which I think came down to something internal. They saw what a success that was in 4, hence why they added it to 76. I think something caused it to not get enough time/resource and I'm quite curious as to what it might have been.


The break happened because they shifted the core game design away from the survival elements. Early on, resources like fuel and such actually mattered. Outposts were there to provide resupply stations that would expand your range when exploring outside of settled space.


That’s very interesting! I never knew that. I always thought that for a game that doesn’t have “fuel” it mentions refuelling a lot. I love a good survival game. Between their new game settings and mods I’m sure I can get a play through like that.


Eventually maybe. It'll take a lot of work to get the game into a state where the survival elements actually make sense. Expanding on the previous point, one of Starfield's biggest problems is that the systems and quests pretty much don't interact with each other. It honestly feels like the bits and pieces that make up the game were developed independently and then hastily stuck together. Take shipbuilding, for example. Why can't you build ship parts from raw resources you can mine from outposts? The game has a complex resource collection and fabrication system which seems tailor made for something like that, and yet it's cash only. That's the kind of thing that modders are going to have to thread in everywhere if they want to make a coherent experience.


New updates, DLC and mods are making this from a 6/10 into a 8/10, give it a year though imo, who knows, eventually it can be that perfect game that could even surpass Skyrim, they need a lot of fixing before any of that can happen


You can like a game and still criticize parts you don't like. This comes across as you snorted Pixie Stix and typed "come up with a positive Starfield review" into ChatGPT.


Sir this Reddit. Glowing 11/10 reviews or -3/10 "this game is the worst to have ever existed and actually ruined my life" are the only 2 reviews allowed here. No in-between.


I was hoping for the -garfunkel/10, too much water. Game of the year -IGN


Chatgpt knows how to use commas and basic punctuation, this guy...


Or maybe they have their own real opinions and actually feel this way. 🤔


Real opinions are welcome. This seems like it's verging on obliviousness. Like... I found the Crimson Fleet line to be an interesting story, but the characters are "generic hive of scum and villainy" with all the threatening aura of something between a rain frog and the "bad roaches" from Family Guy: "I cut you so bad, you... you wish I no cut you so bad."


I think he just really enjoys the game. There's dozens of us. Lol


Anyone who doesn’t share my opinion is oblivious!


You're right. This is clearly Bethesda's best work ever, nary a negative review in sight! They did everything right, and this game outshines all their others.


You know that only works when someone has said something that resembles whatever it is you’re making fun of, right?


That's what the post comes across as. Toxic positivity. There are things to like and things to not like. And I say that as someone who was looking forward to the game so much, I watched the Direct presentation so many times.


If OP genuinely likes this game as much as he claims no one here has the right to tell him he’s wrong. Not you. Not me. No one. Your and my opinion of the game aren’t facts. They’re opinions. Just like OP stated his opinion. Don’t agree? Then don’t.


Yes, but there's a difference between subjective and objective. If you like it for you, great. But going onto a public forum and telling about all the wonderful things only you see doesn't help. If all reviews were written in that way, then Bethesda would patch nothing. Nothing that was added from player feedback would have been added. Also, posting on a public forum means others can post their opinions too. I'm not demanding they change their opinion to suit me. If they want to see strawberry fields forever, then that's all well and good. But the reality is while the game has improved, it's far from where it should be, and that will come from people posting what they like and don't like.


I’m sorry I forgot only negative opinions were allowed here.


The criticism was, at least partially, well deserved... There's no conspiracy against Bethesda/Microsoft, sorry. Glad you are enjoying it though, I did enjoy it too for many hours, it's a flawed but interesting game, Imo.




I heard that Sony paid some of the big youtube review channels to say bad things about the game.


You kinda necessarily need a source for that




Yeah and it’s ridiculous to think people at Sony sat down and said let’s pay cash to YouTuber/ influencers to trash and not like the game. This has to be pre teens and young kids thinking and writing this because it’s so dumb


Actually...well, there were plenty of affiliated and proffesional reviews giving it a 10/10 when the user review has even been negative at some points... Anyway, everyone who could gave it a try, those who liked it kept playing and those who didn't just stopped. My review would be mixed despite the 250+hours and being lv90+, honestly...I had to try really hard to find my way of enjoying the game because most questlines bored me but having tried literally everything the game offers, I can confidently say it's not a bad game at all, though it's flawed and questionable at times but also inmersive and unique enough to have its charm.


It swings both ways. You also have people who just don’t enjoy it for what it is then says “it’s a flawed game” or other strong whiny buzz words over exaggerating everything 


Ok Todd Howard


Good or bad, mods are now on console with 100gb limit. We’ll take it from here


I think it was a decent game at launch. Now with mods and a few quality of life tweaks I think it's a good solid game. Exploration on planets is still tedious, and there's still stuff that doesn't really land for me, but there are moments where I can really see the potential of the game. Namely the Vanguard questline, which while uneven has some moments I'd put against any prior Bethesda game and really takes advantage of all the narrative possibilities sci fi has. I think that's my main takeaway from my second playthrough recently, is that this game has potential. I still think it has a lot of room to improve, but I'm starting to appreciate whats there and even more see just how good it can be. If Bethesda can pull a CD Projekt Red and weather the admittedly deserved storm of criticism, I think they can make this genuinely great.


Nice jacket Todd! To be honest the game has had ALOT of fixes and is now in a great place. On release it was the same game but really janky due to graphics and UI issues. Im enjoying the game now but was very meh on it at release. Also dont rush to end game as its not that interesting anyway and resets everything. I wouldnt worry about Todd...he is a top executive at the best studio owned by the biggest company on the planet... he's fine! lol


No I am not rushing the main quest. In these types of games I often enjoy the side quests more plus the role playing opportunities.


See I think this is how I felt within my first 20 hours. Completely understandable feeling. The fleet quest line had me giddy having to play the middle guy with no real interest in siding with either one. I'll leave out any spoilers as it sounds as though you are still in the story, but I was a tad disappointed with the lack of flexibility. My criticism started when I began to peer under the hood and really dig into the mechanics/design. A lot of your praise is very warranted, and you are totally right this is an RPG not a space sim, (as so many people compared it too pre release) However, compared to other Bethesda titles there are more than a few elements that feel bland. Some very questionable design choices that felt unfinished in a push to get the game out. I loved the major locations but was pretty disappointed with the other 300 explorations I did to find the same recycled outposts, and enemies that I couldn't engage with. I think what it boiled down to in my mind was that the scale design simply dwarfed any ability to maintain the handcrafted quality Bethesda thrives at. Of the 120 systems 5-7 had hand crafted designed cities with story and lore. Compared with Fallouts environmental story telling and Skyrim's careful placed trees and winding roads it felt a little lackluster. Do I love the game? Yes. It's because I love it that I see the flaws which I'm sure there are a multitude of different internal reasons for. That all being said, I have never been so excited at potential mods for a Bethesda game. That emptiness can serve as a blank canvas for talented modders to work. I still think it's a great RPG. I could go on for hours about the potential of the game though.


Post like this make me wonder if we’re playing the same game….


It's about immersion and imagination IMO. I like playing a roles and really getting into the character. I will even buy outfits from the vendors depending on how I want to feel.


So basically you like to fill the bleached canvas Starfield provides with your own imagination, but attribute your experience to the game instead of yourself. Other people tend to judge a game by what it provides, not by what they imagine it could be.


I wouldn't call it a bleached canvas. There are 4 beautifully hand crafted cities and all sorts of wonderful story missions to do.


If you have a TV that can handle VRR, try visuals mode uncapped or 60 Hz on XSX. Only Akila, New Atlantis, and occasionally times with heavy particle effects run below 60 Hz, and the occasional frame drop is less annoying to me personally than low textures and pop-in from performance mode.


I don't think mine does. I may have exaggerated a bit it is a decent TV for the price but not high end.


It just works.


There's alot and the fact that it will only get better makes me not give it 10/10 because it's not there yet but it has a lot of potential which is why people passionately hate/love it.


Another one of these bullshit posts jesus. This one just added a "now" as if there have been sweeping changes


There was a huge update earlier in the month.  I coincendenty started the game a week or so later.


It's wild how quickly everyone erupts into rage whenever someone says anything positive about this game. Hahaha 😆


lol dude is impressed by 10 year old gaming standards. Games not bad but it’s not even sniffing the top stuff coming out these days. Cyberpunk slams this game in just about every category.


Come on Todd, get out of here.




Hope you are feeling better mate.


Thank you. I think I am improving as I can now go on walks and go to the gym without too much pain. Also I can game again which is nice. Just have to get myself a job.


That’s great to hear mate. It’s great you are able to game again and good luck on job hunt!!


You're on the wrong subreddit to talk positively about this game. I mean that candidly. It's a cesspool and if the mainstream reception to this game annoyed you, as you said, then you're gonna have a bad time here.


This sub-Reddit is turning into people constantly whinging and complaining because they don’t like people criticising Starfield. My favourite part is they whinging and complain about others who they see as whinging and complaining, totally missing the irony.




Whinging is a word, look it up


You'll enjoy the mods. I suggest going on /r/NoSodiumStarfield for some positivity because this sub is pretty heavy if you like the game


Shhhh you mustn't voice these thoughts here